PeterPalooza Character Profile: Greased Up Deaf Guy

Hey there Toady Lickin Roadies!

WOW! So much going on. Musicians wandering around and performing Concerts, Mecha Astley screeching and stomping round town all Godzilla like, lil Robot Mechanical Bugs that like to poke Mechanics in the leg before shooting Lasers at them… and in there some New Characters.

With all these new additions to PeterPalooza in our game, many wonder about these New Characters and how they can help you in your game. New Characters like Greased Up Deaf Guy.

Greased Up Deaf Guy 4

Let’s take a look at what Greased Up Deaf Guy can do in our silly lil games.

Greased Up Deaf Guy was a New Character added during the Fifth Phase of PeterPalooza 2015 with part of his items, the rest appeared in the Sixth Phase. As with (almost) all Characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect lots of STUFF.

In Phase 5, you started out by purchasing and placing the Vat-O-Grease for 200 GlowsticksGlowsticks.

Greased Up Deaf Guy Menu

Once the Vat-O-Grease was complete, Greased Up Deaf Guy ran around it with the Lock Icon above him. Tapping on the Lock showed the first two items you could start Collecting for him.

Greased Up Deaf Guy Requirements Part 1

Tub of Grease70 Tubs of Grease (Common): Silver Robots OR Gold Robots OR Flowerchild’s Hippy House OR Grease Factory

Hearing Aid12 Hearing Aids (Rare): “Pop Show” Spooner Stage OR Ricardo


Then in Phase 6, you saw Greased Up Deaf Guy in a Cage and the additional items needed to complete his collection.

Greased Up Deaf Guy Requirements Part 2

Candies16 Candies (Uncommon): Rap Sideshows & Weird Al Be Handy

VIP Passes30 VIP Passes (Common): Tie Dye Booth OR “White & Nerdy” Comedy Club OR Grease Factory

Greasy Underwear20 Greasy Underwear (Rare): Joe Lion Perform Rasta Jams OR DJ Herbert Press “Play” OR Avril Lavigne Rock Out OR Alice Cooper Take Interview OR Grease Factory


He does come with a Questline, One Loud Deaf Guy, more on it HERE.You Got Greased Up Deaf Guy

Greased Up Deaf Guy does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn Glowsticks & XP.

Let’s take a look at some of Greased Up Deaf Guy’s Tasks:

Greased Up Deaf Guy Grease Up 2  Greased Up Deaf Guy Do Taxes 2Greased Up Deaf Guy Touch All the Candy

Task Time Earns Location Level
Grease Up 2hrs 1Glowsticks20Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board ~
Try to Do Taxes 4hrs 2Glowsticks30Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board ~
Slide Through the Clam 6hrs 2Glowsticks45Family Guy XP Drunken Clam ~
Make a Run For It 8hrs 3Glowsticks50Family Guy XP Quagmire’s House ~
Hide 10hrs 4Glowsticks59Family Guy XP McBurgertown ~
Touch All The Candy 12hrs 4Glowsticks65Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board 2
Practice Law 24hrs 8Glowsticks100Family Guy XP Griffin House ~

**Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends. 



Just for fun, here are a few of his Phrases…
“I’m touching all the Candy”
“I used to be a Lawyer”
“Forget about it”
“You’re never gonna catch me”
“No! Don’t jump in there!”
“See you all next year”
“You’re wasting your time”
“Good to be back America”
“Don’t let it get the best of you”
“No need to, I’m your friend”


And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown of a Character, Greased Up Deaf Guy, that took Two Phases of items to get him collecting for in our games.

What do you think of Greased Up Deaf Guy? Where are you on unlocking him? If you got him, what do you think of him? Have a favorite task? Let us know.


53 responses to “PeterPalooza Character Profile: Greased Up Deaf Guy

  1. I’m very disappointed because I used clams to get greased up deaf guy once I knew I couldn’t get all the items to unlock him on time and even started his first questline only to get back on the game to find him missing and all my clams present again. Was this just a glitch? Will I ever see my greased up deaf guy again? :/


  2. Just got GUDG with only 5mins left ,now I need the event to end so I can stay in 2nd place on leader board.


  3. Less than two hours to go and I’m just 13 clams short of being able to speed up getting this character. (I have 27 clams, but need 40). If I had just a few extra hours I might be able to do it. I’m really hoping the event doesn’t end on time. So sad to have wasted so much effort and to come so close and then lose it all.


  4. Please tell me this event will be extended?

    There was not enough time to get the greased up deaf guy


  5. I was never given the option to buy the grease pit to try to unlock him. It’s part of a quest but it’s no where to be found


  6. Worth all the grinding to get GUDG just for the “Touch all the Candy” task, the animation with Mort makes me smile every time I go into my game, hope it’s a permanent task. Oh and just to sweeten the deal I got him without spending any clams.


  7. Need 4 more candies but short of 2 microphones so gotta finish of Mecha once more,luckily I’m able to do both Mecha and rap show which will end 13 minutes before the end of event, will I be lucky to get candies with my one and only chance….stay tuned…


  8. I’m sure you’ve heard this one before. Will we still be able to collect objects to complete characters, specifically Greased Up Deaf Guy and Belgard, after the event ends? I mean, we did use event currency to purchase the buildings that produce them and that provide the objects to create them, except for the Spooner Side Stage


  9. Looks fun, pity my 4 rap shows only yielded 4 candies


  10. Glad this is ending has been a real mess of an event seems way too much going on to enjoy, no where near completing it or getting gudg. My quahog looks like a bomb site with all the buildings having to fit in and lack of room even though all my districts are unlocked. Any chance gudg will be back to unlock. Also how have people got Hayley smith. Great site BTW. 😘


  11. It’s been apparent for days that I won’t get him as I still only have 5 greasy underwear. No candies either but I haven’t done any rap concerts since it was so apparent I’d never have enough underwear. Yet I’m currently #2 for Stewie by a huge margin and was briefly #1 earlier today.


  12. How is it I’ve been playing everyday and I’m only on phase 4 I haven’t even seen the option to get gudg yet let alone collect all the stuff for him and now the event ends tomorrow. Haven’t seen the robot either to battle. This game really needs to do a better job of telling you “hey look new content! New phase live now! Etc.. Never got any sort of notification for phase 5 let alone 6 lol … Whatever.


    • Did you even try to do the main quest?


    • I’m in the same boat, played everyday, concentrated on the main quest, no option to but the grease pit and I haven’t seen anything in that top paragraph except a few concerts, and only 2 chairs ever unlocked. When I first got the option to unlock DJ Herbert I ignored it because I was working on the other goals in the quests and unlocks and because he was my least wanted character. Then suddenly the main quest came up to ‘perform a DJ Herbert concert’ and I’ve spent a week trying to unlock him which I just now completed.. with 2 hours left in the event, but I can’t move on because to get past the concert he has to do a 10 hour job first…


  13. Got every single item in this event FREEMIUM! Well I do wanna get stewie I’m currently in second place. Did anyone else get two mecha astley for completing the true fan challenge?


  14. They seem to have made the drop rate for tubs of grease from robots ‘always’. Was about 50% but I got the last few very easily. Candies were surprisingly easy… sent all 3 freemium characters together on sideshows and got them every time. Others items were easy but inly because I felt forced to buy the buildings.


  15. Bunny, TinyCo looks to have changed to payout for getting Awards from Gold Robots. Instead of receiving 5 I only got 1.

    Also even though I promised myself I wasn’t going to go after Stewie, I happen to be doing very good on it and I’m in third place without trying.


    • No change. I even have it noted in the Rundown post… you get 1 or 6 Viral hits randomly. That or a Coin once you get all the tubs. Been that way since Phase 6 hits.


  16. Not gonna get GUDG only need 9 grease tubs but 12 candies I’ve only got 4 microphones so can’t even try for one more set of candies , and I really wanted him as well


  17. I think it is so unfair that he is leaving with the event. He has been listed as a charictar in the menu for 6 months. Not as an event tie in. I messaged them to request he stay. Can you ladies use your powers to help?!?


  18. I wrote TinyCo because I have been sending all 4 eligible characters to get underwear for GUDG for the past week and I’m only at 9. Got the canned response, of course, about drop rates looking good on their end. Then I see they changed it to Chance from Rare when I click on one of the 4 during their task, but when it’s time to send them again it reverts back to Rare. I feel I’m in the minority here but how have so many people been able to unlock GUDG so easily so far? One last day to see if I can get those last underwear!

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Chance” has Always been there. It is the default pop up for any Character, Building, etc that drops a Material item. It is essentially just a tag letting you know an item has one of the multiple “Chance” options listed to drop. You just have to check the character or location for the note of what “Chance” it is. Been like that since game launched. 😉


  19. Despite extreme frustration levels at various times during the event I’m pretty happy with my results. The event started just after I had completed unlocking Mort and I managed to go mostly clam free (had to have Weird Al) and while there’s a lot of unfinished tasks due to not being able to do encores I’m coming out of the event with GUDG and all 3 freemium stars.


  20. Anyone know what the new Madame Claude task that just popped up is? I don’t want to open it if I don’t need to as I may end up accidentally opening up the 24 hour task with her and Peter in the same area.


  21. Wish family guy would do a spinoff with gudg and mort as main characters.


  22. I should have GUDG by late tonight or tomorrow. All I need are: 3 Tubs, 4 Candies, and 3 Underwear.

    For those having problems get the Holistic Heaven Haven, Hippy House, and Second Hand Store. They sped up the process greatly. I was at 25 Tubs when Phase 5 dropped and quickly got them by focusing on Gold Robots even when I thought it was impossible.


  23. I have an off topic question. Did anyone else have a questline that was started by the psychic and had Brian and Stewie talking about ressurecting ghosts? There were three parts (ressurect 1 ghost, 2 ghosts, and then the final ressurect three) I just find it odd since I completed the graveyard district awhile ago.


  24. This week’s challenge just launched and without checking here first (just noting now it’s not up yet), I kicked it off to discover you need Greased Up Deaf Guy, which I’m still a couple of days away from getting. Doh! My first weekly challenge so far that I will badly fail. I wish now I had waited… 😦


  25. I just had a quest pop up, that looks like it is leading up the next half of the last district, with more ghost for us to bring back.


  26. Does he have to be unlocked before the event ends or does he stay in the game to continue unlocking after the event ends?


  27. He will be freemium for me, only missing 4 greasy underwear and 22 tubs of grease. Yayy!! And have already all the other stuff/characters done without spending a single clam 🙂


  28. If this event ends on Thursday then i will not even be close to unlocking GUDG im right now at 22/70 tubs of grease let alone 0/16 candies and I’ve got 1,000 some odd glowsticks and i need 49,000 something for rick ashtly. Can’t wait for Halloween.


  29. I concur with Rob. I am sick of the event already. I haven’t come close to getting Greased Up Deaf Guy. If we have him locked in our game, are we going to be able to unlock him after the event ends?


    • Everything goes with the Event on the 17th last time I checked. Been that way since Event launched. Items have to be live in game to keep them. Outside that, I would recommend making a request to TinyCo to allow the continued collection. Just not sure how that will go as the items are tied to the Event.


  30. Just unlocked him, not without the use of clams, unfortunately, but I’m freakin’ tired of the event and want to get over it. Hope the Halloween event will be more organized than this last one. I have a feeling Death wil finallyl be released during Halloween and TinyCo will do the same kind of trick to us. 😉


    • Lol. Believe me when I tell you this event was more organized then the Mobster event ever was.


      • I concur. A LOT more organized. Lol 😉


      • I don’t know, at least the Mobster event I felt I was making progress and the stuff that was supposed to open up each week opened up. Here it is the last hours of the even I still have 2 chairs and a side stage that never unlocked. This event seemed to have a bunch of spots where waiting on random drops or unlocking something would just halt all progress in the event, putting you way behind. Also, if you have a character that must be unlocked over a certain time, you need to communicate it before it starts, and make sure that what you need is available while the timer is counting down. I failed to unlock Brian because with an hour to go and 1 guitar pick short both bee swarms and toad users refused to spawn. (Also, why wasn’t Connie involved in this event? She even has a Use Toad job…)


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