Septemberfest Premium Character Profile: Barmaid Lois

Hey there Sausage Lovin’ Beer Chuggin’ Lederhosens!

TinyCo has dropped into our games some Beer, Sausages, Beer, Barmaidens, Beer, Kegs of Beer, Beer O’ Clock Towers…. whooo… I’m getting a bit woozy.

With this fun Septemberfest Mini Event dropped into our games, we also get some New Characters/ Costumes. There is also some occasional Premium Character Costumes. Like Barmaid Lois!

Barmaiden Lois with Brew

Let’s take a look at what Barmaid Lois can do in our silly lil games.

Barmaid Lois was a New Premium Character added during the first part of Septemberfest 2015. As with all Premiums, it is your choice to determine whether or not it is something you want to add to your game.

You could find Barmaid Lois in the Shopping Cart Menu. Tapping on “BUY” takes you to Al’s.

Barmaid Lois Menu

Once inside Al’s, you can purchase her for 300 ClamsClam Icon. Just tap on “BUY” in Al’s to complete the process.

Barmaid Lois Al's


She does come with a Questline, Drinks on Lois, more on it in another post.You Got Barmaid LoisBarmaid Lois does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn $$$ & XP. She also has a task that will help you get 1 Barber ScissorsBarber ScissorsALWAYS .

Let’s take a look at some of Barmaid Lois’ Tasks:

Barmaid Lois Perform A Traditional Dance Barmaiden Lois Make Pretzels

Task Time Earns Location
Handle Beer Jugs 2hrs 30Family Guy Coin20Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Flirt With Bar Flies 4hrs 50Family Guy Coin30Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Perform a Traditional Dance 4hrs 50Family Guy Coin30Family Guy XP/ 1Barber Scissors VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board
Serve Beer 6hrs 65Family Guy Coin45Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Make Pretzels 6hrs 65Family Guy Coin45Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board
Chug a Beer 8hrs 80Family Guy Coin50Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Play Drinking Games 10hrs 90Family Guy Coin59Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Twirl In Her Skirt 12hrs 100Family Guy Coin65Family Guy XP Griffin House
Yodel 16hrs 115Family Guy Coin75Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Exaggerate Sobriety 18hrs 125Family Guy Coin82Family Guy XP Drunken Clam
Enjoy a German Sausage 24hrs 150Family Guy Coin100Family Guy XP Griffin House

**Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends. 


And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown for the naughty lil vixen and now Barmaiden Lois!

What do you think of Barmaid Lois? Did you splurge and pick her up? What do you think of her tasks? Have a favorite? Let us know.


15 responses to “Septemberfest Premium Character Profile: Barmaid Lois

  1. Hi,
    They should put mob boss Lois with this Lois for 300 clams.


  2. 300 clams? Go tell the Spartans!
    I was lucky to get Cleveland on my phone during the desert event. Laptop, not so much. I won’t spend 400 clams, for a ‘main’ character that has ‘extra rare’ contributions on quests. So, do you honestly believe, I would shell out 300 for a skin? Take it, Aquaman.

    Aquaman: OUTRAGEOUS!!!


  3. Too expensive for just another skin.

    I’ll pass.


  4. Far too expensive for a skin.


  5. Any news on Lederhosen Peter?


  6. Too expensive, although I would have if cheaper, say 100 – 150 clams. 300=~$10 +, so no.


  7. The price is a little steep but I had to get it for my collection of characters and skins. “Got to collect them all!” 🙂


  8. I’ll buy that for a Clam!


  9. My personal feelings Tinyco should adopt a more standardized skin/character clam system, such as
    Skin 25 clams
    Skin that allows a character to help gain a needed item 50 clams
    characters 200 clams
    Character that comes with a building OR drops a needed item 250 clams

    That way players aren’t having to pay exorbitant prices for an item that will be used for a week or two then end up in storage never to be used again and then end up feeling like they got ripped.
    Lets say you bought a bin of clams (275) = $ 9.99
    and a packet of clams (50) = $ 1.99
    that is $ 12.00 for 325 clams so you get the skin for $ 11.10 and 25 clams for 90 cents
    if you buy the crate of clams for $ 19.99 you get the skin for $ 10 dollars and 300 clams for 10 dollars

    so paying between 10-11 dollars for a skin??!! really?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. 300 clams is unreasonably high for just a skin. We’ve had character sell for less than that. 200 clams max would have been my purchase price.


  11. Easy pass for me. 300 clams for a skin?! 😀


  12. 300 clams. Too rich for my blood


  13. I had the extra clams so i bought her, but not because she helps with opie… But because… Reasons… Im a guy. Ahem, i have always liked animated tasks the most and in her case i would say its the traditional dance that is my favorite.


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