Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Death at the Drive-In Mike Myers & Pinhead

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a lovely bunch of coconuts? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? Do anything fun?

Got your Halloween Decorations up yet? Got pics to show us?

Any cool Movies out you are going to see? Already watched? 

Wanna send us a cool pic of your country? You know we LOVE to hear from YOU! 

Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

50 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. The questline exclusively for linking your Apple Watch app to your actual game for family guy quest for stuff is called “bad timing” I’m on pt. 1 because I’m too busy with the 👻🎃Halloween timed⌛️(and untimed too) quest lines!
    Do you have an Apple Watch ⌚️‽‽
    Are they at all useful with the FGQFS game?


  2. I just have to put this here up here (think my brain is still stuck in Peterpaloza mode) but… I went to see Weirld Al in London on Sunday (4th) and he was fantastic! I went to see him in London 5 years ago and it was great to see him back again. I’d waited more than a decade for him to play the UK and could never understand why he didn’t play here sooner. One very happy Jelly Baby! 🙂
    (I so wish my username carried across the pond, a very famous UK sweet/candy)


  3. So my wishes have been granted. Megs friends are finally in the game. Im hoping i can stay on track so when they pop out i can get all of them because who’s gonna want just 2/3 of them thats like having the griffin family without lois lol


  4. This is going to be the most kick back month long event ever, for me! I am not interested in 90% of the characters, certainly not enough to grind for them or spend money on them. I want death and slasher cat, and maybe a main character skin, if earnable, and that;s it. Some nice small decos would also be nice. Not a big horror fan.

    It is fun to see how excited some of you are for the event, and i am certainly happy for you folks! Have fun, and remember, don’t sweat the little stuff. This is a long event! Oh, and be nice to Bunny, she is only here to help!


    • I have to revise my post as I just noticed the Stewie and Brian car hops! I would be willing to grind for them, not pay, but grind! *chuckle*


  5. Wow, I can’t believe I have been playing this game for almost a full year. I started during the Halloween Ghostbusters event last year!

    Seeing as this is my first time playing with a returning holiday event, has anyone suggested to TinyCo that the characters (Freddy, Alien, Predator) or ghosts (Francis, Diane, Mr Weed) that players earned or bought last year be included into the fun this year? Maybe given tasks that earn a popcorn or 2 to help out and reward long time players? Just a thought I had!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Quick question does anyone know what buildings are dropping things to help with the event of any? I know with the other events there were buildings we’ve already had that dropped items we needed. I’m trying to put some buildings away and don’t want to put away anything that drops things. I’d also like to bring out any buildings that help if they are put away.

    Thanks for any insight!


  7. Don’t place Death House until you have thto Cat Cave and Pumpkin Tower. Placing the house will initiate a 24 hour event that will be impossible to complete without the unlocked. Just a heads up


  8. Just a fan post…
    While we are reading posts here and working so hard on one of our fav games, what do you wish you could change on our favorite FGA fan site?


  9. Do we know if there will be a fourth movie killer? We have Pinhead, Michael and Chucky, there will probably be another knowing this game. I’m personally hoping for Ghostface from Scream….


  10. Why aren’t any of the characters or costumes from last Halloween’s event good for anything? Not 1 Scream point or even 1 3D glasses. Super annoying!!! There’s virtually no loyalty for long time gamers.


    • It has to do more with who they LEGALLY contracted with for this Event. They still have to focus on all the New Ones first. As far as past Characters, we are ONLY a short time in an entire month of content. Wait and see what else comes along. We JUST started the Event. It has NOTHING to do with long time gamers what so ever. Many app games are like this. They have priorities to the Event itself first. Everything else has to be looked at and negotiated for reuse.


  11. Bunny, SYK, my laptop went on the blink a while back, then I bought an awesome new device to play, and that was great for a bit, until the updates rendered that obsolete, for playing FG-TQFS, so can’t help out with the posts as much as intended. I tried writing a few posts on my phone but not good enough to help with your your site. I am bummed and want to apologize! I wish I had the money to get a better device, but just can’t swing it right now hun. 😦 I am very sad. I want to be able to help out and give back. Just super bummed that can only do so much on my phone. (


  12. Question Bunny…i know you said to stock up on reels before you get the Pumpkin Tower and Slasher Cat, and that we have the whole event to get him…but my question is, does delaying unlocking him delay anything else or unlocking any other levels in the game? Will it mess with the “timing” of the events at all? Thank you!!! 🙂


    • As with previous events… MORE items are added to “craft”. With us just on page one in the Projection Booth, I assume more pages will come. So other items in there may be delayed if you avoid it. That is the main thing I can think of.


  13. GabeAwesomeGamer

    Just a heads up you guys this is leaked info. So I bet you are all wondering who’s going to be in this event and what costumes well here are some check it out. So the characters are Pope Francis in ???(i am still unsure if he is holy or not), Patrick in ???, Partty in Pattys car, Slasher Cat in ???, Hook Hand Albert in ???, Death in ???, Deaths dog in ???, Deaths mom in Deaths mom’s house, Esther in Esthers car, and Ruth in Ruth’s car that’s it for characters there might be more characters coming in the future. Some of the costumes are Slasher Bait Peter and Slasher Bait Louise this is all I have for costumes but they might release more costumes in the future. This was found in game in the face space tab characters on the top characters tab and the costumes on the top of the costumes tab.


  14. So I just got enough reels to place Death’s moms house. As I was doing the “transaction” it for some reason didn’t let me place it down anywhere. So now it shows that I have the house (there’s a check mark next to it) but it hasn’t been erased from my tasks. So basically I’m stuck at “Death Wish come true Pt 1” –
    Is there a fix for This? Super frustrated right now


    • Try this. Go to your Menu Icon, then go to the Inventory Section, and into the Event area tab. Tap on Death’s Mom’s House from there and see if it will let you place it.


      • Since this is an open thread, Does Alissa know if she is having a boy or a girl,, and has she revealed what the babies name is going to be?
        If it is a boy she should name him Stewie,, if it is a girl she should name her Meg.
        On another note,, is there a particular deco that can be bought with 3D-glasses that give more scream points then the other decos?,, I plan on getting all the 3D- glasses decos, but I would like to make sure to get lots and lots of bloody footprints so I can create a really really long blood trails for future uses,, could make for some funny (Caption This) pics,,lol


        • She is keeping Baby’s Gender secret til the birth, so also name is secret. 😉

          If you look at the main post… I have the payouts for the Scream Points listed now on the Decorations. 🙂


      • I didn’t think of that – however I tried it… The house with Death doesn’t show up in the events tab BUT it does show in the all. When I click on it though, it doesn’t do anything. However others in the inventory I can use.


  15. Pinhead from Hellraisers going to be in this event, that’s awesome! I watched Everest and Legend last week, two fantastic films, and I’m going to see The Martian tomorrow which looks like another great movie.


  16. When was the quahog moviehouse available? It’s not in the shop and I don’t have one? Something I missed perhaps? It drops things you need but I don’t recall ever seeing it before.


  17. I nuke my town and wanted to start fresh so I start out at the event part. Well after a little incorporating decor and Halloween stuff from last year I realize I have a TON of items that I can make the whole place a halloween town. Think about it, there were the graveyard district that gave us a lot of deco and ghost (and the cool graveyard fence and gate), a lot of the deco I use was from the mobster event too. I even use some deco from Christmas event like the rabid raider and the abominable snowman, etc. The list goes on and on, we should have a contest on that.


    • I did the same in my town. TONS of stuff from multiple Events being used in my “EVIL QUAHOG” space. 😉


      • Not to mention Freddy and Jason from last Halloween and also Stewie, Meg and Connie’s costumed characters! I have them all running around my town and I love it! Even without them doing tasks it’s so much fun seeing the Halloween themed characters with this event going on.


  18. Does anyone know how many scream points the halloween decos give? I want to put some in my town but I’m also a little worried about the screamlevel


    • I updated them in the main post…

      Creepy Doll Village: 25 3D Glasses, (+25 Scream Points on Creation)

      Bloody Footprints: 2 3D Glasses (+2 Scream Points on Creation)

      Bat Colony: 20 3D Glasses (+20 Scream Points on Creation), animated

      Corn Maze: 5 3D Glasses (+5 Scream Points on Creation)

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Why do I not see those characters on my loading screen?


  20. I think I will go slow and steady for this event. As long as the main quest is done I am happy for week 2 since I do not expect I will unlock Death this week.


  21. Question – Peter’s quest of getting murdered – is the “monster” that attacks Peter some form of Stewie? If so, what episode did it come from?


  22. This event is just too much…
    It’s allot going on off rip and I’m getting a little overwhelmed. It’s too hard to get anything, they are trying to force you to buy clams.
    Not to mention all the cool stuff and horror movie character from last Halloween that would be perfect for this event, are not being used…
    On top of the connection issues, I’m really getting frustrated with this game that I love so much.


    • You are not being forced to buy Clams. That always has been and will always be personal choice. It is up to the Player to decide to invest in a game. However, if you plan on playing the Freemium route there is always going to be a trade off. You will NOT get everything and will have to work for what you do get. It will be doable, but if you do not put in dime you have to put in time. That is common with ANY game in existence in the app market. It is something those playing Freemium have to understand and accept.

      What is it that is overwhelming you? Are you just not understanding what to do? How to proceed with an item? We are here to help and give direction if you need some more information on something you do not understand.

      Unique Event Characters are rarely reused for another Event. Not just for legal purposes (as Characters have to be legally contracted and released for use each Event) but so much more goes into it that this really isn’t the place. This also is common in many games. Uniques stay unique. However, in saying that… TinyCo HAS been trying to incorporate more Characters from the past into new events. With us only being 3 days in an over Month long Event… wait. Patience. See what happens. We have a LOT of time for a LOT of things to happen. 😉


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