Death at the Drive-In 101: Concession Stand Exchanges

Hey there Slashers!

Many times with the New Events I see PANIC. Mostly due to everything is new and no one knows just yet how to get the hang of what is going on. Well, just as usual, here to help in anyway I can with some Basic 101 and detailed breakdown of HOW TO on the aspects of the Game Play.

For this post, I will be diving into what I am seeing in MY Game when it comes to those Concession Stand Exchanges.

Concession Stand

For Many of you, I am getting frustration back that I CAN’T give you an exact answer on the Exchange Rate in the Concessions Stand. There is a very good reason why… THERE IS NO EXACT!!! SERIOUSLY!!

I am writing this post so you can see first hand what I am personally dealing with in the Exchange Options so you will know when I say “it depends on YOUR Game and every Player varies”. That is EXACTLY how it is.


Let’s take a look… 


I started out Phase 3 with one option and ONE option only in MY Concession Stand to Exchange.

5 Reels Concession Stand

  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels


That was it for me. Nothing more. Though I did have some Popcorn and Sodas, they were very small amounts. 25 Popcorn LgPopcorn & 33 SodaSodas. So I kept on playing along. Started into the New Main Questline and took out some Swirling Ghosts & Headless Horsemen… along with more Unholy Nuns, Vampire Bats, and Werewolves.

I was still in Level 12 and had 40 Popcorn LgPopcorn, 36 SodaSoda, and 16 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars. I went to my Concession Stand and now New Payouts were there.

5 & 10 Reels Concession Stand 2

  • Scream Level 12: 8 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 30 Popcorn LgPopcorns for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 25Soda Sodas for 10 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels


I used the 30 Popcorn option and as soon as I did, the option went away and only the 2 remained. I only had 10 Popcorn so makes sense it left. So I used the Soda option, it too went away and I only had 11 Sodas left. Now only the Chocolate Bar option remained, so I used it… and it went away. Another one appeared in it’s place.

  • Scream Level 12: 12 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels


I only had 8 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars, so back to collecting more Materials. More various Horrors killed. More Questlines completed. I am now around Death at the Drive In III Part 8, still Level 12. My Material Count is now 35 Popcorn LgPopcorns, 35 SodaSodas, 64 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars… and of course New Options in the Concession Stand.

  • Scream Level 12: 8 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 30 SodaSodas for 10 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars & 25 SodaSodas for 12 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn & 27 SodaSodas for 15 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels


I used the 8 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels option… and again, changes…

10 & 15 Reels Concession Stand

  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 35 SodaSodas for 10 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars & 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn for 10 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars & Soda25 Sodas for 12 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn & 27 SodaSodas for 15 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels


As I used more options… more changes…

5 & 10 Reels Concession Stand 1

  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars for 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn 5 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 10 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars & 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn for 10 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 10Chocolate Bar Chocolate Bars & 25 SodaSodas for 12 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels
  • Scream Level 12: 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn & 27 SodaSodas for 15 Movie Reel 2Movie Reels


The most unusual option I have seen so far was…

25 Reels Concession Stand

  • Scream Level 12: 12 Chocolate BarChocolate Bars & 25 SodaSodas & 45 Popcorn LgPopcorn for 25Movie Reel 2Movie Reels (it said 15 below but 25 above and paid 25 Reels)


As you can see, when I say “It varies by Player and YOUR game”… I could not explain it any better. That’s pretty dead on in fact. In short, pay attention to YOUR payouts and try to use the best options provided that are there for you to use your Materials & get the most Movie Reels you can. Keep in mind MORE options will come around. They will keep changing. It seems to surround the Materials and amounts YOU gather and then use up.


There you have it. An actual view of the “variable” payouts that many Players are seeing and experiencing as you all go through the Death at the Drive In Event …. courtesy of MY Personal Experience.

What kind of options do you see? Noticing the same kind of fluctuations? Make more sense now when I say “variable” and “depends on YOUR Game”? Let us know.


173 responses to “Death at the Drive-In 101: Concession Stand Exchanges

  1. I made 2 trades in my concession stand for a total of 40 film reels, putting my overall total at 80. When I went to trade my film reels for the spider trap (50 reels) my game forced closed on me and when it reloaded the film reels weren’t added, and was back to my original 40. It subtracted the items I had traded and the characters had not been reset, but still no film reels! Is there a way to get them back or am I just out of luck?


  2. My concession stand wants like 70 chocolates for 10 reels and 100 sodas for 10 reels 😭 tried coming out of the game and going back in, tried ignoring it for 24 hours, just cant get round it. Anyone else had this issue?


  3. Hey Bunny! – first time posting!

    I’ve seen all these changes going on with exchange rates! But now I’ve noticed some green ticks on the offers I’ve already gone through with! Can you shed any light?!

    Do you think maybe they will all refresh if I’ve gone through all of the options once?

    Thanks! W


  4. Hate it. Up to 300 popcorn @ level 10 and not a single option to trade any of it in. 😦 Soda only for trade in for the last 6 or so trade ins. (I have not made it to chocolate bars yet) And sodas aren`t dropping as much because I’m trying to rescue Patty and I need the Unicorn thingys that are dropping from the bats, so…

    I guess I should take this to the what the deuce thread, but I find this event too complicated. Or to put it simply, not enough fun for all the headaches!


    • Let the Sodas stack up. Also… don’t forget to scroll left too. Many keep missing that there are options to the left and right of the pop up in Concessions. But stack chocolates. I found MORE options came usually when I had like 40 to 50 stacked.


  5. Hey Bunny, have your concession drops been tightened up? My last 5 drops have been 15 chocolates for 5 reels. i have not had a single combo offer in 24 hours. That has never happened to me in phase three.


    • They did for a bit… then other options came back a bit. It changed. Used it. Back to 15. Just make sure you scroll left to make sure more aren’t hidden before that option.


  6. I agree that there seems to be a random number generator at work. I have 200+ popcorn and now that I’m into phase 3, I haven’t seen a single currency exchange option for it. I’ve been through two or three cycles with the soda and chocolate. Probably going to message tiny co about it because it seems excessive.


  7. Hello, I have a problem with headless horsemen: I have 2 pumpkins, I have purple horseman. I tap “fire” and nothing happens! It costs me one pumpkin and horseman goes on! And what about the challenge?! Has someone the same problem?


  8. The whole conversion thing is random. I had 220 popcorns and 90ish sodas. Was able to either exchange 27 soda for 12 reels OR 45 popcorn + 25 soda for 15. so i did the second option.
    went straight back in, now i have 35 popcorn + 25 soda or 20 something soda. went the option with the popcorn.
    went back in again, can only exchange soda now. even though i have 150 popcorn….

    at least i only need another dozen to get slasher bait lois!


  9. It was quite cool. When I signed into my game, I got a 3 mystery boxes for 1 pair of glasses which gave me cannon balls, reels and pumpkins! They also added a new quest for stocking up on supplies. I hope phase four is more like phase 3 than phase 2!


  10. Pinhead us in the game!!!


  11. Chocolate bars, ha! My game doesn’t even have those yet. Still scrounging for Lois… jeebus. It’s almost Tuesday, phase 4 will be here in 3 days. I can’t even.


  12. I am facing the same issue, 15 chocolate bars for 5 reels. I do however still get other options for using popcorn and sodas, but the chocolate bars have stayed the same for quite some time. Not complaining just adding my results from my own game.


  13. Hey Bunny, like several others I need to report that I too am stuck on 15 chocolate bars for 5 reels. I still have to unlock the Black clay and the Petergeist skin, which together add up to 620 reels. At this exchange rate, that’s 1,860 chocolate bars, which in turn will require about 150 headless knights, for which you will need 300 pumpkins, which will take, assuming you don’t need to sleep (fair enough for a true addict!)… 450 hours!!! That’s two and a half weeks, something’s got to be off in the present exchange rate.

    Even if you buy the melted chocolate item, it drops 15 chocolate bars every 8 hours, doesn’t it? That’s 15 reels per day only. It doesn’t even make sense anymore to buy the premium drop items.

    Unfortunately, the main quest eventually requires Death’s Dog, which requires the Black Clam. Which you can’t claim until you have saved all of said 620 reels or you will lose the Petergeist skin. I’m torn… That’s not fair!

    Have you hit the 15-to-5 rate yet? Any word on whether that’s working as intended?


    • Again… just keep playing. This is why I put up the post. I’d see only one option but then let the chocolate and other items stack up… then I’d see more options. I’d use them. They’d go. Then pile up and repeat. You don’t have to pick the only option there. You can collect a few days and go from there. Not to mention it doesn’t stay 15. It goes up n down. Any option like 8, 10, 12, & 15 show.


      • I’m sorry that I continue to counter your statements but at some point the only exchange option becomes (and stays at) 15 popcorn for 5 reels. And it doesn’t matter how many of each concession stand item that you have or how many times you make the exchange. It never changes. I’ve been stuck at this point for 2 days. I’ve had over a 100 chocolate bars (twice) and traded them down to nearly zero and no other exchange option is ever presented.


  14. I seem to have run into some trouble in the game. I have reached level 14 and no other options have been appearing for me other than trade 15 chocolates for 5 film reels. I have traded for that many times now and it still won’t change, it is only ever that same one option. I should have more than enough soda and popcorn for other options to appear but nothing has for a long while. How about your game Bunny? Have you reached level 14 and have you had any trouble with new options?


    • I should add that I have more than 100 of each – soda and popcorn.


      • I also see from the comments that it looks like this has been common. I didn’t see those comments before, I think my internet has been having trouble or something. I went to look at the comments and it was only showing me the comments from yesterday. I do see the newer ones now though.


    • How much chocolate do you wait to get before using it?


      • I waited yesterday until I had about 38 chocolates and then traded once (for 5 reels). I was trying to make the options change sooner, so I traded once more, another 15 chocolates for 5 reels. I should probably try obtaining a much larger supply of chocolates first.


  15. I now have all of this Phases prizes, apart from Petergeist Building Skin, and since yesterday afternoon I now only have the option of trading 15 Chocolate for 5 Reels, and have traded in this for around 8 times now, with no new options opening up and I have 185 Popcorn and 213 Sodas. Im not complaining, but I’m a bit surprised as this now, for the moment, makes the Popcorn and Soda useless, especially as I brought 2 of each of the material dropping mascots.


    • I find as you hit larger amounts of chocolate, more options open. Like when it hit 50 or 60.


      • I’m still not getting any other variables, I now have over 100 Chocolate, over 200 Popcorn, and over 200 Soda (close to 300), maybe it’s because I’m at Scream Level 15? I’m not too bothered as I wasn’t going to get the building skin, it looks cool and I’d love to have it but 500 is way too much, and hopefully I’ll end up having a lot of options to choose in Phase 4.


        • Message them if you have concerns. It may be if you have it all it stops… but I’m in 14 and still seeing variables when I clear chocolate


          • I think I’m just going to save up a few more for a day or so, I’m still really enjoying this event, and as I said I’ve got all got all of the main prizes, so I’m happy with what I’ve got, including the extra ghost pirate for getting the other 3 of them, but thank you for this helpful post. 🙂


  16. It has stopped giving me the option for popcorn and sodas. It only gives me the option for 15 candy bars for 5 reels. I saved up my candy bars to 81 thinking that might trigger something so I used the candy bars slowly but still only gives me the candy bar option. I have a ton of popcorn and sodas! Is this happening to anyone else?


  17. I’m sure hoping that I become a bit more random. I’m at scream level 14 and have been stuck at an exchange rate of 15 bars of chocolate for 5 reels for quite some time now. That’s going to make it quite slow. In the meantime, I’ve accumulated 105 boxes of popcorn and 187 sodas……


  18. Hey bunny,
    Quick question.. I have finished the weeks prizes from the film reels. I now only have the option to trade 15 chocolate bars for 5 film reels. Based on how this week has gone with using combos of concession stand items:
    Do you think I should A) leave all my item as they are and wait until pt 4 to exchange anymore of them OR B) stock up by trading in the 15 chocolates for 5 reels every time?
    I’d like to go into the next week with a stock of film reels and don’t want to sit on them and have the next part require more of them for the same amount of reels, but I also don’t want to waste all my chocolates for a measly 5 reels every time and then have the next part have combos where I’d have been better off saving them and waiting to making film reels. I hope my question makes sense. If you don’t really know your best guess would be great.
    Thanks for all the time you’ve put in with this event as you always do. I know it’s been hard on you with lots of confusion for everyone.


  19. I just entered Week Three content so I have pumpkins added. I have pulled back on popcorn and will only build up my stash if I see it start to deplete but I haven’t had a popcorn option for reels in awhile (altho I know it is coming back around at some point).

    Has anyone reached a point in the game where an option to have the queue increased has come? Trying to keep four cannons ready at all times to collect from Bonnie, Joe, Mort and Quagmire. Rest of spots are for pumpkins and the occasional water balloon if there is room.


  20. Guys and gals,
    I know it seems frustrating, and I was also wasy behind when phase 3 rolled out. This new concession stand rates are weird, but it does work out better. In fact I will be getting deaths dog house today sometime. Just focus on the current deal and clear it and more will open up, then you can figure out which one gives you the best exchange rate for reels.
    I am hoping to be fairly close to caught up by the end of this phase.


  21. I’m only at scream level 8 but no longer able to use popcorn for reels. Any idea why? TY in advance


  22. What makes me mad is i have lots of popcorn and it won’t give me the option to exchange popcorn for reels. I have to wait for soda only . sure after i start collecting lots of popcorn it’s no longer an option? I think they’re trying to hold us back. Only have so much time to unlock the girl on the car. Grrrr

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Have your werewolves stopped spawning. I haven’t had a new Wwolf in hours. I’m 28 reels from getting Slasher Bait Lois.


    • Yes, I have the same problem. It’s so frustrating, I worked really hard keeping up a schedule to unlock Lois and then Patty against the timer but now I’m stuck with a growing stockpile of silver cannons that I cannot convert to reels fast enough because the werewolves have suddenly almost stopped. TinyCo seem to have adjusted them to something like 2 per 12 hours now, it’s simply not enough to get the soda to exchange for reels within the necessary deadline. We couldn’t plan for this drastic change. So they appear to have moved the goal posts and messed things up again for some players; looks like I’ll miss out on Patty now or have to spend clams, even though I just need to acquire 2 more reels in 16 hours. I’m actually earning as much soda from bats as werewolves now. Unfortunately sodas are the only option I have in the concessions stand; my 200 popcorn is useless right now.


  24. I currently have an option to exchange 27 soda for 10 reels OR 25 soda for 10 reels. That’s a little silly – gosh, which should I pick?! 🙂


  25. Does this seem to vary based on what items you have?

    When I was low on popcorn, I needed lots of it. Now I have 435 popcorn and it’s been consistently soda only (my soda count is really low). It feels like it’s designed to make me wait each time, get more water balloons or silver, then wait for weapons, then hunt.


  26. I really wish it wasn’t random as I had been getting 10 reel & 15 reel options for a day then only had 5 reel for chocolate available for 2 days. As a result I ended up with a lot of popcorn & sodas as well as chocolate because I didn’t want to waste it on 5 reels (I’m on level 15 so you need a lot of chocolate for 5 reels). Today it changed briefly without getting any reels since last night and I could get 25 reels and 10 reels. I got 25 and then I lost the 25 reel option. I’ve now got loads of soda (around 85), loads of chocolate (64) but only 5 popcorn. If this is random we could end up with loads of one item just because we can’t exchange it. We should be able to get all offers as soon as we have enough of each item needed. I didn’t have much popcorn when 25 reel offer appeared so I shot 4 nuns to get the 40 extra I needed. It makes me wary of getting popcorn and soda not knowing if I’ll get the chance to exchange. Such a shame it’s random.


  27. Bunny, I would say stop wasting your typing posting the conversions. Everytime I purchase reels they change.


  28. I’m very behind and I can’t seem to catch up… Here’s where I am currently, if you have any suggestions.

    • 52 scream points from level 8
    • 20 reels away from Dark Society Library (item 4 on page 2)
    • Still collecting for Death: need 1 more scythe and 3 more brimstone (I have been working on Death forever!)
    • Haven’t started Patty since I’m far off from getting Slasher Lois

    I know there should be a challenge in this, but I’ve been playing many times a day and seem to progress like a snail…….🐌


    • Keep going and doing what you can. Phase 3 seems a bit smoother. So get Lois and focus on moving forward


    • At l ast you didnt tap on patty… I am a compulsive tapper so i did as soon as week 2 hit the game…. Huge mistake…

      I am also behind trying to get slasher lois to be able to move to third week (although i am not sure it will be any better for me) also…
      Even when i am not on the third week phase… It says my buddy clancy highschool (halloween price) has expired (24 timer issue)


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