Death At The Drive-In Walkthroughs: Meg Has Another Friend

Hey there Scream Queens!!

I hope you all know where your Stuffed Animals & Dollies are as it is about to get a lil bit more KID SCARY IN HERE!!!

Phase 3 is now live in our games, and even MORE HORRORS are to be had. No I am not just talking about Movie Reels!! hack hack hack hack chop chop chop chop kill kill kill kill….

With this New Phase 3 for the Event, comes many New Questlines. Questlines for New Characters, Like Meg’s Friend Esther.

Esther 2Let’s take a look at Meg Has Another Friend and all you will encounter along the way. 

For more info on the Event, go to the MAIN POST HERE!

For Week 3 Main Questline, go HERE

The following is how the Questlines played out in MY Game. Yours may vary slightly. 

AFTER Death at the Drive In III Part 1 
Meg Has Another Friend Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Search For Meg’s Kidnapped Friend– Tapping on “GO” takes you to the Stolen Blue Car to repair it. Repairing it will locate Esther and start her 7 Day Timer

Completed Task Earns 2Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Meg Has Another Friend Pt. 2
Lois Starts

Save Esther- Esther 2


Zit Cream12 Zit Creams (Common): Haunted TV Set (Movie Projection Booth)

Pink Hair Ties6 Pink Hair Ties (Rare): Death’s Dog’s House (Movie Projection Booth) OR Death’s Dog Do the Scoot

Fan Fictions10 Fan Fictions (Uncommon): The Black Sand Dollar (Movie Projection Booth)

Haunted TV SetHaunted TV Set

Have Esther Bad Genie Dance- 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 3Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Meg Has Another Friend Pt. 3
Chris Starts

Have Esther Climb Into Lamp12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Have Chris Check Out the Basement4hrs, Earns 60Family Guy Coin, 1Scream Point

Completed Task Earns 1Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Meg Has Another Friend Pt. 4
Meg Starts

Have Esther Hide Acne with Veil6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp
Have Meg Flirt with Criminals1hrs, Earns 20Family Guy Coin, 12xp

Completed Task Earns 2Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


There you have it. The Side Questline for another of Meg’s Friends is now in the game.

What do you think of his Questline? Have you unlocked Esther yet? How far are you? Let us know.


24 responses to “Death At The Drive-In Walkthroughs: Meg Has Another Friend

  1. Bob We'agotababy-Eestsaboy

    Anyone having issues with the TV dropping zit cream? For this to be a common item, I’ve only had it drop once and that was about 2 days ago. I get the pink hair ties easier.


  2. I have another question:
    I just repaired Esther’s car, but instead of showing the required items I need to get to unlock her, it shows the timer over the car and I cannot click her to see what I need. No timer on the quest icon on the bottom left side.

    Does anyone have the same problem?


  3. do you know if the popcorn will be relevant again? I have 1000 and can’t use it ? I am still getting more… That seems backwards


    • I didn’t think it would Phase 3… but used up the 900 I had. As there’s 5 options… and they keep varying as we go… I don’t see why it wouldn’t be


  4. There are times like this glitch I don’t entirely mind being so far behind. Lol. Haven’t gotten Loiss skin yet, just got Death rolling finally and I haven’t tapped the screen to start phase 3 her cause half my townies are werewolves and useless.

    I’ll get there sooner or later. Who am I kidding? Later. Lol
    Bunny, I’ll be feeling your pain soon. Leaving my job in just over a week after almost 10 years for something new. Hope your new employment goes smooth! ☺️


  5. I’m gonna start getting stuff for her once I get deaths dog house. The troubles I’ll have will be the pink hair ties but she seems easier than patty!


  6. Help please. I just bought ghost face and Patrick. Both had their dialogue balloons empty and their task lists are also empty so no tasks for them. Thank you for maintaining this website with great info! I’ve already contacted tinyco and am waiting to hear.


  7. Ghostface and Patrick where in my game 😁 but I play freemium so is didn’t buy them 😔 but they are gone now!
    Ghostface will be 260 Clams
    Patrick Pewtersmith is just 125 Clams


  8. This is the first time you fantastic site is no good for me…. I’m sooooo far behind its depressing. All I know is I’ve got 400 popcorn doing nothing and the rest I’m so confused. Anyway, your site is amazing and thanks.


  9. Hey anyone else see they had the scream character and the fat guy killer for clams?! I closed the app and went back and now it’s gone! Maybe a glitch of what’s to come?


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