Death At The Drive-In Walkthroughs: Mom Knows Best & Hooked On Thugs

Hey there Psychos!!

Do you know where your friends are? Parked at an overlook just looking for trouble? Lost in the middle of the woods in a run down cabin or shack? Got lost at an abandoned Asylum and don’t know what to do? WELL TOUGH!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAH

Phase 6 is now in our games with an extra week of the Apocalypse! hack hack hack hack chop chop chop chop kill kill kill kill….

With New Stuff comes New Questlines. Like the Side Questline that come along with New Characters, like Death’s Mom & Hook Hand Albert.

Death's MomHookhand Albert

Let’s take a look at Mom Knows Best & Hooked On Thugs and all you will encounter along the way. 

For more info on the Event, go to the MAIN PAGE HERE!

For Week 5 Main Questline, go HERE


The following is how the Questlines played out in MY Game. Yours may vary slightly. 

After Death at the Drive-In: Revenge of the Scythe Pt. 2
Mom Knows Best Pt. 1
Death starts

Unlock Death’s Mom

Spatula18 Spatulas (Common): Peter Desecrate Graves OR Bonnie Wear Inappropriate Shoes OR Satan Rock Out OR Chris Check Out the Basement

Apron6 Aprons (Uncommon): Stewie Stalk Death OR Patrick Attend Strangler Addiction Support Group OR Make Lois Prep the Passenger Seat OR Pinhead Poke Things 

Teacup5 Tea Cups (Rare): Joe Look for Murderers OR Sassy Spectacle Shop

Collector's Plate2 Collector’s Plates (Extra Rare)Dungeon of the Basilisk (Movie Projection Booth) OR Death’s Dog Do the Scoot

Have Death’s Mom Show Slides of Baby Death– 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 2Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Mom Knows Best Pt. 2
Death starts

Have Death Lament Lack of Buttocks– 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp
Have Death’s Mom Get Her Hair Done10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp

Completed Task Earns 3Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Mom Knows Best Pt. 3
Death starts

Have Death’s Mom Bake a Casserole– 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Death’s Dog Laugh at Brian– 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 1Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Mom Knows Best Pt. 4
Death starts

Have Death’s Mom Watch Her Stories– 24hrs, Earns 150Family Guy Coin, 100xp
Have Stewie Troll Social Media12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp

Completed Task Earns 3Scream PointScream Point, 23D Glasses3D Glasses


After Getting Hook Hand Albert from Movie Projection Booth
Hooked On Thugs Pt.1
Patrick Pewterschmidt 

Have Hook Hand Albert Try to Put on a Jacket- 10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp
Have Peter and Jerome Do Ethnic Handshake- 2hrs, Earns 75Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 2Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Hooked On Thugs Pt.2
Patrick Pewterschmidt 

Have Hook Hand Albert Try To Drink Beer- 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp
Have Slasher Bait Lois Underage Drink- 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin, 45xp

Completed Task Earns 2Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Hooked On Thugs Pt.3
Patrick Pewterschmidt 

Have Death Be a Mentor- 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Hook Hand Albert Update his Vision Board- 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 1Scream PointScream Point, 13D Glasses3D Glasses


Hooked On Thugs Pt.4
Patrick Pewterschmidt 

Have Hook Hand Albert Try to Put on a Jacket- 10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp
Have Patrick Pewterschmidt Attend Strangler Addiction- 10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin, 59xp

Completed Task Earns 3Scream PointScream Point, 23D Glasses3D Glasses


There you have it. The Side Questline for the Sweet Old Lady to that Insane Killer Death, Death’s Mom, mixed in with another Side Questline for the Character that just made an appearance this Halloween in the Family Guy TV Series, Hook Hand Albert.

What do you think of their Questlines? How far are you? Got Death’s Mom completed yet? Got Hook Hand Albert? Still working on it? Let us know.


36 responses to “Death At The Drive-In Walkthroughs: Mom Knows Best & Hooked On Thugs

  1. Hey bunny,
    I have a question and I haven’t fond the answer
    If i get mom’s death house from movie projection booth, will i be able to unlock her after the event ends?


  2. Will deaths mom stay after the event ends, im in the middle of collecting items


  3. I was looking forward to getting Death’s Mom to complete the set but it is unlikely now. The change of film has blocked me from trading anything except ice creams that I don’t have. I might be able to start unlocking her but that will probably be it. I think the time limits should be changed so that they are the amount of time you have to start collecting and if you have some items when the time runs out the character remains available to unlock.


  4. I got Death’s Mom today. Strange thing is that I’m still on Phase 4 in the questline. I was able to upgrade the movie secreen and booth when I got to screem level 14 but was in Part 8 of the quesline.
    I can’t complain about this event. I found it much better than peterpalooza and I managed to unlock all the characters I wanted. Focusing on the mayor’s cologne now. 🙂


  5. I got Albert’s questline done, Just need to finish the last one off for Death’s Mom (I will wait until after the event to send her on the 24 hour task).


  6. This has been the most frustrating event so far. I’ve only just begun this questline. Not a chance in Hell of finishing it and yet I play several times a day. Not spending another penny on this game. It would cost a ridiculous amount of money to complete this event I reckon.

    I’ll just play casually and freemium from now on. It’s become a waste of money.


  7. Anyone know if we will still be able to unlock characters after the event is over? Just got Death’s mom but still need to get all here items.


  8. I’m half done with mom but I don’t think I’ll get her unlock on time… Can we have one more week??


  9. Ready for this event to be OVER. I was right on pace for the first 3 weeks. When week 4 started, everything ground to a crawl. I did get Death’s mom, so I guess some good came out of the extra week.


  10. If I get the reels and unlock Death’s Mom from the projection booth but don’t gather all the items to fully unlock the character before this event is over, do I lose her or can I continue to work on unlocking the character after the event?


  11. Completed the death at the drivin quest. And still no task for deaths mom. This task just sucks.


  12. Probably not going to get death mom, just placed her, but i teve just 2 days to unlock her. Almost impossible….


    • Yes!!! Finally i got some luck with drops…i got almost everything in 48 hours. 5 minutes left to the event end i bought the last apron for 30 clams…unlock death mom and won 25 for unlock the death family.


  13. Hi bunny. I am stuck. Can’t seem to get any scream points to change movie to level six. Also can’t exchange reels for items to get scream points. Don’t know what to do.


  14. just got Death’s Mom unlocked FINALLY!!!…didn’t think i could do it and i definitely know i’m not getting Hook Hand Albet with only 82 reels and 2 days left LOL😂
    i just got all the characters i really wanted and knew i wasn’t gonna get the last 2 hard characters of this event.


  15. Managed to get deaths mum but trying to unlock her is proving a nightmare. The drops for the extra rare plates are just that – very rare/non existent lol


  16. I have now been able to unlock all items and characters since the event started. The only 2 things that I have missed out on were the skins for the school and the Griffin’s house. I wish TinyCo would have let us have another chance to get them (or at least something else) as I now have over 2,000 reels and there is nothing left to spend them on..


  17. I’m currently trying to unlock deaths mom but a half the characters collecting items are werewolves so I’m forgoing ice creams and am focusing on her as I’m afraid if I don’t unlock her in two days she will disappear. If I can get her and Meg’s third friend by the end I’ll be happy


  18. I don’t know why but I’m desperate to get Hook Hand Albert, but as I’ve only got 2 days to get 800 reels I’ve resigned myself to going without. Why is he so expensiiiiive? Lol


  19. Finally got enough reels for Deaths Mom. I doubt I’ll be able to unlock her in time. Stopping the reels quest and focusing on making the cannonballs to clear werewolves since most of deaths moms items are from them. We’ll see how the next few days go…


  20. Got mom, quest line didn’t pop up.

    Also have one that is asking for me to collect from joes hellmouth? ?? Never seen this building.

    So guess I stuck…


  21. It really sucks that I can get hookhand Albert in time. I have 417 reels and I need 795, so I need 377 reels in 2 days… Never gonna happen


  22. hat do you think of their Questlines?
    I dont know, I never got to them.

    How far are you?
    Need one more extra rare item for death’s mom.

    Got Death’s Mom completed yet?

    Got Hook Hand Albert?
    Never going to get him. I need over 700 reels with barely any time left.

    Still working on it?
    Given up on Albert and only looking forward to Death’s mom and the weekly challenge.


  23. so far behind. not going to get mom. 😦 Still have to get the 100+ reels to release her so doubt I’m getting her unlocked in 2 days. I thought I was doing ok with this one.


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