A Grimm Knight : Freemium Perspective

Hey there Consumers of Iocane!

As I love to hear others takes on how things play out in the Events, I wanted to share another readers views and progress in the game. This is more perspective from a Freemium Player.

Castle Griffin

Take a look at where they currently are and see if you are around there too. Here is a Freemium take on A Grimm Knight from Cassandra.


Monday Freemium Update!

Howdy Knights and Maidens! We’re well into the Grimm event and if you’re a freemium player like me you’re desperate for some magic beans. I’ve been logging on every every couple of hours and slowing watching the bean counter go up. Watch what you spend those blessed beans on. I nearly choked on a turkey leg when I saw that Westley wanted 2000 beans just for himself.
Sir Peter
I got Knight Peter (Sir Peter) on Sunday morning. I finally got those last five singing swords to drop from the archery training grounds. I must have sent Peter to train ten times with nary a sword in sight until they dropped one after the other late Saturday and Sunday morning. If you’re still waiting on yours, keep plugging away at it! You’ll get there! If you need those pesky arrows, the Shoe house in the bazaar drops those too so pick that up if you’ve got spare beans.
Now that Knight Peter is unlocked I can begin Once Upon a Time Pt 8. I hear giant Chris’s appear after that and I’m looking forward to it.
Knight Peter is unlocked and I can begin working on potions to defeat the dragon. It was frustrating to hear about other players getting to battle and I couldn’t resist throwing a fire potion at my dragon who had just minutes left on his timer by the time I got it crafted. He’s reset now and it’s 70 clams to hurry him back. I’ve decided to wait it out and earn as many potions as I can in the meantime. I got two princess hats for my one attack on my white dragon. As each both Buttercup and Princess Lois need 200 apiece, I doubt those will be getting unlocked. I have hope though.
I got enough beans to unlock a few items in the bazaar. Along with the shoe house, I got the jousting set. It kicks out a couple of beans so that’s helpful. Now that I’m also working toward Westley in Buttercups cottage, it also drops helmets. Ye Olde Drunken Clam drops armor for Knight Peter. I don’t have the eggs for the House Brian and Carriage Joe deco or the Black Knight Castle yet.
Knight in Training
My favorite part so far is zooming way in and watching the spawning knights face plant. I think I’d actually *pay* beans to see that over and over again.  I wish he was a character we could buy/earn! It gets me through those long days.
I should be buying Stewie’s Golden Goose deco as those eggs are also hard to come by (only three have dropped in archery trainings for me so far, your drop rate may vary) but I’m feeling that old familiar hesitation about items that are rare at the start. What if I spend 125 clams on him but then end up with seventy useless eggs at the end? What if I don’t buy it and I’m spending the whole event waiting for the archery quest to drop them and I get behind! Woe is the plight of the freemium player!
How far have you progressed, my fellow freemiumers? Have to caved to the call of the clam and purchased a leg-up item?

There you have it. Feel free to add your progress in the comments below or even share tips that helped you progress in the game as a Freemium Player.


77 responses to “A Grimm Knight : Freemium Perspective

  1. He ain't heavy, I am

    One day to go. Managed to unlock Sir Peter, Westley, and Giant Chris. I still have an outside chance of unlocking Red Riding Hood Stewie. The stopper is likely not getting to try wrestling enough times to get sapphire eggs. I can’t get anybody to drop gauntlets. I have only been able to attempt wrestling three times in the past 7 days. Bruce and Herbert have done nothing else 24/7 but try for gauntlets. I’ve got to get the pit of despair entrance for globes to unlock RRH Stewie, but I lack only sapphire eggs and have not had a gauntlet drop since Monday. Practically speaking, given the time, even if I unlock RRH Stewie, there will not be time to eliminate ROUS and unlock the princesses. I’m still too much of a cheapskate to spend dollars on clams so it would be nice if there were at least a fighting chance to unlock content without spending lots of money.


  2. So to be perfectly honest… I’ve been a freemium player since I started playing this game over a year ago. This event I decided to buy a bunch of clams. Only because I love the theme so much! I decided to splurge just this once, and I have to say… I’M SO BORED!! I know how frustrating Freemium play is. I really do. But having the clams this time around.. I feel like I didn’t really enjoy the event because of it. And I really missed having to come on this site every day lol. I think after this experience I’m going to be a lot more relaxed about playing freemium.. I think I’ll be able to enjoy it more now. Just my experience..


    • That is the one thing I miss the most in going from just a Player of games to fully immersed and writing about them. It is also why I have multiple games. I feel I really “miss out” on a lot by not actually playing through it all step by step. Clams are great to get things in a hurry, but there is not that same feeling of “I beat that Challenge and was rewarded” that regular daily step by step play got me. So I do completely get what you mean. 🙂


  3. I caved and bought the Sapphire Egg Eagle for 130 clams or $5. Even though I have Sir Peter, Chris the Giant, and Westley, I couldn’t move forward until today to Phase 3. I needed sapphire eggs to buy Miracle Max’s Medicine Shoppe to move through the questline. It took so long to get rare gauntlets to then even have a chance at an egg. I’m hoping having 1-2 sapphire eggs per day will help me catch up. So frustrating. I usually play Freemium and enjoy it just fine.


  4. I almost caved in and spent 20 clams to get Westley , but then I saw this post and decided to wait and keep on playing freemium. Unlocked him on the 12th. Never attacked the dragon more than 3 times in a row , Still in Phase 2 , 7 Boogers away from unlocking Chris the Giant.

    After having Mort earn the first 2 stick horses I sent Quagmire to train in melee and got 1 emerald egg. I was able to get the Dungeon of Six Fingered Man , before unlocking phase 3 Bazaar goods / page by tapping the stick horse Icon under You have – text in the melee training.

    Oh and the 2-step reward receiving system from the training grounds makes it easy to re-roll the reward on a mobile device by going to flight mode / wifi / mobile data on/off before accepting/claiming the reward. Only just remembered this “trick” a couple days ago , but I saw it on this page some months back.


  5. They’re getting pretty ridiculous with the terminology. They have the audacity to write “Frikkin Hard” on Prince Charming’s Castle. Wow. Shouldn’t it say “Frikkin Expensive” because as far as I can tell, no matter how “good” you are at this game or how “hard” you play, there’s absolutely no way on Earth you could ever earn this item without spending cash. I mean, fine, I get it. There’s premium stuff… but call it what it is. Geez!


    • Actually the Beans were not too hard with the amounts the Dragons were spitting out, the Golden Eggs are getting a lot easier with the Mort Trolls speed ups. Hoping the same will happen for the Sapphires too. 🙂


      • I’m probably going to leave Prince Charming’s Castle til last as I’ll most likely have plenty of beans and eggs left near the end of the event. Then again I do have a young baby so find myself playing in the night also lol 🙂


      • The sapphires are ridiculous. Or more specifically the gloves to get the quest to get the sapphires. I’ve been stuck on quest 7 of twice upon a time because in 3 days of every available freemium character doing the glove quest, I still haven’t gotten enough to send knight Peter on his training twice. The drop rates so horrible, that I unlocked giant Chris long before I could ever build a single quest thing that dropped 2x at a time. I was going to skip making any of them if the quest line hadn’t forced me to waste my time on them.


  6. Nice to see that I’m not alone – thanks! I’ve got 3 scales to go and then Westley will be unlocked; several boogers since they weren’t dropping for quite some time and TinyCo didn’t respond directly to my complaints. Once I get the scales I can finally push past part 4 of the week 2 quest but I’ve already lost interest in this event. My aim is to get whatever characters I can without any effort.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Still working on Wesley and it’s already week 3. I have 15 scales. Reading here it seems I am not alone. How does TC not see we are all so far behind? You think it would be to their benefit to keep us close. I hardly feel inspired to spend money on something I know I will never catch as a casual spender. I echo another poster saying it is easier to spend money on TSTO. I don’t feel the pressure and characters are often re-used (I feel TC should classify characters i.e. Loud Mouths, Sex Addicts, Nags etc and have tasks where you send a classification of character to get something so those who have spent a lot of time and/or money already can re-use stuff).

    In any event would TC just pull the trigger here and make the knight spawns drop scales so we can maybe catch up? I’m closer to getting Giant Chris than Wesley. That should tell them that they messed the mechanic up for scales and the root cause swords. To me the different kinds of dragons should not have happened until you unlock certain characters. Having a black dragon spawn when you only have Sir Peter is foolish and a waste of time.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I’m freemium. I only finally got Westley today by spending some clams I’d accumulated on him. If I hadn’t it would probably be a week still as dragon scales are so slow to accumulate given how many potions are needed to attack the dragon.

    I’ve got over 20 golden eggs now from Troll drops but I haven’t gotten a blue sapphire (or whatever they are) in nearly a week which is severely limiting my progress on bazaar buildings.

    At my current progress I may never get Giant Chris as I still only have 1 of the 15 harps I need.


  9. Wow! Many of you are a lot further than I am and those posts are from yesterday and two days ago. I just unlocked Knight Peter today (10th). I only have 650 beans for Wesley. No dragon scales, six buckets, three masks and zero of the other thing. I have one building I crafted and only on par seven of main quest line. Guess I sure ain’t gonna finish this event.

    Oh well…. That’s the way it is. At least Knight Peter is a character and not a skin.

    Sad as I really loved this game when I first started playing. Now it’s more of an afterthought than a necessity.


  10. I am not even sure why I still play this game tbh. I have no issues spending money on games like in Simpsons tapped out for instance but this game just annoys me so mostly I refuse. I think it is because in TO I can still enjoy the entire event and not feel as if I am missing anything. I feel no pressure. I buy something because I like it and I want it or I don’t buy it but I don’t feel as if I HAVE to buy it. As a freemium player in this game it puts on a lot of pressure for very little reward and way too many clam purchases required to progress in one event. I hate feeling pressured into buying something so I will not. Except in the Star Trek event and it was for charity. These events require too many rare items, too many of the same characters needed for different tasks/items, some tasks take too long to complete… It ruins the fun which is sad because the event looked fun! 😦

    Liked by 4 people

  11. One general point I would like to make: people always say ‘I feel so behind with all the possible content’ but you have to remember by coming to this website you are basically spying into content which otherwise you wouldn’t even know existed. So what if there is content there for week three and you are still in week one. Without this website you wouldn’t even know that there is a week three and you also wouldn’t know whether you are missing anything… so you would probably be less stressed?

    Now this doesn’t mean me advocating you stop looking at this website but it is just to say that the way the game is structured, you will only find out about new content as and when you progress. So if you are really so stressed about this game then maybe have a sneak peek at this website’s content — but don’t treat it as a necessity to reach every last bit of an event.

    And if you can’t do this and are still really stressed about it then maybe stop sneak-peeking for one of the next upcoming events and see if you play better without knowing what is ahead of you?

    Personally I am close to unlocking the black knight and also close to unlocking Giant Chris so I am also behind but I don’t really care that much, as I progress at my pace – irrespective of what the weekly content loadings are.

    Happy gaming 😉


    • Hi Chris. I read your comment and I got your point but I respectfully disagree 🙂
      Most complaints I’ve seen from fellow freemium players here are regarding unlocking Westley, Giant Chris and buying things from the bazaar.We can see all of these in our own games, including the huge amount of stuff it takes to unlock them. We can also see things in the store that cost a lot of clams.
      Personally I can mostly enjoy the game regardless, but it helps to see that I’m not the only one struggling.

      Liked by 3 people

    • You can see plenty of what you COULD get if you were willing to spend money, right inside the game. This is the way TC does business. There’s definitely more content you have to pay for than what you can earn by playing. I guess it’s working for them because despite the complaints, there’s no indication they intend to change their business model.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Walk in any grocery store. Any business is ran that way. There will ALWAYS be items to “tempt” you. Doesn’t mean you need them, but businesses make their money time and again off of “impulse” buys. Just look at the cash register any where you go. All stuffed full of impulse buys.


        • Yes Bunny, you’re right. I feel like it’s fair to tempt players to some extent in order to make money off of what you have created. HOWEVER the comparison to a grocery store doesn’t really make sense if you ask me since this is a game and games are supposed to be fun. TC are making it too much business, they would probably make excellent grocery store owners!


          • This is the thing… They’re tiny. This is like the ONLY game mainly supporting their business. It’s why I say and have in Addicts Guidelines to “see the bigger picture”. Gotta look at a company as a whole. I know it can be hard as a player as our tunnel vision focuses us just here. But there’s an entire company with multiple games trying to stay a float.

            Yes this one may succeed, but if they have six others failing they’ve got to find balance.

            Let me compare… EA and the OTHER game we write on for example. EA is insanely massive and global, they have hundreds of locations worldwide, hundreds of successful money making games, and a massive staff. So they have deep pockets and ways to not have to gain so much off each game as their success allows the balance to come from many other sources. They have ways around having to ask for a lot of premium purchases from their Players.

            TinyCo. One location. Handful of employees. This game keeping them a float (hopefully Avengers helping soon). Unfortunately for us Players, their “balance” is this game we play. Do I like the amount of Preemiums? No. Do I hope they succeed so this game can improve? Yes. Do I see the bigger picture with them? Yes. I see a lot of great ideas and thought put into the game. Execution still needs work but slowly getting better. Many changes made to improve. It’s all in perspective on how you game. I find you have to approach the game with mentality of “let’s see what I CAN get by just playing”. May be some hard work involved to get there Freemium.

            Short story long a company has to survive. It’s us as its Players in the end that will determine if they succeed or fail by purchases. Do you have to spend? No. Never. That’s always your choice. Will they tempt you? Always. It’s what they must do to survive.

            All my personal thoughts and opinions from my past experiences and work with small mom n pop shops vs corporate giants. Seen many mom n pop shops end up getting swallowed whole by the giants. Business aspect of life isn’t easy.

            In the end if the game isn’t for you, step away. Their style isn’t for all Players, but it’s their style since launch of “steps and phases”. Yes games should be fun and you should enjoy it… so if you’re not having fun or enjoying it and can’t find a way to do so… find something that will do that for you. Doesn’t make you a bad person. Doesn’t mean you’re in the wrong. Just means we all have our likes and dislikes. You don’t have to like everything. Do what makes YOU happy. Find something YOU like. 🙂


            • Okay I’m glad you told me this as I’m always happy to support the smaller guys. I guess it’s just easy to assume that because it’s Family Guy, there would be a big company behind their game. I DO enjoy the game for the most part and have been playing it for quite some time. I have never complained before but those darned gauntlets and sapphires just drive me a little nuts at the moment. Trust me, I’m giving it my best trying to keep track of what times the characters will be done with their respective chores etc.
              Anywho, we both hope things will get better with time.
              Just also let me say that this site is very helpful, you’re doing a great job.


              • It is true, the drops are the main frustrations for all of is players. I thinks that “I hate failing” mentality. It’s hard to put time and effort into something and get nothing in return. It’s hard as a gamer to get passed this. Very true. Hopefully it will keep getting better with time so we as players don’t feel like all our efforts were for nothing.

                The artwork is so detailed and beautiful. The event ideas are amazing. I’d hate to see the game fail for simple things with so many cool things to offer.


                • Yes maybe so 🙂 I have to say though that even if there are some very frustrating “flaws”, it’s cool to see how they actually change some of the things people complain about.

                  I agree completely! I’m already looking forward to the next event, mayhaps an Easter one? I guess even if you know you’re not allowed to tell^^


            • @Bunny You need to consider the even bigger picture, Family guy is a massive franchise that draws in millions, Tiny Co. are just the lucky guys that are handling a small part of that. The dicision to go with them over someone like EA was probably down to cost and profit, the type of game that “The Quest For Stuff” is in terms of how it’s run, what you get etc comes from higher up. Tiny are not just some indy games company that’s trying to get by, but a small company that’s been given a large corperate contract with a brief in what they are expected to make.


              • So basically what I just said? Tiny company.

                And FYI… EA didn’t really want it. Lol. FOX owns Family Guy and Simpsons so I think they wanted to seek someone else anyway. Which for them was a good idea as you see the two challenging each other in game changes. Players may not notice all those similar changes, but we do as we cover both games.


      • @Sunrise it’s a proven business model that people have written about in everything from Forbes to episodes of South Park. The model requires people to feel the game is broken or unfair in order to get them to move from playing for free to spending money(premium players), so if they’re not getting complaints then from their end they’re not doing their jobs as they’re not getting people to spend money.
        It’s a interesting when you read into it because the mojority of players play for free, as they are aware that they are being dangled something in their face in order to get them to spend money(often for nothing). A small percentage do spend money, and they tend to spend a lot(nick named “Whales”).
        In the end it’s a physiological thing more than anything, timers make you feel pressured, buying stuff with in game currency that you have to buy with real money, leaves you unaware how much money you’re really spending in the first place, Gambling aspects like the boxes that randomly give you a prize, often with one good prize like a costume amoung 3 or 4 unwanted decorations, daily (small)prizes in order to get you playing each day.


    • Yeah, I have to disagree as well. First off I rarely visit this sight because I know it won’t help too much anyways without spending clams… It is seeing where I am and watching the “event ends on” such and such a day getting closer and closer that makes me feel as if I am way behind! Especially if I’ve JUST almost FINALLY unlocked the first character or obtained the first outfit…. When I log on many, many times throughout the day/night. So a bit of an exaggeration but I promise you not much of one!!


  12. Yes, as freemium player for the most part, this event is getting frustrating. I have still not unlocked Westley, getting the potions has been the only thing I can work on right now, and that is 4 hours too long to earn just 1 when you need 4, let alone 8 to 12, and now everything basically needs Sir Peter – wrestling, arrows, progression tasks…oh my. It’s update day again and I’m still trying to get through week one. It does start feeling clam heavy after a while. Been playing since nearly the beginning of the game, maybe since week 3 or 4 of it’s start. I love the game but feeling ready to bow out, which would suck for all the time I’ve put into it.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. My freemium experience so far.

    I struggled with unlocking Sir Peter, the second lot of swords refused to drop until after the second week of the event had begun despite a good start with swords dropping on my 2nd attempt at archery.

    Week 2, spent 1000+ beans on 41 decos to get the required honor level. Currently need 22 scales for Westley, have everything else, I can take down the blue dragon that’s there one more time before it goes which means another 2-4 dragons to unlock him.
    Giant Chris isn’t going well, got the socks, halfway with everything else except the boogers, only have 2 of them as the first (white) dragon refused to drop any, they weren’t even listed as a possible drop.
    Only have 1 building from the bazaar as Sir Peter is focussed on potion collecting.
    If everything stays as it is, like no improved drops next phase, I’ll start week 3 sometime during week 4 🙂


    • We must have the same program for our games! I need scales for Wesley, and all I have for Giant Chris is socks and 0-3 of everything else. For this dragon I bought some potions and defeated him. The next level I needed 8 of a potion of which I had none! I wasn’t going to spend 54 clams to get 4 or 6 scales when I need 22!


  14. Freemium: My game is basically deadlocked because I need Westley unlocked to complete any tasks being currently stuck at “Twice Upon A Time Pt. 4,” so I can’t even do the Week 2 Challenge.

    All I need is the Scales and I’m currently at 11/32. The current Dragon I have is blue and I need 4 Potions with 16+ hours left. With just Sir Peter able to gain Potions I decided “Screw that!” and just have him collect Potions in general to be prepared for the next Dragon. Hopefully, its white so I’ll at least be able to beat Level 3 to get me 6 more Scales and the halfway point. With the payout for Scales set so low I’m easily going to unlock Giant Chris way before Westley.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Hi fellow fremiums very pleased to see your comments. When I see comments about fully defeating dragon multiple times it makes me feel very behind. But your progress is very similar to my own which give me hope patiently working my way toward Westly, still need 18 dragon scales for him. When he is free should make getting Chris easier. Doing great with the gym socks 16 for four flash bangs! Your tips on mazes are great Bunny. I love the look of the buildings I have so far Ye old clam, Buttercups cottage and the others. A lot of the fun in this game is planning your strategy to maximise your returns.


  16. Thanks so much for this post. Really adds value to the site. I spend a few clams from time to time but only buy more when there is a clams + currency/items offer (and only then if this will help). Many posts are poisoned in my opinion by ppl saying how they have already got everything so easily! It’s great to get a sense of what the regular (normal) players are doing, especially in this event!

    More please!

    PS I am only able to clear the dragon a max of 2 times in a streak due to the limited time to get potions of a random type using only Sir Peter (damn loop: dragon needs characters that themselves need the dragon!)


  17. I’m a freemium player. I have over 22,000 beans. That’s not even close to an issue. Getting those blue eggs to drop, now that’s almost impossible! It’s hard enough to get the Knights gloves (gauntlets) to fall. Then after you slowly gather four you then go wrestle. My drop rate when wrestling is sometwhere around 1 out of 20. So gauntlets and blue eggs….please come to me. Please, pretty please!


  18. bighairybiker

    well said, you mentioned everything that has been on my mind.
    I have Sir Peter, Westley is going to be quite a few days away. I’m withholding spending the beans, on Westley, due to other needed purchases. I’m able to take out the Knights quite quickly. The dragon scales are quite hard to come by, because of the crafting, but also the change in potions and amount needed. Giant Chris came into my game, yesterday, not that able to work on freeing him, at present.
    On a more positive note, I am happy with the Fairy Tale Library as I was able to buy it when first notified. I have been saving for Cleveland, did the maths and as a result I should be able to buy Jake when the theme concludes


  19. Thought it was just me, but I see that others also feel that the original Star Trek event was the turning point for freemium players. Gone are the days when I could cross the finish line with most -if not all- of the freemium content in any event. Even with the relentless grinding, I am falling shorter and shorter of completion each time.

    Why buy premium? Sure, the temptation is there to drop some Clams (real-world money) for some items that will help me progress through the current event a bit faster. But it has been proven to me over and over that these items become utterly useless once the event passes – heck, some have become useless before the event even finishes (I am looking at you, Pinhead). From this perspective, one can see that premium items are simply not a good investment.

    So here I am. Stuck on Part 4 of Phase 2 because I need this Westley fellow. He and Giant Chris both need items one can only get from Dragon Battles. I have Sir Peter, and only Sir Peter, collecting Potions (so zero progress in the Wrestling Arena), and who knows when the Dragon will even show up again. Deadlocked…

    Why buy premium? Spend some Clams and “solve my problems”. I should honk out a ton of Clams to unlock everything, and catch up before Phase 3 launches – so I can shell out more Clams for the next batch of premium content, just to stay in the game. Sure, I might not be able to pay my bills, but it will be worth it to make progress and acquire more of those precious items.

    Fat chance. I am on to their scheme, and I am not falling for it. Why would I even want this stuff anyway? It seems that the only characters I ever use are Peter, Bonnie, Bruce, Quagmire, Lois, Jerome, Chris and Mort – and I already have them. All of this stuff will be going straight into my inventory in a few weeks, so why should I stress getting them?

    So be it. I will sit here stranded in Phase 2 until this event is over. I do not need more characters that are useful for a few days – then require many months to max out and stow away in the inventory. There is nothing fun about this event, so I am stepping off. TinyCo has really dropped the ball with this one…

    “A broken promise is a lot like a child’s pinwheel, you have to be yourself or at least within the confines.”

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Freemium here – I haven’t unlocked Westley, he needs 14 more dragon scales. Giant Christ needs dragon boogers which weren’t dropping the last time I tossed potions at the dragon, half the bread, and most of the harps but only 5 more socks even though I’ve missed some trolls and rarely get more than two at a time. So I guess even though flash bangs take a long time to get, no absolute need to get those flash bang droppers. Tried to trap the trolls but they just walk right through my maze walls…. guess they step over them. I really need both Westley and Chris to get going with the bazaar purchases (need sapphire eggs from wrestling) and potions, mainly the potions. Sir Peter isn’t enough.


  21. Just got max honour level. It’s 15. Just thought I’d throw it out there in case anyone didn’t know since they never told us.


  22. So inroad through the comments on other threads and never saw an answer. Does attacking the dragon at every round drop boogers? I just attacked at the 1X level and nothing. Thanks!


    • The information is there… in the Dragon post.

      They all SHOULD drop them, but many are still seeing random White Dragons not drop them. If you run into this, report it from your game to them please.


  23. Does anyone know if the Well Wishes Billboard or the Old Willow Tree give any honor points? Just a curious question from a fellow Freemium! 🙂

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  24. I bought the black knight and one of the buildings that drops beans, and I’m still behind. It’s not a big deal to me anymore though, since I’ve learned that most stuff winds up in storage as soon as the event is over.

    I do wonder about the developers, though. This event seems cool, has some great looking stuff that a lot of players will never experience at all. It’s a shame.


  25. Agree….great article Cassandra! I’m mostly freemium also and am content to not get everything, and mostly enjoy the strategy of reading tips here and do the best I can.

    I have had horrible luck with the dragons. I finished up one after I got into Week 2, and then another one came along and I defeated it 5X for massive bean rewards and a few other items. No Dragon Boogers at all though, even though I had placed the building for Giant Chris before that dragon appeared, so disappointing to get none at all in 5 kills. Read on here might be a glitch, so figured I’d let them patch that. My time on the dragons reappearing is also frustratingly long…last two have been over 40 hours, so that is rough. I had stockpiled enough potions to kill the one 5 times, though, so I guess it all balances out. The last dragon that showed up was the Black/Dark Blue one, and reading about the requirements to kill him, I just let him time out. He just slithered away an hour ago, so if my misfortune continues, the next dragon will appear Thursday morning. Hopefully it isn’t the black one again, as I still need 13 more scales to get Westley, and of course all 25 Boogers for Chris. So I expect to be quite late to the Week 3 party.

    I didn’t buy the Horse Carriage deco from week 1 as it has no real purpose but will probably grab it at the end if I have extra beans and eggs. Only bought the first item this week and again, don’t see any reason to buy anything else unless needed to advance the main questline since I have all the other items for Westley and Giant Chris except the Scales and Boogers, so with all the beans from Dragon Battles, I see no point in getting them either since I don’t need the items they would have dropped.

    I thought I read somewhere (probably a comment) that the trolls can rarely drop a sapphire egg…have not seen one but the golden eggs have dropped more lately. Has anyone gotten a sapphire egg dropped from a troll?

    Oh, and even though this has nothing to do with this event, I never received the Leaderboard prizes I won from the Second Star Trek event…has anyone else not received theirs yet? I sent a message to TinyCo, but you know how that usually goes 🙂


    • This is great, Questy! You could have written the article too! No sapphire eggs from trolls for me. No Star Trek leaderboard prize either. I, too, messaged TinyCo and have yet to get a response.

      I’m jealous you have mostly all the Westley and Gisnt Chris stuff already. I’m still plugging away at those. I’ll get there!


  26. Not gonna lie; it’s been a rough event. Getting Sir Peter took long enough, don’t remember when I finally got him. Then I had to delay archery detail so Lois and Bonnie could collect buckets. Archery was barely yielding Golden Eggs as it was. Seems to have increased odds since Phase 2 started.

    Fighting the Dragon has been rough going with only Peter to collect potions. And topping off that trouble, I logged on earlier today, the game jumped me to Honor Level 7, and the Dragon is Blue now, requiring twice as many potions it seems.

    If I make it to the final phase at this rate, it will be a miracle.

    Regardless, I’m still absolutely thrilled we’re doing a Princess Bride event!


  27. For me the bottleneck is potions vs eggs. I am still 18 scales short of getting Westley. I can’t get past the 2nd tier of fighting the dragon, with only Sir Peter able to get potions. Some of the other drawbacks I see is using the same characters for more than one item drop. I know why, but, as I’ve said before, the long time players should get some benefit from having been a long time player.

    Another thing that I have a problem with is – If I’m sending a character on a task to get an item needed to progress, that task should drop event currency for the duration of the event.

    I have been playing this game since July 2014, mostly freemium. Once I learned how to play (and with the community help from FGA), I was able to get most of the freemium items in all events. That was true until the first Star Trek event. After that, I have found that my completion rates have fallen. I feel that if a freemium player grinds it out during an event, he (she) should be able to get all the freemium items.

    Thank you once again, Bunny and all fellow addicts, for this community. It helps me keep my sanity with this frustrating, BUT FUN, game.


    • Hi thanks for this comment… sums up exactly my own thoughts. And yes it has been since Star Trek I that it has become difficult to even complete a story line completely freemium. Still a fun game, but would be better without so much frustration around unlocking the freemium content. If something is intended to be premium that’s fine; but label it as such. And no leaderboards please (although they are fine when the prizes are worthless… was gutted that Bertram, an actual FG character was in the last one).


  28. ever since the first star trek event (which i played premium because star trek) i have found the game becoming more and more disappointing to play freemium. until star trek a freemium player could be certain of getting all the free prizes by diligent grinding.

    i’m not even going to go into the leader boards. those have already been talked to death. the worst part is the multiple layers of stuff you have to get. take this event, for example. first you have to grind out tasks to get potions. then use the potions to defeat the dragon to get other stuff, then use the other stuff to get the characters or buildings that are the ultimate goal. or grind out tasks to get stuff to train, then grind out a training session to get other stuff, then use that stuff to get a prize.

    i understand that the game is called “the quest for stuff” but this is getting ridiculous. it seems that tinyco is forgetting that its not fun to grind away and not get anything that adds to your game.

    there is still that other game, the one with the ‘jaundiced’ people, that makes sure the freemium player can get all the prizes, and now there is a similar game featuring marvel superheroes that lets you build professor X’s school.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The 12 step program as I call it has been on many of my WTD posts. Lol


    • That “other game” has its problems, too. My gamblers slowed down so much for two days after an update that I missed getting the final prize in Act One (a character I wanted) of the current casino event even though I was checking the game so frequently that I should have breezed through it. So glitches abound everywhere. But Quest for Stuff is definitely more of a “thinky” game and has a lot more going on, so freemium playing requires firm resignation to the fact that we can’t do everything. I am unlikely to use my earned clams for something only useful in the event, unless I really really really like it for itself (most often a character- decisions, decisions, decisions, limited resources are a pain just like in realspace). Usually I don’t need what’s dropped by the time I buy. But diligent playing typically will get me there without special droppers. In this event, not sure if the damsels in distress will ever get rescued, though. Sorry, girls.


  29. Russian Tigger

    Playing mostly freemium, only clam purchase to date is Grand Olde Fairy Library which doesn’t help in any tasks, just pays for itself and more in clams if you play a lot like I do.

    So freemium wise, unlocked Peter last Tuesday, got lucky with sword drops. I’m 2 dragon scales away from unlocking Wesley, (just 8 clams to instant unlock now), will have the scales in about 4 hours and I’m 4 harps and 10 Dragon boogers away from unlocking Chris, (97 clams to instant unlock now), so I should have him unlocked by Thursday.

    At Part 4 of main Questline, just waiting to unlock Wesley to move on. All in all think I’m in good shape for playing freemium up until now. I’ve not really looked at the Princesses as I see them as final week unlocks, and until we know all the unlock items not sure if will get them both playing freemium but Buttercup looks like she will be easier than Princess Lois.

    But all in all a good event so far, stunning animation and some funny character tasks.

    And thanks for sharing Cassandra, but you needn’t buy the Golden goose as once you hit phase 2 you will get plenty golden eggs rom the trolls and Blue eggs will be harder to come by. So save those clams for now.


    • I’ve taken down about 20 trolls and haven’t seen a single golden egg, I’ve had to send Peter back to archery lessons.


      • How many do you hit at once? I get 3 at least 3 a time and get Golden Egg about 90 to 95% of the time


        • 2 most of the time, 3 only a couple of times. I’ve got most of the land unlocked and keep my town minimal for game stability so those trolls are spread far apart. I did get 1 egg from collecting all the socks, so that’s around 30 trolls including the ones that only dropped beans. Looks like 3 at a time could well be the difference maker.


  30. I can’t unlock Westley – Knight Peter took a very long time to unlock and he is the only one that can produce bottles to fight the dragon (one every 4 hrs), requested randomly and X2,4,6 of course… and that’s the only way to get scales to unlock that guy. Also, so far he is the only one I can send to fight to get the new eggs and purchase something from the Bazaar.. so, as a freemium player I’m going nowhere from this point, since armor gloves and arrows are RARE and needed by 4, eggs are not dropping… scales drop from 1 or 3 at much… and that’s only if I have enough potions to fight the dragon (again, coming only from one character)…so, sending Knight Peter to get potions or fighting is the only thing I can do and I’ve been doing for days, with no result in noticeable progress. I already know that I won’t get either of the princesses, nor the giant or any other thing, cause this is a non progress loop… I tried to make this something to have fun with, but mheeeeee.. any advice?


    • I would work on the Dragon first and get potions. That way you can get Westley or Chris the Giant to help as Chris also does wrestling. Then you can get Bazaar items.

      In meantine, send this kind of if to TinyCo so they can see where Players are struggling.

      Liked by 2 people

  31. johnnyicemaker

    Awesome article about the Freemium side of this game. I think you guys should do more of these.

    Apparently the game and those that play it are being divided into two different styles of play.
    1) Those that pay to get near the top of the leader boards and complete the event, and
    2) those of us who just play without spending money and enjoy the event to the extent that we will get to see.

    I used to pay a bit to play the events and usually grabbed Clams when a deal came about during an event. But now that it takes so many more clams to just advance at a reasonable pace in this game I have stopped buying any clams at all. It is a bummer that we freemium players won’t get to see the entire event unfold for us on our games, so that takes a little fun out of it. But glad to read in this post that there are others that are playing just like I am and having the same frustrations and limited expectations.


    • I keep telling players to write one. This is the first time someone actually followed through with it. I’ve offered at least 10 people to do one by now. Lol.

      I like multiple perspectives too. 🙂


  32. I stopped playing after I bought Westley’s house. It keeps crashing so I gave up on the whole game.


  33. For me, it is all about potions. The Bazaar buildings have little value except for Old Lady Shoe House. Just have your characters earn items for Westley and Chris the Giant while Sir Peter does nothing but potions.

    I am currently at level 7, have 12 Golden Eggs, 12 Arrows, 7 Flash Bombs, 7 Gauntlets and about 8,000 Beans. I just need 5 scales for Westley and 13 Dragon Boogers for Chris the Giant.

    I have everything on Bazaar page 2 and Robbery Point.
    I have not used any clams on this event.


  34. The dragon gives a lot of beans on the 3rd hit that needs 4 potions, for me 2000 beans! Usefull for a freemium player. As noted the trolls drop golden eggs so no need to practice archery.


  35. Since I’ve used saved up clams on the Black Knight and Fezzik, I’m not really playing this event as a freemium. But I am curious to hear how people that haven’t used clams are doing.


  36. I only unlocked Sir Peter Monday morning as I was waiting on the swords too. I did shoot down a dragon for 1 blue scale. It only cost me 1 potion. Now the dragons seem to pop up and require 5 potions to kill. Did this change because my rank changed (It jumped to 6 for no reason. All after I spent a ton of precious MB on buntings to up my rank to 4 for this weeks event stuff. Thanks TC. Would have been nice if you did so sooner so I didn’t waste beans and get pushed up so high in rank.). I mean how am I going to get enough potions with only Sir Peter to get them oh and he’s also needed for wrestling to get blue eggs for this week’s stuff. No idea how I’ll ever get Westley at that rate.

    It seems TC has created a situation where if you are behind you cannot catch up. To me they should see how many characters you have towards potion crafting. If you only have one unlocked it should cost 1 potion per dragon kill. When you have 2 then maybe 3 potions and when you have 3 it ups to 5. Right now there’s no way I’ll get Louise and Buttercup, but probably won’t even get Westley before the event ends and he was a week 1 character.

    I also hate how so few characters have anything to do with the event. I get it. You can’t have George Tekei be a main character to get a main item as not everyone has him. How about Stewie? Dr. Hartmen? Carter? Brian? Again you have conflicting tasks to get stuff that is required.


    • First let me direct you to the Dragon Battles Post. You will see that the Potion amount will increase for EVERY dragon. HP has nothing to do with it. It all depends on the Dragon and the Level it is on. That has been how these kinds of “Battles” always are. You use more, but get more in return. As you get more, you can unlock more. 🙂

      A Grimm Knight 101: Dragons

      As far as other Characters used…it’s only week 2 in a month long event. More may still come into play. Also, any game out there tries to keep the Main first Characters you get in use so even a brand new Player can access them. Stewie’s n Brian are quite a few Districts into the game. It’s the way they make it accessible for all.

      Just keep going and see where you end up. This game will always be in “steps & Phases”. It’s how they make their game and have been since day one. Takes a lil getting used to… just know there’s always something more coming round the corner.

      Wait til you get a decent pile of Potions before attacking the Dragon again. Then you can hit it at the higher levels, get more Beans & Materials, and unlock more Characters. 🙂


      • Bunny I read the post on dragons (Thank you as always for putting this stuff together). I’m talking after I first attacked the dragon, it had reset as I didn’t have any more potions to throw. and as a new dragon it was asking for 5 red potions to start the battle for the first time. In fact I only got to attack the dragon once and no where on your chart does it show 5 potions required for any dragon fight or level. Wish I could have sent a screen shot, but it has reset again. Hoping my luck is better when it reappears. Wasn’t paying attention, but maybe it was the allusive black dragon, but I thought it was white.

        Anyways because of the very high starting potion requirement for the first fight increasing as it did I figured it might have been like the Xmas event where the higher level (HP) you were the more potions the dragon required, Sent a message to TC, but of course no response. They never respond.

        I have exactly 1 dragon scale right now. Not looking good for me. Very poor luck and as I mentioned I log in quite often during the day.


        • I referred to the post as the information is there. I made reference many times to the “Black Dragon” in the game and that I personally have not got one myself. I asked Players with them to note the drops they saw. In the comments all over in the Dragon post are the drops Players are seeing for the “Black Dragon”… like higher amounts of potions needed for Level 1 and up. 😉

          The “Black Dragon” is the most difficult one and will have high requirements. It also will have the highest payout to compensate. HP has nothing to do with it. It is just the “Black Dragon”.


          • Hmm. I sense much frustration. My apologies for adding to it. I know you girls do this on your own as a service for us players and it is appreciated. I guess what I was trying to say is I read your dragon post before posting myself and hence why I was confused on the potion requirement for the dragon I was encountering as it didn’t make sense. I didn’t notice what color the dragon was that required 5 potions because I was so floored by the fact 5 was required. I honestly thought it was white, but I’m saying maybe it was black and that’s why the high initial amount required. Really bad luck on my part because at that stage (and current stage for me) I was no where near able to fight it so I had to sit out another iteration.

            I fully believe you that HP has nothing to do with the potion count. I was just explaining my rationale for initially thinking that way.

            In any case no further questions from. Again sorry to lump on to you. I’m sure it gets tiring after some point. I just wish TC would see down stream effects for what they do. Everyone on here that is behind will never catch up. Even if they all of a sudden make Dr. Hartman have a 1 hour task for blue dragon scales. It’s because of the waterfall effect that we’ll still all be behind on the other items. Louise and Buttercup aren’t even on my radar. I’ve written them off. I mean since they both require the same mats it would have been nice to get one of the two and sacrifice on the other, but not sweating it. The fact that Wesley may be out of reach for me is insane to comprehend though. I’m sure they’ll do some mystery box pay out for 1 MB to try and catch others up, but it will be too little too late to have a long term effect for the event.


            • You misread my comments. No frustration at all. I got what you meant. Wasn’t arguing with it. 🙂

              Just letting you know that’s why I referred you, so you knew that the amounts will vary per Dragons and at times on same Dragon. 🙂


  37. Anonymousething

    Great post!

    I too feel hesitation in buying clam-priced buildings / characters, as often TinyCo adjusts drop rates down the line rendering them useless or at least less useful. Also, I have played as a premium player on rare occasions and actually shelled out for characters and buildings, but still ended up way behind.
    Having said that, I do not regret my purchases!

    I have unlocked Knight Peter and have everything except True Love and that blue Thingy left to obtain for Westley. Not too hopeful about unlocking the princesses though. Only have about 5 princess hats…

    I crafted everything on the 1st page, except for Joe Carriage + Horse Brian; just need 2 more golden eggs. Second page unlocked today [8 March] for me. I didn’t find the beans too hard to come by, but those golden eggs, princess hats and the like hardly drop!

    I wish there were a countdown timer for the dragon, so we know how long it will take to return (like in the Star Trek event). It takes forever to fight it. I suppose, you should stock up on potions, THEN attack him. Still, it takes 4 hours per potion (especially annoying when you ONLY have Knight Peter).

    My Honour Rank just skipped to 6 today [8 March], so I was able to access the “act 2” quest as well as those Mort Gremlin thingies you can shoot at. What were they again? Mort trolls? Anyway, they just spawned. Luckily, the spray cans I collected for them previously did bank. Also, just placed Giant Chris building.

    I just wish other characters who have relevant tasks (like Steve who has a task, can’t remember the exact name, but something along the lines of “play dragons and dungeons”) could drop items and that characters who drop magic beans, don’t also have another task that drops resources, but doesn’t yield the MB. There are so many characters, I wish some of them could participate and that one character doesn’t drop 2 different things (like arrows and those metal arms). I understand that it adds to the challenge, but if a Premium Player just buys all the Characters and Buildings, that cancels the challenge out for them, but leaves Freemium Players struggling.

    Sorry for the length… Hope this made sense!


    • All good points to me! I didn’t end up buying Stewie as the golden goose. I reasoned that drop rates would change and I was right. Maybe if he’s in a mystery box at the end I’ll think about useing some saved clams for him as I just think it’s so darn cute!


      • Anonymousething

        I have bought nothing so far. Need a few more things for red riding hood Stewie. Still way Way WAY off with the princesses, so they’ll have to rot in their dungeon forever more! Poor them 😛 Yeah, Golden Goose Stewie is quite cute. So is Wolf Brian. Can’t buy everything though.
        The drop rates did improve, but the dragon with its erratic spawn times was still difficult to fight. I have yet to defeat it completely!


  38. Later the mort trolls will start to drop the rare golden eggs. 💛
    I purchased the wizard school, for the scales🐉. I had all the armor by the time I bought it, so it only helped with dragon scales twords westly.
    To get the clams I had to buy them, so I did when a bonus of flash bangs💣 was an offer. So that helped take down the mort trolls and as a result I have all my giant gym socks for giant Chris.


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