The Hauntening Episode 2: Characters That Drop Stuff

Hey there, Clammers!

Episode 2 The Hauntening is now live in our games and some MORE characters are getting tasks to help get MORE STUFF for your games! So let’s try and keep track of them here 🙂

image  image   Cosmic Radiation   skeleton-key

A few characters in Quahog have tasks to help you earn stuff for Carl and fighting the aliens & bugs…and of course you want to know which ones earn what, how often & how many. So…without further ado let’s cover the who, what, where, when and how of The Hauntening Episode 2 tasks to earn you more stuff!

Here is the list as of this post. Take a peek below to see which ones apply to you and will help you during The Hauntening Episode 2.






Look for Clues

3 hrs


Tell Ghost Stories  6 hrs  iron-chain
 Bonnie  Shop for Halloween  3 hrs


 Bruce Make Bathtub Gin 8 hrs image
Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop 4 hrs


 Condom Chris Go Through the Motions 3 hrs


 Herbert Buy Candy for Kids 4 hrs


Freeze Popsicles 12 hrs image
James Woods Explore the Grounds 6 hrs image
 Jerome  Throw a Halloween Party 3 hrs


Joe Investigate 6 hrs image
 Little Green Man
Abduct Cows 12 hrs Cosmic Radiation
Lois  Decorate for Halloween 6 hrs  iron-chain
 Mort Swallow Jewels 4 hrs image
Clean Up the Candy Aisle 6 hrs iron-chain
 Quagmire Enjoy Carrots 8 hrs image
(Brian) Stewie Do the Scoot 6 hrs image

Here are all the items again grouped along with the other places you can earn them besides Characters.

image EMF Readers (Common): James Woods Explore the Grounds OR Joe Investigate OR Brian Stewie Watch Brian Shower From Air Vent OR Skin Suit (Concierge) OR Clams option in Shopping Cart

image Bug Spray (Common): Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop OR Herbert Buy Candy For Kids OR Mort Swallow Jewels OR FBI Basement Office OR Flying Saucer

Cosmic Radiation Cosmic Radiation: Little Green Men Abduct Cows OR Clear Spacemen OR Clear Buggy Aliens OR Alien Capsule OR Extraterrestrial Mystery Box (Chance)

rock-salt-large Rock Salt (Uncommon): Peter Look for Clues OR Bonnie Shop for Halloween Costumes OR Jerome Throw a Halloween Party OR Condom Chris Go Through the Motions OR Clam Purchase in Shopping Cart

iron-chainIron Chains (Uncommon): Peter Tell Ghost Stories OR Mort Clean Up the Candy Aisle OR Lois Decorate for Halloween Or Clam Purchase in Shopping Cart

ectoplasm Ectoplasm (Always): Ghost Post OR Clearing Ghosts OR Clearing Poltergeists OR Extraterrestrial Mystery Box (Chance)

skeleton-key Skeleton Keys: Exchange Cosmic Radiation AND/OR Ectoplasm at the Front Desk

magnifying-glass Magnifying Glasses: Investigate a Room OR Quests

Bobblehead 55 Alien Bobbleheads (Always): Clear Buggy Alien
image10 Losing Lottery Tickets (Common): Herbert Freeze Popsicles OR Legitimate Business
image 15 Trivia Questions (Uncommon): Bruce Make Bathtub Gin OR Quagmire Enjoy Carrots OR Alien Autopsy Lab
image4 Popcorn (Rare): Probe Plant
image4 Alf DVDs (Rare): Clear Spacemen

What do YOU think of The Hauntening Episode 2 so far? Do you have all the characters that can earn stuff? Any tasks available that you didn’t realize were there? How’s your collecting going? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!








45 responses to “The Hauntening Episode 2: Characters That Drop Stuff

  1. Ruth drops magnifying glasses too


  2. I I cleared a SpaceMan with Peter. Instead of getting a big drop of Cosmic Radiation, I got a big drop of Ectoplasm, which is basically useless. That’s a glitch, right? Anyone else have this problem?


  3. This Cosmic Radiation bull is, well … bull.
    I was stocking up on ectoplasm so I could get a lot of keys, and now suddenly, I need this RARE drop (18 of them!!!) to get keys.
    Again, TinyCo decided that if you don’t pay, you can’t play… a free game…


    • The rare drop is only for Buggy Aliens. Clearing Spacemen has an always drop of 12 cosmic radiation.


      • Well, I’ve sent Joe to get an EMF reader 4 times now.
        Still haven’t gotten one.
        So I can’t get any spacemen yet. And only 1½ day left to get James and Carl. *sadface*


  4. Just received a response from TinyCo regarding cosmic radiation. “The space buggy drop for cosmic radiation is supposed to be rare. Sorry for the confusion.” It’s been changed at the front desk.


  5. how long it takes to fall popcorn?


  6. Buggy Alien – they couldn’t have named it any better. Definitely extremely ‘buggy’. 3/4 of the time I try to clear one the game crashes. Either when I first tap on one or else as soon as the spray animation starts. Game freezes for about 5 secs, then crashes. If I do manage to clear one without crashing (maybe 25% of the time), if I try to clear another one, it will always crash on that one. Asus Zenphone2 w/ decent specs: 64-bit Intel 2.3GHz Quad Core processor with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage


  7. I’ve got Peter back on chain duty today because poltergeists were barely showing up this weekend, let alone dropping crates (still need four with everything else done).


  8. I’m not seeing a drop for bug spray on Chris, Herbert, or Mort. Help?


    • wildthornberry88

      Have you started the buggy alien questline? If not they won’t appear as drops. You need to compete rocky point 11 to trigger it.


  9. I’m not sure if they changed it, but I just got really great drops. 4 aliens with 2 emf devices. 4 bug sprays dropped! And I got the cosmic radiation in all 4. Whoohooo! Hope this continues.


  10. There is so much going on in this tiny play area that I cannot even click on the one front desk, which front desk? I don’t know! I can’t click on either of them really without bringing up the grasshopper clearing screen or the poltergeist banish screen or the any other screen and I am just getting tired of seeing investigation failed after waiting to get something to even try to get an alien and… hey, YOU asked… 🙂


    • Yes I’ve quickly learned to wait until poltergeists etc are outside the hotel in the parking lot before clearing them in order to be able access the cloakroom and Concierge and not a time left task, lol


  11. At the front desk, it says that clearing a buggy alien is an always drop for radiation. I am zero for my last 5 bugs. Anyone else not getting radiation from bugs? Sent in game message.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m beyond frustrated, 6 times I used the E.M.F Reader and no spaceman. Anyone else having this problem? It’s frustrating enough that I am about to stop playing. I have spent hundreds of bucks on this game (stupid I know but I enjoy it…most of the time) over a two year span but dang it man, why do they make it nearly impossible for those who don’t pay to play? I’m still trying to get Raiders of the Lost Artifacts and get enough pieces of candy to unlock James Woods. The problem is without Cosmic Radiation I’m just collecting tons of Ectoplasm (393). I’m sure soon there will be a chance to spend 9.99 and get some, it’s a shame but that is more than likely the plan. Enough complaining just had to vent to the web not like my wife will care lol.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, having the same problem here and I came here wondering if there were any updates about the AWFUL drop rates right now. Even stuff that’s supposed to be common is dropping like rares, and using readers/chains/salt is giving nothing but an “X” when using it on the rooms. This makes it impossible to progress. I’m also STUCK at 4/7 crates for James Woods, the crates were dropping well until their update/week 2 crap kicked in and ruined everything. Now I’ve done almost non-stop poltergeists and not a single crate. T.Co needs to FIX THIS and FIX THIS soon, or I quit, because it will literally be impossible to progress.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I’m in the same position, still no James Woods because I’ve been stuck at 3/7 on crates and I’ve only had ONE spaceman drop. I don’t buy characters so the only one I have that drops EMF readers is Joe which means I only get a chance of finding a spaceman every 6 hours. Buying EMF readers won’t do any good anyway if the searches aren’t producing results. There’s no way I’d waste money on it just to get nothing out of it.


  13. Freemium player perspective giving his 100%
    I was so excited about Halloween event after I found out that we supposed to get Mulder and Scully. I’m a big X files fan. Because of that I decided to dedicate all my time, day and night for playing Family guy. It has been pretty crazy, at night I have to wake up every 30 minutes to collect and send characters to do tasks.

    First week was nice and easy. I was able to get Sheriff Peter and collect all the items needed for James Woods except 10 of the candy, I had 4/14. Also I was able to collect 72 keys for the second week.

    As soon as the second week hit, I bought 3 buildings from the Concierge and the Torch Juggling Alien and bought the rest within a day and a half.
    Unlocked James Woods and than the drops slowed down for poltergeist and the aliens. It got really bad, I used 6 EMF Readers and 4 Iron Chains in a row with no luck. It is really hard to earn keys this week. Also getting 55 Alien Bubbleheads for Carl is going to take a long time.

    Right now as of Sunday 8 PM Eastern Time I have completed main quest except Carls task and i need 2 Losing lottery Tickets 8/10 and 24 more Alien Bubbleheads 31/55 to unlock Carl. Also saved up 32 keys for 3rd week so far.

    My strategy was perfect and I don’t think I could do better than this as a Freemium Player. I hope that the 3rd week is going to be easier than the second and Tiny co could extend this week or help in some way to those that fell behind.


    • I’m quite shocked that you’re so far ahead of me. I have been setting a timer for every 3 hours (except for the 7 hours I sleep) and I still have 3 buildings left to collect. I unlocked James Wood 30 minutes ago, and have barely collected anything for Carl. Sigh.


      • Yeah, it’s disappointing. Carl is a character that I’ve wanted for quite some time – since he’s actually a regular from the Family Guy show and a pretty cool dude (unlike so many of the celebs and exclusives they’ve invented for the game) yet they’ve put him out of reach for free players if he needs to be unlocked before case 2 hits. I’m more or less on track to get James Woods but would’ve preferred Carl if given a choice.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I’d be happy just having them extend the deadline for getting Carl. I just placed him a couple of hours ago. The math doesn’t look good from just the listed drop rates and the long times for the tasks. And it’s too expensive buying out unlock items in this one. Plus I wasted my stockpiled keys buying the first few buildings for Carl and still need two more – but it will be too long a time before I can collect cosmic radiation for key trade-in even if they’re generous with it. They should have made sure we still had at least one ectoplasm-only option to trade in for keys. I didn’t think I could delay getting into the new content to finish up key collection for the buildings because it was so late already, but might as well have. It won’t do any good if I don’t get the remaining buildings that drop quickly. I think TinyCo tends to assume that we zip along and are ready for new content as soon as it drops, when actually many of us are several days late. I still need two crates for Woods! So making a character unlock in the last part take so long is pretty much guaranteed to be demoralizing, which is not the effect they want…


  14. What is the drop rate of radiation for killing a bug?

    I have killed 6 bugs and no radiation… anyone having better luck, or is it a rare drop??


  15. I am using andoid mobil and game crashes every time when i spray an alien bug……


    • wildthornberry88

      I’ve been having the same problem. I had to make sure everything else on the screen had been collected, tap once on one buggy alien, wait and hope. Then if successful I didn’t tap on another even if I had the spray, without first going to quahog then back to rocky point. Basically taking it very slow.


    • Same issue on my new Samsung Galaxy s7 and my kindle fire hd.

      Oddly enough my iPod has no issue despite being the oldest device.


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