FGQFS – Game Resetting To Level 1 Issue

UPDATE: Those getting a load error should contact TinyCo via email with their PlayerId in order TinyCo can help get you back in your games ASAP.

Perhaps unsurprisingly with the Halloween event in full swing a little gremlin has come out to play and is causing issues for some players. Lois wicked witch

If you’re game is impacted you will know immediately as the town linked to your save account will look like it’s back to Level 1; all your progress, characters, buildings, clams will be gone or different from what you had; and you won’t be able to restore your game by playing through the tutorial to link it to your saved account.

This issue first reared its’ ugly head on Friday and with a group of players help Bunny was able to pass information to TinyCo and they thankfully managed to restore and fix the games affected. The only lasting damage was players were maybe a day behind where they had been when the issue occurred.

But now the issue is back and it would seem from the comments more players are being affected so I wanted do this post in order to let you know TinyCo is aware of the issue and that you MUST contact them to get your game restored.

You can contact them via your in game support, or via email. In game support is the preferred option as they receive all your game information this way. However if this isn’t possible you can email them but please ensure you put your PlayerId in the email, this is the longer number on the Account screen of your game, attaching a screenshot to the email is the best way to do this. Also try to let them know when you last played and your town was ok and if you were on a time sensitive challenge, such as Weekly Challenge or unlocking a costume. The email address is: help@tinyco.com

Contacting TinyCo – More Here

Thanks again to the players who helped us at the weekend, and hope you are all back in the game ASAP.

~ Russian Tigger

70 responses to “FGQFS – Game Resetting To Level 1 Issue

  1. It is 11/15 and I’m still at level 1. It has been 10 days since I contacted tinyco with no response. Frustrating especially since I’ve been playing since day 1 and accumulated a lot of stuff.


  2. Well its November 1st and I still can’t access my game. At this point I have missed so much of the Halloween event that unless Tinyco awards every freemium character and item that I would have earned up to this point I am done with the game. They have not responded to support tickets in many days and I’ve written my game off as dead abecause I have no other alternative. Really sucks, I enjoyed this forum and the game.


  3. I’m finally back in my game. We’ll see if it lasts. Loosing the opportunity to try and finish case 2 because to all this mess has taken the wind out of my sails for this event.


  4. Oh Man….

    So, the load error is gone but I am still at Level 1 but now I have more tha 6.000 clams in my account….

    What the deuce. Another email to TC. We will see what happens..


  5. TinyCo sent me an email earlier asking for me to rate their customer service with regards to the “load error” issue. Before responding I checked both my devices on which my game was loaded. Keeping my fingers crossed and hoping my game would load was met with nothing but disappointment. I sent TC another message that my game still wasn’t loading and expressed my unhappiness in the email response. As of now I have been out of my game for almost 48hrs and am still waiting. I also twice experienced the resetting of my game earlier this week. All my progress in Case 2 is now meaningless and have lost almost 5 days of gameplay. It’s difficult to continue to remain optimistic.


  6. I’m back, baby!
    I was one of the original affected users with the reset happening twice, and then the full lock-out with the Parse error two nights ago, and I sent the Help button email.
    As of this evening, I am finally back in my game, with all my timers still going and my characters still doing their things.
    Hopefully this is the last I’ll see of the problems, but I wanted to let everyone know not to despair – TinyCo is able to fix it, it just takes some time!


  7. I was curious so I messaged Tinyco and they said that accounts resetting and the load error are both directly related. So at least we know it isn’t a separate problem. So when there is a fix it should be for everything. Just wanted to pass that a long. 🙂


  8. Has anyone figured out what the affected players have in common? I hate that that’s happened and thankful I’m not affected.


    • Consider yourself lucky. I was unable to get into my game on Saturday, Sunday then all day today Wednesday. I might not be able to play most of the day on Thursday since the message I received from TinyCo said my game could be affected for 24hrs.


  9. Just got an Ingameke message from tinyco. Sadly tho I clicked on the message and since I have a load error message I can’t read the Ingame message from the support team. Well done tinyco well done.


    • Another player posted the response he got further down in the comments. Are you getting in to your game yet?


    • I was able to contact TinyCo through my game on my phone. My game on my phone gave me the ability to put in my email address when responding to the load error message. But I got no option for help in my game on my tablet. Why the difference? I don’t know. I just know there’s a difference in my game between my two devices.


  10. Got a response. Just sharing (if it’s okay).

    There is a known issue regarding players who are having their games reset back to level 1. We apologize for the inconvenience, you should expect your game to be fully fixed within the next 12-24 hours. Sorry we cannot give out more information, but players will be compensated for the issue.

    -Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff Team


  11. I’ve had my game reset twice since Saturday, and thankfully they were able to restore. This morning I got the unable to load message. Only thing I could do was send an email through the help button. Haven’t heard back. I was only 6 rings away from unlocking Franken-Bonnie too. This is frustrating and trying my patience. Seems like a major issue if accounts are gettting unlinked from save progress. If they can’t restore my game this time, I think it’s time to say good-bye.


  12. I just got demon hunter joe and now it says cannot load saved game parse. Hope i wont be reverted back to level 1 again.


  13. Anyone get error “Failed to load save game. (parse)”?

    Tried force closing and clearing cache but no luck on any device. Frustrating!


    • Yes bobvu I am getting the same error, been reset to start twice and fixed twice and now this fail to load. Sigh


      • Yep same here. Was reset twice, restored 1-2 days later after losing a few hours of progress and now this. I cleared data and then logged back in with Facebook and it asked me if I wanted to restore a game at level 0 or level 1. Joy! So I’ve sent an email with details and screenshot of the error. Appears the issue is with the username login. Hope there’s a fix soon!


    • I’m getting the same error message. I’m guessing this isn’t an isolated incident. I sent an email via the game. Hopefully they’ll resolve it soon.


    • In the same boat: in 3 days (Sat-Mon) my game was reset to level 1 twice. Sent in game message, and fixed twice. Now this morning (Wednesday) I’m getting the parse error. This is really frustrating as I am missing days of collecting the 14 clams from the clam-building (mentioned that in my message but got nothing) and almost have Bonnie’s skin, but can’t collect from a building that needs only 2 hours.


  14. I got reset on Saturday morning, put in a request, received a lovely message from support on monday that it had been fixed. In actual fact they’d rolled me back to the beginning of the tutorial. I replied to their message saying my game is actually top level and three weeks into the halloween event. Not heard anything since. I’m trying to be philosophical about it and not care about being two Latin books away from Mort. Or maybe hope for a little recompense, either way, if my game has gone completely AWOL I currently forsee more spare time in my future. I might use it to do that thing other people do called going outside. It looks scary though.


    • Have you tried playing through the tutorial then logging into your account. Full details of how to do this are in this post https://familyguyaddicts.com/2014/05/17/where-did-my-game-go/

      If your top level game still doesn’t show please contact TinyCo again, and dear lord don’t venture outside, scary doesn’t come close to describing what’s out there 😀


      • All is well, I got a message about an hour ago that they’d had another go at my game, and sure enough it’s back with only a few hours lost in gameplay, irritatingly that means I’m now four Latin books away from Mort, but you win some and you lose some! The race is now on to try and fight through a weeks worth of event in two days…

        I appreciate the log in advice, but I haven’t actually been logged out once through this whole debacle. After they reset my game back to the beginning of the tutorial again I thought it was a quirk of getting my game back, but alas, no, everything was back to square one.

        I may never go outside again, not with all those killer clowns that are supposed to be prowling around the UK… 😉


  15. I’ve had mine reset twice, linked to both Facebook and Google. Tinyco was able to restore within a day with some lost progress but recoverqble.
    All of a sudden this morning though, I’m getting a “cannot load save game (parse) ” error and can’t even get into the game enough to use their support contact.


    • Another player has said they are having same issue. You can contact TinyCo via email if in game support not available, full details are in the post we’re commenting on.


  16. I am now getting an error message,
    “Load error

    Failed to load save game. (Parse)”

    With that I have a button saying help which when hitting directs me to my mail and an ok button which reloads the game and gives the same error message.

    Guess I am locked out, gotta mail them.


    • Sorry you’re still having issues, hope TinyCo manage get a fix soon, I know they are concentrating everything on trying get players back in ASAP.


  17. So, I have been disconnected for 48 h. Very poor performance of TC.


  18. Had a glitch 11 days ago where I couldn’t get back to The Rocky Hotel as the icon had disappeared and also The Hauntening icon in the inventory wasn’t there. I was on case 2 week 3 getting exorcist Mort & Joe’s new character. Anyway after contacting TinyCo they reset me back to the start of week 1 again. It has took me 11 days to get back to where I was and now case 2 is going to finish. I have been struggling to get everything collected again plus my game doesn’t seem to show the new Hauntening characters.

    Surely they had a backup of my profile before the glitch so I only lost a couple of days instead of messing up the whole event for me.


    • Only TinyCo can answer that, but I’d imagine they would restore your game to the last stable point. Which new characters are you not seeing? Remember James Woods & Carl left at end Case 1, for Case 2 you should be seeing to unlock Exorcist Mort, Demon Hunter Joe and Franken Bonnie. You may not be far enough in Questline to see Franken Bonnie if you are behind and playing catch up.


      • As I said before I was collecting the items for Exorcist Mort & Demon Joe and they appeared within a couple of days of each other originally. But after they reset everything I got Mort in a couple of days but Joe has only appeared again this morning. At least with them some of the items I had originally collected were still there when they appeared again. Bonnie hasn’t appeared yet though.

        The other thing that is happening is I have unlocked many of the 4th page items using the keys but still unable to use anything that it is collecting for anything, I guess they are for Bonnie. Even the Gargoyles (electric bolts) are currently useless.

        It seems I am ahead on one thing but way behind on other things as they normally appear. It even asked me to get one of the 24hr timer buildings after it had expired the other day from a previous page.

        The worst thing is it makes the monthly event even harder if you are now only catching up. As it took TinyCo 5 days to come back to me originally.


  19. I’ve been locked out since Friday. Grrrrrr. I got a response that it was fixed, but it wasn’t on my end. I’m sad that I am going to miss out on so much because Halloween is my fav. (By the way, Russian Tigger is doing a terrific job and I hope everything is good with Bunny.)


    • The issue has returned, message TinyCo and explain you’re still not in your game. They are working hard get every one back playing.


  20. Reported in game on Friday that mine had reset. Have messaged in game multiple times since then still have not even gotten a response let alone my town fixed.


  21. It affected me on Friday and it still hasn’t been resolved.
    I contacted TinyCo and got a response within 24 hours, but I wasn’t able to provide the info they wanted until yesterday.
    So frustrating. So very frustrating.


  22. They fixed mine, then it reset again two days later. Now I’m in limbo waiting to get it fixed again. I’m extra annoyed because I had just bought Ash.


  23. Sorry to hear so many having issues. 😕. Hope everything is resolved and everyone is back in soon. All the best, friends.


  24. once again i got my account back with lost progress. Really want tinyco to give us a free skin, The whole time i was close to getting mort so i could finally get the hair for joe, but nope not going to happen

    atleast they are skins. I care more for characters


  25. You are welcome Russian, it happened to me TWICE!


  26. Mine was linked through email and reset on Saturday. I contacted tech support through the game and it was restored Sunday. So it’s not just Facebook.


  27. Thanks for the post. A thing I’m interested in is if other than Facebook users, other platforms also got this issue? So far I’ve noticed that only those who are linked to Facebook have this issue and not Google and email linked accounts. If this is true, it might be handy to link your account to google or email.

    Don’t know though.


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