Peter’s Presidential Paradise – Review & How Did You Do? Poll

It was one of those short but sweet, blink and you’ll miss it events. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear how you got on in Peter’s Presidential Paradise.

Seriously how were we meant to concentrate on our games with all the distraction of a real life election running alongside all of this silliness?

These polls are really just to share how we all did. personally I liked this mini-event, with all the madness of real world politics, it was great to see this event poking fun at everyone and everything. It’s what Family Guy has always done best. When I saw Billionaire Peter I literally chuckled out loud, I think he was just what we all needed to see when the world was watching and waiting for the results of the U.S. presidential battle, which had talking about Hairmageddon.

Two new characters, 1 premium, 1 unlockable and a fabulously flamboyant new costume for Peter seemed like a perfect amount of content for a week long event, and although I unlocked both Billionaire Peter and Barrack Obama without spending a single clam, I did originally think the odds were a little stacked against players with wrecking balls being an uncommon drop. I shiver whenever I see that drop now but although Chris seemed to be reluctant to drop anything, Mort & Lois were pretty reliable. Are we perhaps seeing the uncommon drop starting to play nicely?


However from the early comments it seemed many addicts felt it would be touch or go as to whether they unlocked both Billionaire Peter and Barrack Obama before time ran out. But hopefully things improved for you and you snatched victory from the jaws of defeat by going on a wrecking spree in the last couple of days, seeing you able to unlock both Billionaire Peter and Barrack Obama, Guess we will only know once we collate the results of our poll.

But in general it was a fun little filler event, which has turned Quahog into a kind of wacky retirement home for former presidents. Makes me wonder which one will arrive next, any of you out there got a particular past President they’d like to see in Quahog?

And with that I will shut up so you can take a minute away from your games to share your success with us and as always I will bring you the results next week.

And remember if you’ve any thoughts of feedback, please leave it in the comments. But please don’t turn this into a What the Deuce post, as Bunny will shackle my blogging rights if you do. By all means give us your thoughts and opinions but sprinkle a little glitter on them if you can, lol.

Until we meet again again in Oz!!!

~ Russian Tigger

And for those who can’t see the poll, or who have had issues with the post poll jumping to the comments when trying to select answers, here’s the link to the Google version where this issue doesn’t occur. Thanks to regular reader sasquatch71089 for sharing that tip.

Link to Poll

53 responses to “Peter’s Presidential Paradise – Review & How Did You Do? Poll

  1. Fyi both obama and bush became voiced today.
    Also since a few days james woods has more to say than ” ooh a piece of candy” but all his quotes are still very low volume.

    Right now in my game only egon and little green man are unvoiced.


  2. I wish I would have got Bush but too expensive. I got Obama and Billionaire Peter no problem and no clams used. I get flustered with events that put buildings out of commission but other than that it was a well thought out mini event


  3. This was the first event I took part in since playing the game, I’m sure most of the regular visitor’s have been playing longer than me. 🙂

    I managed to unlock Billionaire Peter and Obama and purchased W Bush just so i could have all the characters from the event, wasn’t too bothered about the buildings even tho I managed to get all the buildings and decorations with Peter’s change except for the Limo.

    Dubya was not dropping for me and I was worried I wouldn’t unlock Billionaire Peter in time but managed to drop the last one on the day the event was ending.

    I do have one question regarding the events. Once I have unlocked the character do I get the full quest line to complete for that character even after the event has finished?

    All this aside it was a great first event for me and the next event has dropped into my game so looking forward to progressing through this one.

    Thanks for this website by the way, I have found alot of useful information as I’m a new player to this game. 😀

    Speak soon


    • Glad you’re enjoying the game as much as we are. And for your event feedback.
      Questlines for characters unlocked during events do continue once the event is over. Just don’t let too many build up as they can sometimes stop new questlines from appearing.

      Good luck in Oz.


  4. This was a fun mini-event, but I wish it had lasted one more day. I think that would have been enough for many of us to be able to get to Obama and Billionaire Peter. Personally, I only needed two more shirts for Peter and a few more money bags for Obama after that. Oh well, hopefully they come back later. 🙂


  5. GRRR!! I was one moneybag away from placing the Green Party Dispensary and getting Obama and the event ended! I had bad luck with drops, I guess.. nothing more frustrating than sending Lois or Mort away for 8 hrs to get nothing. I eventually bought Dubya for *250 CLAMS* to help with drops. But it wasn’t enough.

    Now I have Dubya, who I didn’t really want, and do not have Obama, who I did want, a handful of useless White House junk, and yet another costume for Peter I’ll never use again.

    Sorry to complain but yeeeeeeshhhh… this event was a frustrating waste of time and clams for me. :-\


  6. Not a complaint, just saying that many many many players are not american and it would be nice if they had other international events.


    • Just keep in mind the game is based off the TV Series, which is based off an American Family living in America, so you will find most of the items in the game follow that suit and the Characters that the TV series filters through. It’s more about keeping with contracts and copyrights. 🙂


  7. Ridiculous! Was 1 ball away from getting Obama! Never am able to get the characters! Most people have jobs and lives and can’t play every second. Also done have hundreds of clams to use. Thanks! Could have at least went til midnight to finish event


  8. What happened to the new event? I hate when they don’t actually release it but still stop the previous event. I was 1 item away from getting Billionaire Peter, but I wouldn’t have gotten anything else due to such a short event and having to sleep.


  9. I managed to get Obama. I think I owe it a little to my students because I had to stay up to 1.30 am to mark homework and that got me 3 extra balls I wouldn’t have collected otherwise. I would have been on a much tighter schedule without those balls (events finish at around 7 pm for me)
    I didn’t think of the new event and I sent Peter on the 12h task for his quest, so I hope we don’t get the new event today or I’ll be starting with the wrong foot.:v


  10. I was one moneybag away from getting Obama. I had two wrecking balls, but no signs were respawning. So frustrating.. I wish there would have been a way to respawn the signs or buy a few moneybags.


    • wildthornberry88

      Did you not have many buildings which were able to get the signs on them?


    • why didnt you just keep your game open til one spawned to use a wrecking ball. I think all wrecking ball characters should have been 4 hour timers. I managed to barely get Obama unlocked but none of the extra money bag purchasable items except the plane cause a quest asked for it. But I havent closed my game and wont til new event starts or i get all the items i want.


  11. Got them both, but had to spend clams on the last jacket which didn’t drop for !e this morning, was down to the wire with the Peter task to get Obama, had to rush it with clams minutes before it ended.


  12. Did not purchase the W – maybe if he did the “Skull and Bones” dance (I know that was in an American Dad episode, but it was still funny)…

    I really wish they would do these smaller (read: less-stressful) events between each larger event – to give us a chance to breathe before they fire the meat grinders back up.


  13. Got Peter and Obama by Monday night or Tuesday morning. 😀

    Pretty much got in to play every 4 hours 5x/day, did not get up in middle of night to play. Spent 6 clams rushing Lois, mort and Chris one night when didn’t want to wait up an hour for them to be done.
    Did not buy bush, mint, or wrecking balls.

    Finished main quest, stopped trying to get wrecking balls but did manage to get enough from crane the past two days to get enough peter currency to pick up all 5 items available in the store.

    Did not follow quest line order of buildings, after getting plane first decided to go for lotion dropping building, then suit dropping building, then loan dropping one. Worst drop rate for me was loan dropping, which was common. Go figure.

    Working on peter and Obama quests, plus some others left over from Halloween and glad to have Lois back, however briefly, so she can help Brian collect plutonium for stewie (still need two to unlock)!

    Looking forward to next event, wish we had a few days to breath between them 😅

    Thanks so much for all your hard work on this site 👍👍👍


  14. It was a good event, no clams spent and achieved Obama and peters costume. I found Chris to be a very reliable dropper of wrecking balls, Lois was less forthcoming.


  15. I unlocked Obama and then he VANISHED from the game and the event is NOT over- what do I do??


    • Try using the FaceSpace Finder tip to find him in your game. If still no sign you need to contact TinyCo via your in game support.


    • Same thing happened to me. I unlocked Obama and sent him on a quest a few hours before the event ended. I came back after it ended and heven was gone. I sent an in game message about it, no response yet. Very frustrating.


      • Have you tried Facebook Find incase he’s lost in a building somewhere.


        • I emailed support and they just keep ignoring me-


          • The event only ended a little over 12 hours ago, you got give them a bit more time to respond. I know it’s hard to when you just want quick answer but customer services aren’t usually an instant reply, especially for issues that don’t warrant a standard response.


            • So I finally heard from support and they said they aren’t giving me OBAMA because I didn’t unlock him in time but I DID. I even got a congratulations for unlocking him right before I did. -so ANGRY


              • Did you by chance get a screenshot of the unlock screen? Of him on a Task in your town? Anything visual showing imagery from your town?


              • Can you put all the items you bought from the list to unlock Obama in one area and screenshot it, that way you can show TinyCo you have all the items that were needed to unlock him. Just need then think about when you had Billioaire Peter do the task that was also part of unlocking Obama. More info you can give them the better. That way they can look at your game again.


  16. Did well this event, but I have done real good on just about all the little mini events like this. Didn’t really care if I got Barack Obama or not, but since I was able to get him I did. Didn’t spend any clams, saving up for something that I really must have in future one event.

    I prefer these short little event to the long drawn out ones.


  17. I brought a small lot ot 6 wrecking balls last night before bed because I needed 10 bags for the last building for Obama. 66 clams isn’t bad for a cool character. I think I would of been able to finish if I hadn’t needed to go to wedding and missed a day.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. I completed this event totally
    I have every item except the mint, still have money bags left over.
    I bought bush but no balls


  19. Is Area 51 going away today? A previous post said it was staying till 4/11 or did you mean 11/4? At any rate it wasn’t 11/4 cause it’s still dropping clams for me


  20. I am 1 money bag away from getting obama and I have the wrecking ball but no G on top of any buildings!! I’ve been waiting for one but nothing. I’m so pissed .


  21. I didn’t have enough clams to buy bush.. but I did buy the large pack of wrecking balls to get Obama. Really wanted that character, so I’m happy 🙂

    Now I can’t wait for Oz, sooo excited !!


  22. Like Cody I am one building away and won’t get Obama now. The eight hour wait to for a wrecking ball (if any dropped) that only gave two money bags was the problem.


  23. Well I missed out on Obama because Chris didn’t drop a wrecking ball and the worst part is I was one item off and four money bags were all I needed so I wish the event was just one more day because then would have Obama and it be the first event I ever finish but never mind….


  24. it wasn’t bad .. i got all the buildings fairly easy .. balls were dropping okay for me *with no clams or Bush* … i unlocked Obama 24hrs before the event is supposed to end … but im not finishing the Power Trip .. i stopped doing wrecking ball missions … and they just asked me to clear 12 G signs .. bleh :p


  25. Accidentally sent Chris on his 10 hour task from the billionaire Peter questline at 9 this morning (since it was on top), so I won’t have him back until just after the new event starts (assuming it starts immediately, which is unlikely), but other than that I am ready to see off the Wizard (wait, that doesn’t sound right …)!


  26. I too thought it would be tighter than it turned out to be… I “rushed” a few items, to be safe, but it turns out I probably didn’t need to, to get what I wanted. I unlocked Billionaire Peter on Monday, I think, and Obama yesterday. Unfortunately, I wasn’t paying attention, and took too long to complete Pt 7 of the main questline (Clear 12 Griffin Signs), so I may not technically complete the event, without more rushing, unless the event runs a bit overtime… 🙂 It is certainly not worth using Clams to get Peter’s Change, when the change won’t be usable after the event.


  27. Unlocked Obama this morning, and had enough coins for the statue (I like statues, don’t know why), so I got everything I wanted.


  28. Bought bush, finished event monday, got last item for money bags last night. This event was good, and was the first i finished 100%


  29. Thanks Sasquatch – I didn’t do the last poll because of the jumping down issue, and was going to say something this time, but low and behold, there was the link!


  30. Aagghh I didn’t realise there were more items to unlock Obama beyond the first three. With no scroll bar on the side I thoughtit was just those 3.

    I stupidly didn’t check here and spent hard earned free clams rushing as I really wanted him. Now I don’t have enough left to rush the last item.


  31. I did break down and buy W and he was a good investment , always dropping every 4 hrs. Plus with the free one, it made everything go fairly easily. I was getting about 3 or 4 wrecking balls each time, and I was able to get Obama unlocked by Monday but had to be on top of it, checking in every 4 hrs.
    The wrecking ball animation was pretty lame tho, I think they could have made the swing more realistic. Also wish that bush and Obama were voiced.


  32. This was not a bad mini-event. I only spent 23 clams to get the last shirt (I think that’s what it was) to unlock Billionaire Peter. I was too impatient and thought 23 clams wasn’t bad. I did not get frustrated with this event like I do with the other events.


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