Kung Pow Quahog Weekly Challenges – Week 1 – You’re The Best Around

Let’s get ready to rumble as here it is the first of this events Weekly Challenges!  But wait a minute, breathe, yes, just breathe and let the zen calm you before you step into the weekly challenge arena. Ok, let’s go.


Now in the last couple of events TinyCo seemed to be making these challenges just an eensy weensy teensy bit easier and we were seeing a flourish of happy comments, then they upped the stakes again and they got a little harder, so it’s hard to predict what we will get in this events set of challenges.

They could revert to their original form of being extremely difficult to complete, especially for freemium players. If that’s the case just try to see these for premium players, but hey that doesn’t mean a freemium player can’t do it, it just depends where you are in the game and sometimes a lucky guess at what items to stockpile whilst you wait for the challenges to drop. The prizes to date have always been decorations, with the odd building as a Grand Prize, so I wouldn’t advocate spending clams on these, but as always the choice is yours.

Anyway this week’s challenge, if you should choose to accept it,  seems a little daunting at first, but if you’ve some trophies and fight contracts in the bank then I can’t see any reason why both freemium and premium players can’t do this as it should work in tandem with what a lot of us will be doing right now, clearing karate kids and nerds, if you do manage to complete it you will be rewarded the Plastered Master decoration.

And they’ve also given us a glimpse of the grand prize you will be awarded for completing all the events weekly challenges, a giant panda decoration.


What do you need to do to complete it, well here’s the deal, you will need to complete the You’re the Best Around  challenge which consists of:

Peter  Starts

Clear 20 Karate Kids
Defeat 4 Nerds


So there you have it the first of this events weekly challenges. Good luck and let us know in the comments if you completed the challenge.

~ Russian Tigger

16 responses to “Kung Pow Quahog Weekly Challenges – Week 1 – You’re The Best Around

  1. I finally got Peter but extremely unlikely I’ll get the Karate Kid. Just a couple days to go on the timer and those rice ball costs are too high for me to have much of a chance, since the fight contracts aren’t dropping very well (you really need to have those to get enough rice balls for the buildings since the requirements are so high now for converting to rice balls). But if my isp (Frontier) wasn’t down so much until yesterday (knock on wood) maybe I could have managed. I triggered the timer because I figured I would have no chance at all of getting the requirement that Mort is working on otherwise, since I never knew if the net would be available when I wanted to pick up and reset. But that meant I didn’t have the buildings first.

    So I’ll be handicapped in everything else with just Peter for fighting purposes.


  2. I cleared the weekly challenge with 20 hours to spare… but it helps that I had 14 trophies stockpiled by the time the challenge hit. It’s something I learned the hard way after many, many, failed challenges in the past


  3. Once again an impossible event for me. Scroll drops are awful and I got several 0 hits on nerds. 2 days and a half for Daniel and I’m missing 19 nerds and Mr washee makes it mathematically impossible for me to get. Without him I know the event will be uphill from here. I might as well just give up now. A shame.


    • For future reference, they always have weekly challenges at the same time so you should hoard resources early. I started collecting trophies on Saturday and didn’t use any until the challenge hit. I ended up with 14 trophies by the time the challenge hit, so I cleared the required 20 with a day to spare. I finished the 4 fights a few hours ago, but I agree those drops are quite hard.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Has anybody had a problem with defeating Nerds and it not counting towards Mojo in the Dojo pt.7 ??
    I defeated a nerd and it counted towards this task, but not the main task! This is after the patch, for facebook players, and the error message when trying to battle a nerd
    Support request sent


  5. I’ve attacked nerd and 8 power was taken from Peter by one his shot! Anyone else had such issue?


  6. I’m so excited Beggar So is here. Shame not as a character. We need Jackie Chan saying, “Oh my god it’s Ethan Hawke” over and over.


  7. another 0 chance for me, this event is going pretty horribly for me.

    I don’t think i will put any extra effort in to it, and i definately won’t be spending clams


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