Help Me!!!

This information is coming soon!!!

136 responses to “Help Me!!!

  1. Rachel Hellman

    I’m stuck on the front page! It keeps telling me to update, but I already did! iPhone running iOS. Thanks!


  2. Matthew Neyendorf

    the game will not update on my kindle fire 8.


  3. How do you exit the game properly?

    Many times, including this morning, I start the game and find about a dozen characters wandering around not doing their task that I gave them before I left the game.

    I close by just ending the app, is there a better way to exit to avoid this? Or maybe I should wait a certain amount of time after assigning tasks before I close?

    Any help is appreciated.


    • Squirrel Girl

      It’s hit or miss, I usually just shut app as well but sometimes have same issue of wanderers when I return. Some folk visit Ollieland to for y a sync before exiting to try get round this


  4. Hello, has the crashing issue with IOS 15 been resolved? I haven’t updated my iPhone 12 yet, fearing the issue might still exist.


  5. I have the same crashing problem where it won’t let me load the game they reset it for me and have said that the alternate quahogs caus it and asked that I net use them until they come up with a fix/ update


  6. I keep getting this error, JamCity fixes it, then it happens again. Since it started happening g, I have had them have to fix it 4 times. It’s getting old. Looks like I have the latest version of the game.
    I am playing on an iPhone 12. Never had issues until a couple of weeks ago. Been laying for about 2 years.

    Still getting “Load Error. Unknown Character Class”
    Any insights or help on your side is greatly appreciated.


    • This is a random issue that I’ve had couple times as well, no rhyme or reason to it hence struggle to find out thr cause. Sorry I can’t suggest any other way round it but contacting support when it happens.


  7. Hello,

    I have been trying to get hold of both Jam City and TinyCo since Friday. I am unable to access my game. Will try to post screenshot. So I am not able to communicate with them that way. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game and still same error. Would you be able to advise on the best way to get hold of someone that can fix this! TIA
    “Load Error” “Unknown Character Class”


  8. Anyone else have/using the TIME MACHINE MADNESS thingy? It is supposed to give rewards out and it seems to work ok BUT have never collected the rewards. I usually get a “time paradox” and my rewards get removed. Even when I have been passed the bar indicating “guaranteed reward” so don’t feel like it’s a good addition to the game. Looks like a “clam suck” where they want you to keep paying 50 clams to keep going.

    Just wondering if others have had more success.


    • It’s in beta testing, so you’re one of handful players seeing it. I’m going cover it more over weekend hopefully


    • I think 6 is the highest that I’ve gotten to so far before the “time paradox” kicked in. The prizes are pretty weak at this point in the event too. Also, yes, the guaranteed reward doesn’t seem to be working either.
      If this is a beta-test, they should refund clams if users have parted ways with 50 of them.


  9. Fast forward function not working for the past couple of month. Anyone else have the same experience?


  10. I can’t seem to find how to get Renegade cleveland, im on the 5th part of the Dream a little future dream, but when i “have renegade cleveland kill a drone, a drop down comes and says “Aww, we need Cleveland to kill a drone, but we gotta buy this, then do that”, and i search high and mighty on a way to buy him, found zip….been stuck a good week, HELLLP


  11. I keep getting a unknown character error is anyone else reporting this? If so is it being looked into


  12. How many bribe money do I need to get all dirt money from Mr. Shark?
    There is 5 level and it multiply but I dont know the quantities. Pls help. Thank you


  13. Quick question…has anyone else had the fast forward button disappear. It’s been gone for a couple of months after an update. It’s come back a few times, like for a half day and then gone for weeks. I’m being told it’s a regional issue, which makes no sense. In a highly populated metro area, and the ads, like for apps, are not regional. Anyone else experiencing this?


  14. Ambrianna Anderson

    Since the last update, some of my buildings are dropping black disks with red flames on them. Any idea what these are for?


  15. hi there, the facespace posts by each character are supposed to appear with the levels increasing, but for me, they just kinda stopped at a certain point. this makes me kinda sad considering i found the posts really funny… is this a known glitch, or should i contact support?


  16. Aaron Maxfield

    There is an episode of Family Guy where a cowboy at a career fair says riding the saddle hurts his “use your imagination readers – RT.” Can anyone tell me which episode it is?


  17. Amy hernandez

    Please can someone explain “Ranks” to me. How do they affect us or in the game and why are they important I know that each rank, 1 to 122 in Historical Society has characters on each but how do they play in the game? Also how do I get some of the character I am missing if I click on the button (in Face Space) and it takes me no where at all.???


  18. so… is it normal to have 7 evil candy captains seamus on my Quahog? ._.)


  19. Please help!!!!. I’m so stuck and have been for years. Ok,I’ve just reinstalled the game after 3 years hiatus and would you believe? Yep still can’t get past the same spot. Right here’s where I’m at, I’m doing Build-a-blimp Pt7, Stewie wants to fly the blimp. Have Stewie fly the blimp. I’ve collected all the necessary parts about 4 separate times now and when I’ve completed the blimp it disappears and I collect the five clams…….. that’s where I’m stuck. The blimp hasn’t come back, I keep touching on “GO” in “have stewie fly the blimp” but nothing happens and I don’t seem to be able to start the next quest “What the deuce? Pt .1” to finish District 8/Start District 9. Where am I going wrong,or is there a glitch in the game?
    Any help would be hugely appreciated for me to continue in the game.


  20. Help need buffalo bill basement to complete quest…. how do I get it


  21. Hi I’ve just got buffalo bill out of the historical society but I can’t complete the task as I need his basement…. how do I get his basement…


  22. As of this morning, my game does not display any of the “control” icons (Facespace, QHS, Event, Tasks, etc.). I’ve tried reloading repeatedly, restarting my iPad, but nothing helps.

    Anyone else experiencing this issue? I cannot even contact TC for help!


  23. sorry if this was already here my internet service sucks)
    OK so i had chris since i started in 2019 and in the st patrick day event he disappeared now chad is gone as well. i tried the face space find me thing and when i push find me a error message shows up and says a bunch of whatever and says chris is not found in data help please?


  24. Hello How to i find my characters since valintines 2019 chris has disappeared and so has chad. i go to facespace and then find me and i get a consula error message saying he’s not even in the files


  25. I’m on the wild winter event and I bought the long bike outdoor shop that is supposed to reward me with stockings. Is there a glitch because it hasn’t given me any? It’s only reward is coin currency. If you click on the building while it’s counting down (collecting rent) it doesn’t show that the reward is anything other than coinage. I’m also not seeing what the stockings will be used for. Usually I’m using these items to unlock a character but I don’t have any quest to unlock anybody. I’ve been playing since the game was released so I’m a seasoned player. Thank you in advance.


  26. I think I seriously messed up. I accidentally clicked on the system save instead of the Facebook save and am starting all over. Is there a way to get the old Facebook save back? I was level 100 and was in the process of unlocking 90s Cleveland when my phone crahed. Thanks.


    • Go into your account and see if you can switch accounts, then see if you can load your old Facebook save is there. If not you’ll need to contact support and see if they can help you retrieve your save.


  27. Suddenly, when I click to play, a pop up window appears telling me I need to update, when I click it goes to apps store, but no update, just open game, press that, and up comes the update pop up, so I can no longer play the game. Help me


  28. My vacuum button had disappeared (the one that sucks up the currency). Is anybody else missing the button?


  29. The Consuela vacuum disappeared, was this intended?


  30. Hi There,
    Was the feature to shorten tasks by 2 hours by watching an ad only recently added? I honestly only just noticed it when I accidentally tapped the wrong thing!


  31. When is the All for Gold button coming?


  32. HELP!!! I have in inventory, 4 Quagmires, 4 Mayor West, 3 Ollies, 2 Seamus, 2 Vinny, 2 Lois, 2 Jerome, and 2 Diabeto, please tell me what this glitch is and help me get it repaired. I have contacted support and they have not responded (Android, Samsung A20)


  33. Hi, I had a bunch of characters in my inventory and now they’re all missing. I contacted support, who normally responds, but it’s been 2 days and no response. Playing on an iPad. Been playing since the game came out and I had tons of characters. The characters in Tan Lines are ok, just the ones I had stored in inventory are missing.


  34. Hey Russian Tiger. Great place you got here. I have to say though I’m uninstalling the game. Unfortunately it’s become unplayable. I won’t go into details, you’ve heard it all before many times. I’ll be visiting your site to keep myself updated. So stay safe. Cheers.


    • They are working on a fix, I’ll put up a post when it’s released and you can decide if you want try again. Stay safe


  35. Fiona O'Dwyer

    Hi Guys,
    I’m having issues with the game crashing out within about 30 seconds of starting which means I can’t do anything. I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling. deleting restarting my device and then reinstalling. I can’t get to the nuke button or anything else for that matter. I’m playing on iOS. Is there a way to do a clean reinstall on iOS? I keep downloading from the cloud. Or do I need to contact support?
    Thanks for your help


  36. I have an issue folks, and I was one of the people to get the “Alternate Quahogs” update, so I’m not sure if that has anything to do with what’s happening. When I log in I’m greeted by a message that states “Construction Complete” and “Congratulations You’ve Found and Unlocked the Guitar Playing Fly”, but when I press the OK button the game completely shuts down back to my phone’s homescreen. I’ve never had this happen before so I’m at a loss. If someone could help I’d truly appreciate it!


    • RussianTigger

      Hi, other players have this issue. One said they fixed it by turns no their device off then on again. If that doesn’t help and you’ve saved your game to an account you can try deleting and reinstalling, then logging back into your saved game. If that doesn’t work game support will need help you out


    • i had that happen and it went away by itself after a few hours.


  37. Hi I just started playing again after several months all my stuff is the same. However I cannot remember how to get rid of the Camaros in my town


  38. Hey,

    I unlocked the QHS building and collected many medals but there is no icon to access the QHS ranks or characters. Are there solutions or something I’m doing wrong?


  39. I have searched this site to see if there is any info regarding my current issue. I could not find anything specifically posted about it.

    I’m taking my time working through the ranks of QHS. I like to complete a few new characters’ questlines (at a time) before I get more characters, so that my task book does not get so full. A couple of weeks ago, I got Death’s Mom. I have had Death for a long time as I have been playing since the game launched many years ago.

    I got to Mom Knows Best – Pt. 2 in Death’s Mom’s character questline:
    – Have Death Lament Lack of Buttocks
    – Have Death’s Mom Get Her Hair Done
    I started both characters. Death’s Mom’s task completed normally, but Death is stuck in his task. When I tap the “Go” button for “Have Death Lament Lack of Buttocks” I get the little popup dialog with Peter saying “Aww, we need Death to Lament Lack of Buttocks. We gotta do this, then that!”.

    I’ve scanned my town, many times, looking for a completed task “Check icon” over a building. I can’t find one. I’ve tried using the Citizen Collections feature. Death is present in the Meet the Deaths group. I have gone to his FaceSpace page and tried the Find Me button. It just closes the FaceSpace dialog without moving to any particular location in my town.

    Just to be sure, I checked my Inventory, Tan Lines, (etcetera) – to see if Death has inadvertently ended up in any of those places. He has not.

    I’ve also tried pulling some of the buildings that are associated with Death and Death’s Mon out of Inventory. Mainly the ones from the “Death At The Drive-In” event. No Luck.

    I wish I had followed Death when I tasked him to “Lament Lack of Buttocks” so I would know where he went to perform this task. I do this sometimes with new QHS character acquisitions because my town is a crazy disorganized jumble packed with hundreds of buildings.

    No sure what to do next. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.



    • RussianTigger

      I can’t think off hand where the task was, but try zooming in to your game before going Facespace and using Find Me. If that doesn’t help, it sounds like Death may be missing in your game, this has happened to me with different characters. You should contact support for help


  40. Hi guys! I need help with Paddy Tanniger mission, part 3… I have to take money from Southern Fried Father but this part of the mission seems to be glitched. I have taken money from the buiding many time but the mission still results not completed. Do you know some way to fix this?


  41. ok my computer crashed and had to reinstall windows. lost the game and have started over. it seems to be missing the top left icon that shows when the characters are not doing anything and need a task. how do i get that back? thank you!


    • RussianTigger

      Did you load your saved game? They no longer support the Windows game so may be some hung Do with that. You could message support


  42. Hello guys, i need your help. I just finished unlocking Mob Wife Lois and I thought for every outfit or character we open or finish, we would get a trophy that we could then trade in for medals in order to buy characters in the historical society. After I finished Mob Wife Lois, I never did not get a trophy. I asked support about it and they told me that trophies and medals can only be earned by completing materials for new event characters or skins, and that this does not apply to premium characters (the ones bought with clams or real money, resurfaced characters or characters and skins from old events, and characters unlocked using the QHS feature. They finally said that Mob Wife Lois falls into the resurfaced category, so her quest would therefore be a part of her original event. I am more confused now than before I asked!!!!!!!!!. This totally confused the dickins out of me. What does it mean???? PLEASE CONTACT ME AT AMYHERNANDEZ2017@TWC.COM


    • RussianTigger

      Mob Wife Lois was released in the game a few years ago, shenwasnt new to the Baseball Event, that’s why you didn’t get a trophy. You only get a trophy when you unlock a character or costume that is new to the game. Mob Wife Lois doesn’t count as she wasn’t new to the game.


  43. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me if the “raging rabbit” in the shop for 50 clams Is a moving deco like the rabbits in the game currently or just a motionless statue? Thanks.


  44. Hey RT! Logged on today April 23, 2020 and the game I have been playing for 6 years completely started from the beginning. I had contacted support twice about phantom clams on start up and the second time, I also reported that items I was buying were not showing up after the resources needed were spent. I was playing on iOS. Gremlins in the game lately have made it a bit frustrating to play so if I lost my game some how, I guess all I can say is that it was fun while it lasted. I wish the developers would slow the events down a tad in order to avoid the issues that keep popping up with playability.

    If my game reappears, I will report back in should any one else experience the same. If not, thanks for all the time you put into chasing the game down for us and dealing with our issues too. I did save my game a while ago when that option became available, alas, I cannot remember any info about it. I’m too old to remember so many passwords and too stubborn to write them down!

    Happy clamming!!!


    • If you remember the email you used contact support and they’ll help you reset password. Might see you back.


      • Follow up: Tried a clean install and nothing. I try to recover using my email, which gives me a “try again later” message. Jam City did say that they had done something “on their end” and if I couldn’t get back into the game to contact them again. Which I did. No reply so far. Booo.


  45. I’ve just unlocked 90’s Bonnie and I’m at level 86. However, I need to get rid of the game, I have other priorities and this is bit one sacrifice… does anyone want to take over my game, I believe it would only take me to enter your email and my current password or something and it could be yours for free!!!
    It would be a shame to delete it after all the hours I’ve put into it, so I’d love to gift it to someone else, absolutely no strings attached…


    • You might want to put this on a more current post, but I’m not sure if anyone will take you up on this.


      • Couldn’t work out how to navigate this site to place it appropriately, I’ll just delete it if you reckon no one would be interested…


        • Just go to home on the site and place your offer on the newest post, more chance being seen, you might also want try the family guy Reddit, you might get s new player or two there


      • Couldn’t work out how to navigate this site to place it appropriately, I’ll just delete it if you reckon no one would be interested…now it won’t let me post this because it seems I’ve already made this comment??? 🙄


        • Just go to home on the site and place your offer on the newest post, more chance being seen, you might also want try the family guy Reddit, you might get s new player or two there


    • Yeah ill take it send me the deets


  46. Hello, I’m having the damndest time with this new game. I JUST finished getting 90’s Lois because my game keeps quitting on me. I try to email support, however, that’s not working either. My game starts and then immediately shuts down the moment I try to send someone on a mission. It’s getting worse every day. Tonight I can not make any moves without my game crashing. Is anyone else experiencing this?


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