Tag Archives: Beer Designs

Create Your Own: Beer Scene

Hello There Clammers!

One of the best things about the Quest for Stuff game is that it allows for design creativity.   No two towns in this game are alike because each Quahog is uniquely created by YOU!  Sometimes the best feature of an animation (or lack there of) not working the way you want it to is it gives you a chance to show off your own creativity!

This past week District 10 opened it’s doors wide for Clammers to create their own Beerfest!  (Just watch out for the bubble in Das Boot!)  So let’s see what you’ve done so far with your Beer Wonderland.  Use the craftable decorations or hell just put beer everywhere!

Pawtucket Brewery Repaired Creepy River Boat Beer River


Show us your creativity!  All you have to do is upload a screenshot of that area of your Quahog and post a link (via Dropbox, Flickr or any other site you like to use) in the comments below!  So what are you waiting for ?  Show us your stuff!

Here’s a look at something reader jeffs666 has brewing in his Quahog:

2015-01-16 00.29.01

Mmmm beer lake….

Now it’s YOUR turn!  Show us what you’ve done.  Post links to your Beer Scenes in the comments below, we can’t wait to see your designs!