Tag Archives: Family Guy Christmas 2015 Event

Raid To The North Pole Phase 5 Is LIVE!!!

Hey there Holly Jollies!

The Final Phase of the Christmas 2015 Event, Raid to the North Pole, is now live in our games.


Raid to the North Pole Icon

First up… requirements.

  • North by North Pole Pt. 9 completed

There will ALWAYS be a timed item in Santa’s Headquarters at the end for 24hrs, so beware.

I will get the details finalized as fast as I can. Please be patient while I pull the stats. Continue reading

Raid to North Pole Main Questline: Escape From The North Pole & North By North Pole

Hey there Elves on Shelves!

As I am playing catch up, I wanted to rewind back a bit to Phase 3 and the Main Questline, Escape from the North Pole. I also wanted to dive on into the New Main Questline for Phase 4 of the Event, North by North Pole.

Christmas 2015 Nutcracker Stewie Icon

Let’s take a look at Escape from the North Pole & North by North Pole and all that you will encounter along the way.  Continue reading

Family Guy Help! Raid To The North Pole “Issues” (Part 4)

UPDATE: Seeing more patches roll out into the games. Make sure you force close and restart your device to see if any changes have hit your game and any issues you encountered are now resolving.


Hey there Holiday Humma’s!

I am back now. Had to take a break from everything due to my illness after the Holiday. Playing catch up now so you will see a few posts starting to hit the site soon. Just hang in there while I finish compiling them and getting them out.

First thing I wanted to touch on is the ongoing issues I am seeing in the comments. All have been reported already and are awaiting feedback, updates, clarifications, etc. So keep an eye on the post and I will update the information as it is returned to me.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch Continue reading

HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! The Giving Tree

Hey there Missle-Toes!!!

It’s Christmas Day here in the U.S.A and I’m taking a much needed break. (Don’t worry, I wrote this Christmas Eve.)

As we celebrate the Holiday with our families and friends, I just wanted to bounce by to say …


I really appreciate those that are still hanging round here at our silly lil blog, those making me laugh, and those helping me out to keep the site alive.

Have a Very Merry Christmas!!

~Bunny (and my partner in crime… Alissa)

Bunny & Alissa Christmas Large

Now for some “Gifts” from TinyCo


For those of you that have not noticed yet, there’s a FREE Mystery Box in the Shopping Cart Menu that will give you 30 Free Clams. Make sure you pop in and grab them! 😉


There is a new offer that dropped in our games for Christmas. In order to see the offer, you will need Peter free. So just what is this offer?

Giving Tree
Peter Starts

Pt.1 Buy $9.99USD or more worth of Clams, get 125 Presents Free

Pt. 2 Buy $19.99USD or more worth of Clams, get 300 Presents Free

Pt. 3 Buy $49.99USD or more worth of Clams, get the Giving Tree.

GIVING TREE: Drops 12 Clams every 24hrs until January 31st 2016. Claim it IN Quahog, not the North Pole… and check your Inventory Storage for it to place it.

You have 24hrs to decide to take the full offer and complete all 3 parts or let it go.

Essentially if you completed this offer today, you could spend roughly $80USD (buying the minimum required), get 275 + 600 + 1600 = 2475 Clams. Then “The Giving Tree” would help you to get up to 456 additional Clams Free (38 days x 12 a day). Total of 2831 Clams for $80USD. On top of that you’ll get 425 Presents too.

Overall you’re getting discounted Clams. Paying about $1USD per 35/36 Clams (depending when you get the tree).

Remember this offer is there as a CHOICE. It’s up to you to take it. Don’t bother with negative comments either. This is a HAPPY HOLIDAYS Post. Anything negative will be sent to Scrooges trash bin. 🙂


Raid To The North Pole Phase 4 Is LIVE!!!

FYI: Keep in mind that everyone is well aware of the issues going on in the game right now, that being said… the Event still has to go forward as it was scheduled months ago. That can’t be stopped. Hang in there, they are hard at work on the issues. In the meantime, here is the information for the New Phase. 

Hey there Holly Jollies!

Looks like we are getting our next Phase a lil early. With Christmas just two days away, TinyCo decided to go ahead and offer up the goodies for us tonight.


T600 Terminator

First up… requirements.

  • 1.15.5 Update on device
  • Escape From the North Pole Pt. 9 completed
  • PETER HAS TO BE FREE!!! (If he is on a Raid, you will not have North by North Pole trigger)

For those waiting for Snake’s questline, mine triggered with the update. Will have more on that in another post.

There will ALWAYS be a timed item in Santa’s Headquarters at the end for 24hrs, so beware.

I will get the details finalized as fast as I can, but honestly right now my current condition is really in bad shape. I will try to keep up and do what I can tonight. The rest may have to wait. Please be patient while I pull the stats.

Continue reading

Family Guy Help! Raid To The North Pole “Issues” (Part 3)

UPDATE 12/24 9PM EST: Per TinyCo

“We’ve just deployed a patch that will restore missing prize catalogue buildings. This automatic restore does not include vehicle buildings; players who are missing the vehicle hangars will see a modal on launch telling them to find them for 1 coin in the shop. Their hangars will be level one, until they force close and return. On return, their Hangar Levels will adjust to meet their progress in the event.”

I’ve seen some still can’t battle and passed that on. It’s holidays so not too much more can be done tonight and tomorrow, but will update when I can.




Hey there Holiday Humma’s!

Bouncing by really quick to go over some things I am seeing in the comments over and over. Take a peak below and see if these issues apply to you.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch Continue reading

Raid to North Pole: Week 2 48HR Challenge and Vehicle Glitch

For the recent details on glitches… go HERE. 



Latest from TinyCo…

While they’re working on the issue, they’ve found that ANY item next to the Battle areas is disappearing.

In other words ANY Building or Decoration by Santa’s Village, Fake Trees, or Misfit Toys Camp Battles… MOVE THEM NOW. This will help prevent any further loss of items.


UPDATE 12/23: TinyCo still working on patches.

If you lost any Characters from the glitch, try to pull them out of limbo by another task.

For instance look for a joint take with Peter and another Character (like Quagmire or Jermoe). Selecting the joint task is helping in some cases to bring them back. Otherwise all we can do is wait. Sorry.

For those with crashing issue from update, let me know please if better now.


UPDATE 7PM EST: Heading home soon, but wanted to let you know they’re still working on issues.

Crashing issue they’re testing patch now and hope to have it done by as early as tonight.

Missing Vehicles/Characters working on too. They’re aware of the concerns. Will update when I get anymore info.


Hey there Block Heads!

Bouncing by with a few updates to things going on in the game. The 48hr Weekly Challenge hit our games last night and now this morning it seems an odd glitch is plaguing Players.

Blocko Hovercraft Hangar Humma Hangar

Continue reading

Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Santa's Village Yellow Building

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a million dollars? Having a mental breakdown like me? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? Do anything fun?

Excited for Christmas? Got all your shopping done?

See any cool decorations round your neighborhood? If so, share a pic below or email it to us at familyguyaddicts@gmail.com



Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

Silver Bell Mystery Box: Little Box of Material Joy

Hey there Merry Jinglers!

TinyCo decided to drop a lil present into our towns to help us out with the Event. The Mystery Box. The Little Box of Material Joy! WOOHOO!!

Little Box of Material Joy

For the cost of 1 Silver Bell a try, you will get a chance or two (depends per Player on how many tries you get) to give it a go for some random payout prizes. Once you have used all those tries, the Mystery Box will go away.

Just what is inside the Little Box of Material Joy? Let’s take a look!  Continue reading

Raid To The North Pole Phase 3 Is LIVE!!!

Hey there Snowflakes!

It’s beginning to look a lot like MORE Christmas. Raid to the North Pole Phase 3 is now live in our games. This means more Characters/Costumes, Buildings, Decorations, and just a lil bit of snow. 😉


Santa's Supply
First up, what you will need in order to see the content in Phase 3. You will need to complete The Elf Empire Strikes Back Pt. 9 before you can begin the second phase of the event.

There WILL be another 24hr Timed item in Santa’s Headquarters at the end (there will always be).

Back with more in a bit…. Continue reading