Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

Hello There Addicts Asylum Patients!

Having a fun day? Lots of stuff on your mind? Just want to ramble on about anything and everything? WELL TOO BAD!!!

Santa's Village Yellow Building

Errr, I mean… Here is the place where you can do it. Have something cool you want to share with your fellow readers/Addicts? Have something on your mind that you just want to get off it? Have a million dollars? Having a mental breakdown like me? Lol.

This post is for open conversation. Pretty much anything and everything goes (as long as it still follows the Addicts Site Guidelines). Feel free to chat it up all you want.

If you are not sure of what to talk about, here are a few subjects to get you started.

How was your week? Do anything fun?

Excited for Christmas? Got all your shopping done?

See any cool decorations round your neighborhood? If so, share a pic below or email it to us at



Remember this post is for FUN!! If you wanna gripe or complain or rant or …well, be mad about something…take it to our WHAT THE DEUCE posts and get it out your system there. 🙂

There you go. Get your typing fingers fired up and yap yap yap away.

38 responses to “Blah Blah Blah Yadda Yadda (Open Thread)

  1. Dec 20 seems so long ago hahaha
    Omg I wish they would do an
    A-Team event 😬😬


  2. For some reason everythime i send kevin to to do his battle, stewie ends up with him idk why, i dont have nutcraker stewie and im not sending him with kevin so i dont get why its doing this. I need stewie for other things and cant use him. Any ideas or anyone else have this problem? thank you!


  3. Ugh, not a WTD, but I just realized I ran out of Trader Joe’s Pumpkin Ice Cream. Now I have to go out in the freezing rain. There is no way I can get through this afternoon without this amazing treat…


  4. wildthornberry88

    In completely unrelated news, I’m so excited/happy today as one of my best friend has had a baby woo! And she was at work this morning, crazy lol!


  5. Just in general out of curiosity, Bunny
    1. how many FGQS games you play?
    2. Are all at equal stage of progress?
    3. How much time you end up spending per week on updating this website ?
    4. How much money/ clams you have spent so far for us ?


    • 1. Originally we had 6 going… with me solo now… most the time 1 or 2… occasionally 3.

      2. No. Intentionally. I try to keep on strict Freemium and one strict Premium to see various game play along with one low Level, like a new player in a way.

      3. That depends on my work schedule. I could probably put in at least 40+ hrs on the site if not more a week. A lot of it you do not see as it is “behind the scenes” working.

      4. Wow… ummm… I would have to add it up. I know I was going through at one time about at least $1000 a month in the Google Play/iOS Gift Cards we get to purchase Clams. BIG Events we can easily go through 20,000-30,000 Clams to pull all the stats. Smaller Events vary 5,000-15,000. Hard to say as it depends on how many games need Clams invested. Then outside that there is the site costs, legal fees, etc. It is basically just like running a business.


  6. I graduated on Friday. It took me nine years, but school is forever finished. Thank God!


  7. With the addition of Lyle in the game, I rewatched A.I. Artificial Intelligence. Love that movie!

    Also watched Love Actually, one of my favorite Christmas holiday films, over the weekend.

    Happy and safe holidays!


  8. wildthornberry88

    I wish more people used this thread ^^; I like getting to know people.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Me three. Too quiet. 😦


    • *Sidling up* Hello ladies…how you doing? *Slinking away*

      This is something I’ve been thinking about for awhile. Comparing the two sites I mean. For whatever reason the other site has a bigger core group of regulars who only play that game. The reasons for that may be any number of things. More people watch that show/play that game. That game seems to cause less stress/anger. I don’t know for sure. I only know that on any post over there you can expect to see any number of familiar “faces”. Over here, sure there are some regulars, but it seems like less and less I recognize the names. And I’m “guilty” of this too. As my interest in this game has waned and my frustration level has (at times anyway) risen I find myself commenting much less on this side of things. Sure I pop in now and then to bug Bunny but it’s sporadic at best. I don’t know, it wasn’t always like this. Has everyone just lost interest in this game and by extension comment less on the site? 😐


      • Sadly I think that people here preferred to make angry comments more than just talk. It got ugly… we tightened that… comments slowed to a crawl.

        I do prefer the “more talkative” atmosphere there and wish it would come back here. 😦


        • Aw Bun Bun! I miss coming here all the time! I noticed things got out of hand at one point when both you and Alissa were both sick, right before you guys announced that she was pregnant! I don’t know what the deal is with some people.. A lot of people like to complain I guess. I know that, personally, I’m very fusterated with glitches and the way the events have been setup. But I don’t want to come here with any negative attitude. So I have refrained from any comments unless it was a question. So maybe just a lot of unhappy players? Who knows! The amount of time and money you invest into this site is unreal. I see people thanking you all over the place, but I can’t help but wonder if everyone really gets the reality of it.. I can’t even fully imagine putting myself in your spot. Not to mention the stress that comes with it. I’d give the shirt off my back for someone in need, but this is just a whole different scale. You may not work for Tiny Co., but this is a job in itself. It’s definitely a high stress second job, and I’m amazed that you do it girl.. I wouldn’t get through this game without you and I do appreciate you! Hopefully more chatter to come from everyone! Happy chatter that is 😉☺️🐰


          • Lol. Thanks. The sites are definitely a full time job each in themselves. The time, money, and effort put into them is not just a walk in the park for sure. I do get that people get unhappy… just sad that they abuse this site instead of use it to help one another. The odd thing is this… those with issues are STILL only around 5-10% of players when it gets REALLY bad… so it is more just a very small amount of angry people that tear apart the sites.

            I am glad to see you still bounce around here occasionally. 😉


            • A lot of people lack patience. Some people also don’t know how to help themselves, or how to even come here and ask for help. Even if they ask for help a lot of ppl would rather complain. I wish that people would understand that this is a free site run at your cost.. Maybe you should start charging membership fees! LOL! Omg and it could be like a club! We could get capes w FG Addicts logos on them!! OMG.
              Don’t think that I haven’t forgotten about that Super Bowl Event!! Haha 🏈

              I love coming back as often as I can 🙂 I’m hoping to do so more in the future. Life is just so craaaazy sometimes lol


      • wildthornberry88

        I was wondering if it is cos three family guy qfs Facebook group has a message board (effectively), whereas tsto doesn’t. But that’s only ever game chat unfortunately.


  9. well all looks like i’m at the end of my journey wit my town of Quahog!😤👿😡👎
    i jus had to get new phone because the one i had before the cracked screen finally stopped working COMPLETELY and i tried to download the game on this one, it’s now saying my phone is NOT compatible wit the game! how is that when this phone is the EXACT SAME type and model as my broken one?…is there anything i can do AT ALL to possible fix it? i’m family guy withdrawing already lol😂


    • Interesting. Maybe message them to confirm?


      • all figured out and yes it was exactly that wit the Google Play Store/Services whatever on this phone now AND also had to update to the most recent like in my old broken phone…Tis ALL good now! i’m one happy camper with a running phone&&UNBROKEN screen. 😂😁

        Liked by 1 person

    • This is what it ways in the help section in the game. Copy and pasted, hope it helps.

      [Known Issue] My device is incompatible on Google Play
      You may need to update your Google Play Services. Please open your Google Play app and check for updates. You should receive a notification, or see it in your pending updates queue.

      If updating Google Play Services does not fix the issue, please contact us for further assistance.


  10. I wonder when the event ends how are all our buildings and decorations that are in the Christmas village gonna transfer ? are they just gonna get thrown into our inventory? also at what point do you get the comic-con celebrities ? On facespace it says for patrick stewart ” you need clamterprise to unlock ” ? Sorry for all the questions haha This is my first year playing the game I think Ive had it for about 8-10 months now? I think I’ve gotten pretty far I’ve just gotten Olivia Fullers house but I haven’t unlocked her yet


    • Events exclusive Characters you’ll have to wait to see if they bring them back in a sale.

      North Pole items will drop into Inventory after its over for access to put then in Quahog.


    • wildthornberry88

      Patrick Stewart etc were in an event last year but I got them in a sale in January because I missed the event. I was taking a break from mobile games last autumn. And I think there was another sale later this year too… so if you’re lucky they’ll do another one too, if you want to spend some Clams 🙂


  11. Barely kicking in tier 1.. it’s apparently a character..

    I agree with susy swanson, Dylan and Neil goldman.. I’m still waiting for dog Peter Lois and stewie..

    Also some other people who should be added..

    Those 2 barber guys who always danced.. they’re both dead now stewie shot them both when he enlisted in the army..

    They should also add some of the Jock kids Connie always hung out with and picked on Meg alot..

    Some other characters that would be entertaining would be..

    Karen: Peters sister
    Peters real dad I don’t remember his name
    Liam Nesson
    Quagmires mom
    Joe’s dad
    The entire Simpsons family
    Seth McFarlane
    Star wars characters
    Mc hammer
    Anyone from the Cleveland show
    Neil goldmans mom, Morts wife
    Ted B. And Ted R.
    Jillians boyfriend who was killed by Diane
    Joyce Kinney
    Carl (comic guy)
    Ollie (it gonna rain guy)
    James woods
    Bill Clinton (presidents day)
    George w bush (presidents day)
    Jeff (American dad continuation)

    I’m sure I could think of more lol


  12. This week I’m gonna be really busy working woohoo :p this morning I started work at 4am, tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday I’ll start at 3am… but then… 3 whole days off!! Christmas!! Presents!! Food!! (Though I think I’m cooking Christmas dinner hmm better do a trial run!!)


  13. I hope they do a sort off mini event that brings more kids to Quahog with CharacterS:
    Neil Goldman
    Susie Swanson
    Dylan Flannigan

    Pregnant Bonnie


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