Tag Archives: Game Won’t Open

Current Known Issues – Version 1.50.5 Update

Hey there Clammers!

With the current hiccups going on in the Event and now the game itself, I wanted to do a quick post to warn you updating to the latest version of the game, 1.50.5 is causing some players to be locked out of their games completely. So if you’ve not updated yet, you may want to hold off doing so.

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch

If you have updated and are locked out please leave details of the device, operating system you play on and the exact issue you’re having in the comments, in order TinyCo can see this information.

~ Russian Tigger

Current Known Issues & Glitches

Hey there Clammers!

With the current hiccups going on in the Event and game itself, I wanted to do a quick post of some of the known issues going on that are impacting Players.

So take a peek below and see if one of these are happening to you, and we have the answer for you. 🙂

Consuela Technical Support Bunny Glitch Continue reading