Dear TinyCo: Game Pros

As we are getting a feel for this new lil game from TinyCo, we are also forming our own opinions of just what we really think of the Family Guy: Quest For Stuff.

NEW ASSET -- The Quest for Stuff Key Art

This post will be for all the things you think they did RIGHT in the game. Your favorite tasks, character, building, etc. All things POSITIVE that you like about it. (Please keep your responses to a PG-13. Any negative comments will be removed. You can place them in the Cons section instead.)

We want to know YOUR thoughts on the game, content, characters, etc. So sound off in the comments section below. You never know when TinyCo will pop in and see what YOU are saying.


Until Next Time


35 responses to “Dear TinyCo: Game Pros

  1. I would like a function similar to the Nuke function, but instead will get rid of all decorations (items that don’t drop XP or money).

    I have too many lying around and would take me hours to clear out. Would be super handy for it all to go just by a click of a button


  2. I really like this game , I enjoy getting new characters and the quests . but I have always had a little pet peeve / thought . I always wished there was a button that would bring up a list of all characters and what Action they were completing , XP, and $ ( or items ) . So like the info that appears when you find and click a characters or the buildings they’re in would all appear in one convenient list so you can actually time quests and actions right and check up on status’s easily without hassle . that is all , great game though !


  3. You guys should add the quahog airport


  4. I was wondering if I could get some help . I was about to unlock diabeto and used my 750 clams and had a one thing left to unlock and he’s no longer there . The candy shop is but he’s not and then I have no clams and I can’t even move forward because I can’t even buy another diabeto and the help on there is not responding to me I even sent in pics .please can anyone help


  5. Kurtis Sullivan

    Dear Tinyco,
    I love this game it is truley awesome. You guys are doing a great job. This crash problem is the first time I have had a trouble and I’m sure your doing everything to fix it…Now that I have buttered you up lol. Im kind of getting behind in my game due to the crashing maybe when we get it fixed you could throw us all a few free clams to help us all catch up a bit. Haha I’m just sayin. Anyone agree.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Unless I can’t see them. .. notice any pro comments in over a month? I love this game but give us more time!


  7. what a wonderful game the characters are spot on and my favorite is Lois and the choking scene wonderful !!


  8. It would be great if the Facespace would be refreshed. I miss the thoughts of the caracters.
    I love this game because I have no time to watch the series every day, and it gives me a way to ‘making a trip Quohog’.


  9. I would honestly love to see something like a collect all button be introduced in the near future. I love the game for its quest lines, characters and general tom-foolery. But I do have to admit that collecting each building or completed task is painstaking and aggravating to tap on each and every building. Just a thought!


  10. You guys should make an american dad the guest for stuff game


  11. Dear tiny co,
    My husband and I both play. ..him like a part time job
    Anywho we would love to be able to gift each other things in the game to help complete the missions faster?

    Also maybe more clamp as rewards cause I can never seem to get all the items for the special events. Maybe there could be a daily mini game to earn them ?


  12. I just put Brian on a task because I mistook it for a different task that was very similar, oops. Then I thought how awesome it’d be if there were a cancel button for is knuckleheads. Oh and an auto collect button to get coins from buildings, I’m sure tons of people are tired of manually going around clicking stuff.


  13. Hi Tiny Co could you produce some new permanent deco… I was hoping for the brick road, willow trees and roses from the Valentines event. I’m big on appearance.

    Hope you consider….love the game btw


  14. Wibberlywobberly

    Has anyone else noticed that if you move to one of the extreme edges of the screen, but away from the active area (ie into the woods), then the background is like those old pictures which give a 3D effect, often with a hidden picture, if you stare at them in a slightly unfocused way? Weird, I know, but stay with me! Because of the current snow effect, if you do this at the moment you really do get a great 3D effect of the snow falling – and you get a bit sick if you do it too long! Give it a go… Move to the edge, stare a little unfocused for a while and see what happens!


  15. I think there should be a Star Wars event! I love this game already and that it pulls things directly from the show but Star Wars was also a huge part of the show. Players should be given the opportunity to unlock the character’s respective Star Wars character. Stormtroopers could around and when clicked on, Republic credits are dropped to become the “currency” of the event. I believe a lot of game players would love an event like this!


  16. I have been playing family guy tqfs almost since the beginning. It is a really great game. If you don’t have it definitely get it because your totally missing out on the fun. All of the updates have been great, a few glitches here and there but they are always patched. TinyCo, I think it wold be a good idea if when the new Star Wars comes out, that you should make a update with the family guy Star Wars.

    Thanks for reading, Shaun


  17. Love the comicon event but can we have an easter egg for following takai maybe lower blam to win him or idk.


    • Well…being a Bunny…lemme see if I got an Easter Egg around. 😉

      Lol. I am interested and excited to see what each week brings us in this silly game.


  18. This is something relatively new I discovered that I thought was pretty neat and wanted to share with anyone who doesn’t know about it 😊. If you tap and hold down on a character you can pick them up and they say a funny aggressive or panicked comment. They’re just holding one arm up and dangling as if you’re actually picking them up. Joes had me cracking up because he’s holding onto his wheelchair with his other arm 😂. While picking up your character if you drag them towards a building that they can associate a task with it pulls up those tasks. For example if you pick up Joe and place him on the police station it pulls up all tasks that he can do in that building. I just think it’s a rather funny and interesting touch to the game 😄


  19. love the mummy boobies


  20. Love the UI. Much nicer than Tapped Out, IMHO. Love the quicker loading and the Google Play achievements/integration.


  21. I want to get neighbors but not on my facebook


  22. The animations are nice.


  23. Loving the game so far, I got bored of TSTO as it was very repetitive.

    I like the swipe to start task as you dont accidently send people on wrong quests,
    Leveling up characters is great!
    I like that after building a building you have to “help out” the character.
    I also like the fact your not quarenteed the item everytime, its chance.

    Only just started playing but once ive played it some more, ill probably have some more positives 🙂


  24. Come on ppl we need some pros!!! I am enjoying the gameplay itself. I know some ppl don’t like the swipe to start a task, but how many times in TSTO have you accidentally sent someone on a task you didn’t want? This to me is a bonus, it gives you the chance to see the mistake before its too late. I also like the build menu so far.


  25. I love that u can lvl up characters not just the game, I love/hate that after you unlock a building you still have to unlock the character, animation is funny


    • I agree. The expandable characters are a great idea. I also like how smooth and interesting the animation is, and the way they’ve brought the irreverent spirit of the show to the game.


  26. I’m loving the FaceSpace! 🙂


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