Rare Item Drops: TinyCo Responds to Players

Bunny here hopping on in really quick to give you all a lil info from our friends at TinyCo. MANY of you have made comments in regards to the drops for those really hard to get Materials for the Characters. Days and weeks of tasks that yielded no results. This is where it really pays off to have a company that listens to its players.

fg_materials_eyeball_v2@2x fg_materials_headband_v3@2xfg_materials_whip_v3@2x

TinyCo has made changes to the drops in your game as of version 1.0.15. The levels of items (uncommon, rare, extra rare, etc) are still the same along with the randomness of the drops themselves. The change they have made is now after you have a certain amount of drops (the amount varies by each item) without anything yielding, the chance increases in your favor and becomes more likely to drop.

Things like this is why we here at Family Guy Addicts encourage YOU to communicate with them. They really are great at listening and making changes. Let us know if you have noticed a change in YOUR game. Are you getting those hard to acquire items more often now? Notice any specific changes for you? Give me your feedback on it.

Til Next Time


135 responses to “Rare Item Drops: TinyCo Responds to Players

  1. I haven’t noticed a change, been trying to get banana peels and plutonium non stop. I’ve gotten three sticks of plutonium, these banana peels are all I need to unlock Brian. Very frustrating!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Does not seem to efect the chances much, sent them all on tasks today and got 1 sandwich in total? Lois and Joe have been doing there tasks to get the falcon glove from day one constantly, and only got 2 in total, one each. And at 60 clams each to get them, looks like it will be a long slog to get them, no time to send Lois on the seek vengance task.


  3. I noticed the change a bit, I had been working on getting the last 2 whips for S & Lois for 3 weeks but got both yesterday. For some reason though rare and extra rare are dropping more often than commons in my game. I am currently working on Brian and Stewie, The Maracas (extra rare) for Brian dropped every time and the Plutonium (extra rare) so far has dropped every time from making Brian do the scoot. So far Lois has dropped only 3 baseball bats for me and Jerome growing his for drops both the bats for Brian (common) and Jewels for Stewie (Rare) but so far have only dropped jewels. Out of the 4 times I have sent Quagmire to watch netchix only 1 blue print (common) has dropped yet Meg, Chris and Bruce drop the PB & J (rare) 2 out of 3 times each time. It’s a bit odd that it’s doing this. Has anyone else experienced this in their game?


    • I’ve noticed similar oddities. Lois doesn’t drop anything for me, common items included but Meg, Chris and Bruce dropped eleven consecutive rare pb&j sandwiches for me. Extra rare items are falling regularly oddly enough. No blueprints for me yet. Only using Quagmire but he isn’t producing in my game either.


  4. I now feel the pain of the 3 eyeballs for anime peter…ugh. Long tasks with no drop.


  5. I’m def not a fan of random chance in this game or TSTO…set a quantity to work for..set the bar high if need be for high level rewards…but random chance is BS!! I can see random chance for “prizes” and what not..but not for everything!!


  6. I am gettin more item drops but in the last 4 days i have lost 27 due to game crashes. I have used in game and email support and the only response i got was after 3 days asking if im still having the issue but if they had of read my messages they would see i was and have all the details so they could do something about it. So far tinyco support is just the same as ea “NONEXISTANT”
    Any hints on how to get there attention so i can get this sorted?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Did you message back to the response? It is usually best to stay on a single chat or email thread so 5 different people are not trying to fix same issue. Let me know.


    • Sorry to hear, Ray. I am having trouble getting into the game since 4th July update. I’ve sent tinyco messages, and today I got a reply from them saying they consider the issue resolved b/c it’s 2 weeks old. Um no- if I keep getting a “uh oh loading problems” screen that asks me to check the in game FAQ, most ppl would say that’s Not resolved. Plan on taking a break. Games are supposed to be Fun. Lol.


      • Make sure you reply to the thread. You don’t want someone new, who is playing catch up on your problem.


        • I started using only the in game but after 3day i went on the tinyco site and emailed support. After emailing them they responded in game but all it said was” sorry for delay are you still having the issue. Please give full details” so i sent another in game message saying i was and sent another email. Last night (being day 4) i got a in game message saying its my phone thats the problem as that you cannot loose items. Example of my issue: i collected 4 leather gloves fine, then the crashing caused me to loose the next 4( by loose i mean, item dropped, game crashes, return to game and attemp to collect again but item is not dropped) if you cant loose items how did it take 9 leather gloves to collect 5. When i try to do my friends it takes between 3 and 10 attempts to load friends. I then collect a golden clam and the game crashes so i reload the game and have the same number of golden clams so i go through the hassle of going to friend to find i have no actions to do.
          Wtf am i ment to do. I should already have peters and brians new costumes but i dont due to having to re-earn items. Iv lost 27 so that means 27 wasted jobs and i have to do 27 to replace them


          • I have found a method to keep 90% of dropped items. Do my fgtqfs 1 char/building at a time and if they drop a item collect it then close the game. I have just timed how long it takes to do this and lets just say im level 42 on tsto and i can do full play of springfield, krustyland, all chars on new jobs and 10 friends towns in the same annount of time. Its a killer but i think its the only way to keep my items. Rather then having lost 4/5 items so far today i have lost 1 and a golden clam. At least the lost item was jewels so easy to replace unlike to bluprint i lost from a 20 hour task yesterday.
            I no its hard but if you have the same issue as me and tinyco are doing NOTHING the same as for me at least you can limit the losses


            • That is exactly the “work around” that TinyCo has suggested while they work through some of their memory size issues. By “minimizing” the game, it forces a save.


          • I know exactly what your talking about. Had the same problem a while back. For me, it was a memory issue. I had other apps running in the background and not enough memory space. When an item dropped, the extra animation and processing space the game needed to complete the sequence would trip the auto “crash” feature devices have (when memory gets full it closes the game to protect the device). This also happens when you visit a friends town who has items or buildings you don’t. It tries to load into memory these “extra” objects. This crash happens faster than the “auto save” within the game can save your progress and record the dropped item. When you re-start the game, it loads the last save point (just before the event that caused the game to crash). Now, when you tap on the character to collect again, the item randomizer “rolls” again to determine an outcome. Since the game didn’t save…it will not “know” it had just given a positive outcome. TinyCo recently hired a bunch of newbies, some are still getting their feet wet. Send them another in game message and bring up the points I just made…also, you can send us an email with a copy of every thing you have sent them to familyguyaddicts@gmail.com We’ll see what we can do for you on this end. Hang in there. I know it sucks right now, but if a solution is out there….it will be found.


            • I checked my phones ram and before i play i have about 450mb free and i have managed to take my phone to 15mb free without crashing so tqfs must be a serious drain as it is smaller town and less animation then my tsto but tsto works fine so i dont get why tqfs uses sooooooooo much. All tinyco have said to do is close apps and restart phone. No ways to work around the issue i found that out myself. I will email asap


              • I know they are actively working and getting the memory needs of their animations sequences lowered. It’s the reason the “active” volcano and the Party pyramid went “inactive” for a period of time during the Full Moon event. Hang in there and stay on top of TinyCo. 😉


    • You dont mention your Phone Type, but Android di an OS update a few weeks back, and since then, the Android handling of system memory has GREATLY improved. I noticed it immediately. It is less of a memory hog, it closes out apps that are unneeded, and plugged memory leaks. Update your Androids


  7. Was reading the percentages of drop chances, gave me a headache 🙂 lets say the chances are better and keep it simple, we will get what we get eventually, just a waiting game.


  8. Instead of obscure odds and changing odds after you get some of this and that and this and that and wtfever…how about they just make all actions able to gain the necessary items 100% of the time… For the hard to get items, just have more actions to unlock them or longer tasks. No secrets, no luck, no bs, no angriness, no question, and no confusion.

    Just- You want this? You do this.

    But beyond that, the main concern is- if we have to grind for weeks to unlock something- be it a character or land or event or building- at least make the grinding interesting, original, with a story….like TSTO. Who wants to do the same task 15, 25, 30, 50 times? Is that fun for anybody?


    • You make some good points. I have seen TinyCo making changes here and there all along the games 3+ month life, but I also see that the acquiring of objects with degrees of chance…IS the game…it’s their unique take on this style of game. I personally would hate the game if I knew I would get an object every time. There’s a certain amount of joy I feel when a “rare” item drops…like I just won something…that I’m “lucky”. But, it’s not for everybody. I know many gamers who hate TSTO’s game style too. But I do respect all opinions, let them know your ideas! that’s how the game gets better for us all. 😉


  9. When is the next ‘What the Hell?’

    I’ve got a good one saved up.


  10. I love how this happened two days after I finished my last unlockable (PBJ Brian).
    Nonetheless great to hear, will give free players a huge boost and save clammers a bunch of money. I personally had not felt the drop rates were too ridiculous. Had trouble with the eyeballs but I enjoyed the struggle as part of the game.


  11. Mines a bit weird.. i have all 5 maracas already, yet only 1 leather glove, and i’ve done the same amount of tasks, maybe even more for the latter.. Not complaining as long as i get the gloves eventually haha


  12. I just wish the premium chars were involved here. No need to cut back on how many freemium chars are working, but give each premium char an item earning task too so we get a little more bang for our clams.


  13. Jane Speedman

    Ok, so the frequency of item drops has increased, but now it requires 30 of a particular item to obtain Stewie, and the timeframe for those tasks is 20 hours. And after 20 hours of the character being tied up, you still have a high probability of the item not dropping. All of this adds up to a very VERY long wait for Stewie. Unless of course you
    buy clams.


    • Why in such a rush though? A game is meant to take time and to be enjoyed. 😉

      Have fun. Don’t sweat the lil stuff. Earn money with all these tasks to use on upcoming items. Visit friends and earn clams. PLAY the game. If it was done tomorrow, we would all be bored out of our minds again… (and I am already out of my mind…you don’t want it worse. Lol) 😉


    • True, but that is exactly what this game basically is: a Quest for Stuff. With funny dialog mixed in and town building features.


    • I thought this was stupid to. Usually the common items like this that have many drops to obtain were quicker quests. 30 blueprints is ridiculous at least they are common, I guess the one advantage to being common though is you can pay with clams. $5-10 to save a couple weeks seems to be their marketing on this item isn’t horrible but clearly where they are trying to steer us. I’ll wait it out but not happy about it. :-/ @Bunny about response, there is nothing enjoyable about waiting 20 hours at a minimum of 30 attempts, that’s 300 hours sending 2 people you can’t free up for other tasks. This is just stupid.


      • It was a general comment…not specific. But thanks. 😉

        We are doing a poll on it. Feel free to put in your two cents. We DO send the stats to TinyCo. Lol 😉

        It does help to let them know your thoughts on items. They do listen.


  14. Was there an update that came with the drop change?


  15. I haven’t noticed a change at all. Lois has been riding that bull for days and Joe has been doing targeting practice too. I only receive one item this whole time.


    • The rates stay the same…however there’s more of a unlock rate with it. Basically after x amount of tries it’ll be way more likely to drop then in the past…


  16. Am I the only one feeling a little less worried about getting Stewie now?


  17. I think they should have greased up deaf guy run through the town once in a while with the ability to drop anything at random when you catch him. Make him slip under your finger a few times and when you finally catch him you get items you are trying to collect, coins, or even a lucky clam at random.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. It looks like Tiny Co learned an important lesson about how probability works over large groups. Consider even if an item drops 50% of the time, like getting heads on a coin flip, and QFS had a 100,000 players, what would happen:

    On average 50,000 players wouldn’t get it on the first try.
    On average 25,000 wouldn’t get it the second time.
    12,500 would miss out the third time
    6,250 still would have the item the 4th time.
    3,125 would still not have the item after 5 tries
    ~1,500 would come up empty the 6th time
    ~700.. 7
    ~350.. 8
    ~175.. 9
    ~ 80.. 10
    ~40.. 11
    ~20… 12
    10.. 13
    5.. 14
    ~2.. 15
    And one poor sucker would likely still not have a 50% drop rate item even after 16 tries! (And I rounded down in a few spots, ’cause math is hard. :razz:)

    So you can imagine the havoc a 5% drop rate can wreak on some non-quite vanishingly small number of players. A tip ‘o the herringbone hat in TinyCo’s direction for attempting to sort this out. :mrgreen:



  19. …and all this time I thought I was catching a lucky break lol! I’m glad that they made the adjustments…but sad I spent my clams a few weeks ago on the eyeballs…should have waited…oh well…


  20. Sweet! This is especially useful now because of all the items we need to collect for the characters and outfits of District 8. Thanks TinyCo 🙂


  21. I would like to Thanks to TinyCo for those free clams and the hard work they do as well as listen to their playets! And with that said, i would love to see us able to sell overstocked inventory and a way to get friends beyond Facebook! I do not use Facebook and i have no future interest in doing so! Great job at Addicts as always! I still love you all! The work you guys do on both games us exceptional and awesome! I go no where else for my info! 🙂


  22. My issue is the bundling of multiple items into a single task. For example. Chris’s 8hr task of eating a large ham gives you a chance at getting an uncommon item, the sugar packet or a rare item, the PB & J sandwich. This bundling makes the drop rate feel very unbalanced.


  23. I don’t see an update in my App Store. Is the latest version this updated one with the drop rates? Because ever since district 8 opened I’ve still barely been able to collect anything


    • This was not an update. Just embedded in a version they have out now. My device shows the current as

      Most players have this version already live in their games.


  24. I’m also yet to get a single leather glove for falconer peter… That’s only extra rare so not sure it’s working too well for me.


  25. I’m glad to hear about the increases in the chance to get an item, especially since there is ALOT to collect now. I wish that increase would hurry up & pay off – after multiple attempts, I have yet to get a single leather glove from Lois or Joe. Once an item does drop, does the chance for that item reset back to its original ‘difficult to get’ percentage? If so, it will still take a long time to get all the needed stuff. Thank you, guys!


    • Since the random factor is in there, I do not know attempt or timewise for the drops. And I assume yes, it resets once you get it…due to you got it. I will verify with TinyCo to be sure. 😉


  26. Whoever had this idea at TinyCo deserves a cookie! I was thinking they could increase chances by a fraction of a percent with each level the player has under their belt, but this is a much better approach!

    Hopefully the hackers can get us the statistics on the drops! Haha!


  27. anyone else having problems with the game crashing on start up? Appears like i’ve played the game to death… cant even get passed the loading screen without it crashing. Any tips?



    • Try the basic troubleshooting. Hard close, reset, uninstall/reinstall ONLY if linked to email or Facebook to recover game. Outside that, contact TinyCo as there may be another underlying issue or a trending issue with similar devices to yours.


      • Whenever I’ve had trouble (apart from Consuela) on startup it’s been sorted out by freeing up some memory on my phone – uninstall some crap, move apps to memory card etc (or possibly move FROM memory card, depending where you have TQFS running and the individual circumstances of your phone… and maybe think about deleting stuff out of LOST.DIR – I’m Android, UK, T-Mobile, Sony Xperia S, and I’m /fairly*/ sure that my phone ignores the contents of LOST,DIR when calculating used space i.e. if I apparently have 3GB free space plus 1GB in LOST.DIR then I only really have 2GB to spare)

        *I’m happy to be corrected on this but I stand by my previous comments 😀


        • That is one of many issues that could be causing it…yes. We usually have people also check with TinyCo…it is much easier for them to know what devices are more or less compatible with their game then us as their techs have the access we do not. The basics are always best to try to resolve ANY issue with your electronics…beyond that…support may be helpful too. 😉

          I appreciate the input from our readers as well. Everyone experiences the game different and what might fail for one player may fix issue for another.


  28. If possible, you guys should try to figure out how many tries it takes for each item or rarity category to increase the odds of a drop, and if/when the drop is guaranteed after so many attempts. It would just be useful to know!! 🙂 Very happy they did this!


  29. does this improve drop rate for all items including the new ones for district 8?


  30. I feel like this is a very risky move by Tinyco.

    The concept is absolutely fantastic, but I’m curious on the details.
    If each failure yields higher % for the next attempt, then you are potentially defeating the concept of ‘Epic’.

    Using Bunny’s example as my own (I’m assuming you were just creating numbers for explanation sake), adding 6.5% chance to the end of each failure will result in the following:

    2nd eyeball attempt – 10-12% chance of dropping
    On your second attempt you are very literally turning an Epic into an Extra Rare.
    On your third attempt, you are bypassing Rare and coming up fast on uncommon.

    My skepticism is dependent on the actual formula they are using.

    Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic that Tinyco is listening to their players and moving in a positive direction. It earns them a certain respect, but I hope they are careful. Accommodation has ruined countless video game titles.

    I am not one to put something under the microscope without offering up my opinions and suggestions so here goes:

    Start with nudges and monitor. You’ve bought yourself some good faith with your player base by shining a light on a growing frustration. Perhaps a 0.5-1% increase with each failed attempt, especially considering the Epic item requirements for costumes/characters is currently very low (3 headbands, 3 eyeballs etc) compared to 10-30 rare 5-10 extra rare.

    Just to be clear, everything above is my own personal opinion and speculation 🙂 I don’t have any inside information or details regarding Tinyco’s formulas. The intention is purely constructive 🙂

    One more thing, did Tinyco say anything about the % increase carrying over to other characters? Does Meth-man Peter benefit from Dr. Hartman’s failed tasks?



    • The increase is item specific…so it is on the item itself and the attempts on that item task. So I would say no to that. This was done for those that repeatedly spent over a week to get one eyeball. I appreciate it. If you put in the time and effort to obtain an item…it is beneficial to get some kind of payout for your work in the end. It won’t be instant…like starting first try. That would be pointless in my mind.

      Overall, great idea 😉


      • In that case, if I was Tinyco, I wouldn’t release their “how many failures to % increase” to the public.
        The last thing people need to be doing is counting failures. Make it work but keep it secret for now 🙂

        Also, I hope MULTIPLE failures won’t ever yield 100% chance for item. 100% is reserved for clam spenders and premium buildings.

        Blurring the freemium/premium line, even just for a second, could prove hazardous down the line, whether its players who feel cheated and complain/quit, players who feel like there’s no hope without clams and complain/quit or clams feeling cheated AND hopeless and cease to drop from Ollietown anymore. (I made the last one up)


        • This is why we are respectful to TinyCo and their wishes to keep a lot of stats UN-published for now. They have treated us well and we would like to keep that connection with them and those involved in making this game. It is still a new game. They are working out the kinks and, in my opinion, learning and growing. They are still a company that MUST earn to pay for what makes this game tick, but I really appreciate just how involved they are with it. Gives me great hope. 😉


    • Just out of curiosity, accommodation has ruined what video games? I have an idea what you’re going to say and am curious if I’m right.


      • I don’t want to name any names but the one you are thinking of is probably correct since it is one (but nowhere near the only) of the BIGGER examples. Calling it out (or ANY game title for that matter) would invite misguided scrutiny to this blog, and I happen to like it here 🙂 I wouldn’t do that do the Addicts (need I remind Cyber of the “Tool” incident) LOL!

        Close your eyes and imagine ANY game where you had worked your ass off trying to achieve a goal, then three months later that goal you achieved is being handed out to anyone with an internet connection, or used as a promotion. That game is probably on the list 🙂


  31. I just want the evil monkey and death


  32. I have noticed the difference, my last eyeball dropped after five consecutive tries and I got my last headband after four. This happened immediately after the update occurred. Thanks TinyCo, now about selling those excess inventory items…


  33. Thank god I’ve been trying to get the eyeballs for the longest time 🙏


  34. Great change that improves the game for the players constantly trying to get drop items, well done Tiny Co.


  35. So the more times let’s say an eyeball doesn’t drop the more likely it is to drop?

    (Just confused myself)


    • Lol. I think you got the general idea…

      Let’s say you try 10 times and you don’t get an eyeball…then on the 11th time your chances get better (like going from a 10% probability to a 75% probability of getting it.)

      Basically, after you try so many times…you are more likely to get it just for the effort. 😉


      • So that all sounds great but why can’t the restaurant still drop headbands or the other “premium” buildings “reactivating” to drop a few items other wise it’s class for nothing. I mean I am not a completionist but I will have to get pLace cause on of my favourite episodes but you know. Please TINY hear my cry…….


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