BLAM! Calendar iOS

Hey there Clammers. Figured you all would be wanting this information sooner or later, so here you go… the Ultimate Quahog Comic-Con & the Fabulous Four Blam! Calendar for players on iOS.

2014-07-24 09.17.22

Now before you see the numbers and panic…grab a towel. There is no need to panic. You have over 45 days to collect the Blam! needed to unlock all the prizes. Also don’t forget that in the past events, TinyCo launched changes each week to the event. Changes like doubling and tripling the prize collections. There is still plenty of time to play and enjoy the game. The Blam! Calendar will be here to help guide you to where you want to be by certain days or weeks of the event to keep on target for 100,000 Blam!

Blam Calendar iOS


(Click on the image to see a larger size.)

I started the collection the day after launch and stopped it a day before the end, to play it on the safe side as I usual do. Better to be ahead of the game. Lol. So there you go. Something to help you along and keep you on track. Do you like the Blam! Calendar? Helpful? Let us know if you have any questions on it. We are always happy to answer questions.

Til Next Time…



249 responses to “BLAM! Calendar iOS

  1. I was 82,000 Blam! on Saturday Morning (September 6) and I never thought I’d make it to 100,000 Blam! by the end of Comic Con. But on Sunday I made it! I had to buy Clams (spent between $20 and $22 but that’s because I bought Nathan Fillon; should have splurged on Cranston though) to use towards the harpoon discount pack. This removes me from being a freemium player but I got Tekei and I feel accomplished! Now I’m just working towards getting as much Blam! as possible and at the last hour of Comic Con, getting what I can. I loved this event! It was my first event since joining the game.


  2. To put Bryan Cranston into perspective, I checked this calendar right before I bought Bryan, and I was about 4-5 days behind, I bought him Tuesday afternoon and less than 2 days later I’m on target at 62,484 blam. I think with Bryans help I might actually get there!
    I can’t thank you guys enough for this calendar.


  3. Bryan Cranston is great. Pesticides helped me get back on track


  4. 666XdarkkingX666

    So thanks to my wanting things now I bought a few *cough* clams…. Sorry that was my wallet gasping for cuz of how quickly I got to 100 k.. I also forgot bout this website and didn’t even think about look on here for an event calendar…


    • Lol. Thanks? 😉


    • 666XdarkkingX666

      O well anyways I posted this somewhere else on the family guy site but haven’t gotten a response…. I have a glitch or something with George taki. I unlocked him but I don’t think it marked him as unlocked cuz his face space has no comments or anything like the other event characters. Can I do the same troubleshooting has tsto with uninstall/reinstall and what not with out losing my game progress


  5. I have 4800 blam but im getting worried about not reaching 100,000 blam


    • Still 3+ weeks left in the event…LOTS of time and plenty of ways to earn a ton of Blam! You’ll get there…remember it’s a marathon not a sprint 🙂


  6. WanderingCaveman

    About a week ago I was a day or two behind the calendar. Since the giant Stewie showed up I’ve jumped to about a week ahead of the target blam total. It seemed a bit daunting at the beging of this event to try for the 100k blam, but now I think I actually have a shot at hitting it. So thanks for posting the calendar Bunny. Even though it was a bit discouraging at first, it has been super exciting to watch my blam total catch and pass the target totals on the calendar.


  7. Just a little tip for the others– if you focus on getting pesticide and send all the characters who drop pesticide on those tasks, the giant Stewie multiplier really adds up after a while. I was behind on the calendar and then once giant Stewie appeared, I focused on that and now I’m at 93,000 blam! So don’t get discouraged, just bomb the heck out of giant Stewie! 🙂


  8. Ever since the new bombable stewies showed up I’ve been racking up some serious blam! Im almost caught up to the iOS calendar and actually feel like I have a chance at 100k… I’m a freemium player and it’s nice to see TinyCo being able to accommodate to everyone.


    • New stuff ALWAYS comes. 😉


    • I was a freemium player until yesterday as well, but as the latest wave opened the door to Takei, i couldn’t resist the completist urges and splurged on Cranston after all. And I’ll probably clam up again next week for Nathan Fillion too. Well played TC: accommodating freemium turned me premium 🙂 (and a big thank you to the Addicts for keeping our spirits up and bridging any gaps between us and TC.)


  9. sheesh! i must really be an addict lol. i just looked to see where i was at compared to the calendar and im already at 63,022 blam. at this rate, i should get george takei within a week or so.


  10. Well I think I’m just not going to unlock George Takei and just concentrate on getting what little other things I want out of this quest… my main goal is to just get the Q building I was going to aim to get the Clamteprize that was before I realised I would need actual clams for it: nuts to that! What I really want out of this is just to get Bryan Cranston and maybe Fellica Day I know that the other characters are soooooooooo great that they’re delayed till the last possible days in which no-one will care about them – unless you’re planning on releasing Robin Williams, Johnny Depp, Bruce Willis and James Woods none of these other celebrities will probably interest me but maybe they’ll mildly surprise me with something I actually want… but it strikes me the others will not be as exciting to have in Quahog.


    • *in Cleveland voice* Also I find it unfair that they took out the multipliers earnings on the nerds – before if you remember with the mummies you would earn more butts as the multiplier went up! (Oh that’s nasty!)

      Now without that feature in game with the nerds it’s near impossible to get anywhere near what you’d expect to earn per day 3k-4k a day is alot to expect someone to earn for 100k grand prize I’m suspecting snenanigans here… if anything this proves that TinyCo wants to force players to get George Takei.

      With the nerds only dropping about 220 per 6 hours rather than what they would normally drop if we had the mummy event:
      x3 = 660
      x8 = 1760
      x15 = 3300
      x25 = 5500

      we’re left with a pretty large gap in comparison to what we would had normally earnt per day… granted if we still had this we’d only have 3-4 times the amount but it adds up for example 4 times the amount of each of these is…

      x3 = 2640/per day
      x8 = 7040/per day
      x15 = 13200/per day
      x25 = 22000/per day

      Instead its 880/per day – if you’re very active.

      I realise this is a pretty huge amount but even the chance of getting 5500 blam would had be sufficient for the event’s needs instead we’re stuck with 880 from nerds, 1100 from the current quests(not re-occuring if you finished them already), 72 from peter if we are to presume you are stuck on his pesticide tasks of 6 per 2 hours, 60 if we are to presume you are stuck with Ron on his 4 hour tasks, 28 from jerome if we are to presume you’re stuck with his 6 hour darts tasks, 30 from quagmire if we presume you’re stuck with his 4 hours tasks (either one gives you 5), 30 from bonnie if we presume you’re stuck twirking for 4 hours straight (distant giggidy), 30 from Chris if we presume you’re stuck hulu hooping for 4 hours straight (distant mmm’ing), 30 from Bruce for listening for 4 hours straight, 60 from Patrick stewart for his therapist tasks that give pesticides and 60 from Fellica when you presumingly unlock her, 72 blam for Red Hot for her 2 hour tasks if you unlock her and finally Cranson if you get him bought for all he’s worth he’s worth the same amount blamwise as red hot for 72 blam for his 2 hour tasks although he will drop pesitcides.

      Take into account the stewie mutants which drop 50 each time for each stewie zapped and takes 4 hours to recharge giving you a total of 300 a day and the mutant that will only drop 100 per multiplier depending on how many pesticides you have let’s say you go with 8x per day for 800 reward wise…

      Plus buildings also give you 5 per 4 hours which’ll give you another 60 per day the total will come to about

      880 + 72 + 60 + 28 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 30 + 60 + 60 + 72 + 72 = 1424 + 300 + 800 = 2524 that’s about 1000 less than required needed for each day which explains why people aren’t getting close to these figures and the only way you’ve probably gotten closer is buy buying the blam vehicles.

      Know how I know this? 2524 * 30 = 75720 which given the presumption of the event if it keeps up like this will be the amount rougly of every clamer by the end of the event. And that’s being generous… we’d need about 20k-30k blam for this to be considered fair and not premium earned because lets face it: no-one is going to have that much sleep deprivation to manage to do all these tasks 24/7 and some of us won’t have even gotten up to fellica day yet and have probably just earned or about to earn Ron so take that into account some of us will not even come close to finishing the event with the 100k prize sadly the only way we’d manage it is if everyone in Quahog had double the amount of Blam earned which would take the amount to up to 3948 but even then given the amount of days lost by the time they released this (maybe when the 20 days hits?) you’d earn 78960 blam within that timeframe and if you had 25k before it started you wouldn’t have to worry about getting George so long as you are doing this everyday!).

      But this’d be depending on how the developers feel and given the fact that they haven’t shown signs of at least releasing a character with a decent amount of blam drops I’d hate to say it but it would seem there’s no way for freemium players to earn that amount of blam unless there’s someway for the developers to compensate for all that blam lost due to the lack of blam given out for tasks.I can see why people are doing the 1m tasks with peter for the 1 blam but I don’t think somehow everyone will have that same patience for peter especially since they’ll lose out on pesticides if they do… but considering the pesticides aren’t very helpful given the time constraints I think it’ll be a lost cause to focus on getting George Takeii maybe if we’re lucky we’ll be given something but for now all looks bleak for the average joe clammer.

      FYI Peter’s one minute tasks per day would give you 1440 which means if you saved up enough pesticide than maybe MAYBE you can breeze through this event and might get George without too much trouble but you’d have to start using Peter now… since it would seem he’d be your only hope to get close to the amount needed then I guess you’ll have to buy the rest of the blam when the event gets close to closing… but it’s a cheap shot really making players have to sacrifice all their time just to keep tapping peter all the time. But I guess this would seem the ONLY way freemium clammers will be able to get George.


      • Just a clarification….During the Full Moon event, the Jelly-yo mini game multiplier had no effect on the idols the mummies dropped, that drop rate was actually increased by TinyCo as the game went on (they also doubled the butts earned by character tasks later in the event). What you need to remember is TinyCo has never made any promise that all players who play free will win everything. They speak to this fact in this post.

        A Lil Q&A With TinyCo


  11. I have 15500 with the quest bonuses. The calendar says 31100. Some have more than that. How is that possible? Do you not sleep? Are you not in school? Are you not employed?


  12. I’m estimating I’ll only get up to Red Hot since I didn’t get very far with the King Butt event. {sigh}


  13. CYBER! What’s your total blam at the minute? and what do you feel may be coming in terms of the event? which celebrity is next etc?


  14. Is there any word on some of the other characters earning blam? I’m referring to the characters like Rupert that not everyone has. It seems a little sad that these characters we struggled very hard to get really don’t help much towards any quests. At least they should toss out a higher number of clams or maybe a much smaller amount of blamage than the main characters.


  15. I have 67,000 blam 🙂 want my secrets?


  16. Oh, Floppy-Eared One.

    When are you going to learn to leave the arithmetic to evil super geniuses.

    As you said, Tiny C.O. is likely to change things to make it easier (like they typically have in the past) AND as you collect more Blam! items, you will be able to earn more Blam! per day. So assuming that you will earn the same Blam! every day is going to panic people unnecessarily.

    Instead, let’s assume that the first week you can earn a base amount of Blam! Let’s call it nB! Further, let’s assume that each week you can earn an additional base amount of Blam! So week 2, you would earn 2*nB!; week 3, you would earn 3*nB!; etc…

    Since there are 46 days (6 4/7 weeks), the base amount you need to reach 100,000 is a little over 571 Blam! Then, your calendar would be recalculated as:

    Day Blam!
    1 571
    2 1,143
    3 1,714
    4 2,286
    5 2,857
    6 3,429
    7 4,000
    8 5,143
    9 6,286
    10 7,429
    11 8,571
    12 9,714
    13 10,857
    14 12,000
    15 13,714
    16 15,429
    17 17,143
    18 18,857
    19 20,571
    20 22,286
    21 24,000
    22 26,286
    23 28,571
    24 30,857
    25 33,143
    26 35,429
    27 37,714
    28 40,000
    29 42,857
    30 45,714
    31 48,571
    32 51,429
    33 54,286
    34 57,143
    35 60,000
    36 63,429
    37 66,857
    38 70,286
    39 73,714
    40 77,143
    41 80,571
    42 84,000
    43 88,000
    44 92,000
    45 96,000
    46 100,000

    Since I am NOW earning about 1200 Blam! per day, I can easily see reaching 4000 Blam! per day in 5 weeks. And thus, we have a USEFUL Blam! target.


    • We’ve missed you over here. 😉 Now find an historical tie-in and make my day complete. LOL 😛


    • Well… THERE you are. Sheesh. Thought maybe you got mistaken for a pink sprinkly and got all ate up. I waited for your “brains” but alas…you were no where to be found. SO MLEH!!! 😛

      (p.s. you KNOW I am gonna steal this now, right? 😉 )


  17. I went to click on the Headquarters and clicked on the training montage building by mistake!!! YIKES!! Does anyone know if that building will benefit in Blam! collection??


    • Ouch! Right now, only coins and XP


      • Pretty likely that building it will be part of a quest chain. I could see it something like this:

        – Build Fabulous 4 Headquarters
        – Build Training Center
        – Something else

        Doing this plus unlocking the other 3 characters might then activate the quest to take on whatever villain…


  18. Bought 4 Sommelier bars. Just didn’t want to have stress about getting the Robuttasaurus and Factory rewards and I was behind with the targets anyway. George Takei I can take or leave, I’m not a Trekkie. Left with 700 Clams anyway and I like investing in a game that makes me happy in the way Tapped Out no doubt does for those who grew up watching it constantly. I grew up far more with FG. I wish everyone good luck in reaching their goals through whatever -legit- method you use.


  19. The event just opened on my android!!


  20. boywithnoname83

    Just slightly over 5k blam and like king butt, i dont think i’ll get all the characters as i’m only 1/3 of the total required. I dont think i’ll get that mad either since i’m not willing to buy clams or to spend continuous time on the game. I guess cheapskates like me just need to stick with tsto where freemium players spending just enough time on d game still have chance to score all prizes. Except when wheels or boxes make their appearance. Lol.

    I still enjoy this event greatly though, and i’m going to enjoy it, but without much expectation 🙂


  21. I’m seriously no where near this…. Any advice? I play constantly, basically on a 4 hour schedule when everyone finishes their item baring tasks… I’m only at like 3,500…. What am I doing wrong?


    • Nothing. The game is new. This is just an overall. They usually release additional items each week to earn the items faster or double or triple the payouts. Just play at a pace that suits you. If you want, you can purchase Clam items to help…but we always suggest to try and get all you can for free first. Especially with 6 weeks still left in the game.


      • I just don’t understand how I’m seeing people who are at like 10k and aren’t using clams to get Blam… I feel like I’m getting it at an insanely slow pace. At least with the Full Moon event some of the characters gave you double the amounts. I have no intention of spending clams on anything that isn’t important to the actual Family Guy story (Like Consuela, ect), there’s just no point in buying a Blam truck that means nothing to me, especially with still no guarantee of reaching the end goal of this event.

        I sure hope that after Patrick Stewart gets unlocked and other things in the event unlock that my Blam collection increases… because this is pretty ridiculous imo.


        • Some are extreme tappers. Constant Peter 1 minute task gets you 60 Blam an hour. Some people are that dedicated and will spend hours each day collecting it. We are barely a week in. 6 more to go. Too soon to know what the next step will bring. Last event more options were added each week and amounts doubled n tripled helped. You’d be surprised just how fast that 1 minute earns you Blam!

          Just be patient. 😉


          • I hardly look at 60 blam an hour as a large amount, especially from one character. I get more than that leaving my game open and tapping the nerds that come out of the convention. Just seems silly to me.


            • I shall continue to pray for a glitch like the jello shots one which is the only reason I got King Butt… which I cared significantly less about than George Takei… now I WANT him…


            • Well, it is all in how YOU play the game. You want something, you will have to work for it. Whether game time or money. That is how the majority of games are out there now. No game producer out there is going to just hand over all its content. That is just poor business planning. Games are made to be played. App games…to be played a lot to get full benefits. 😉


              • Not being incredibly helpful, but thanks anyway. I’m not saying it should be given to me, I just want to stand a chance. I really just wanted to know if anyone was finding tips to get the currency besides clams. I’ve never had an issue completing a TSTO event, and I’ve never spent donuts to do it. So when I am this far behind, I just assume there’s probably something I could do better and remain freemium.

                Sorry, just kinda grumpy over the whole thing.


                • I understand what you are asking for. I am just trying to say it is in how you play the game. People turn to building farming. Visiting neighbors to earn free clams daily. For this event…the amount total may seem daunting, we know that. TinyCo knows that. But they have found ways to help along the event for freemiums to play by making additions and changes.

                  The rest, it is really up to you. It is just a game that requires patience and time. So kind of up to the player on all they can get for free on what is put into it. So weigh what works for YOU and customize the game to you. If you need to farm, do it. If you need more neighbors, add them. If you need more Blam! for the event, focus on the fastest earning tasks to get you there until more options open up to you.

                  That is what I can offer.


    • Play hourly if you can.
      Hourly tasks provide a better Blam payout over time. It’s not a lot but every little bit helps.

      The other thing is there is a maximum nerd spawn and it may be you are hitting it in 4 hours. If you play every hour you clear the nerds before hitting what ever limit there is and never miss out because you are ‘full’

      To paraphrase, ‘To the tappers go the spoils’.
      Or, you could always just buy Blam Trucls. Pay in time or pay in cash, either way you pay to get ahead.

      Don’t get me wrong, I thinks it great everybody here is trying to keep calm. You just have to decide your level of involvement with the game and temper your expectations based on that. I played on a 4 hour schedule for Full Moon and even with the mummy glitch I still only managed to get the gorilla. I’m starting summer vacation and also I love comic-con, so I am making the choice to be more involved with this event.


      • That’s great…. except all of the characters give you the things you need at 4 hours. I log on when I can in between to tap the nerds, which is at least every hour or so.


  22. Is there a way to remove a charecter from a task besides paying clams. I mistakenly sent peter on a task with the golden peter costume which is. 12 hr task.


  23. HELP!

    Can somebody please tell me the exact date and time the event ends?

    My time remaining clock keeps changing, varying by 4 hours. I am in Japan, so that would move the ending time from 6:30AM (and hour after I get up) to 2:30AM(2 and a half hours after I go to bed).

    The thought of needing just a few more blam to win GT, setting everyone to do one last round of tasks to collect when I wake up, then waking up to find the event ended is distressing to say the least. Help!!!!!!!


    • We’ve had issues with it as well in our games. However, we reached out to TinyCo. The end date is September 8th. Exact time, they won’t tell us.


      • Sounds like they don’t know themselves. Wonder if its because they want to decide at the last minute (haters can thinks they will cut it short, dreamers can think they will push it back till late).

        well, in any event I guess I will just work to the goal of collecting GT by September 7, 11:59 PDT. Turns out I am AHEAD of schedule (I keep
        forgetting I am a day ahead, so I need to be earning for the 30th right now, not the 31st.)


  24. For those of you with 5k blam! saved up, build the Fab 4 building asap. It’s a 24 hour build time. Plus its the most expensive ‘current’ blam! item. Today is the perfect time for Fridays update. Win/win.

    You dont want to be a FULL day behind on potential costume/character tasks!!!


  25. Can you make a calendar for android users? I want to make it the the background image of my home screen.


  26. jrockinthehouse

    I’m a little behind at 8731, but with the new questlines being added in the middle of the week and more characters coming this Friday, I think that getting the grand prize will become easier as the event unfolds


  27. I’m only at 9165 Blams and it’s 30 July. I’m 2 days behind according to the chart. Grrrr. 😦


  28. I think I’m just as curious as everyone else but Alissa, Bunny and Cyber, what are your total Blam! counts at the minute?


    • You see, that is hard to say. We use games specifically for the blogs to test them out. So we are combining free play with premium play. So our stats may not matter. I also was a lil busy over the weekend and did not get to start the event til my return, so my count on the Freemium game is prob round 2500. But I hop back and forth between them all testing different things. 😉


    • My A game is on Android and I haven’t updated it yet. However by B game (that I rush with clams) is currently sitting at 15k. Slowly rushing that one 🙂

      And I know Bunny’s also on Android…so she hasn’t updated yet either. As far as Cyber goes….we’ll have to ask him 🙂


  29. I think it would be cool if they did it like the full moon event where u could by mummies to come out but instead do nerds and they guarantee like 100-250 etc..


  30. The blam calendar is AWESOME!! But a Little intimidating.. Lol. I really do hope the blam count increases or there will be more opportunities to collect blam because when the ancient Egypt quest was going I did the math myself hahah and was right on track with the amount needed to get king butt lol but I didn’t have my phone for a couple days so I didn’t get him.. But as far as being on track for blam… I’m like 6,000 behind from where the calendar says I should be :/ for comincon … And I think the quagmire time for the blueprints is wayyy too much! Just makes things way too hard and frustrating.. And I’m not asking for much but we should get something for leveling up .. Even if it’s only 1 clam! Or maybe 500 coins.. Nothing huge but we should get something!! Thanks for all your help the website is great! And so helpful!


    • Don’t get discouraged just yet. Still SO much time left in the left & you never know what TinyCo as up their sleeve! 🙂

      And thank YOU for the kind words, and for being a part of this awesome community! 🙂


  31. By end of today I’ll be collecting approx 10700 Blams but still am getting anxious about whether or not I’ll be making it to the 100k mark for Takei. :S I’ve even forked out money to buy the somelier and super truck not to miss out any prizes being I’m such a completionist. Don’t want to miss out any prizes or characters like in king butt event.

    Any word if king butt will be purchasing at a later stage?

    Oh man, this game is making me so addicted to it that it’s making me crazy (in a good way, that is :P)


    • Don’t get discouraged just yet…still LOTS of time left in the event! 🙂

      No word about King Butt at this time. I don’t know if they have plans to bring him back in the future or not.

      And there’s nothing wrong with being an Addict 😉


  32. I’m not stressing out over this, because there’s gotta be something to come out to help us get to 100,00. However, without spending clams on the trucks, how does one reach the number for the days? I play it almost constantly, except when I’m at work, and usually do 1 minute tasks with peter, and I’m only half way at the amount it says I should have.


    • I would say hold off and see what this weekend brings with the event. I do think it will be possible as the event progresses to reach the goal, with out spending money on premium items. So we’ll just have to see how it all unfolds 🙂


    • Surfing the bird for 24 hours and popping every nerd in a 24 hour period will get you about 3000-3200 blam per day. Thats one way a freemium player can keep up with the calendar.


  33. Anybody else notice that they changed the Furry Dungeon to Furry Funhouse? lol


  34. Attention Clammers!!! We have 6 count ’em 6 plus weeks to go so my suggestion is to just stay on top of collecting those unlocking items and collectiing Blam! Got to stay positive! TinyCo is NOT gonna let us down! We can do this! 😉 Remember, we are in this together!! 🙂


  35. I feel really behind. I only have about 5,000 currently. Like the last event, do you think they are going to have something that will get you a lot of Blam! all of a sudden? Something like the Jelly Yo shots, I could really use some new ways to earn Blam!! Tiny Co. 🙂 Unless Android users get something better for the lost time I will look at this as a 5,000 Blam! Headstart. 🙂


  36. Thanks so much for this! You saved me a lot of time, because I was going to try and come up with a spreadsheet or something. But this looks so much nicer! Clam on!


  37. Yikes, I’m 6000 blam behind, and I’m about to be without internet for a week. Maybe I should say bye bye mr. Takei


    • You never know what a future update would bring. They could start having double blam! earning tasks or triple, or even an aspect of the event that drops more blam! With TinyCo you just don’t know. So don’t sell yourself short just yet. 🙂


  38. Ooh this is helpful! I’m only at 7000 blam even though I’m an hourly player. My main priority right now is unlocking Stewie and PB&J Brian so I don’t have captain hammered Peter to earn double bla! or Lois or Brian to earn blam from their actions with other characters. And I also can’t buy the blam earning items because they cost hundreds of clams. Unlike the kingdom event, I would like to earn all of the prizes so I’m really hoping that it will be easier to collect blam! as the event progresses.


  39. I am at 6185 blam right now according to the calander I should be at 13332 which means I am not halfway to where I need to be and you say don’t panic at least I unlocked pb&j Brian yesterday and carter this morning but stewie is still an impossible dream as I still need 2 plutonium and 17 blueprints and of course that takes away from collecting blam so is it worth it to keep chasing blam or should I give up and focus on stewie?


    • Keep collecting blam! Working for Stewie shouldn’t impact it. Since the characters for both Blue Prints & Plutonium don’t earn Blue Prints…with the exception of Quagmire, who’s 20hr blue print task will also earn you Blam!


  40. I feel behind I have like 6000 blam.


    • Don’t feel behind just yet…it’s still really early in the event & it hasn’t even hit Android yet. Still plenty of time & you never know what TinyCo has up their sleeves 🙂


  41. Before I begin my Quahog comic-con adventure, just curious if anyone else on the site thinks of the Robot Chicken b**** pudding skit every time they see ‘Blam!’.


  42. I have a question: for those of us on Android who managed to get the event early due to the little loophole, will the blam counter and all of our progress in the event be reset when the game launches for Android tomorrow?


  43. I’m also in Australia on the night of the 30th and on 8110 😦


  44. Calendar is awesome, thanks!! Am a little concerned that I’ve been playing religiously, even splashed out and got the bigger truck and the sommelier, but I’m already a day behind a week into the event. Fingers crossed the upcoming tasks will help get me over the line. I’m in Australia, it’s the night of the 30th and I’m at 11,300 🙂


    • You’re doing way better than me. 😉 Just remember, more Blam earning possibilities coming every week. Don’t let it stress you out too much, you’re doing great.


  45. ray in the uk

    I did the update on android a few days ago so we are just waiting on activation


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