Candy Time and Sexy Stewie (and Rupert) Reminder

Hello There Clammers!

Candy Time, Candy Time, Candy Time!

It’s almost Candy Time in Quahog!

Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Bars Not-a-Finger Kookie Nut Pops

For more detailed information, you can find the full rundown on this here, but this post is more just a reminder.  A reminder that at 12pm PDT the candy will reset and another piece will be available to collect at a random time starting AFTER that.  So make sure you log into your game BEFORE 12pm PDT if you haven’t already collected your candy from the previous days release.

Pink Brian 2

Also, this post is serving as a reminder that at 3pm PDT (3hrs after Candy Time) Sexy Stewie AND Rupert will be leaving our games…unless you already purchased them.  As of right now, per TinyCo….there are NO plans to extend it. However, our advise is….if you’re going to spend clams to get him, DON’T do so until just before the event ends (so like 2:30PDT).  More details on Sexy Stewie and Rupert can be found here (and we’re still waiting on confirmation about the quests…)

IMPORTANT (and breaking) NEWS:

Sexy Stewie and Rupert have BOTH been extended!

TinyCo JUST announced to us that they’re extending BOTH Sexy Stewie and Rupert until 3pm (PDT) on Wednesday 9/24.

The extension is a direct result of a timing glitch in their system.  The Addicts pointed out this glitch to TinyCo.  It appears the clock for Rupert was set incorrectly, which caused players to see different times from each other in their games.  As a result of THIS glitch they’re extending it.  The extension is for no other reason, other than this timing glitch that’s confused some players.

Sexy Time Stewie 2


And now for some candy finding tips…..

It’s almost time to find Candy #4. Per our test games and what we have seen via your comments, it seems most got the Bat Bucket/Candy first, then the Pumpkin Bucket/Candy second, Glowing Ghost Bucket/Candy third so we can only assume today the pattern will start all over again, with the Bat Bucket. But still, this may vary by player. So look for any of the 3. (You may need to force close/restart your device to get it to show.)

Not-a-Finger Black Bat Candy Bucket 2 Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar Bars Pumpkin Candy Bucket 1 Kookie Nut Pop Ghostly Candy Bucket 1

Candy/Buckets will only appear by the sidewalks/roads.  So if you’re having trouble finding it (BEFORE 12pm PDT) try removing some of your roads to make it easier to find it on the NEXT drop. It is VERY small and can easily hide behind things, so I removed any sidewalks that run behind objects and most down to only a few sections. Just look out for the sparklies. They are narrow but go quite high up.

Day 2 Candy

Also, remember you ONLY have 12 hours from time it drops in your town to find it. So as soon as you enter your town and trigger it AFTER 12PM PDT…that time will start.

The candy is triggered each day by collecting rent from a building.  So, if it’s after 12pm PDT and you’re not seeing candy, try collecting $ from all buildings. Once you do this it should signal the candy to drop.


You must have Brian unlocked in order to start the Jack-o-Lantern quests. Brian is in District 6. You will not be able to unlock Pink Brian and/or collect candy unless you are past this point. 

If you are past that, then look to see where your Jack O Lantern is. Just go to the task bar and tap on Pink Brian quest and open the info. The details will pop up right over the top of where it is. Tall buildings can hide it. I was able to move it to better spot.


Candy Pumpkin

So again…

1 Candy/Bucket per day will appear in your Quahog and there will be ONLY 1 in your Quahog during that 24 hours window. That Candy Resets every day at Noon PDT. So if you trigger the candy at 8am PDT today and don’t have it BEFORE 12 noon PDT…no mater the time left… it resets at Noon PDT. So the closer you start to just before Noon, the less time you have to find it.

If a Candy Bucket is available, it will appear randomly in your Quahog after you collect rent from buildings. So keep a close eye out for it on ANY sidewalk. Even those you have hidden by buildings. It can be one of the 3. Also, it is easy to accidentally tap it… so watch for just a candy too. Both are very small in size and check your Pumpkin to see if you already collected without knowing. Force close / restart AFTER collecting from all buildings to make sure it shows. 

If you do NOT collect the 1 Candy within 12 hours of it dropping in your game (or until Noon reset. Whichever comes first.), it is gone and you have no way of getting it back.  So make sure you find it and snag it up right away. That means if you collect from your buildings at … let’s say 2pm PDT and the candy bucket is triggered…you will ONLY have til 2am PDT tomorrow to find it. 12 hours.

(Side note: some have tried putting their town in build mode to find it. Mixed results of it being helpful. I just look for sparkles and don’t “hide” roads behind anything. )

The Jack O Lantern drops ANYWHERE. Candy/Bucket drops by sidewalks/roads.

Psst…if you need help with Time Zones check out this site…

PDT (for those that don’t know) is Pacific Time USA.

Sixty-Four Thousand Dollar BarsNot-a-FingerKookie Nut Pops


UPDATE: rebmatevol asked me to test this out, so here you go. I went into my game. No bucket.


So just as suggested and in the FAQs, I tapped on a few buildings to collect money. After about 4 taps, BOOM…CANDY BUCKET. (See how lil it is?) It was right on one of the only pieces of sidewalk I have left. Sparklies floating out.

Candy Bucket Find

Now to test a few theories, I put the game in “move mode” and moved buildings around it. I could NOT see it in move mode.


Once the building was in front of it, all I could see was the tip top of the sparkles coming out of it. (Accidentally tapped it when moving building, so I couldn’t get a shot of the sparkles above it. But here is an idea of what I COULD see. (As you can see, only a lil bit of sparkles up top showed above the building. So if it is a taller one, you may not see them at all.)

Ghost Bucket Sparkles 1 Ghost Bucket Sparkles 2


Update: Here’s an image of it hiding behind Quahog Bank (and zoomed out)….

2014-09-22 01.29.59

Again, this is a small item, so for those of you with “hidden” roads and sidewalks BEHIND objects, this will be a lil more challenging. Zoom in to find it. To give you an idea of just how small it does look, here is a zoomed out glance. So here is a lil test….can YOU spot it? 

2014-09-21 20.28.02

So in short, make sure as soon as the timer for candy resets you go in and tap/clear/collect ALL rent from buildings as you do not know what building collection will trigger it. (Was a building yesterday, trailer today for me.) If you still do NOT see it, force close and restart your game. (If your game is saved to an email or Facebook…you can even go as far as uninstall/reinstall.) Then try again to locate the sparklies.

What do YOU think of the event?  Are you enjoying it? Thoughts on the Candy/Bucket Scavenger Hunt? Excited to get Pink Brian?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

84 responses to “Candy Time and Sexy Stewie (and Rupert) Reminder

  1. If I unlock Stewie by the end of the event today will I still be able to unlock sexy stewie or will it disappear?


  2. Just got the sex stewie outfit and all these other quests started popping up. Buying rupert has a day left but Is the bad bromance a long term quest as it has no timer. With build a blimp just appearing and the next sexy stewie part as well I’m trying to do the right ones first


  3. So right now I have 5 out of 10 candies is this the maximum number you could have at this point?


  4. This blog is invaluable. Thanks guys. I try to read every day; I’ve mentioned in WTH (months ago) how my job gives me little time these days to read all the comments and occasionally I miss a post or two, so sorry if this has been answered elsewhere – I now have Sexy Stewie (spent 38 clams half an hour before the scheduled end, annoyed it was extened without prior warning since I only had two dulcet tones left to collect), but will the tasks attached to him and Human Rupert also end if we haven’t completed them by the new deadline?


    • Still waiting on absolute on that one with extension.

      FYI…no possible way to warn in advance as they were NOT going to extend it. WE enacted the extension. If we kept silent…it would be gone by now.


  5. My candy usually appears after 3pm


    • It’s when you log into your game after 12pm PDT and collect rent from all your buildings and decorations (ie clear your whole town after 12pm PDT) that it should appear..


  6. I spent 55 clams to purchase stewie at the last second……


  7. My girlfriend spent 60 clams speeding up the tasks a couple hours ago since TinyCo said the deadline was today. She couldn’t wait any longer because she had to go into a meeting. Will TinyCo be refunding people who accelerate the task due to their last-minute game change?


    • I doubt it as they did NOT plan on extension. We asked really nicely. 😉

      That and ANY Clam purchase is personal choice. Not something forced.


      • Actually, it was forced. If she wanted that item, she was forced to use clams to get it due to the deadline and since she couldn’t get it from the drop rates she was given… She set timers so that she played every single time that was available. The deadline was subsequently moved… She should not be punished because she followed their posted deadline. Otherwise, this could be interpreted as “bait and switch”, which is illegal in most jurisdictions. I will advise her to contact them directly.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I understand what you are saying, but it still is not forced. It is a choice. Many got him just fine without clams. You can try. It doesn’t hurt to ask. I just wanted to give you my thoughts on it. 😉


  8. with all this candy lying around, you just have to ask: where the heck is james woods?


  9. Just saw the extension is my game!!! Yayyy tinyco!! Never been so excited about a glitch lmao


  10. Today’s candy for me was interestingly placed. Right in front of Cleveland’s house, with Herbert looking on in the distance through his binoculars…I sense a trap!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’ve got a Bat Candy today. I didn’t see the bucket, just the candy, almost by miracle, it was camouflaged on a bunch of violet flowers… so I took it and immediately erased most of the roads, you can lose them easily.


    • Were there sparkles around it? Or just the candy?


      • Well, that’s funny, the candy was alone. I’m sorry I didn’t take a picture for you.


        • I ask due to if you lightly tap the bucket, the candy pops out. Which makes me wonder if while looking for it, you accidentally tapped it and triggered the candy. It happened to me the first time. I barely ran my finger by it while moving things and out it popped. No worries though it that happens, mine all auto collected after a few seconds.


  12. So a couple of things just as a nice comment and post, because otherwise all you would hear is all of us complaining all day long…

    It is SO NICE that not only does TinyCo seem to listen and actually listen to us players out there, but that we actually have a support system as well with this blog. You are always responsive and actually really help. So thank you.


  13. Well I’m out 5 clams because I just didn’t get the last powder, didn’t have time to do the task again and didn’t see it had extended so I bought it. Oh well, not a big deal. This morning I was expecting to spend 40 or more and I hit the last wine and note and other powders so it could have been worse!

    I should have learned to check here before spending clams by now! 😄

    Thanks as always for all your help!


  14. Damn I did it again! I fell one Tone short of completing in the time period, so I figured since we get a free clam from visiting Ollie every other day, the 15 clams to complete Stewie was no big deal. And sure enough, I do it then look on here and it is extended…!!! ARRG lol This is the second time I have made this mistake and not checked here first! Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me! There will not be a third time haha Thanks guys for always keeping us up to date!


  15. I woke up today with all the required items for Sexy Stewie. Besides 2 pink champagnes. I used a total of 4 clams, using 1 at a time (at the last 44 min) to speed up Carter and Jeromes task. I got both champagnes within an hour and a half. So now i am bulding the costume at Al’s. Thanks for word on the extension. Although i dont think I’ll be needing it now. Good luck everyone else.


  16. Those dulcet tones were the most challenging items to get for sexy stewie, but now that I have his costume, the “Sexy Party Planning” quest has popped up. Seems odd that it’s a 3 day quest when I’ve already got the costume and the building only takes 12 hours to build. I guess the rest of the time is meant to be used earning the cash or obtaining the clams.


  17. I couldn’t find my candies, my quahog had a lot buildings, now I only have 5, it took my over an hour to remove them all and it will suck to place them back, but I want the pink Brian


  18. My manual says they extended Sexy Stewie until Wednesday!!!


  19. Five dulcet tones and one hat short of unlocking Sexy Stewie. Currently sitting at 85 clams to unlock, unless both Seamus and Lois come through for me in the next hour. They’ve both been on four-hour tasks since Thursday, but those dulcet tones just would. Not. Drop. Seamus in particular has been useless.

    Oh, and I bet a lot of players who don’t follow FGA or Facebook will be upset when the Sexy Stewie quest just up and disappears in two hours: there have been no splash screen reminders for days, and no countdown clock on the quest icon throughout.


  20. I just checked the stewie event under the help tab and it now says it has been extended to Wednesday September 24 =)


  21. Well tinyco have got more money out of me due to terrible drop rates. I had reminders set every two hours since the event began and still needed 3 champagne and five dulcet tones 😦 not cool. I know it’s a game and I didn’t need to spend the cash it’s just a bit annoying.


  22. I also recieved the purple Bat bucket today.
    Preceeded by the Ghost bucket yesterday.
    The Pumpkin bucket on Saturday.
    And the Bat bucket also on Friday night.


  23. So I’m not going to get Stevie’s costume. Nonstop playing should have gotten me the costume but the stupid hats don’t want to drop and so after constantly working on the costume, even putting off unlocking Tom tucker to do so and I still need 1 hat and 1 note. Sadly Lois and shaemus both just finished their 4 hour tasks without dropping anything. Such an annoying thing to have to put up with. I even spend money on this game but wanted to not pay for the costume and buy the girls after as a treat but the ring didn’t like me this time.


  24. Mayor west comes with his mansion 😀 check the build menu character tab


    • That is the current image, but keep in mind…those images HAVE changed in the past. And may again. So we don’t make any assumptions until the item is actually live and running in the game. Great example…he WAS shown as in City Hall just prior. So we wait for the facts. 😉


  25. Crappy task. For me duclet tons works as epic or even worse. All players worked the whole weekend continuouusly and I got only 10. No chance to get the outfit for free 😦


  26. I’m a bit confused about when the sexy Stewie/Rupert event ends. I’m in CST and the countdown for Rupert says I have over six hours left. But that would be like 7 pm PDT. Is the countdown just totally inaccurate?


  27. I need some luck when this round of tasks ends in an 1hr45m. Needing 2 tones when I was thinking I only needed 1 more, plus 1 champagne. If not I’ll have to decide to use clams or not. I haven’t gotten a champagne since yesterday.


  28. still 7 tones and 6 powders away from unlocking stewie costume and i play non stop. the tones just never drop and i can’t get the powder because i need those same characters to try to get the tones…which don’t drop…so pretty bummed


  29. I need 3 more champagne they just have not been dropping for 4 days. Everything else was easier to get. I just don’t know if it is worth spending 120 clams to finish stewie?


  30. Got sexy stewie this morning yay!


  31. I just went in the game and got my daily candy. Also noticed dogs now walking the streets and mayor west is needed to collect them. So I assume mayor west is coming soon…… : – )


  32. Oooo, a purple candy… 4 down!


  33. I no longer even have a change to get sexy stewie. And it was so close. I only needed 1 more poncy hat. Well, even though the completionist in me is raging, the realist part of me is telling me that I wouldn’t even use it that much, cause I love stewie’s iron baby outfit way more and with the constant collecting for items I don’t think it would had even got that much use by me. Still, dissapointed that I worked hard for it, and luck just got in the way. If I could at least have 1 more day to collect it.


  34. I need 3 more duclet tones. I have 3 changes before sexy stewie ends.

    Probably got to use some clams :/


    • Yeah I’ve been playing non stop and I only need ONE more tone! It will cost 15 clams to buy him right now but only got 5 in the bank.

      Seamus and Lois’s tasks for the tones are set to end 10 minutes past the deadline. Only thing I can do is spend a clam each to rush their tasks under the deadline and hope I get lucky


  35. I unlocked sexy Stewie just before noon EST time today. WooHoo !!!!


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