Quest for STUFF Walkthroughs: Bitchs are Back!

Hello There Clammers!

Lois left Stewie’s Clone Machine on and now Clones are invading Quahog…clones of the bitch variety!  That’s right, Bitch Stewie and Bitch Brian have arrived in town!

Let’s take a look at all the ways these Bitches try to integrate themselves into Quahog!

Bitch Brian & Stewie

Note: These are the walkthroughs for both Bitch Stewie and Bitch Brian…as well as a combined one if you have both.  

Attack of the Clones Pt. 1
Peter starts

Build the Bitch Stewie Clone Machine- $1,000, Instant Build
Clear 4 Bitch Stewie Clones
Clear 4 Bitch Brian Clones

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

Attack of the Clones Pt. 2
Peter starts

Clear 25 Bitch Stewie Clones
Clear 25 Bitch Brian Clones 

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

Attack of the Clones Pt. 3
Peter starts

Have Lois Clean Stewie’s Room- 4hrs, Earns $50, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

I’m Your Bitch Pt. 1
Peter starts

Get Bitch Stewie- Collect STUFF to unlock Bitch Stewie…Here’s what you’ll need:

CLone DNA200 Clone DNA (always)- Get from: Clearing Bitch Stewie OR Clearing Bitch Brian

Bubble Bath Beard25 Bubble-Bath Beard (Extra Rare)– Get from: Clearing Bitch Stewie OR Clearing Bitch Brian OR Make Bitch Brian Do the Scoot (premium option).

Pink To DO List12 Pink To-Do List (Extra Rare)- Get from: Make Mort Swallow Jewels (4hrs) OR Make Stewie Suspend Time (12hrs) OR Make Chris Fat Kid Hula Hoop (4hrs) OR Make Jerome Grow his Fro (4hrs) OR Make Brian Find Inspiration (12hrs)

Have Bitch Stewie Do Target Practice- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

I’m Your Bitch Pt. 2
Bitch Stewie starts

Have Bitch Stewie Buy Presents- 1hrs, Earns $20, 12xp
Have Bitch Stewie Go to Party- 10hrs, Earns $90, 59xp
Have Lois Attend Party- 10hrs, Earns $90, 59xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

I’m Your Bitch Pt. 3
Bitch Stewie starts

Have Bitch Stewie Do the Gene Kelly Dance- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

Dance Your Legs Off
Bitch Stewie starts

Have Bitch Stewie Do Gene Kelly Dance- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Have Stewie Do Gene Kelly Dance- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

The following only applies if you purchase Bitch Brian…

I’m Good at Other Stuff Pt. 1
Bitch Brian starts

Have Bitch Brian Do the Scoot- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

I’m Good at Other Stuff Pt. 2
Bitch Brian starts

Have Bitch Brian Wash Brian’s Car- 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp
Have Bitch Brian Make Brian a Dreamcatcher-
2hrs, Earns $20, 20xp
Have Chris Enjoy Private Time-
6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

I’m Good at Other Stuff Pt. 3
Bitch Brian starts

Have Bitch Brian Find Inspiration- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

Self Expression
Bitch Brian starts

Have Bitch Brian Do the Scoot-  8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Have Brian Do the Scoot- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

The following only applies if you have Bitch Brian AND Bitch Stewie

Which Bitch is Which? Pt. 1
Bruce starts

Have Bitch Stewie Update Stewie’s Schedule- 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp
Have Bitch Brian Find Inspiration- 12hrs, Earns $100, 65xp
Have Bruce Be a Good Listener-
4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

Which Bitch is Which? Pt. 2
Quagmire starts

Have Bitch Stewie Alphabetize Porno Mags- 16hrs, Earns $115, 75xp
Have Bitch Brian Iron Hawaiian Shirts- 16hrs, Earns $115, 75xp
Have Quagmire Listen to HAM Radio-
16hrs, Earns $115, 75xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

Which Bitch is Which? Pt. 3
Quagmire starts

Have Bitch Brian Do the Scoot- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Have Bitch Stewie Gene Kelly Dance- 8hrs, Earns $80, 50xp
Have Quagmire Giggity Strut- 
2hrs, Earns $30, 20xp

Completed Task Earns $20, 12xp

And there you have the full bitch walkthroughs!

What do YOU think of the bitch questlines?  Were you excited to see both Bitch Stewie and Bitch Brian in your game?  Did you purchase Bitch Brian?  Have you unlocked Bitch Stewie yet?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

153 responses to “Quest for STUFF Walkthroughs: Bitchs are Back!

  1. Will they bring butch Brian and botch stevie back for purchase or earning again I started playing again to late to earn him 😦


  2. I have noticed a lot of complaints here about the beards and I feel for you. I purchased bitch Brian early on and left the country on the third day leaving me dependant on free wifi. Still as per normal I worked as hard as possible. At 4 hrs left I still needed one beard. I chose not to risk it should I not be able to get back and spent 16 clams.
    I feel a lot of you forget these short weekend events aren’t designed to be easy. They are a challenge and without challenge the game becomes boring. You either commit and go hard, hand over the cash or learn not to care and let fate determine the result.

    Thanks for putting up with us all 🙂


  3. I ended up spending around 64 clams for Bitch Stewie. I wasn’t particularly happy to do it since I’m trying to save up for (expensive ) Cleveland.

    Im having a Facespace issue now. I wanted to see if anyone else was having a problem as well. Red exclamation point shows up outside, but there isn’t anything new for me to click on. I’ve also noticed that no one is showing up from American Dad. Bitch Stewie is shown in “new”. Just curious why it’s showing me an exclamation and nothing there to view.


  4. Kinda got something odd happening. I did not get Bitch Stewie, due to an extreme lack of beards, (and I was stuck at 11, and the game would crash whenever I got one)…but now the event is over, I got a message acknowledging that I didn’t get bitch stewie, but telling me he would be back soon. I can also still click on the clone machine and clones drop, but when I click on two of them, all dissapear. I’ll report this quirky thing to tinyco, just thought I would share…..

    At least it stopped crashing… 🙂


  5. Well that sucks. My last bitch drop only dropped eight with an hour to spare. Was waiting on the last two and just *** forgot to buy the last beard.

    I worked really hard the last day and now am burned. This sucks. Any possibility of extra time??


  6. I’m like the other disgruntled players. I couldn’t get enough beards to drop. It will cost me almost 140 clams to finish up. I only have 30 minutes left on my timer, so it’s buy or be gone. I’m pissed that I’ve been diligently collecting (even setting alarms sometimes) for five days all for nothing. Pissed enough that I won’t bother to spend my clams. Screw it!


  7. The first time I missed a timed character due to the lack of beards dropping, and I literally checked frequently every 2 hours..
    Tinyco please bring it back like you did for “Pink Brian” and “Kool-Aid Man”.


  8. Well, TinyCo must be listening to everyone, or I just got really lucky. Needed five beards and in two attempts got all five. Now I have Bitch Stewie! Awesome!


  9. Also… off topic, anyone know when new land will be available?


  10. Stink nutz. I was one beard off and now bitch stewie’s gone. I didn’t want to shell out for clams, did that on the last task and that was pretty fruitless. This game can be pretty frustrating at times but I guess that’s how it goes hehe


  11. Lots of folks that were short on bubble beards, it appears. I got mine with a day to spare, almost entirely from the bitch clones. It was the note pads that took me inside the last hour (although I would’ve happily spent a few clams to finish the quest out). I love a challenge that is actually challenging. Keep it up, Tinyco!


  12. What triggers Which Bitch is Which? Pt. 1? I have both Bitches, and completed their individual Quest lines, but this thrid combined line has not triggered.


  13. I’m having the same problem. I am lacking 5 bubble beards as well. It looks like Ill have to pay 80 clams if I want to get him, or a little less if i get any on the last spawn b4 the timer is up. I wont bother if the character doesn’t do anything like Mr Weed, or Peters father.


    • At least Peter’s father and Mr Weed have longer tasks. I find it annoying that Vinny’s longest solo task is 6 hours. Personally I like to just put the not so relevant characters on 1 day missions.


  14. Im surprised a lot of people arent going to be able to get bitch stewie. I got him with a day left. My secret:i tapped the clone machine every 2 hours but didnt tap the bitches, i only tapped them after like 6-8 hours and it greatly increased the drop rate of bubble bath beards…or it could be im extremely lucky


  15. So….. been trying to get bitch Stewie and have pretty much everything except bubble beards, not even close in the 5 or whatever amount of days that he was available to unlock it only dropped 10 of them. I feel like I really got the shaft on that. Only 3.5 hours to go. Don’t think I’m going to make it. Not happy but I’ll continue playing.


  16. Im surprised, beards dropped for me regularly, indeed sometimes 2 or 3 in one sweep.

    I had the beards done before the 200 dna. I completed him with nearly 2 days spare, no clams spent.


    • I’m more in this boat. I spent the clams on Bitch Brian, then regretted it thinking on way could I unlock BS in time, but I got the beards and DNA fine, just was waiting on the last few pink notes. I don’t recall how much time was left when I finally unlocked bitch Stewie — it was close enough to make it feel challenging but not right down to the wire. In hindsight, as frustrating as it was for BB’s clone machine to only spawn every 12 hours, I imagine it was just enough to help me achieve BS without sweating too much.


  17. Seems I’m not the only one only getting coins despite only needing a few beards with plenty of time left. It’s a bit disappointing but oh well


  18. Glad to know I’m not the only one disappointed about the beard count for bitch Stewie. LOTSSSS of effort wasted.


  19. Surprisingly, I got Bitch Stewie with 12 hours to spare, but Steve is lagging behind. WHAT ABOUT THE PLUTONIUM!!!!!!! “To be continued” … really?? I see a Christmas event before we close that loop. Perhaps the writers and coders needed some time to figure things out?!?
    In the meanwhile, I have $500,000 to spend. Perhaps a Nuke and rebuild is in the offing.


  20. I am short 5 beards for bitch Stewie..keep getting coins with two hours make things worse the Halloween tab blocks any attempt to purchase beards..bleh. Even having an extra cloning machine I still won’t make it.


  21. Im so dissappointed in the bitch stewie event. Ive spent 68 clams and I’m still short 3 beards with a little over 2 hours to go I know im not going to get him. Ive used clams to speed it up all day and only got one beard from it. I dont have the money to buy more clams. Even more frustrated that I could have extra clams except for the fact that Carl still hasn’t made an appearence in my game yet. We should get more time, we all play faithfully and spend hard earned money on this game. Extra time wouldnt hurt!


  22. yes! got very lucky today and got my last 4 pink to do lists all in a row LOL like i said i casually tried collecting stuff for him because i didnt want bitch Stewie, but i thought this one was really easy to collect for. 🙂


  23. I cant believe that I only need 5 bubble beards for bitch Stewie and i just keep getting coins…..there is like 3 hours left!


  24. I am disappointed with this event. I understand the point of the game in relation to the clams and wanting to make money off us players. After killing well over 200 clones in a 5 day period I am short 4 beards. I like many work and sleep as normally as possible.

    I just used clams to speed up the cloner since I haven’t gotten any beards since last night and only 2 in an entire 24hr period, I swear that if I had spent the 8 clams and didn’t get a beard Tinyco would have gotten a very mean email.

    This will be the first actual freemium character/skin that I will not be able to get. I am very dissatisfied with this bitch stewie event and I’m not faring much better with Hayley, I’ve gotten 1 bullhorn since the day they added Steve and Hayley, a couple 8hr tasks and I prolly won’t have her unlocked until after they release Roger and Stan’s wife, for some reason I can’t think of her name.

    On another note I unlocked steve within 2 days. I just don’t get it.


  25. The drop rate for the beards is terrible. Have all the pink lists and the DNA collected two days ago, but I still need 8 beards.


  26. I was worried at first, but easily unlocked Stewie for free with 2 days left on my timer. I didn’t buy the extra clone machine or feel the need to have Bitch Bryan.


  27. Hi Bunny. I have never really worried or Complained about time limited events as its always been pretty easy in the end. However I do agree and there does seem to be a lot in the same boat about the beards. I had 1 in the last 36 hours and it’s really disappointing that it would cost 116 clams to finish. I did contact tiny co hoping they would look before the event closed but had no response.


  28. Need 8 bubble beards with only 6 hours to go. Looks like I’ll miss out again after trying so diligently to get him. Events like this one make the game less enjoyable. Diligent players should be acknowledged & rewarded.


  29. Seems like a lot of people (Including myself) are going to miss out on bitch Stewie because of the beard drop rate.


  30. Omnipotent Bunny….
    I thought I would bring this to everyone’s attention, I have contacted support but have not had a response yet, but I am giving it time. As I am clearing the bitch Stewie and bitch Brian characters, whenever I get a bubble beard, the game crashes. Just thought I would bring it to your attention, and see if anyone else is having this problem


  31. I hope they do a bob’s burger event i like having characters off other programmes in my quahog


  32. Tiny co need to think of people that go to school and work that can’t just start playing during lessons/work there should be some sort of pause thing on the time to get characters such as if you have no internet the game should stop the timer then when you get the internet back on your device then the timer starts again meaning almost everyone can get these mini event characters.


    • Let them know. Send them these kind of suggestions. 🙂


    • This makes no sense. People could just disable their internet connection if they wanted to scam the timer then. And why should everyone get these characters? This is a game, not a charity. It should be competitive. What would make more sense, as I’ve said in other posts, would be a difficulty setting… like they have on lots of other games. If you don’t like a lot of competition just select the “Easy” setting.


    • That seems like a good idea and what if the pause button stopped the amount of time you have to wait for a special item like in this event it would stop the clone machine timer so you’d have to wait for two hours each time you had internet


  33. I’m so mad I play the game a lot and at the start of this mini event I really wanted bitch stewie because I loved the episode he was in and found him funny and at the start of the event I thought I can do this and yesterday I had finally collected all the DNA and only needed 9 bubble bath beards I thought to myself ‘stay positive’ I’ve learnt from previous events you can still do it but now I still need 6 bubble beards and I’m earning coins which I don’t need I have so many already I could buy about 10 of those dictator stewie statues all I want is bubble beards and I constantly play but my parents turn the wifi off so I don’t have any internet on my ipad I’m very disappointed


  34. Another unlucky one. I need another 8 beards with 16 hrs to go. But I don’t sleep – I’m up four times a night feeding my baby and despite all that extra game play still no beards!! Ah well. Better luck next time.


    • I need 7 in 5 hours. Up a few times a night and every few hours during the week..

      Got 200 DNA no problem these beards are extremely hard to obtain tho!!


  35. Procuring the items to craft bitch stewie is completely unrealistic. I’ve been playing as much as i can, because I really, Really Wanted bitch stewie. But I noticed that the drop rate, as well as the respawn rate for clearing bitch stewies & brians, was not enough to unlock this character. TinyCo needs to realize that some of their players actually Do have lives, and that we can’t afford to come back to play this game every hour on the hour.

    Honestly, if it weren’t for the American Dad crossover, I would’ve stopped playing ages ago.


  36. Off topic but since this is an active thread: When is the blimp storyline going to continue? I kinda went ahead and cleared out all the dogs and nothing happened.


  37. I have been playing my wife’s game and started to get bitch stewie at the same time. Her game dropped bubble beards like mad and mine has been very stingy. I bitch stewie unlocked on hers but need 8 bubble beards with only 7 hours left on mine. I have been spawning the clones at the same time on both. Bummer.


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