Evil Week Character Profile: Retep

Hey there Tribblemakers!

It seems our Quahogs just weren’t EVIL enough for TinyCo. It was time to turn up the heat and start a lot more mischief and trouble. Who doesn’t like all Hell breaking loose in their game? I know I do. Bring on the Evil Week!

With the Mini Evil Week Event added to our games, some pretty cool …errr….Hot? New Characters were added for us to play with. Characters like Retep.


Let’s take a look at what Retep can do in our silly lil games.

Retep was a New Character added during the Mini Evil Week 2015. As with (almost) all Characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect lots of STUFF.

Retep in Retep's House Menu

First you had to purchase and build Retep’s House. Once built, Retep can be found out front with a Lock Icon. Tapping on the Lock Icon would tell you what you need to collect to get Retep in your game.

Retep in Retep's House


Love Letters to Meg3 Love Notes to Meg (Rare): Quagmire Drink at the Clam OR Joe Investigate Source of Prank Calls OR Satan Doggie Hell OR Quahog Ugly People’s Club

Razor Blade8 Razor Blades (Uncommon): Mort Swallow Jewels OR Quahog Mini-Mart

Shirley Temple12 Shirley Temples (Common): Jerome Host Happy Hour OR Founding Father OR Drunken Clam

Anti-Coin5 Anti-Coins (Rare): Sober Oyster OR McVeggietown OR Tiny Tots Sweatshop OR Retep’s House OR Bank of the Dark Lord


He does come with a Questline, Retep Rampage, more about it in another post.You Got Retep

Retep does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn $$$ & XP.

Let’s take a look at some of Retep’s Tasks:

Retep Regenerate Retep Evil Shipoopi

Task Time Earns Location Level
Shop for a Green Shirt 1hr 20Family Guy Coin12Family Guy XP Madeleine’s Boutique ~
Put Rocks in the Yard 2hrs 30Family Guy Coin20Family Guy XP Griffin’s House 2
Murder a Lady 4hrs 50Family Guy Coin30Family Guy XP Anal Point ~
Go Into Drunken Rage 6hrs 65Family Guy Coin45Family Guy XP Drunken Clam 2
Evil Shipoopi 8hrs 80Family Guy Coin50Family Guy XP Visual ~
Regenerate 12hrs 100Family Guy Coin65Family Guy XP Visual ~
Crash Quagmire’s Car 24hrs 150Family Guy Coin100Family Guy XP Quagmire’s House ~
Cheerfully Spend Time with Meg 24hrs 150Family Guy Coin100Family Guy XP Griffin’s House 3



The Phrases from Retep will be the same as those that Peter has. 




And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown for Retep!

Did you unlock him yet? If not, how close are you to unlocking him? If you unlocked him, what tasks are your favorite? Let us know.


5 responses to “Evil Week Character Profile: Retep

  1. Hi! I’m sorry if this is off topic but I need help. I was moving stuff around in my town and I accidentally placed my Pawtucket Brewery in my inventory. So, I looked in my inventory, my buildings tab, and my decorations tab, and I couldn’t find it! I have already messaged TinyCo about this but I was wondering if I could get a faster answer. Once again, I apologize if this is off topic. Please help me! Thank you!


  2. Which episode was Retep in? I can’t remember him.


  3. Kind of a bit ironic that he comes with his own house and doesn’t even have a task for it.


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