PeterPalooza Character Profile: Carl

Hey there Toady Lickin Roadies!

Quick Note for those that didn’t see it: All Leaderboard Prizes are now out. Message from in your game to TinyCo if you did not get yours. Peter Costume will go to Al’s Costume Shop. Materials added to your totals. Next Leaderboard has been bumped to the 10th of September. So last week of the Event.

There are also a few new Glowstick Tasks added to the game. Info on the “Oh Consuela” post. 😉

There is just so much going on in Our Quahogs now! Spotted Toads, Dudes running around licking the Spotted Toads and freaking out. Girls dressed as Hippies being chased by Bees (both Red and Dark haired). Tons of Fans, some too busy on their phones too care. Patchouli Oil, Hacky Sacks, Bears, Park Rangers, picnic baskets, DJ’s, a Sweepstakes Winner… and in there somewhere… some AWESOME Music. PeterPalooza Phase 4 is in our games!

With all these new additions to PeterPalooza in our game, New Characters/Costumes show up. Including Characters like Carl.

Carl 2

Let’s take a look at what Carl can do in our silly lil games.

Now right off… for those of you scratching your heads on this one “WHO?!”, those of us around since launch of the game know TinyCo had a Facebook Contest and the Winners Prize was to be immortalized into the game. This is that Player that won the Contest on their Facebook Page… now immortalized in the game. 😉

FG Sweepstakes Contest Pic

Here is some additional info to help you remember, or those just joining the game to find out how Carl came to be.

Facebook Post HERE

Pics from TinyCo Visit HERE

Now for his Game Information…

Carl was a New Character added during the fourth part of PeterPalooza 2015. As with (almost) all Characters in TQFS in order to unlock him you’ll have to collect lots of STUFF.

Festival Merch Kiosk Page 4 Carl

First you had to locate Carl. He was placed over at the Festival Merch Kiosk with the other game craftable items. Tapping on “GET” popped up his requirements to unlock him for the game. You could also buy him out, but earning is always best first. Carl Festival Merch Kiosk Requirements


Glowsticks2500 Glowsticks

Concert Tickets10 Concert Tickets (Common): Greased-Up Deaf Guy OR Bears OR Ticket Kiosk

LP6 LPs (Common): Deadmau5 Try on New Helmets OR Honey Gold Bears

Headphones11 Headphones (Uncommon): Avril Lavigne Fight Polar Bear OR Alice Cooper Slay the House OR Lois Buy Groceries OR Quagmire Drink at the Clam OR Glamping Tent


He does come with a Questline, Carl in Quahog, more on it HERE. You Got Carl
Carl does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that will help you earn Glowsticks & XP.

Let’s take a look at some of Carl’s Tasks:

Carl Jump Dance

Task Time Earns Location Level
Sign Autographs 2hrs 1Glowsticks20Family Guy XP Drunken Clam ~
Jump Dance 6hrs 2Glowsticks45Family Guy XP VisualMovie Scene Marker Clapper Board ~
Put on a Light Show 8hrs 3Glowsticks50Family Guy XP Glamping Tent ~
Party All Night 12hrs 4Glowsticks65Family Guy XP Glamping Tent 2
Pump Up the Bass 24hrs 8Glowsticks100Family Guy XP Drunken Clam 3

 **Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends. 



Just for fun, here are a few of his Phrases…
“Sorry Ladies, I’m taken”
“Being jobless made me play this game”
“Can we play video games instead?”
“I have more gamer points than you I bet”
“I got to get to a Rave”


And there you have it my friends, the complete breakdown for Sweepstakes Winner Carl!

What do you think of Carl? Where are you on unlocking him? Get through it within a few days? Still working on it? If you did get him, have you put him to use yet? Have a favorite task? Let us know.


20 responses to “PeterPalooza Character Profile: Carl

  1. Hey bunny. I unlocked Carl in the game. A glitch occurred, when I clicked on the gold lock. The glow sticks, tickets, lp’s and headphones, were in fact, redeemed. Please help!


  2. Immortalised? More like “damned to the eternal void” in my game 🙂 Because I’m playing the game, not living it.


  3. Well Carl is already in inventory, as well as anyone else who is producing more than 3 glowsticks for 6 hours. I’d rather have my characters on the ready. Plus if event currency is glowsticks then anything related to the event should be glowsticks not 10 coins for beating a golden bear, right. If it’s part of the event and the currency is glowsticks you should not get any coins at all. Just sayin, good job B&A!


  4. I had an issue with unlocking Carl. I collected all of the materials and hit the “get” button. The game froze for a second and went back to the map. Carl is still locked but my materials and glow sticks are gone. There’s even a checkmark by him in the kiosk but no Carl. Sent a message in game to TinyCo. What’s the usual turnaround on messages? Anyone else have this problem? Guess I’m stuck for now… 😦


  5. Carl, where are you? Are you an addict? If so Hi and congrats on being in the game.


  6. Still working on unlocking Carl, but have a quick question.
    Carl requires 2500 bracelets, I believe.
    I’m slowly accumulating them. I see I need a lot more to unlock the other items in order to let Carl do a concert. (He does a concert, correct?)

    So, my question is whether the primary source of bracelets is holding concerts (if you didn’t purchase a bracelet producing device with clams). The only concert I was able to hold was for Avril. And the encore for her.
    But I have not had the option to hold any other concerts due to the delay with the Alice boots.

    We’re the concerts the primary method for earning bracelets?

    Thank you!


    • They are one of the main sources… but continually sending Characters on Glowstick tasks and collecting from Glowstick producing Buildings along with questlines will help too. And FYI… Carl is used for Peters concert.

      PeterPalooza 101: Phase 4 Concerts and Encores


    • With the exception of the 24hr concert glitch early on, concerts are not a good source of glowsticks and really haven’t been since this event started but it’s gotten progressively worse each phase. With the low glowstick payouts for concerts and encores, the upfront costs for them each week typically can’t be recovered in the time we have before next phase, even if you get the stage unlocked quickly and not towards the end of the phase. The current phase with Carl and DJ Herbert is especially bad for glowsticks. All the stuff for the first two concerts this week that are required for the main questline will set you back 4,650 of them between Carl (2500), the decos (1100), and the buildings (1050) you need to place. You’ll get 300 of them back for those first two required concerts. Each encore after that will have several tasks including Joe Lions 12 hour task. So basically max of 300 for two encores per day if you stay on top of it.

      With that said encores for this phase won’t be possible for you at this point in the week. Once you’ve completed the first two required concerts with Peter and DJ Herbert you will have finished this weeks main questline and since Phase 5 should roll out tomorrow you’ll be moved to the next phase of concerts. If Phase 5 is when we get spooner street stage we might be able to do concerts on that stage while the main stage is locked up again for next character but won’t know until we see it. But, even if that’s what the Spooner Stage does that still doesn’t help you get through the concert requirements for this week.

      Aside from those premium neon decos that drop glowsticks, the building drops and character tasks are the best source and it’s slow going. Costs are high, payouts are low.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Whoops, lost some text in an edit before posting. the random fan girls that pop up can help a fair amount at 10 glowsticks each, as do the random toads that occasionally drop them. Those along with the building drops and character tasks are the best source..


  7. The one character that won’t be useless after the event, even after being maxed out. Unless of course Carl gets tired of Carl …


  8. “Pitchforks and torches”

    I must say I feel bad for you ladies, this event been a royal bust. Glad your still around though as maybe next one give us all something to cheer about.I really hope soon they have one that is dedicated to you two. So many funny tasks could be made, and who don’t want a voiced bunny saying no no no “pitchforks and torches”…. hehe

    Btw the carl second link wont work if you don’t have FB.


  9. I wonder if carl voiced himself… Lol of course he did. I kinda like carl. It would be great to see him in the show! Maybe it is because he reminds me of myself somehow…


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