PeterPalooza 101: Phase 5 Concerts and Encores

Hey there Music Fans!

My apologies, this was scheduled for yesterday but for some reason never posted to the site. I still wanted to get the info out there… so pushing it anyway. 

Phase 5 is in our games and we are getting Rick Rolled on the Concert Stage. Rick Astley now has control of the Stage and with it some requirements to unlock it again for use.

What additional requirements are there to Perform Concerts so I can get access to the Concert Stage?

Rick Astley 3

In this post I will go over the Phase 5 Basics of the Concert Stage Area and what you can do to help give your game a boost in Materials with Encores and Concerts. 


The Hulu Hoop Girls are still out there dancing and shaking around on the Stage Platforms while the other Concert Goers play on their smart devices are still busy tapping away.

PeterPalooza Event Area

In order to start a Concert, you will need a Musician. In Phase 5, that Musician is Rick Astley. So you will want to focus on unlocking him so you can gain access to the Stage.

Concerts are a good source of Materials for the game, so get to them as soon as you can.


For Phase 5, when  you first tap on the Stage it will tell you WHAT Rick Astley will want in order to Perform.

Rick Astley Concert 0%

Here is the list of items you will need for Rick Astley(scrolling left and right will show them all). Tapping on “GO” under any of them will take you directly to the item.

Rick Astley’s Concert Requires

  • Unlock Rick AstleyRick Astley Glowsticks4900 GlowsticksTrench Coat12 Trench Coats (Rare)Union Jacks28 Union Jacks (Common)Dessert You Bakery“Dessert You” Bakery

    Run Around Track“Run Around” Track

  • Get the “Give You Up” Consignment ShopGive You Up Second Hand ShopGlowsticks120 Glowsticks
  • Get the “Make You Cry” Therapy CenterMake You Cry Therapy Glowsticks1015 Glowsticks & Concert Tickets14 Concert Tickets
  • Get the “Say Goodbye” Greeting CardsSay Goodbye Greeting Cards Glowsticks50 Glowsticks & Skull Guitar Pick Large75 Skull Guitar Picks

As you collect each of these items, they will show a check mark that you got them and darken out. The “COMPLETED” portion will also show the change in % done. You will also see it tells you “NOT READY”.

Once you get all the items, it will then show “COMPLETED” 100%, and the Button in the middle will change to “START CONCERT”. Tap on it.

Rick Astley Concert 100%

Tapping on START CONCERT will take you to a 2nd screen. Here is where you will see the options of Musicians to select from. Just Rick Astley is available at this time. You can CANCEL the choice or go ahead and tap on “START CONCERT” to let Rick Astley begin to play.

Rick Astley Concert Start A Concert

You will now see the Female Fans start to ***Poof*** on your Quahog streets while Rick Astley starts to Perform on Stage. Fans will drop items like Glowsticks, Coins, and Stars. You will want to get as many as you can as fast as you can. You have 2 minutes to tap on as many as you can. They will spawn in a large group and respawn not much longer after you clear the prior batch. So… move fast.

If you tap on the Concert Stage, you will see Rick Astley’s Concert is out of 100 Stars.

Rick Astley Concert Star Requirement

When the time runs out, you will be shown how many Stars you got and what payout you received.

Rick Astley Concert Payout

Rick Astley Concert: I got 100/100 Stars in the 2 minutes and my Payout was…

  • 150 Glowsticks Glowsticks
  • 10 LightersLighter
  • 10 LPsLP



2 Minute Timer

2 minutes. You will see the timer over the Event Stage above the Musician. You can also see it by tapping on the Stage. This starts the second you tap on “START CONCERT”, so move quickly to your road once you do.



Female Fan 2

For me, the Female Fans spawned in a HUGE group of like 15-20 at a time on my Quahog Streets. I cleared them as fast as I could. Another 15-20 or so Spawned around 30-60secs later.

Female Fans Spawn

This is where having roads in locations you can clearly see is good as you want to tap as many as you can in the 2 minutes time frame. The more the better. Also it is a good idea to not have any other Characters on the roads for “accidental” tapping.

Tapping on them paid out 1-2 Stars each and +1 Glowsticks. (Once you MAX out the Star Requirement, they drop Coins instead.)

Female Fans Spawn Stars

If you do NOT clear them all and miss some, they will still wander your town after the Concert. You can still clear them for some more +1 Glowsticks and Coins.


SIDE NOTE: If you seem to be having issues with the Female Fans showing up, first check all over your town in “Road Mode” to ensure you do not have a hidden plot somewhere they are spawning on and you are not seeing them. Outside of that, report any issues to TinyCo.



Once you get Rick Astley’s Concert out of the way, you have the ability now to run unlimited amounts of Encore Concerts. At this point you will have access for up to Nine Musicians (depending on who you own). Rick Astley, DJ Herbert, Deadmau5, Snoop Dogg, Avril Lavigne, Rockstar Peter, Joe Lion, Rapper Brian, and Alice Cooper.

Encore Concerts will be a lil bit harder to get all 5 stars as they will have higher Star requirement to reach, but it is still a great way to earn Glowsticks.



Similar to a Regular Concert, you will have to complete items in order to have the Musicians be able to perform.

For the Encore Concerts after the initial Rick Astley Concert, I saw similar tasks. Tap on the Concert Stage to see what tasks YOUR game requires you to fulfill for the Encores.

Here is how they played out in my game…

Encore Requirements

Rick Astley Encore 0%

  • Clear a Gold Robot (Get from Mecha Astley)
  • Take Down Mecha Astley Once (any Level)
  • Have Rick Astley Volunteer at PeterPalooza (12hrs)
  • Have DJ Herbert Update Club Penguin Profile (24hrs)

Once you have all the Encore Task Requirements complete, you will see a similar scenario. The screen will show 100% Complete, all the tasks checked off and darkened, and the option to “START CONCERT” now highlighted. Tap on it.

Rick Astley Encore 100%

The next few screens will look a little different. First you will be taken to the Performers in the game screen. It will show you how many you currently have available for the Encore and if they are Ready or Busy on another task. Tap “START CONCERT”.

Rick Astley Encore Start a Concert

Then you will be taken to select one of those available Musician you want to do the Encore Performance. (I did not see a difference in using either one.) Choose your Performer by tapping on them.

Rick Astley Encore Star Choose Performer

A check mark will show up next to the one you selected. You can now “START CONCERT”.



Same as the regular Concert, you will have 2 minutes to quickly tap as many Fans as you possibly can to gain Stars.

2 Minute Timer



Concert StarConcert StarConcert StarConcert StarConcert Star

In my game, it seemed they all had the same 120 Stars Requirements for all of the Encores I did, no matter who I used.

Rick Astley Encore Star Requirement



For me, I was able to get 5 Stars each and every time in the Encores. All of them paid out the same for me.

Rick Astley Encore Payout

  • 150 Glowsticks Glowsticks
  • 10 LightersLighter
  • 10 LPsLP



If you are not able to Select a Performer, it is a good chance they are Busy on another task in the game. For instance, I had Snoop on a task for his questline. Due to he was on the his task, the option to use him showed “Busy”. Tapping on “GO” under him took me to where he was on the task.

Encore Start a Concert

In the Select a Performer Screen, he was grayed out as well and you could not tap on him to place a check mark under him and use him to perform.

Encore Concert Select Performer Phase 2


Side Note: This is my “hint” to getting MORE Stars if you want to try it. Essentially I left the last Spawn of Fans from the previous Concert, so I had 15 already roaming the streets before the Concert started. These were the CONCERT FANS from the previous one. Do not mistake them for the Regular spawning Female Fans. Those will not work.

The payouts each Concert are already fairly generous as is, so this may not really be worth it… but just wanted to put it out there. Just in case it does come in handy later down the line in the Event. 🙂


There you have the Phase 5 Basics of the Concerts and Encore Concerts.

What do you think of them? Have you got Rick Astley unlocked yet and able to Perform any? What kind of payouts did you get? Perform any Encores yet? Any tips for fellow Players? Let us know.


33 responses to “PeterPalooza 101: Phase 5 Concerts and Encores

  1. Bunny, I’ve seen you say it several places but haven’t seen an explanation as to the difference (by sight) between a ‘Concert Fan’ and a ‘regular spawning female fan’. How can you tell?



  2. So, i’ve written to support, and am still waiting on their response. I can’t finish Deadmau5 in the Hau5 because i can’t perform ANY concerts at all. Every single time i try to perform any concert, i get kicked out of the game. :*( It was ok when i could drag & drop for the 24 hour concert, but for the 2 min one, it just kicks me out of the game. I nucked the whole town, had only 4 buildings and only Peter as a character, put everything else into inventory, but it still didn’t help.
    I’m trying to start FG on my “Surface” so i can link it up and try it on there, but it still doesn’t give me the option for Account Info under Main Menu. Someone said i have to finish “intro” stuff first, but i’ve been playing for over a week and still can’t get it. Any tips?
    Thx for everything you do for us!


  3. Unfortunately I just unlocked Rick yesterday and was able to do his concert but couldn’t get an encore concert ready in time for the new content. Guess that one mission will have to wait now


  4. For the events do you guys have a space where you post all the characters/costumes that earn event currency? I know most of the core characters, but sometimes they’ll throw a random earner task for a fringe character. Once my fringe ones max out I store them and if I didn’t have to bust each one out to test that would be great. I know I’ve seen you post actions, but having one place where they all are listed and updated as phases release would be helpful. Thanks for all you do.


    • It is so hard as each Phase it changes. The tasks come and go. So we have them kinda throughout the posts. Once this Phase is live, I will be able to post an update list as… well… the Event will end so it can’t change. Lol.


  5. “Side Note: This is my “hint” to getting MORE Stars […]The payouts each Concert are already fairly generous as is, so this may not really be worth it…”

    Previous experience is that there is a very large drop-off – sometimes 50% – even if you manage to get 119 out of 120 stars. So hints for maximising stars are not not worth it. (Especially for things like LPs.) (And especially this week when most people, even those who have kept up, will be limited to only one encore.)


    • How about the FULL quote “… but just wanted to put it out there. Just in case it does come in handy later down the line in the Event.”

      IN CASE it comes in handy. Just because something may not help you out personally does not mean it won’t help somebody else out. Every Player is at different points in the game and so the information will help in different ways. So if it is not for you, then pass on the information. Hence the “just in case is does come in handy”. It is still a helpful post. 😉


      • Eh? I think you misunderstood my post, or misinterpreted the double-negative, or something.

        I said your hints were not _not_ worth it, that is they are worthwhile – it was _your_ original wavering that was strange (and this is the bit I was ‘disagreeing’ with), You were saying that the payouts were generous enough that it wasn’t worth worrying too much about getting a maximum score of stars – all I pointed out was that only receiving 5 or 3 LPs instead of 10 LPs just because you collect 119 stars is pretty brutal – particularly this week as you are likely to only complete one encore what with the 24 hour task.


        • You are misunderstanding my post. I in no way whatsoever stated that NOT hitting 5 stars wasn’t worthwhile. I never ever said that. You are reading something else into the information I was providing.

          I was saying for those hitting 5 stars over and over, they ARE getting a plentiful payout, hitting 5 stars no problem, so therefore leaving girls roaming will NOT be worth it to them.

          As for other players struggling and NOT hitting 5 stars, leaving some spawning is VERY beneficial if another Concert can be done. So for instance those that have a spawn hit just as their time runs out, if they leave them roaming around, they now have a jump start on the next Concert and MORE of a Chance of hitting 5 stars with the jump start.

          So I still stand on my original comment. Just because the information in there does not apply to you… do not mean it does not apply to someone else. It is still very valid. The info is there just in case a player IS struggling and the tip may be useful to THEM. For those that have no need and get plentiful 5 star payouts, the information can be passed on. 😉


        • I see what you mean lol. Internet commenting is difficult! I wasn’t able to get the full amount cos of no spawns for around 1 minute! So bunnys tip would’ve been helpful… unfortunately this was for my Rick concert and basically no way I could’ve kept them wandering since Herbert’s last Thursday ^^;


      • I actually can’t believe Perdito put such a mean spirited and pointless comment out there! Please remember that for every one person who says something stupid there are thousands of players who are extremely grateful for every piece of advice however small! Please don’t be discouraged and thank you so much!


        • I do not believe their intention was to come across mean… seems more like confusion on their part to what I was offering for advice. 😉

          Liked by 1 person

        • I thought his comment was helpful.. maybe you should read it again! He’s saying bunnys advice is useful because of the awful way you get so much fewer rewards just for getting 119 instead of 200 stars.


  6. I love this event but I hate that I’m so behind. I just hope that if GUDG becomes a character in our game I don’t miss out on him.


  7. For the concerts, what I like to do is create a road farthest southwest I can , to lure all the stray people there. Then when im ready to start a concert, I delete that road and create one far away from it. Then start the concert. That takes care of accidently tapping on other people (except those bee girls run pretty damn fast, theyll get to the new road in about 40 seconds).


  8. Struggling to get Rick unlocked. Those stupid trench coats are holding me up.


    • Bunny, I’m stuck with 3 coats left to go… Just did 6 rock concerts in a row and coats only dropped once. Tried all four performers together (I know from reading your posts that you found maxing these performances didn’t seem to matter, but trying to get best odds somehow). So now I’m in cool down of mecha and have to wait another 18 hours, then attack with Peter twice to get mikes. Any other suggestions to get past this roadblock? I wish there was another source of mikes besides the clam routes. Thanks for all you do for us!


  9. With my first concert I had the same problem as many others with the fans not spawning. It took close to 45 seconds before any showed up and I kept going to the stage and hitting go and it said there were no fans so they weren’t just hidden. After clearing the first wave it was a few seconds before the next hit sometime under 30 seconds to go but thanks to some furious tapping I managed to get max stars. But they must have fixed it because during my first encore the fans were there immediately and actually spawned again before I cleared them all. I think there was 4 waves in all so getting max stars was no problem.


    • That’s good to hear.


      • I have purposely not used Rick for the encores and that seemed to work for the two encores that I ran. Used Alice once and Avril once and the fans spawned right away. When Rick ran that first concert, it was quite awhile before any fans spawned. Just in case anyone has seen similar.


        • I am curious if there is a common factor in the person used to run the Show. Thing is… I used Rick 4 times in an Encore… for this very post too even… and enough spawned for me.

          There is definitely something odd about it. It is not impacting all Players, but it is there.


          • You had better luck than myself and some other posts I have seen. When my spawn was so slow for Rick and then I saw others with the same issue, I decided to not use him and I have maxed out both times. Just figured that was how it was for Rick so I decided why try it again when I don’t have to.


            • If it helps you… then definitely don’t use him if you see that much of a difference. Good suggestion for others experiencing it.

              Typical a person will not post unless they have an issue, it’s why you mainly see that… but overall this is actually quite an isolated issue. Just sucks for those with it as you rely on the Concerts for help.


          • I hadn’t thought about it before but now it’s been mentioned the two concerts I had spawn troubles with (Ricks originals and one encore) I used Rick for the next encore when the spawn worked fine I used Alice so it’s possible Rick was my issue.


        • My Astley concert did the same — about 45 seconds before fans showed up. Encores were done with other characters and they popped immediately.

          Hope this helps.


          • Read the comments here while waiting to run my last encore before the new content hits and used Joe and the fan girls spawned immediately and were plentiful. I didn’t even come close with the Rick concert. Almost have everything for Ricardo — except for the 10,000 glow sticks. LOL. Going to be a grind for the last week especially with what is coming later today. Weird Al as a character and the Stewie skin for sure plus whatever other goodies TinyCo has prepared! Can’t wait!!


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