What The Deuce?!

Happy Weekend Clammers!


All week we field your comments about your frustrations in the game and we wanted to give you (and us) a fun way for you to voice your frustrations and get it all off of your chest.

So welcome to WHAT THE DEUCE?!

What the Deuce

Here’s your place to vent about anything and everything, Family Guy or not. Consider this your weekly bitch fest and get it all out with a good…WHAT THE DEUCE?! And start your weekend fresh! 🙂

REMEMBER: This is the ONLY place all that Venting and Frustration is allowed, so please Respect the Addicts Guidelines and post them ONLY here. They are always open, so you can use them at anytime. 24/7, 365 days a year. Help us by keeping the Vents/Rants off all the other helpful posts. 🙂

Just be respectful of others & be mindful of the language while commenting.  

Here’s mine for this week:

WHAT THE DEUCE… When I catch that Greased Up Deaf Guy For Good, he’s gonna be sorry. Maybe HE’S the one that’s been taking all of Alice Cooper’s boots and hiding them from everyone!!

WHAT THE DEUCE… I am le tired. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Now it’s YOUR turn…give us your WHAT THE DEUCE?! moments from the past week!  Go on, get it off your chest…you’ll feel a lot better! 🙂

247 responses to “What The Deuce?!

  1. What the duece, i have 68 honey jars, 0 picnic baskets, 0 wrenches. I pulled bruce off baskets to get wrenches 6 hour task must have done it over 10 times got 2 from him so far, i got joe doing other 12 hour tasks for quest lines so that leaves only minutes mort getting baskets witch takes 10 hours to clear a brown bear for much needed gold tickets and after 10 hours clear a bear and get only 5 glowsticks???? Very disappointing. Tiny co needs to use other characters to gain baskets or use different characters other than joe and bruce. Let’s see i have 70 characters and only 10 being used???????? This is as avril sings about WHAT THE HELL. and yes I’ve in game messaged tiny co several times about it and get the same dam robotic message every time, not everyone can afford to spend over 300 on clams every event to keep up. I guess the freemium player witch this game started as is a thing of the past 😭.


  2. Please, please, please, please stop adding tasks for items to the same handful of characters! I can’t switch someone to earning greasy underwear or viral hits when I still need them to earn baskets so that I can get tickets for the several items in the kiosk that need them. It’s by far the most irritating thing about this game. We knock ourselves out trying unlock characters that don’t even matter the following week. Instead everything depends on Peter, Joe and Mort. Not cool.


    • Agreed. Crazy how the same characters are needed for Virals, Underwear, Wrenches, Baskets, etc. At least they pulled Riker out of the vaults to help with concert. Others need to have the dust shaken off and used as well.


  3. Is there ever going to be a POLL regarding the Mobsters Event? I really would like to share my opinions of event and see the communities reactions as well.


  4. Phase 6 is coming in today and I don’t even have Rick or GUDG… ughhh. i’m worried that I’m not going to get everything in time for Phase 6 or before the event finishes.


  5. Waiting until the last day to post info on encores?

    PeterPalooza 101: Phase 5 Concerts and Encores

    We could have been warned about it wanting a 24 hour Herbert task ASAP. There needs to be a “Event Warning” page where you’d post info about the nasty gotchas like that before someone takes their time to compile every little detail on a topic to post the info. Like how doing something starts a timer, and perhaps bump the thing to the top so it isn’t on page 4 of the site after the dozens of newer posts about the long event.


    • Like the Rundown post providing information or the times I commented the complete rundown of Encores to several players that asked for it?

      PeterPalooza Rupert Headliner Mystery Box

      The MAIN Hub for all things in the Event (also a pic icon on the side of the Home Page, bottom of screen on Mobile)?

      PeterPalooza 2015

      You could be a bit kinder for someone running a site all alone, putting their personal time and effort day/night/weekends/most holidays into getting all the details pulled from the game, going through each and every aspect piece by piece, has to unlock everything themselves too in order to get all the details to you… but you know… if YOU would like to spend the time day/night/weekends/holidays, YOUR personal Clams, and make the effort to completely have a Concert and Encore Post all done the moment the new Phase is released… please, be my guest. 😉

      And this post is for rants on TinyCo. Attack the Addicts Site about not giving YOU information that you never asked for, whining because a “glitch” on WordPress delayed the post, and complaining about a site that is helping you with FREE information…. you will find a not so pleasant response. Hence the bit about “Addicts Guidelines”. Just sayin.

      So apparently I myself am not allowed personal time, a vacation weekend now and again… instead I am to be a slave to YOU and make sure all YOUR needs are met so you don’t have to waste your Clams to find it out yourself? Yep… sounds really fair there. 😉


    • WTD?? One has to finish the main concert before they can do encores. Clicking on the stage brings up everything needed for them, so not sure why you needed to wait until info displayed here. Going on week 6 I would think one would have the basics of the event theme down certainly by now.


  6. Wtd why is it always harder to get the stuff for the stars then when you done you are only to do one show and then barely one encore then the new star shows up and you got more time.
    Next time they do this the need to make it easier or less stuff to collect to unlock the character.


    • WTD, you had time to do an encore…I can’t even get a concert in before the next week content drops.


    • I managed to get an encore in the first week, and only after that did I get a “do an encore” quest and it’s been taunting me the entire rest of the event. There’s never enough time to get to an encore. There still won’t be this time either, although since I’ve now got a *second* “do an encore” quest, this time in the main questline, I’m hoping that will block phase 6 long enough to manage getting an encore this time. Otherwise I’m totally screwed.


  7. WTD@ the way they did Mecha Astley. Usually when they release this gimmick in the game it only has 2 levels available so you can keep KO’ing him if you stay on it, but with Mecha Astley TinyCo has him at full strength. Freemium players only have Peter to work with, so after players beat level 2 because there’s no way 1 character can remove 10 hearts in 24 hours we waste 28 hours to be able to attack it again. That like 2.33 days of time wasted a week because we’re unable to progress.

    WTD@ getting Jackets for Astley. I’ve sent groups of characters to the tent an only got 3 Jackets so far. There’s no way I’m getting Astley out before the next Phase starts, so I’ll be in the same position I’m been in since Phase 3 where I can’t do any Concerts or Encores. There’s no way I’m going to finish the Clam prize Quest Lines.

    WTD@ how TinyCo decides which characters are used to gain items for events. We ask that they use more characters, but all they do is assign more tasks to characters we are already using. What’s the point of giving Bruce a task to get Wrenches when he’s already being used full time to get Baskets? We got characters we unlocked this event no being used at all for gaining items that should be. Its not like they can do concerts since we’re always locked out from doing them or forced to wait for Mircophones to drop from Mecha Astley.

    WTD@ having to go 2 pages deep to get to a WTD thread! WTD needs to be a weekly thing where its released every Friday, so Addicts can instantly vent when TinyCo drops the latest Event or Phase. 🙂

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    • WTD… there’s too much WTD already on our happy lil site for me to stomach. 😛

      Feel better now? I’m thinking of making a pop up link on the side widgets for it. Just hate… well… hate all over our site. Not what we set it out to be. 😉


      • We’re all sorry about that, but unfortunately this used to be a much better game so it’s got a lot of fans that really want it to be better again., While it seems t-co listens a little to specific issues, they also seem to be missing the broad strokes and repeating the same mistakes that lead to player frustration over and over and over again. So as players we can either vent or give up on t-co ever getting it right again and quit the game entirely. It’s a bit of a testament to earlier game play and events that so many players choose to vent rather than uninstall. At least with this event they got the first few weeks right before starting to go down hill

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        • I get that, I do… but why ruin the ADDICTS site over anger on something we have no control on? It is not fair to us. We don’t make the game. We just do all we can to help. So why is it OK to drag us down too as if we are TinyCo? Very unfair in my mind.

          Venting we get, that is why we put up these posts for that just reason so all our hard work doesn’t disappear under layers of hate. If that is ALL people want to come and do is Vent, then what is the point of this site? What is the point of us posting any details, help, tips, overviews, etc if all anyone wants is one post to “yell at TinyCo”? It then no longer becomes the Addicts Site, instead it becomes the “Site about how much I hate TinyCo”. Make Sense? 🙂


          • It’s because there’s no official forums for the game, unlike a certain other tapping game. As a result there’s no central place for frustrated players to vent, so they seek other outlets. It’s necessary, so please keep posting them. And please keep posting your tips posts as well.


            • And I do truly understand that. EVERYONE needs a place to go and vent…. just as long as it does not damage that site, what it was set out to be, and its owner’s willingness to want to help anymore. Make Sense?

              And there IS TinyCo Family Guy Facebook Page. It is a vent free for all there. 😉


              • Eww. The FB page is beyond hate – that actually makes me weep for the future of humanity.

                Been a faithful reader since day 1 – I unfortunately find myself in the WTD posts more often than not these days in hope of finding a little validation and commiseration. It’s been a rough couple of events, and I have been scratching my head trying to figure out if it’s the game or it’s me. I grind out both this one and “the other game” and based on how I’ve done. I think I know my answer.

                I apologize here for adding to the frustrated tone of the commentary. After the last three events, I’ve stopped with the casual purchase of clams, and I just do what I can in the course of standard checking in every couple of hours while I’m awake. It’s less stressful. Thank you for what has always been must read internet. May the level of discourse here NEVER fall to the level of FB.


  8. 4 hours to make baskets, 2 hours to hire rangers + brown bear = 1 ticket. 34 are required to both unlock and perform with Rick Astley. Since I don’t have the Gudg running anymore, and refuse to buy the premium building I have a long 204 hours/8.5 days to gain these. Only way to reduce the time is either speeding basket drops or ranger training, these shenadigans are getting real old. Hate to say it but I feel like the next event will be more of the same. Queues and impossibly high item counts with abysmal drops. Star Trek started it, Mob event tested it, Peterpalooza has perfected it. Might be time to try other games out.


    • Hi, I have the exact same problem. In Phase 5 you need 30+ tickets but only was to geht them freemium are the Bears. Extremely frustrating :(. I will be stuck for the rest of the Event…


  9. WTD? Send all 4 characters to do a Spooner Stage rock show which fills the green bar completely and says “High” chance of getting the 50 glowsticks. Aaaaand I don’t get the 50 glowsticks. *sigh*


  10. Anyone else notice that for the Tricia Takagaga’s Pop Star Expose Pt. 4 questline Alice Cooper has a task to have Alice speak with the dead but that task doesn’t exist under his list of things to do? I messaged TC but haven’t heard back yet.


  11. What’s up with those silver robot bugs? They cost three of the mechanic to fight and I have yet to get a vat of grease from even one. If we have to utilize three mechanics, we should get a guaranteed vat. I only fight them if I need them to finish a quest; otherwise they can roam free on my roads.

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  12. This is getting ridiculous. I have been working my butt off trying to get wrenches and mechanics and tubs. I am now at 9. I just sent out 4 mechanics and got 1 tub out of them. There is no way of unlocking GUDG at this rate with the time that is left, especially since there is obviously going to be even more things needed to unlock him.


  13. I cannot believe the drop rates on tubs of grease. I just cleared 3 robots and got none, I have five out of about 15 or so tries over the past few days. How is it possible that this is “as intended” as they are apparently telling people?

    I’m generally a freemium player but have spent $ to catch up in the past, but there isn’t even a premium way to get the grease (yes there are premium ways to get extra wrenches and to help with the robot spawns, but it’s still probably not enough at these drop rates) – unless Ricardo drops grease, but $20? Heck no (maybe if his price went down after collecting his materials like characters outside the merch kiosk, and if i knew for sure he would drop grease as opposed to a vague “helps with GUDG” claim?) So WTD? How is anyone supposed to do this?

    Are TinyCo just so focused on getting the content into our games and trying to entice us to buy soon-to-be-useless characters that they don’t even do the math at all as far as how we could possibly obtain items/characters, or are they sitting there saying “hahaha you all wanted greased up deaf guy but no, we will tease you instead!”

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  14. Go back from camping and got Herbert unlocked yesterday and sent on 10 hr task, after waiting for previous 12hr task to finish, Got concert done and sent everyone off for encore tasks and then got blocked by Ashley! WTD!? I have gotten 0 encore during this whoe damn event! Thinking im so far Back its gonna be impossible to move forward quickly. Only earning ~800 glow per day and then all yeh dumb purchases!! And WTD is with clamming Trisha’s skin!? Would rather unlock that than the planned stars! And i dont get the free albums for being on iOS. Tiny co has certainly got their heads in the sand!! Non of my messages get any reply but a canned message thats irrelevant!

    Plus pushing an upgrade before a holiday weekend !? And again its buggy! Really thats a classic D $@$ move. As all our I.t guys avoid system downloads/upgrades/mods on any Friday, much less the Friday before a holiday! They know their weekend is shot if its not 100%. And so far Tiny co has been at 0/ 15 or is it 25 for all Their upgrades and patches have had issues! Last one slowed my system to a crawl and their response was that character drops were normal! Pshaw!

    Thanks for the rant space!


  15. This is the second event (mobster was the first) where I haven’t been able to get past the half way point. Both times, my game starts crashing near the beginning of week 3, and crashes every 30s – 1 min or so. It takes half an hour to finish tasks and start everyone on new ones. I messaged them last time and this, but after a month of no reply, they delete my message. There’s no way I’ll be able to get greased up deaf guy, if it’s true that you unlock half in one phase and half in the next. Crashing is usually not a problem between events. Pretty sure if his happens next event again, I’ll be finished. Very disappointing when a game gets to be more frustrating than fun.

    Thanks girls for all the help!


  16. 18 gold bugs, 2 silver. 8 tubs of grease. Note sent to Tinyco saying to change the drop rate name to uncommon from common got, drop rates are as intended.
    I have a job and do require sleep, so even with Astley unlocked I won’t take Mecha past second level, he then has a 4 hour cool down, 24 hours as he wanders town and a second 4 hour cool down. It would be nice if he wasn’t attacked for say the first 12 hours he would then reset.
    Lastly my Astley concert took a full minute for the fans to spawn at start, and I had just cleared every spawn and sent every other character on a mission to clear streets, same response as others, this is a known issue.

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  17. I’ve been enjoying this game from the start, but this is the first event where I’ve found myself behind by quite a bit. I’m just now starting the process of unlocking Rick Astley, but judging from the previous comments, it looks like I’ll have a hell of a time with Phase 5, i.e., lots to do/collect, but the amounts are unreasonable, etc. That might be cause enough for a rant, but my real issue is that I totally, 100%, do not care for nor want Rick Astley in my game, but I really, really, REALLY want Weird Al… so… I’m going to HAVE to get Rick Astley or I won’t get Al… right? Because if so… UGH WTD, TinyCo?!


  18. WTD? In Peter’s level 1 attacks, he was aiming his guitar fire at the Mecha. In level 2 attack, he’s aiming his guitar fire away from the Mecha entirely, in the opposite direction, but the Mecha is still pretending to be hit. Seems suspicious to me. Could it be that the Mecha fight, like pro wrestling, is all a fakeroonie? GASP! Think of the children! It’s a sad world we live in. Or Peter lives in. Whatever. It’s sad.


  19. Just did Rick Astley concert. 45 seconds went by before any concert girls showed up. Support keeps saying they’re aware of the issue which has been happening since start of event. Um there’s only a week left…all the items I’ve lost due to only getting one or two stars. Very frustrating.


    • That has been the norm for me since starting this Event. I still get them all in time. Just by keeping two small patches of road, clearing ALL characters away off it on other tasks, and any other roaming items I can get rid of… then starting the concerts.


      • You’re very lucky!! I get all of them but unfortunately only one group/set of them pop after that 45 seconds which at least in my game is not enough to obtain 5 stars. My patch of road is clear also. Norm or not a timed event should not make you wait 75 percent of the allotted time before actually allowing you to begin. Truthfully, nor should it matter whether you have zero or 20 items on your roads.


  20. Still on the last week of the event, need DJ herbert. Will probably take another day or 2 so I’ll be a week behind in the event, just like the last event. Great.
    No idea how fremium players have managed to keep up, a lot seem to have but I have played reguarly and a week behind :O

    On top of that, I’ve looked at the Mecha astley, and I dont see the point. As a freemium player I’ll only be able to beat the first 2 levels so 70armbands every 3days….

    These events are actually making me dislike the game, if the next event is the same and I cant keep up I’m seriously going to consider quitting. I clearly dont have the time to play this game. Used to find it fun, star trek event was great but the last 2 events have just made it feel like a chore to play :S worst of all, a chore with no reward because as we know any character but the main 6/7 characters will basically be useless. So unless you’re a big fan of the characters they’re useless.

    I have no idea what they changed with the events but they seem to hard now.

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    • Like any other reputable crack dealer, the first one’s free.
      In this case, first year. It was well and truly free. Any player with enough time could complete the events and collect everything that wan’t a clam purchase.

      Those days are gone, forever, by design. Tinyco is lowering the paygate (it stings a little less if you imagine peter dressed as gandalf saying ‘you shall not pass’ then tripping on his robes and going ‘tsssss ahhhhhh’ for like an hour…)

      Completing events and collecting all of the ‘freemium’ items requires clams. they figure they have turned us all into little tap monkeys and they can shake us down by narrowing the bottlenecks in event completion.

      Can’t keep up? Too bad, they dont really care, if you arent a source of revenue you are a drain on resources, and they couldn’t care if you quit. Hell bet the guys at the top wish we freeloaders would all quit. Save a ton on bandwidth…

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  21. 6 hours to get one wrench, half hour to hire a mechanic (after waiting four hours for the rangers to finish) only to NOT get the tub of grease…WTD???? And I need 70 of these? At these drop rates I should have them all by New Year’s!!!!


  22. Oh my g**!!!! Massive what the duece from me……… Aimed at ME!!!!!!!!

    I finally got dj herbet a few hours ago, I was just about 2 start his concert n I accidently sent him on a 24hr task while I was mindlessly sending about 50 other useless characters on 24hr tasks……

    Oh well start phase 5 2morrow then

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    • I routinely manage to start day-long or longer land clearing tasks just before a new event hits with some vital building that has to be built before I can do anything… Sympathies.

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  23. My game freezes 1/every 3 robots cleared I attempt, and the mechanics are gone(used)🔧🔧🔧 But I never get a dropped item no grease🍯no coins¢💰& no response from tiny CO either⁉️


  24. What the deuce? Ever since I got the vat of grease to start working on GUDG I no longer see him running around my town to be caught to help with all the tickets needed four the track and therapy center for Astley. I sent tiny Co a message saying I hadn’t seen him in 3 full days, no response yet but I’m sure it will be the standard “drops are as intended” when they do! Anyone else seeing this issue?) thank you addicts for all your help and for running such a great site! Hope you’re enjoying your holiday weekend! ☺


  25. I’m having the same issues with gold robots. No grease last 5 or 6 times. Similar frustrations with trench coats. Ran 6 or 7 concerts with all the characters and only got glow sticks. A huge effort to collect microphones only to get glow sticks. I’m about to delete the game. Not fun any more.

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  26. WTD what happened to premium characters being useful, it used to be they were useful for a whole event, even in star trek but now, just for a week/phase, since phase 2 snopp dogg has had nothing to do, surely he could help with mecha ashely, but now, most likely response fro tiny co, its too hard to do. WTD !


  27. Oh and I haven’t seen GUDG for 2 days


  28. You know what grinds my gears. For the past 4 updates, my game had been closing on its own and not saving my progress at to that point.


  29. My WTD is the horrible drop rates from the robots. Of the 20 I’ve killed only 6 have produced tubs of grease for GUDF. That’s about a 30% drop rate. For an item labeled common that’s abysmal.

    We are strongly encouraged here to report our findings to TC which I have done many, many times over the past several months. The frustration really mounts when it is always met with the same scripted “as intended, everything working fine” reply.

    If anyone has a better way around this automated response I’m all ears…

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  30. This game is starting to suck, 70 tubs that aren’t even always drops is just boring imo. I understand you need to work for unlocks when playing freemium but there recent ones are a joke! May delete this game soon as it’s not fun to play anymore.


  31. 6 attempts on gold and silver bugs and they drop nothing but coins..A major waste of time collecting all the wrenches to make the maintenance men used for this


    • WTD? Can’t figure out the advantage of the silver robot bugs, since they need 3 wrenches = 3 mechanics to squash bit yield only one tub of grease (maybe) while the gold ones release the same but for only one mechanic. I only saw one silver one, though and don’t know where it came from (spontaneous slow spawn?).


  32. Frustration with lack of ways to obtain wrenches. It’s all well in good that MechaAstley progressively produces more gold bugs but if I have minimal mechanics to train what’s the point?


  33. Oh great another week of endless grinding for picnic baskets for records and tickets…with the added bonus of an INSANE # of grease tubs for deaf guy…seriously…70? early math…3 wrenches per chance…assume a 3/4 drop rate for wrenches…so 3 wrenches every 12 hrs…figure 6 collections/2 days which means 3 chances at a tub of grease/2days which means it’ll take about 46 days to collect them. Good thing there are nearly 13 whole days left in the event. WTD, t-co?

    Even with perfect collection and with the premiums building you can only get 3wrenches/6 hrs which is enough for 4 silver robot attacks per day which means with perfect play and 100% drops…and a premium building it would take 17 days to collect enough enough grease tubs. So it would require at least 2 meats and pleats to have a chance at unlocking GUDG. WTD? Not to mention ENOUGH with the long chains of collection…get the wrenches to train the mechanic to attack the robot bug to get the grease tubs to unlock one part of GUDG…


    • Well, with the gold bugs now in play so assuming an infinite gold bug supply it would only take just over 15 days…assuming 100% drops from gold bugs…unfortunately wrenches actually only seem to be dropping about 50% of the time instead of 75% and I have yet to get grease to drop from a robo-bug…so 15 days seems a tad optimistic. WTD, this entire new week…it’s not just set up to be premium only. It’s set up to be premium with this week’s purchases only, last week’s purchases be damned and useless. The first few weeks were fine, but we’re back past star trek territory into mob-vent level jackassery.

      Liked by 1 person

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