Septemberfest Main Walkthrough: Battle of the Beers

Hey there Sausage Lovers!

TinyCo has dropped into our games some Beer, Sausages, Beer, Barmaidens, Beer, Kegs of Beer, Beer O’ Clock Towers…. whooo… I’m getting a bit woozy.

With this fun Septemberfest Mini Event dropped into our games, we also get some New Questlines. Like the Main one, Battle of the Beers!

Septemberfest Opie & Angela

Let’s take a look at Battle of the Beers and all you will encounter along the way. 

Battle of the Beers Pt. 1
Quagmire starts

Place Mazel Brew Billboard- Mazel BrewCost $200Family Guy Coin
Have Quagmire Try Mazel Brew- 1hr, Earns 20Family Guy Coin, 12xp
Have Joe Try Mazel Brew- 1hr, Earns 20Family Guy Coin, 12xp

Completed Task Earns 8Family Guy Coin, 6xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 2
Peter starts

Place Angela an Alpine Lodge- Alpine Lodge & AngelaCost $250Family Guy Coin
Collect from Alpine Lodge TWICE- Pays out every 4hrs
Have Peter Dance the Shipoopi- 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 4Family Guy Coin, 3xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 3
Peter starts

Place Septemberfest Float- Septemberfest Parade FloatCost $1000Family Guy Coin
Have Peter Organize “Chumbawumba Band”- 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 12xp

Completed Task Earns 4Family Guy Coin, 3xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 4
Peter starts

Place Opie and Nothin But Tubas Shop- Nothin But Tubas & OpieCost $500Family Guy Coin
Collect from Nothing But Tubas Shop- Pays out every 6hrs

Completed Task Earns 4Family Guy Coin, 3xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 5
Peter starts
Have Peter Brew Beers- 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp
Have Bonnie Chug a Bottle of Wine- 1hr, Earns 20Family Guy Coin, 12xp
Place Septemberfest Beer Tent- Septemberfest Beer TentCost $500Family Guy Coin

Completed Task Earns 4Family Guy Coin, 3xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 6
Mort starts

Place Uncle Hans’ Pretzels- Uncle Hans' PretzelsCost $125Family Guy Coin
Have Mort Complain About Gluten- 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 4Family Guy Coin, 3xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 7
Peter starts

Have Peter Judge Drinking Games- 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Place 3 Edelweiss Plants- EdelweissCost $25Family Guy Coin each

Completed Task Earns 6Family Guy Coin, 5xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 8
Peter starts

Place the Beer Hall- Beer HallCost $1000Family Guy Coin
Have Peter Donate His Underwear- 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Have Mort Retreat Cowardly- 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp

Completed Task Earns 8Family Guy Coin, 6xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 9
Quagmire starts
Have Quagmire Drink at the Clam- 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 65xp
Have Joe Watch Beer Ferment- 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 10Family Guy Coin, 8xp


Battle of the Beers Pt. 10
Peter starts
Have Opie Style His Hair- 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp
Have Peter Obnoxiously Sulk- 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp

Completed Task Earns 8Family Guy Coin, 6xp


There you have it. The Main Questline for this part of the Mini Event for Septemberfest.

What do you think of it so far? How far along are you in the Questline? Got Opie Unlocked yet? Close to it? Let us know.


40 responses to “Septemberfest Main Walkthrough: Battle of the Beers

  1. Is anyone else losing coins?


  2. I have both Angela and Opie unlocked. Took a while on Opie since I was held up by the last pair of scissors (which just would NOT drop – every task failed for about three days straight), but I had no problem with the other materials since I built 4 biergartens and 5 huge das boots to help out (they weren’t too expensive to be prohibitive and the income from them’s not bad; especially the boots since they’re small and can be placed in otherwise unusable spots around town).

    Working on Angela’s (Horrible Boss pt. 2) and Opie’s (Employee of the Month pt. 1) quests now and I’ll be finished with Battle of the Beers pt. 5 in a few hours. Been a pretty easy run so far, although I wanted to rip my hair out over the scissors for a while there.

    I wish I could afford Lois’ outfit. I don’t need it, I just like it, but I’m trying to save up clams for Human Rupert (and for the Halloween event when it rolls around) and barely have any right now, so I’d have to buy them anyway, which I’d prefer not to do.


  3. very cool! Hopefully I will have opie unlocked by then lol


  4. Do you have the quest lines for Angela and opie or are you still working on them. Just unlocked Angela and that quest line is horrible boss. Still waiting to unlock opie


  5. Are the family guy servers down? I have been trying all morning and can’t get on. So much for getting Angela done today!


  6. Anyone having issies with getting no scizzor drops? Cant buy the new lois which im sure would help..but so far ive had no drops for scissors.


  7. I have Angela unlocked and Opie is just being held up by the last couple of EoM, its nice that these characters are not too much of a challenge to acquire.


    • The EoM are holding me up to. I didn’t notice how few choices there were to get them or how long the tasks took so I put them off because they were a common drop. Now I have Angela done, but Opie being days from finished even though all he needs is a common drop. At least this is giving me a chance to work on my four district 7 unlocks so most of my characters are still keeping busy.


  8. Life hack: they didn’t limit the amount of Huge Das Boots or Outdoor Biergarten you could build, so I just keep building them and I have most of the bottles for Opie (finished Angela), and the philosophy books 🙂


  9. Just got Angela unlocked about an hour ago, now working on Opie. Will have him unlocked before Phase 2 of the event even starts. Nice clean event not too stressful probably the calm before the storm that is going to be the Halloween event. 🙂


  10. When will this event end by chance?


  11. Thanks bunny u are the best


  12. I don’t understand how lederhosen peter is supposed to help get opie and angela when i will have both of them unlocked by sunday at the latest and the costume is not even in the game yet. I almost have angela and not far off getting opie and i didnt even spend a clam.


  13. Bunny you are cracking me up with your fan blog names for us. Yes, some of us may love sausage but we may not wanna be called or known as, sausage lovers :/ Just sayin’ 😛


  14. So far drop rates are horrible. At this rate will need all 2 weeks… with luck. The worst I’ve seen so far. Eeeesh. Both Meg & Mort performed tasks 4 times each without 1 drop. Whoa!!
    Which leads me to another question:
    What is the actual order of drop rates from “Always” to “Extra Rare”


    • Well basing it off an uncommon and an extra rare drop… you’re not gonna get a lot. Not to mention we’re barely 2 day in a 2 week Event. Give it a week at least and see where you are. 😉


    • Fingers crossed.

      What is the actual order from “Always” to “Extra Rare” .Like where is “uncommon” in the list. Is it worse or better than rare?


      • Just before rare… always, common, Uncommon, rare, extra rare, epic.

        But then there’s the curve. If you have X amount of fails in a row… the chances get better to get one… Per task or building. Each one is individual


    • Agreed. More than a day in and only TWO Chickens (2-15) for Angela. So much for that “common” labeling.


  15. Tip- u can place as many of the huge das boots as u want and each time it completes it gives u a bottle…also works with the Biergarten

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Really good of them to bring out two free characters! It might redeem them after the disappointing end of peterpalooza lol.Happily questing away.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Leader board prizes are now being distributed! Bad Trip Stewie comes with a questline

    Liked by 1 person

  18. So excited Opie and Angela has hit the game. Love those characters. Liking the mini event so far. Drop rates seem decent with a nice pace. Lois was a bit much but got her anyway. No complaints. Waiting for tripped out Stewie for now. Oh and a shout out to you Bunny. Thanks for always keeping the updates fresh. You’re always on top of it 🙌🏼

    Liked by 1 person

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