Ollie’s Mystery Box & Pinhead!!

Hey there Slashers!

I am a bit behind on this as New Job is pulling me back a bit. Sorry.

When you first hit your games later this evening (or this morning for some), you will notice Peter with a ! over him. This triggers 2 separate offers, so you will actually see the ! twice.

What are the New Offers? Well one is tasks to collect Materials in the game, the other is for Ollie’s Little Box of Horrors. On top of this, PINHEAD!!! That’s right, Pinhead has also joined the game.

PinheadLet’s take a look at each of these new items!


TinyCo wanted to throw a Dog a Bone… errrr… Steak. Lol. Pinhead has been released into the game to help collect Rubber Steaks for Death’s Dog.

PinheadPinhead: 240 Clams, he is fully tasked, comes with a Questline, and IS Voiced. I already have Death’s Dog now, so bare with me while I verify the task that drops the Rubber SteaksRubber Steaks(4hrs, Solve Puzzle Box, unlocked immediately).



Peter has a ! over his head that triggers a Pop Up for Ollie’s Little Box of Horrors. For a cost of ONE 3D Glasses each, you get 3 tries in the Mystery Box to win one of the many prizes below. You can find the Mystery Box by tapping on go, or just heading into your Event Menu.

Popcorn Lg70 Popcorn

Pumpkin4 Pumpkins

6 Silver Cannon Balls12 Silver Cannonballs

Holy Water Balloons10 Holy Water Balloons

6 Silver Cannon Balls6 Silver Cannonballs

Chocolate Bar15 Chocolate Bars

Holy Water Balloons5 Holy Water Balloons

Movie Reel 225 Movie Reels

Soda45 Soda

Pumpkin8 Pumpkins


Here are the results of the 3 I opened…
25 Movie Reels
25 Movie Reels
6 Silver Cannonballs

Once you completed opening the 3rd, Ollie completes the offer with 3 Scream Points and 2 3D Glasses and the Mystery Box goes away.



UPDATE: Trigger for this Questline is Death at the Drive-In III Pt. 8.

Peter’s other ! over his head is to trigger a Questline to get Materials in the game. The Parade of Horribles. (Still verifying trigger point)

The Parade of Horribles Pt 1
Peter Starts

Collect 30 PumpkinsPumpkin

Collect 20 Garlic Bulbs (Bombs)Garlic Bomb

Collect 15 Silver CannonballsSilver Cannon Ball

Collect 10 Water BalloonsHoly Water Balloons


Basically this helps you to just get more as you earn items. I will have additional details for this one a bit later as I finish collecting the items myself.



I also noted this on an earlier post. Both iOS & Google received an Update today in the App Markets for the Family Guy Game. This update includes some support for Apple Watch 2.0, iOS 9 Replay Kit, and Patches for both devices.

So make sure you go over to your App Market and download Version 1.13.5 to your Device to keep up to date with the App and changes to it.


There you have it. Some cool new options in the game for you to Collect, Take a Chance, or Splurge on another Horror Film Character.

What do you think of these? Did you take a try in the Mystery Box yet? If so, what were your results? Did you start the New Questline collecting yet? Let us know.


95 responses to “Ollie’s Mystery Box & Pinhead!!

  1. Extremely disappointed when they mystery box went away. I wish they’d made it stick around, but maybe for more 3d glasses so it wasn’t AS easy, if they didn’t want to give us a Finish The Event Free card, if that makes sense. Or maybe made it with a timer so we can only get an item after so many hours.

    But that would have been a HUGE help with the event, considering how hard it is to get items to make the weapons.


  2. HELP! I got the quest for ollies mystery box of horrors but every time I click on go it brings me to the shop, and there is no ollies mystery box to be found???


    • How many 3D Glasses do you have? If you bypass the task and just go right to the shopping cart then event tab… do you see it there? If you tap on any 3D Glasses item… does it show you have Glasses available to use?


      • I have 53 glasses, tried just going to shopping cart but still nothing. And when I click on other glasses items it shows mine available. On Oct 20, 2015 8:52 PM, “Family Guy Addicts” wrote:

        > Bunny commented: “How many 3D Glasses do you have? If you bypass the task > and just go right to the shopping cart then event tab… do you see it > there? If you tap on any 3D Glasses item… does it show you have Glasses > available to use?”


  3. Pinhead and chuck is like a must buy for. Also the fact that u got a killer doll and a trench coat nail headed guy walking around is pretty cool


  4. So the two characters are a glitch or the Consuela error?


    • It was an oops. They’ll be back later when supposed to launch. In meantime a patch will hit removing then and refunding the Clams. Those that bought them had an error for items in game that aren’t supposed to be.


  5. I got home from work and had Ghost Face and Patrick to buy. I bought both of them but can’t do any of the tasks. Every time I try it gives me an error and shuts down. Anyone else having this problem?


  6. So what are the chances that we’ll be able to use popcorn and sodas again for reel exchanges in Phase 4? I’m level 14 and have over 400 popcorn, 300 sodas and nearly 100 chocolate (again). I don’t want to continue to waste my chocolate now (been there, done that) for an exchange of 15 for 5 reels. Perhaps they’ll come in handy in Phase 4 so I’m just going to stockpile everything until then. Anyone else doing that?


  7. Ollie’s box was a help – hit popcorn twice, but then I got the wonderful 25 reel prize! It helped me get the sand dollar, and I should have the doghouse early this evening, which is also when I promised myself I’d unlock Esther.

    This week has been going more smoothly than last, considering that I didn’t unlock Lois until Sunday and didn’t finish the Phase 2 quest line until very early Monday morning. Getting enough sodas is still a struggle, but this is the first I’ve been able to catch my breath all event. I hope next phase is more like this week.


  8. This was a really nice surprise to find when I woke up this morning, and I just had to buy Pinhead straight away, and with around two weeks of this event still to go I wouldn’t be too shocked to see another premium character, just not sure who. I didn’t do too bad with the mystery box either, as I got 25 Movie Reeks, 12 Silver Cannon Balls (to go with the other 34 I had), and 70 Popcorn.


  9. Hey Bunny. Ever since the update I’ve noticed that when I hit a werewolf and they change back, the screen follows them back to wherever their task was and it’s near impossible to get it to stop no matter how much tapping I do. And I find when I’m about to launch a garlic bomb that once in awhile the screen will suddenly jump to the left and if the bomb goes it obviously hits nothing. I’ve messaged Tinyco already just wondered if you’ve noticed these things.


  10. My goal at this point of the event is just to unlock deaths dog. I just barely got to phase 3. On that note, bunny, am I still eligible to participate in weekly challenge 3? Even though there is less than 3 days to complete it?


  11. on Olly mystery box, got only water ballons 3 times


  12. I got all water balloons. So frustrating. At the moment, I can’t exchange popcorn for movie reels. So it was useless for me. The popcorn exchanges keeps coming and going. I really don’t get it. I’m working on getting Slasher Bait Lois so I can finally move onto the next phase.


  13. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw Pinhead and the Ollie box. Immediately bought Pinhead and started on the boxes. I got 25 reels all three times (finally luck is on my side). Woke up this morning thinking it was all a dream only to discover it actually happened. So happy, those reels helped my gain a day in my quest to get caught up. Fingers crossed i’ll be ready for Thursday!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. I received water balloons, water balloons and water balloons from Ollie’s mystery box. I was hoping for movie reels.


  15. I got 2 x 25 film rolls and 10 water balloons. Given my crafting priorities, and the 15 water balloons I had, I have looked at the 10 as a positive because now I can task water balloon Bonnie and Joe to earning 3D glasses.


  16. I got 25 reels, 6 cannonballs and 4 pumpkins. Also have pinhead but no materials quest yet. Im on drive in iii part 3 though.


  17. Hello, Bunny! First of all, thank you for all your help. You’re the best!

    Just a simple question: I’m yet to start the third phase as I only got Slasher Bait Lois today and My priority is Meg’s friends. But I’m afraid that as soon as the phase timer ends and 4th phase starts I won’t be able to start the Week Challenge. Or am I wrong? Please tell me I’m wrong. I really want the final prize.


    • You should still be able to trigger it. Let me know if you find different


      • Thanks for your response. Unfortunatly i didnt have a ! That triggered it. Hmm But i have deaths dog. So im Not really That much behind. Should i Report? I mean…. I wouldnt even know about it, if it wasnt for you guys 😉


  18. Does anybody now know What triggers the Parade of horribles quest?


  19. will y do a profile character for pinhead, if you can confirm me if it will be the original voice of Doug Bradley who do the voice pls, if so well hope i’ll be purchasing him


  20. I got 2 x 25 reels and 6 cannonballs. I hope Ollie comes back again soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. I got
    70 popcorn 2x
    8 pumpkins
    I got pinhead as well.
    On last 12 hour sb lois task for patty.
    Working on esther
    Working on more reels for the buildings after deaths doghouse.
    Hit scare level 13
    And of course after i made my morning collections then the parade kicked in. *sighs
    Need to kill 3 more headless horsemen in 1 day 12 hours to finish the weekly challenge (already finished the pirate challenge).
    All in all i might be just a tad bit behind, but catching up quickly.


  22. 15 water balloons. Yippee.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Love Pinhead but not quite willing to pop that many clams for him. Don’t know if it would be possible but It would be epic if they could get Pyramid Head from Silent Hill to drag his giant sword around town. I would have my wallet out and cash flowing so fast it would make your head swim!


  24. I gave up on this event weeks ago. I was locked out of the game the first 11 days of the event, and have had two other errors at the login screen lock me out since. In all I’ve been able to get into my game less than 5 days total. I only just managed to unlock deaths moms house this morning…after the three Ollie boxes, otherwise I would still be working to unlock the pumpkin!


  25. 3x 25 reels woohoo. Obviously begging them for help worked. XD
    Now I got lois and am no longer stuck. Still behind, but playing again at least.


  26. Three tries = nothing but water balloons = more popcorn that I can’t use. Thanks Tinyco! (but I still love this blog and the awesome people that run it!)


  27. Didn’t get parade of horribles in my game.

    I really lucked out with my mystery box:
    10 water balloons
    5 water balloons – yeah 30 water balloons to make to use to add to my unusable 160 popcorn
    5 film reels – don’t see in your list but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t 25 and if it was I got screwed over with my haunted TV set and the reels I paid for it.

    Bought it before bed and had a few reels leftover and this morning opened the boxes shot 2 wolves and got 3 sodas from 9 bat flocks and have just 22 reels. What do you get from shooting wolves?


  28. I received holy water balloons x5 twice, then holy water balloons x 10 once. Just about the worst possible drops, considering I’ve not been given the choice to exchange popcorn for reels for days 😦

    Liked by 2 people

  29. I got all water balloons. Popcorn doesn’t factor into my conversions because I have too many already, so… Congrats to those it helped.

    I bought all three premium characters and I’m still a week behind. Oh well.

    Liked by 1 person

  30. I only won 6 ⚪️ cannon balls( x2 ) and 4 🎃. 😢


  31. This did kinda help but I only just got deaths dog house … Again I won’t have enough reels to update on Thursday 😦 let’s hope you don’t need all these lame decos to progress to next week, I’m at level 11 but would rather not waste my reels on another ship and 2 little girls that do nothing for so many reels


  32. Popcorn and water balloons for me; now have over 300 popcorn that I can’t exchange, so not much help.

    Liked by 1 person

  33. Hooray! I got no film reels and all popcorn! Time for a movie marathon. Who wants in?

    Liked by 1 person

  34. I did notice something else following the update, the nuns and horsemen now stick to the roads, and don’t wander all over the town. Not sure if that is a good thing or a bad thing, because the roads can get pretty crowded! *chuckle* I have not had any bats for a while, so I have no idea if they are road bound as well, or still go anywhere.


  35. I’m jealous of these people who got all those reels lol That would have been SUPER helpful. I just got the minimum amounts of pumpkins cannon balls and water balloons. which I already have a TON of just waiting to craft. Oh well. I haven’t seen the parade of horribles quest yet, so whenever you have more info on that …. 😊 much appreciated.


  36. I got two tries (50 film reels). If I wanted another chance one clam was required. Since I’m not seeing this requirement in the run down I’ll take it as an oops but not a costly one…


  37. Was pretty stoked I 50 reels, might be able to catch up and be ready when phase 4 hits.


  38. 25 movie reels x 3 – not bad. Now just waiting to see what it’ll take to get Meg’s next friend


  39. How cool, i’ve received 10 holy water, and something that is not reels. Quite helpful. I got 160 popcorn now, that i cannot spend. Let’s go, hunt some nuns to get more popcorn that i cannot convert…. 😦

    PS: I’m happy for your luck with the 2*25 reels 🙂


  40. Ollie’s Little Shop Of Horrors gave me 70 tubs of popcorn twice and 6 silver cannonballs. Glad to see Pinhead and the voice is quotes from the different Hellraiser movie Screen!


  41. A brilliant marketing ploy would have been if they got Ash in the game as Ash vs The Evil Dead starts soon.


  42. Btw Bunny Parade of Horribles is not showing up for me.


  43. Yes, yes, YES!!!! I am a HUGE fan of Hellrasier and to finally see Pinhead added to the game puts a huge smile on my face especially after a rough morning trying to get a project finished at the eleventh hour for an art class. Once I get more money on my iTunes account, I’m getting my favorite horror icon right away!


  44. Jezebel Hellbunny

    Five water balloons all three times! I’m obviously jinxed! 😔


  45. When I saw a mystery box for only one pair of glasses, oh yeah I played all three! Got reels, pumpkins, and cannonballs! Woohoo! Then I thought the new questline was helpful, as you were going to need to get them anyway, so it is nice of them to give us a reward for doing what we would be doing anyway.

    I am not a horror person, so not even tempted to spend money on the characters. The steaks are the cheapest rare item I can remember. I am pretty sure I can get the Ship to get the steaks, but they are only 5 clams each if I get too far behind, and I have received those from clam tv.

    I am glad they took a step back in the difficulty this phase to give folks a chance to catch up. Phase 2 was brutal, but this is a lot nicer.


  46. I take it that Pinhead was released early to help people unlock Death’s Dog. I just had to get Pinhead. I am hoping for Leatherface to show up also.Bunny it is his 4 hour that drops the steaks. I ended up getting 70 popcorn and 50 movie reels from Ollie’s box. Helped me a lot with getting the pet costume shop. Hopefully I can get 220 more reels by the time Phase 4 hits and get Death’s Dog unlocked before then.


  47. I almost received the same as you Bunny, I got 25 film reels + 25 film reels + 4 pumpkins. Not bad, being able to obtain 50 film reels for basically nothing. I purchased Pinhead but I also have Death’s dog completely unlocked as well now.


  48. A very helpful 50 film reels took me from 1/70 to 51/70 for Death’s Dog. Was hoping this might stay around for a while 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  49. I got 10 water ball on twice then 5 waterbaloon…..Major sad face. I know it will should reappear but I don’t even have popcorn as an exchangeable item currently. Getting reels would have been nice.


  50. It’s the 4 hour “Solve a Puzzle” Task that drops the steaks. Glad they released him. I like him bunches. 🙂


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