Boomsday 2016 Character Questlines: Neil, Clevemire, Sidewalk Joe

It’s the End of the World as we know it… and I feel… TOTALLY FREAKED THE FRAK OUT!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Our town is now going to be overrun with Mutant Eggy Weggies, Mutant Stewies, Mutant Humans, and DARYL??!! Oh wait, no, that was the OTHER show. Get back in the house Carl! GET IN THE HOUSE!!

With the New Event comes along a lot of Side Questlines. Ones that come along with the New Characters/Costumes for the Event. These are not Critical to finish and up to you to do at your own leisure as most continue after the Event is over. Questlines for Characters like Neil Goldman, Clevemire, and Sidewalk Joe.

Neil GoldmanSidewalk Joe Clevemire

Let’s take a look at Joined at the Hip, A Goldman Opportunity, Concrete Bungle and all you will encounter along the way.

For more information on Phase 1 of the Boomsday Event, go to the Main Event Page HERE.




After Peterpocalypse Pt. 3
Joined at the Hip Pt. 1

Quagmire Starts

Create Clevemire Outfit:
Custom Shirt8 Custom Shirts (Common): Jerome Invent Apocalypse Drinking Games OR Bruce Be a Leatherworker OR Center for Disease Control OR Abandoned Train Station (Stockpile Tanker)
Bone Saw4 Bone Saws (Rare): Quagmire Giggity Strut OR Peter Play Peacemaker OR Bonnie Flirt with Mutants OR Stop ‘N’ Shop
Irradiated Bath Salts14 Irradiated Bath Salts (Always): Train Rubble (Stockpile Tanker)
Two for One Meal12 Two for One Meal (Common)Lois Shoplift OR Diner at the End of the Apocalypse (Stockpile Tanker) 

Completed Task Reward:  1Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Joined at the Hip Pt. 2
Clevemire Starts

Have Clevemire Binge and Purge: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin & 50xp

Completed Task Reward:  1Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Joined at the Hip Pt. 3
Clevemire Starts

Have Clevemire Explore New Hobbies: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin & 20xp
Have Lois Practice Tai-Jitsu
: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin & 20xp

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Joined at the Hip Pt. 4
Clevemire Starts

Have Clevemire Let the Gerbil Loose: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin & 30xp

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Joined at the Hip Pt. 5
Clevemire Starts

Have Clevemire Put Up a Fight: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin & 65xp
Have Peter Play Peacemaker
: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin & 20xp

Completed Task Reward:  3Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper



Neil Goldman

After Peterpocalypse Pt. 5
A Goldman Opportunity Pt. 1
Chris Starts

Place Goldman & Son Trading PostCost 24 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies (Stockpile Tanker
Unlock Neil Goldman:
Clevemire Small    Task~ Have Clevemire Binge & Purge 2 Times: 
Prescription Lenses21 Prescription Lenses (Common): Plane Wreckage (Stockpile Tanker)
Pocket Knives16 Pocket Knives (Uncommon ): Peter Eat Other People’s Rations OR Bonnie Wear a Lot of Leather Or Center for Disease Control 
Frizz Shampoo19 Frizz Shampoos (Rare): Moonshine Distillery (Stockpile Tanker)
Acne Cream12 Acne Creams (Extra Rare): Joe Write Up Vagrants OR Herbert Get Nostalgic about Rations OR Quahog Mini Mart

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


A Goldman Opportunity Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Have Neil Goldman Channel Wolverine: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin & 50xp
Have Bruce Frolic with Jeffrey: 12hrs, Earns 100Family Guy Coin & 65xp

Completed Task Reward:  3Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


A Goldman Opportunity Pt. 3
Chris Starts

Have Neil Goldman Cruise the Streets: 10hrs, Earns 90Family Guy Coin & 59xp

Completed Task Reward:  1Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


A Goldman Opportunity Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Have Neil Goldman Take Care Of Business: 4hrs, Earns 40Family Guy Coin & 30xp
Have Mort Scrounge for Coins: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin & 50xp

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper



Sidewalk Joe

Concrete Bungle Pt. 1
Joe Starts

Have Peter Stub His Knee: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin & 20xp

Completed Task Reward:  1Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Concrete Bungle Pt. 2
Joe Starts

Have Sidewalk Joe Get Chiseled Legs: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin & 50xp

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Concrete Bungle Pt. 3
Joe Starts

Have Sidewalk Joe Clean Up: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin & 50xp
Have Mort Restock Ipecac Syrup: 1hrs, 20Family Guy Coin & 10xp

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Concrete Bungle Pt. 4
Joe Starts

Have Sidewalk Joe Get Hosed: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin & 20xp

Completed Task Reward:  2Crisis PointCrisis Point & 1Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


Concrete Bungle Pt. 5
Joe Starts

Have Sidewalk Joe Get Blocked: 6hrs, Earns 65Family Guy Coin & 45xp
Have Bonnie Flirt with Poolboy: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin & 20xp

Completed Task Reward:  3Crisis PointCrisis Point & 2Toilet Paper Toilet Paper


There you have it. The Side Questlines from Phase 1 of the Boomsday Event for the New Character/Costumes.

Have you started any of these Questlines yet? Completed any? Still working on the Characters? Any tips for fellow Players? Let us know.


22 responses to “Boomsday 2016 Character Questlines: Neil, Clevemire, Sidewalk Joe

  1. I don’t know if my first post about this made it through because I can’t find it, so I’ll try again. What do I do with tasks that won’t complete that I didn’t finish during Boomsday? I can’t finish the Clevemire outfit or get Neil Goldman. Those quests are stuck.


  2. Since I didn’t finish a lot of Boomsday, I have a few half done quests like creating Clevemire and getting Neil Goldman. What do I do now?


    • If you are unable to complete a questline due to the Event ended and no way to earn the item… message TinyCo. Usually updates will remove them. There is one in the app market right now. If it doesn’t… they can help. Just let them know the names and why you can’t complete them.


  3. could not get sidewalk joe in time 😦 so now i can not finish mutant rupert quests


    • It is not critical, but message them please. I also informed them of the hang up. You will run into it from time to time, Buildings or Characters needed to complete Questlines or unlock additional Tasks for Characters.


  4. Oh my goodness, I finally got Sidewalk Joe!
    The first “freaking hard” quest I’ve ever completed!!!
    I have played for over a year and a half and finally tackled one.
    🙌 Yea me!!! 🙌


  5. Does Sidewalk Joe help with the future quests? My apologies if this is a repeat question. Thanks!


  6. Can u still work towards getting sidewalk joe once u fortify the gates?


  7. Just wondering, am I the only one that’s having trouble getting Neil? I’ve been working on him since Monday and I still only have 4/12 zit creams. It just seems as though 12 extra rare items is a little excessive for a character in an event, especially one that drops so many items for Phase 2. I constantly collect from Joe, Herbert, and the building. At this rate, I won’t get him for another week.

    Liked by 1 person

    • you are not alone…


    • I’m not having as much trouble with the “extra hard” zit cream (10/12) as I am with the “common” glasses (only 12/21)!
      The cream have Joe, Herb and Quagmire with 4 hour duties each for a chance of a drop.
      But the glasses only come from the Plane Wreckage which drops every 8 hours. I got the plane wreckage fairly quickly, but I haven’t seen a drop in quite a while!
      I have a timer set and I check every 8 hours. I got the 12 and nothing since?!?
      ~ Come on out Neil, I need ya buddy! ~


  8. Does anyone know what the Mutant Human Rupert on sale for 200 clams is? Is it a character? Is it a skin for Rupert? Is it a walking deco? Is it an animated deco? Is it a static deco? I’d kinda like to know what I’m buying before I plunk down 200 clams, ya know?


  9. Seriously!!!!! They took my option of getting Joe! I now have to get cigarettes in 21 hours! I was making the needed 8 twinkies and it disappeared!


  10. Prescription lenses are a common drop? Yeah right.


  11. The have to fix dropped items because the not dropping, so many character away used same fot all the quest


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