Tan Lines District 101: Daily Quest For Stuff

Hey there Beach Goers!

Bouncing on by with some details and information in regards to the New Tan Lines District.

When the New Tan Lines District was finally launched to all Players, the Daily Quests were released too. I wanted to go through a few of them first before posting some Stats on them, and now that I have some I will share just what I am seeing.

Stewie Bucks Pop Up Details Palm Tree Button

Let’s take a look at the Tan Lines District Daily Quests

For a Basic Overview on Tan Lines, go HERE.

To give some Feedback on Tan Lines and see Q&A, go HERE. 



Now when the Tan Lines District first launched, I noted a pop up area in the Stewie Bucks Icon that showed there were Daily Quests Coming.

In order to actually see them though, you need to make sure you have room. With ANY Players Game, you can only have a small amount of Tasks open at a time. I found in my game that is around 10-14. Yours will vary too. If you notice you are NOT seeing any New Tasks, clear some out of your Task Menu on the Left Side of your game screen. Once you clear some out, more New ones can open up.

For MY Game, every day (if I clear the Quests the day before) I see a ! over Peter trigger. Tapping on Peter will show that days New Daily Quests.



Tan Lines Daily Quest Timers (1)

All Daily Quests must be completed within 24hrs of triggering them to get the Reward.

Make sure you keep an eye on the timer in your Task Menu to ensure you have enough time to complete the Task and get the Reward.

Tan Lines Daily Quest Timers (2)



Tan Lines Daily Quest for Stuff 

Again, variable. I have found this completely depends on who YOU have in your game. No two games seem to show the same Quests, not that I have found anyway. There is always 3 Tasks per Daily Quests so far.

Here is a list of the the Daily Quest 3 Tasks I have seen so far in MY Games.

Undertaker Get Buried Alive
: 4hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin50 & 30xp

Goth Chris Rage Sing in the Shower: 10hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin90 & 59xp
Felicia Day Do Laundry: 2hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin30 & 20xp


Cupid Drink Love Potions
: 4hrs, Family Guy Coin50 & 30xp

Geordi Regain Focus: 6hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin20 & 45xp
Alien Drool All Over Everything: 1hr, Earns Family Guy Coin20 & 12xp


Have Roman Reigns (Task is Blank)
: 4hrs, Earns ???

Have Silly Nanny Peter Dance Around Maypole: 4hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin50 & 30xp
Have Quagmire Giggity Strut: 2hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin30 & 20xp


Have God Feel the Wrath of Others
: 4hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin50 & 30xp

Have Jasper Shorts Alteration: 8hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin80 & 50xp
Have Tomik Buy Gerbitz Day Presents: 4hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin50 & 30xp


Have Avril Lavigne Fight Polar Bear Shark
: 12hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin100 & 65xp

Have Chuggs Try to Fart Out a Universe: 10hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin90 & 59xp
Have Belgard Talk about Eurovision: 4hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin50 & 30xp


Have Black Knight Shop for a Round Table: 4hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin45 & 30xp
Have Cam Newton Dance in the End Zone: 6hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin65 & 45xp
Have Super Devil Hit the Gym: 6hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin65 & 45xp


Have Detective Scrotes Bent the Rules:
12hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin100 & 65
Have Phineas Binge on Steak: 
12hrs, Earns Family Guy Coin100 & 65
Have Worf Play a Round of Poker: 
1hr, Earns Family Guy Coin20 & 12



Daily Quest Reward

Again, variable. The Payouts are random. I have seen reports of others getting Clams… though I have not seen any Clam Payouts yet in My Games. Let us know if you did.

Here are only the Payouts I have seen so far in my game.

Stewie Bucks Green +1 Green Stewie Buck
Stewie Bucks Blue+1 Blue Stewie Buck


Tan Lines Daily Quest Clam Payout

UPDATE, I just got a Clam Payout… 

Clam Icon+1 Clam 


There you have it, a Basic rundown of the Daily Quests and Payouts that are possible for the Tan Lines District.

How are your Daily Quests going? Do you see similar Tasks to mine? If not, what Tasks have you got? What kind of Payouts have you seen? Feel free to share in the Comments below. Let us know.


31 responses to “Tan Lines District 101: Daily Quest For Stuff

  1. I have tons of characters that never come out for Daily Quests. No one gained in the last two years or so ever get called out. Examples: the DC heroes, the Wizard of Oz characters, Power Rangers, Rocky Balboa and more recently Grandpa Munster. Does anyone know a reason for this?


  2. I have stewie bucks, but I do not see where to spend them. I removed all from my game and put back just some stuff as it was too busy to click on anything for missions, but now I do not see where to spend Stewie bucks. What buildilng or method do we use?


  3. I got a clam payout. It’s more frequently Stewie Bucks.


  4. The daily quest for today has Have T-1000 Resist Reprogramming. My T-1000 is at level 15, but that job is not listed.


  5. Daily quests have been a bust for me. So far they have always picked one of the characters on day long TP tasks for one of the three so its just never worked out for me to complete it. If I could cancel a tp task that would be fine but it’s always been too expensive clam wise to earn one buck.


  6. Is there any way to exchange a more expensive stewie buck like the red for some blue or green?? Thanks


  7. Can you check ANY character in to tan lines? It won’t give me the option to put Jake Tucker in even with 2 floors completely empty and him not having any assigned tasks. There was another I tried to put in there and had no option, but I forget who it was. That character did have the option of doing a task for a reward and assumed that was why he was ineligible but that was just a guess. I have nothing for Jake to be doing so it would be great to check him in.


  8. Just Stewie bucks for me so far, no clams, but not complaining. Loving Tan Lines, seeing and using characters I’d forgot I had as they’ve been in storage so long. Great they’ve taken the many suggestions for a long term challenge and a way to utilise more characters, especially for those who’ve been playing the longest. I think we are seeing positive moves by TinyCo to recapture the fun in the game in this & the Boomsday Event.


  9. I’ve been doing the daily quest for stuff every day since tan lines went live for everyone but have yet to get a single payout at the end or any kind of announcement or pop up when the last character finishes the tasks required. I’ve attempted reaching out to tiny Co but for whatever reason they no longer provide any customer service to my account anymore I haven’t gotten an answer to anything I’ve sent them since the north pole event. And believe me I’ve sent them multiple in game messages including follow ups as you’ve suggested. It’s as if they’ve put me on some sort of permanent ignore. Anyhow, are we supposed to get some sore of pop up and a payout like with any other task on the task list? I know I haven’t gotten any payout as my only stewiebucks have come from my daily collections on the floors at tan lines I’ve kept track of those every day. Nothing addition has ever shown up and I’ve completed every one daily since it started. Even if it’s only a “chance” payout I should have gotten something by now, at least a single stewiebuck for multiple days worth of tasks, right?


    • What should happen is if it’s says “chance of” next to the floor… at the end of the 24hrs with all floors full you’ll see an item box over the top of Tan Lines Resort. Tapping on it drops a “Chance” of the items listed on the full floors with coins. Even when I got nothing I still got coins.


    • I’ve got a Stewie buck each time, but one time I didnt complete task in time and nothing dropped then obviously, are you maybe going over the 24hr timer? Sorry I can’t suggest anything else 😦


  10. Can I just say what a wonderful bunch of programming Tan Lines is? Finally, we have uses for our many characters who are usually on the sidelines during events. I hope they have more things like this where we can utilize our side characters.


  11. Hey i don’t think its specific quests daily, i think they pick a random character that you have and then they make you do a random action


  12. Has anyone come across a gold or red stewie buck yet?


  13. The Daily tasks timer starts at 1PM EST/10 AM PST. If you log in later you lose that amount of time.

    I missed the start time today because my game couldn’t load correctly with TinyCo changing the roads to rumble. After I cleaned my cache I was able to play, but when the Daily task popped up at 11AM the timer showed 23 hours left.


  14. The Problem Child

    Plus it seems they can use characters that are in your Resort. So you have to pull them out to finish the challenge.


  15. I read through some other posts and comments and the Q&A page and maybe I missed it, but if I have to check someone out of the hotel to perform their daily quest task, do I lose out on that payout for the floor(s) that I had to pull them from to perform said task?


    • As long as you put them or another back BEFORE the timer reaches zero and its back to saying “Chance Of” then you can still get the possible payout.


  16. I got a red buck one time – and just game cash another time – so yay


  17. Maybe this was asked somewhere and I missed it…
    I’ve unlocked all the floors but the “key characters” still have their task. Is there a reason to continue to collect keys?


  18. My payouts so far have been 1 blue Stewie buck, 1 green Stewie buck (several times) and 1 clam.


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