Boomsday Timed Character Profiles: Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus

FYI… UPDATE IN APP MARKET: iOS and Google have the 1.21.5 App Update. Ensure you download it to put any patches in place that may impact your game. Amazon and Facebook users, let me know if/when you see it.

Green Steam Egg Piles

  • Mutant Stewie Eggs will now have a green smoke tower above them, so that they are easier to locate if they hiding behind buildings.
  • Mutant Stewies will spawn from the gate for players who are working on completing the second challenge. This is in addition to the Eggs. Once the challenge is completed, Mutant Stewies will stop spawning from the gate


  • The team is working on a fix for the Facebook and Google Play issue – they are related. We hope to have a fix soon!

Hey there Cockroaches!


It looks like we have been transported back in time to 1999, or is it now? With all the times I hear on the radio or see on the TV “THE END IS NEAR”, I just never know when the world is actually gonna end. Guess I will just have to keep on waiting to kidnap “friends” for my underground shelter. Wait to take out a bunch of Zombies with my real life Maze in the back yard. Wait to see if Twinkies and Cockroaches really do survive anything (well Twinkies almost didn’t survive a company going under”.

With a New Event comes Timed New Characters/Costumes, like Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus.

Sidewalk Joe Commander Jesus

Let’s take a look at what Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus can do in our silly lil games.

For more information on the Boomsday Event, go to the Event Page HERE.

Remember, timed items are completely optional. It is your choice to try for them, or you can opt to skip them if you would like. They ARE difficult and many times I view them as a “Premium” item as you may have to spend Clams to get them or pass on other items. 


Sidewalk Joe

Sidewalk Joe is a New Character Costume added during the first week of Boomsday 2016. As with many characters in the game in order to get him you had to collect lots of stuff!

For Sidewalk Joe, you had to earn Twinklies and unlock ALL the items in front of him first in the Stockpile Tanker.

Stockpile Tanker

TIMER WARNING!!! Once you unlock the Prize in front of Sidewalk Joe (Moonshine Distillery), ANYTHING that brought you back to the Stockpile Tanker (Quest, Tasks, ANYTHING) started Sidewalk Joe’s ONE DAY TIMER!

Sidewalk Joe Stockpile Tanker

Once his timer was triggered, you had 24 hrs to collect the 115 Twinklies TwinklyTwinklies needed to unlock him. If you were successful, once you pulled him out of the Stockpile Tanker, you just had to finish up the Costume in Al’s to activate it to Joe.

Sidewalk Joe Al's 1 second Create


He does come with a questline, Concrete Bunglemore on that HERE.

You Got Sidewalk Joe


Sidewalk Joe does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that helped earn $$ & XP. He also had a Task added in Phase 2 to help earn Cure DartCure Darts.

Let’s take a look at some of Sidewalk Joe’s Tasks:

Sidewalk Joe Get Chiseled Legs Sidewalk Joe Clean Up

Task Time Earns Location
Get Hosed 2hrs 3020 Swanson House
Clean Up 4hrs 5030 Visual
Get Blocked 6hrs 6545/ 1 Cure DartCure Dart Swanson House
Get Chiseled Legs 8hrs 8050 Visual
Be Cement-Blocked Capable 10hrs 9059 Swanson House
Pound the Pavement 12hrs 10065 Swanson House
Stiffen Up 24hrs 150100 Swanson House

**Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends.



He is a Costume for Joe, so same voice clips that Peter has.



Commander Jesus

Commander Jesus is a New Character added during the second week of Boomsday 2016. As with many characters in the game in order to get him you had to collect lots of stuff!

In order to get Commander Jesus, you first had to trigger the Unlock for Him from over in the Event Area. TIMER WARNING!! Tapping on the Lock Icon above him opens up his Material Bubbles to see what he requires, but it also started his 7 DAY TIMER. You then see the timer begin to count down.

Commander Jesus Timer

Holy Hand Grenade27 Holy Hand Grenades (Common): Build a Mutant Bear Studio (Stockpile Tanker) OR Mort Obsessively Count Twinkies OR Neil Goldman Clean Retainer OR Joe Investigate Sources of Prank Calls OR Brian Fact-Check on the Internet
Beard Trimmers26 Beard Trimmers (Uncommon): Destroyed Library (Stockpile Tanker) OR Bruce Be a Leatherworker OR Carter Mistreat Minimum Wage Employees
Lambswool Cloak100 Lambswool Cloaks (Rare): Mutant Stewies **this Material will drop before, during, and after you need them due to the way it is coded to the Mutant Stewies***
Armageddon StanHave Armageddon Stan Smith Carefully Go to the Bathroom (Twice): 6hrs


Once you gathered all the items, you would then see him in the Event Area with an Unlock Icon over him. Tapping on the Icon would bring him live into your game.

He does come with a questline, Risen From the Oozemore on that in another post.

You Got Commander Jesus


Commander Jesus does come with a complete set of Tasks! Tasks that helped earn $$ & XP. He also has Tasks to help earn Ornamental SkullOrnamental Skulls

Let’s take a look at some of Commander Jesus’s Tasks:

Commander Jesus Do Parkour Commander Jesus Juggle Holy Hand Grenades

Task Time Earns Location Level
Juggle Holy Hand Grenades 2hrs 3020 Visual
Turn Water Into Oil 4hrs 5030 Drunken Clam
Do Parkour 6hrs 6545/ 1 Ornamental SkullOrnamental Skull Visual
Come Up With Righteous Pick Up Line 8hrs 8050 Drunken Clam 4
Rock the Vote 10hrs 9059 Drunken Clam
Sign Up For Hell’s Angels 12hrs 10065 Drunken Clam 6
Rapture People 24hrs 150100 Drunken Clam

**Note: Within an Event, tasks may change and vary as the Phases come and go. So some of these tasks will be temporary. Others may be one time use. Some will stick around even after the Event. We won’t know until the Event Ends.



He is not currently voiced.


And there you have it, the complete breakdown for Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus.

Did you take the option and take a chance at one of the Timed Characters? Who have you unlocked so far? If you haven’t unlocked someone, how close are you? If so, have a favorite Task? Let us know!


98 responses to “Boomsday Timed Character Profiles: Sidewalk Joe & Commander Jesus

  1. Lets say i get all the buildings Neil Goldman needs to be unlocked but i never unlocked him during the event and the even ends can i still unlock him? I came quite a bit late to the event like 5 days ago i got basically everything for phase 1 except Moonshine cause im scared to trigger joe. With 11 days left do you think its possible to get Joe and Stan? Im trying really hard but it just seems impossible…


    • No. He is linked to the Event and will go with the Event. Depends on how your drops pan out and what you earn on what you will to be honest. Focus on something and see how far you get with it.


  2. What happened?! I had 1 day left on Commander Jesus and he’s gone this morning. Now there’s Ollie. Has this happened to anyone else.


  3. Any thoughts on if commander Jesus is worth clams? I have everything except Stan so it will cost me 75 clams to get him. I have 8 hours to decide. I only have 280 clams total so I’m on the fence.


    • As I do not know how he will help in Phase 3 til It launches. I am unsure. I guess you could push the timer and wait to see if it hits before he times out. But use caution. I always say… in 3 months will you still be happy with the purchase?


  4. The Problem Child

    Has anyone else have the quest “Man’s Best Friend” involving Alien and Brian come up? The reason I ask is that the task “Hide in Vents on the Nostromo” does not show in Alien’s menu and I can’t finish the quest.


  5. If you still have not started the CJ timer nor collected AS will we still be able to acquire after phase3 begins today?


  6. I’ve completed the challenge and yet the stewies continue to spawn out of the gate. It’s really annoying as it’s so difficult to group any large number when they’re roaming the hole place. Why not just leave it to eggs? It was easy to complete the challenge that way. Now my eggs won’t hatch as there are too many running around!


  7. One good thing I noticed about this Phase is that it requires a task by Apocalypse Stan in order to proceed to the next Phase. That at least means that the nightmare scenario of being one Twinklie away* from unlocking Stan (and effectively Cmdr Jesus) when the Twinklies recipes change with Phase III (and lock us out from further trades until we can get the new trade item) should not be possible.

    *The “one Twinklies away” part is not just a possibility for me, it’s a certainty. I will be one away at some point. I’m 43 Twinklies shy of Apocalypse Stan right now. Twinklies, via their fastest method, come at six a pop. Six times seven is 42, as Douglas Adams could tell you. One shy of 43. Tomorrow should be fun…


  8. I just had a quest line pop up involving Alien. He now is able to get darts. I was lucky I didn’t have him getting TP.


    • Oh, that’s so kind of them. Now all I have to do, with 24 hours left on my Commander Jesus clock, is either wait 20hrs+ to take advantage of it, or spend 41 of my 40 Clams to speed up the TP run Alien is currently on… smh…

      The worst part is that even with the horrendous Mutant Stewie drop rate, that extra 30 or 40 Cigs or so that Alien might hypothetically get me in the next 24hrs might be enough to push me over. Shame I wouldn’t have enough Clams left over to speed up Stan’s tasks in order to get them done in time…


  9. I was planning on waiting to tap on Commander Jesus until I was close to getting Stan out of the Stockpile Tanker but the decision was made for me when the timer suddenly began without me tapping on it. I immediately messaged TinyCo. While I waited for a response I tried to replicate the action to see if closing out the tanker would open up Jesus but was unable to do so. When they finally responded about 5 days later they told me “thanks for the feedback”. I did message them to assist them in learning the difference between an issue and feedback. In the meantime I had noticed another issue that, along with the self-starting timer, smelled of a clam-grab. That was not disputed. When I also pointed out that they did not address or even acknowledge the issues they once again thanked me for the feedback and promised to pass it along. They finally responded that there was nothing they could do because the timer was working properly. I pointed out to them that the timer was working fine and that was never the issue, but rather it was the timer beginning on its own. That was when they deleted the message thread instead of asking if I had anymore questions.


    • Side note (I did point this out in the main post as well as in several comments too) Apocalypse Peter has a Task to help drop Ornamental Skulls by a task from Jesus (see above). If you tapped on that Task “GO” it took you to CJ and started the timer. ANYTHING that goes to CJ started his timer. That is what tripped up many other players when the Event started. Tapping Peter’s “GO” on the Task in Al’s under the Skulls.


  10. The switch from water bottles to cigs was brutal and I’ll probably not have Neil unlocked for another few days as a result, however having never seen the AD show, I won’t regret missing Jesus. I’m always wary of events that lock up characters as part of the event, so I think Joe will be more helpful in the long run to contribute towards unlocking guys with task rewards waiting.


  11. I’m on a different boat, Stewies won’t spam on my game 😩, the eggs won’t spam them… And the ones left when killed won’t drop anything.. Since yesterday.. Already wrote them.. More than halfway through challenge, and almost there getting Stan for Jesus and now stuck 😡..


    • Remove all your buildings, or as many as you can, and methodically clear out all of the Stewies before trying to open any more eggs. There can’t be more than 30 Stewies at a time, and it sounds like you have reached that cap. As for the Cig drop rate, we’re all dealing with that. Hopefully TinyCo comes up with a solution in time for people to still get Cmdr Jesus, and we don’t have a repeat of the Christmas debacle…


  12. What happens when the timer runs out for Commander Jesus? Do I lose? Does it drastically affect the game in any way?


    • You lose him. That’s it. How it will impact future Phases for the Event… I do not know. But still 2 more phases stuffed full of items still to come for the Event. 😉


  13. Wondering if I should drop the 75 clams to finish unlocking C Jesus…not gonna be able to get Stan until after his timer is up 😭


  14. I think the change in drop rates for Mutant Stewies is directly related to the “glitch” of multiple furniture stores. Why would people take advantage of the clam package to get smoke bombs, buy the premium item that drops smoke bombs, or even purchase smoke bombs in the store when you can just build multiple furniture stores for coins and get lots of bombs? I know I feel foolish for spending clams when it is easier to just spend coins.

    They must have realized smoke bombs are too easy to acquire so why have a higher payout when using them. It was probably expected that we would end up with about 10 smoke bombs each day – now it is probably much higher so they reduced the payouts.


    • NOPE. One has nothing to do with the other. The Stewies were UPPED in a way that more just spawn outside the Egg Piles to clear the Weekly Challenge. That is where the change was and why it is impacting players.

      It will go back to normal soon though.


      • I see the point in increasing the Stewie mutants but honestly, why bother at the 11th hour? For example, I have like 21 hours left on the timer and still need another 80 mutants but have no bombs. I feel like it will be too little, too late.


      • My challenge is long done, but the Stewies still keep trickling out of the gate, and hardly any of them drop anything. I don’t know why they bothered having extra Stewies appear anyway. The spawn rate from the eggs alone was way more than enough to guarantee 150 Stewies in three days. I got maybe 9 of my Stewies via the gate over the course of finishing it in less than two days. I’m sure people would much rather have had the better drop rate and fewer Stewies.


      • Not sure about this because the way they reduced the cigarette drops for Stewies is extreme. I used to get about 20 cigarettes from Stewies a day, now I get around five.


  15. yes Bunny i’m affected to by the new update, yes they add more little Stewie, but they remove a lot of cigarette from them, as for me, am at the getting the new statue of Peter .. hope within 2 days i’ll be able to get him


    • It should increase soon. I have been monitoring it. It was adjusted so that TOO much wasnt dropped as they opened option of Mutants to randomly spawn (per players requests that enough were not coming out). I sent them all the stats of my drops before and after. Please keep messaging them too.


  16. Ive seen some others report it but I thought I’d in add my 2 cents. I’m having the same problem with the Stewies. Just 4 cig out of the 40+ I’ve taken out since the update. Brutal. I’m sure this will put alot of people into crisis mode considering the timer on C Jesus.
    Thank you, Bunny

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Having the same drop rate issue with the Cigarettes from Mutant Stewies. Maybe one out of every nine (one out of three on the loose Mutant Stewies coming from the gate). Have messaged TinyCo and suggested an extension of the Cmdr Jesus timer along with whatever fix is implemented.


  18. I’ve now made at least a dozen successful hits in a row on Mutant Stewies with NO drop of any kind afterward – no cigs, sweaters, CP, nada. Is this happening with anyone else? Tapping on the eggs is not a problem–collecting is!


    • Report it please from your game


    • The same is happening to me. I got about 15-20 stewies with no drops. I reported it as well.


    • Happening to me, too. About six or seven egg clutches suddenly appeared on my roads (I had already cleared two an hour or less ago) and my total ciggie collection was 2… I picked off three stray Stewies individually from the gates and got one ciggie pack. Something’s gone wrong with the drops very recently, since the green plumes started and the cloaks stopped dropping (I don’t need more).


      • It seems the ratio may be adjusted to accommodate the temp increase of Mutants. Seems that way to me. 12 to 15 piles in a span of time I used to only see 6 or 8. So still same Cigarettes over a period of 2 hrs paid… but LOTS more Stewies killed.


        • I still don’t have any stewies coming through the gate and I’ve had this challenge for over a day now. I’ll message tinyco. And I’ve experienced very low ratios of cigs to lambs wool in drops. Even before this increase. It would be nice to mix up the trades… Other than the number of each you need. At least back in the drive in event you eventually got an “all popcorn” option.


      • Same happens to me 😦 I’ve reported this, and also I’ve reported that I lost 4-5 darts when the problems beggan hours ago 😦


    • Yup it’s been happening with me as well. I took Bunny’s advice and messaged tiny CO.


    • Same thing is happening to me. Earlier I was able to bomb 12 mutant Stewies at once and I didn’t get a single drop.


      • TC answered back to me that the drops are as should be. I’m still not seeing the proper drop rate for Stewies. If it states “always” as some have said, then the drops are NOT as should be. Everyone shoul be messaging them in-game. If they get enough feedback, That may be the only way they make an adjustment


  19. The list of ways to get ciggies in the Twinklies trading post says clearing mutant Stewies is an always drop for ciggies. I just cleared three separate Stewies (from the gate, not from eggs) and only one dropped a ciggie pack. When I clear eggs, I always hit three Stewies and often now get no ciggies or else 1 or 2 total from the triplets. So they’re not even a common drop, much less an always drop. I only noticed this when I used the Go button at the Twinkly trading post to find the stray Stewies now that the little buggers are scurrying through the gate rather than just hatching from eggs.

    If they really were an always drop, it would make more sense to pick them off individually rather than going for multiples from eggs.

    The mutant humans in the same Trading Post list really are an always drop, but they need to either alter the drop rate or put a truthful label on the little Stewie mutants. I of course would cheer if they really made them an always drop! Come on, guys, I’m ready to start smoking myself to relieve the stress trying to get Stan before the Commander’s timer runs out. We need more ciggies!


  20. Constant crashes on my iPad and so bad that I can’t even message them in-game 😦 😦 :(. Also: 5 successful hits in a row on Mutant Stewies with NO drop of any kind afterward!!!


  21. I emailed a picture of the weird error bunny. Please reply as soon as you can! Thank you


  22. I don’t have Jesus in the game, but if I unlock Commander Jesus do I also get regular Jesus? Or is Commander Jesus a separate character? Thanks for the site, it’s a big help.


  23. Hey bunny, just wondering if Apocayalpse Peter or commander Jesus is needed for phase 3. I don’t have either close to getting Jesus probably gonna have to use clams but oh well


  24. Has anyone else been having a difficult time tapping the eggs due to all the mutants and goldfish on the road? I don’t have a maze but instead a cul de sac. I’d tap a few eggs and they 9-12 easy as they filter out the bottleneck. Now by the time I get the second egg amidst all the other junk all my Stevie’s from the first egg have escaped into the wild.

    Any tips?


  25. Do we know if lambswool collected before starting Jesus’ 7 day timer will count towards the 100 needed to unlock him?


  26. Hey bunny, I’m on the same boat as many got all the items for commander jesus but nowhere near getting stan, is that 75 clams to bypass his task both times or only the once?


  27. Word of warning on the new graphic for the eggs (the green glow). It is considered part of the eggs, so if you tap it, you will release the eggs. It also appears to take precedence over tapping the actual eggs themselves, so if you tap a clutch of eggs that are close enough and “above” another clutch, you will select the one “below”.


  28. Game told me to update my Android… I did… But is still tells me to update it and will not open!
    Anyone has this problem?


  29. Does anyone know what the clam cost is for Stans actions to unlock commander jesus. Tempted to start the timer now I have both buildings that drop, but I suspect 3/4 of the clam cost will be Stans actions.


    • 75 for it completed


    • If you already have both buildings, just wait until they’re ready to collect and then tap Cmdr Jesus. You should have more than enough time to get Armageddon Stan in time. I tapped him right at the beginning of the week, and have a little more than two days left on the timer and have just started in on collecting Twinklies for AS. All the other items have been collected since early yesterday.

      I’m thinking I won’t have enough time left to get Stan and have him do the tasks (12hr total), but there’s a decent chance I’ll have time to get AS and pay Clams to speed up those tasks (which should be less than the 75 Clams in CJ’s list). If I’d tapped on him a day later, it almost certainly wouldn’t be costing me any Clams.


      • Yeah, scratch that. With the Mutant Stewies drop rate issue, it’s probably best to wait to hit the timer until you’ve at least started on Apocalypse Stan, to ensure you get enough Cigs to get him.


  30. The Problem Child

    Thank you TinyCo…now I can finally see where the eggs are.


    • The Problem Child

      I had destroye most of my road so I could find eggs better, and now since they added this glow thing, I discovered 4, count ’em, 4, stacks of eggs that had been hidden by buildings.


  31. Facebook app has just gone down for update. It was already having problems for the last 3 hours anyway, suffering constant crashing problems.

    No FG:TQFS for me tonight then, with both the Facebook and Android apps out of action.


    • I have android, and I am not experiencing any issues. You may want to try the basic troubleshooting tips, with the easiest and one that works for me 9 out of ten times, just do a complete shut down and restart of device – not just a restart, but a shut down!


    • I have the same problem. Facebook says “Use the mobile app” but when I try I get told to update it and my phone isn’t showing the update.


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