I’ve got stuff, it’s multiplying and I’m losing control….

So a few days ago I got twitchy and I nuked my Quahog. I thought if Giant Chicken got a go at destroying Quahog then why shouldn’t I?

I admit, I hummed, I hawed, and stepped back from the brink on a few occasions. At one point I even called in chocolate reinforcements, before finally biting the bullet and doing the evil deed. And you know what, it wasn’t as painful as I’d expected, but then again neither was it the solution to dealing with the ever growing amount of stuff that needs to find a more organised home in my Quahog.

All nuking did was move the problem, now when I tap my inventory icon I’m taken into a menu that resembles a mobile gaming version of extreme hoarding.


I look at all the stuff and try to remember why I ever thought I’d need 100 odd Valentine toparies, or toadstools, or edelweiss, or pod plants. Was I that desperate to use up my game & event currency that I actually sat and bought all of that? Who am I kidding, of course I did and nothing’s changed as I’ve just bought more tropical fish than the Great Barrier Reef houses to use up my cursed treasure. A fool and their currency are easily parted indeed.

So how do I solve a problem like Maria, sorry it’s all that darn Edelweiss. Let me try again, how do I solve a problem like this, well firstly like with any issue you need to admit you have a problem. Ok I can do that, I’ve just sat and pulled out building after building, dinosaur after dinosaur, and any other amount of stuff and literally just chucked it anywhere and everywhere in my Quahog. I stared at it all then I took the following screenshots in order I could admit to not only myself but my fellow addicts that my obsession with collecting the many items TinyCo throw at us in this game is out of control.


Ok, so far so good, but after I faced that moment of truth my junkyard of a town needed to be nuked again. And you know what I dithered just as much as I did the first time, asking myself did I really want to take such drastic action again, was nuking my game again tempting fate and some of my items would disappear never to be seen again. There you see my hoarding problem raising its ugly head again, all that stuff, and I’m worried I might lose one thing, am I nuts, fate would be doing me a favour if it absconded with half of it.

If I’m totally honest when I saw Consuela’s vacuum was coming to our games, I envisioned a completely different use for it. I let myself imagine Consuela hovering up all my junk whilst I sat back and enjoyed the show. Sadly de-cluttering by Consuela didn’t happen, but I’ll get over it. Eventually!


Now after another nuking my town again it’s a bit of a ghost town, not exactly on a Chernobyl scale, but it’s still a little eerie to see it so empty and lifeless. So I’m going to have to start the rebuilding process whilst trying to find a way to incorporate some crazy stuff into what is supposed to be a residential town. Just how do I fit all the different event decorations into any sort of rational design.  I mean there’s a giant gum ball machine, dinosaurs, Greek gods. Sometimes I think the only way to go is to turn my whole town into QuahogLand, a poor man’s Disneyland full of the weird and wonderful, ok just weird, things. A commercialised wasteland where franchises come to attract attention to themselves by sticking out like sore thumbs. Sounds like a fine idea but how come I think it will end up looking like Banksy’s Dismaland gone wrong.


So im sitting here trying to come up with a cunning plan to make my Quahog something I’m proud of. And I’m thinking it might be fun to share my progress with you over the coming weeks, ok, ok, probably months. It will make your own towns look fantastic in comparison if nothing else as I’m no creative whizz. But sometimes, just sometimes it’s fun to watch the apprentice, (that’s me) at work rather than the Master, or even Mistress in the case, (yes that’s you Bunny) just to see what a mess they make of things.

However I’m hoping if I’m going be brave enough to show you the mess I make, then you will show me yours, that’s your towns not your mess obviously, I’m sure some of you have some awesome ideas and designs, and it’s a shame they don’t get shown off. So that’s exactly what I’m proposing we start to do again, show off our towns, so keep your eyes peeled for an upcoming post in which I will tell you where I’m going to start on my efforts to rebuild my Quahog and ask you to Showoff what you’ve done with those areas of your town. But until then if any of you would like to inspire me or show off what you’ve done with any part of your towns please send screenshots of your town to familyguyaddicts@gmail.com along with your profile name here, and I will ooh, and ahh over them before showing  them off on the site.

Russian Tigger

* For anyone who’s now thinking on nuking their town here’s a guide to going nuclear.

Nuking your Quahog

** For anyone looking for advice on taking screenshots of their town, here’s a basic guide for that too.

Taking screenshots

52 responses to “I’ve got stuff, it’s multiplying and I’m losing control….

  1. About a year into the game, I nuked my town and rebuilt it following one principle – only items that are used by a character for one of their actions get to stay. If nobody uses it, it stays in inventory. This has helped keep the total number of buildings (and moreso decos) under control.


  2. Halloween 2016 live


  3. I am a bit OCD about my town. It has only evolved since I started the game around Comic Con 2014 event. I’ve never nuked my town nor have I ever been tempted. I’ve put a lot of time into specifically decorating just about every square inch of my town. Buildings and decos that I’ve spent actual money on usually are the ones that end up staying out after events. I love keeping my old stuff out as well. I have a dedicated American Dad, Comic Con, Halloween, Christmas areas and so on. Unfortunately this just jam packs my inventory but that doesn’t bug me much as my favorite pieces are always out.


    • Sounds great to me, I’m definitely thinking I want a spooky area and Chrustmas area, but do I have both permanently or do them specifically at each holiday. Can’t decide. Remember you can send us some screenshots to share with readers.


      • I have 2 main areas, halloween and Christmas. Rest goes bye bye. You Should Have Them Permently. I love Having A spooky Town Of Mine. I even throw non-halloween decorations that are still spooky, like Log Cabbins And Sci-if Stuff. Also I have A Giant Drive In Movie Area Where All My Cars, Bill-Boards, and Foodstands Are At. So It’s Good to Be Creative! 😹


  4. The layout of my Quahog is governed by a simple guideline: Is it from the show?

    I mostly have only buildings/decos that have appeared in episodes of Family Guy – and those alone take up a majority of the real estate (plus, these cover pretty much any task needed for events and such). I do have a few strips of land with some of the non-show items that I like for various reasons, but rarely more than one or two from any past event.
    It really just comes down to a strategic use of the gaming area. There is too much random stuff (often times created by someone trying too hard to be clever) with no actual connection to the series, whose only purpose seems to be occupying space. As soon as their event (and potential usefullness) finishes, these ‘red herrings’ are banished to the inventory – and things can run smoothly again.

    Maybe this sounds a bit too nitpicky for some, but it works great for me. It saves a ton of guesswork when designing new areas, it keeps the land-to-items ratio in check, and I always seem to have plenty of space for new arrivals. So TinyCo can feel free to continue honking out 20 buildings worth of filler for each event – I can place them in storage as fast as they can hurl them at me…


    • I think you’re howing way too much common sense here, lol. I love the way you said you banish things to the inventory, sounds like a punishment for them not being from the show. It sounds so harsh & final. I’m imagining all these little buildings decaying and unloved in your inventory. Oops did I really share that information. I need a mind filter.


  5. Love your graphics, especially Consuelo’s “Clutter Collector!”
    Would be nice if we could move or put into inventory whole sections at a time. After an event, we could just dump it all into inventory to free up space for the next event (which I do now individually) since land is so limited.
    TSTO allows capturing and moving sections of buildings and decorations. This feature came in quite handy when we finally got the second train tunnel and I was able to connect my trains.


    • Thanks for the kind words. I had fun with the graphics. I’d love a selection tool, especially for those times you want store lots of tiny little things like fencing etc.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I designed my town around the end of the comic con event in 2014. There weren’t many items back then so it was easy to build up a town. Now I just store everything I get.

    town redesign


    • Thanks for sharing. You never tempted to redesign or are you at peace with your inner Quahog.


      • I love my current town, and I know if I redesign I will mess up or don’t know what to do. Besides my game is laggy and can crash at times.

        I do have a few open spots to put items I love alot in my town. I also have 2 rows of land open but I use that for events as events tend to give way too much stuff to keep in a small section.

        But yeah, I’m at peace with my knee quahog 😛


        • I hope I will one day reach that level of peace, of course once I get there I won’t know what to do with myself, lol.


  7. My Quahog changes with the game. I used to have the tops of buildings and decks obscuring roads, until Pink Brian materials started hiding on the road verges. I used to group buildings by payout time until the Coin Collector 3000 came along, now I group them by size to keep things manageable.

    I only keep around buildings and decos needed for character tasks, including character skins. This came in handy for Tan Lines daily quests. Event buildings that only exist to pay out event currency are first to go straight into inventory once the event ends.

    If the next event doesn’t hit in the next eight hours or so, I’ll take the opportunity to nuke right after Tan Lines, Jesus and Shipwreck Point all pay out, then be sure to put back Shipwreck Point and the Drunken Clam before I start checking everyone else out of Tan Lines.


    • I think you’ve hit the nail on the head as to what I’m doing wrong, I’m trying find way to show off everything, when really I need to prioritise by putting out the essentials, favourites then some filler I can rotate. Just need to get my brain to process and accept that. I believe someone commented on another post that when they nuked Shipwrevk Point it didn’t go into the inventory but stayed in the game, all alone, poor thing, lol. Thanks for taking time share your thoughts and remember if you’d like share some screenshots of your Quahog send them to familyguyaddicts@gmail.com

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Pfft, I was momentarily on the brink then I was like “f this ish, I need space and for my quahog to look like a town I’d airbnb in. So I nuked that b and I love it! I have the old neighborhood, little Italy (with all my swag from The Godfather quest), Korea town and now a special space just for events. It’s going to look like Jack Skellington took over for both Halloween and Christmas!


  9. i’ve NEVER nuked my town yet! i’ve worked way too hard designing lol still at it actually and i do sections at a time . i could probably soend a couple hours in one little area😎😽😂


  10. Half my town is empty for event stuff, whilst the other half is mass clutter to earn coins, etc. I don’t know why I still bother collecting coins since the game doesn’t even display how many I have anymore – just says “$ 10M” since ages ago but presumably they’re still accumulating since the number doesn’t go down whenever I spend them.

    Nevertheless, getting rid of stuff into storage isn’t quite as simple as it initially sounds since many buildings are required for characters to do their tasks, so keeping them around avoids the considerable inconvenience of having to go find buildings from inventory whenever you need them; perhaps if TinyCo could make that happen automatically, then I’d be a lot happier to put more stuff away!


    • Your town sounds bit like mine before the nuclear “accident” – ahem


    • I’ve been wonderimg if 10M is the limit because mine has said that for a long time.


    • If you don’t have a building or deco needed for a quest, a little “GO” button appears on the quest icon that takes you straight to the item in your inventory or in the shop (if it’s still available). It’s one of my favourite game improvements of 2015, and I use this feature extensively when rebuilding my Quahog and going through each character’s tasks post-nuke.


      • I love fact the task will take you to building or whatever you need, used it in past, but until my Quahig recovers from its inventory slumber it may be my favourite thing. Lol.


  11. Whenever I make a suboptimal comment, it’s removed.


    • How about instead of coming here and insulting those of us that work hard to help and humor others, you take your negativity elsewhere. If you don’t appreciate our site and all we do… then move on. Plain n simple.

      And yes, insulting and flat out rude comments will be deleted. See my site guidelines.

      Liked by 3 people

  12. This topic is a failed attempt to disguise the fact that Tiny Co can’t get the next event to run. Yawn…


  13. I almost always nuke between events. But my quahog is not much of a town. It gets built as events go on. I keep the collection times for materials together. So the things I need to collect from every 2 hours are together, the things that I need to collect from every 4 hours are in another area, etc. My roads, if I have any (depends on the squatters) provide borders between the various collection times so I don’t get confused. If I don’t want roads I’ll use decos.

    It’s tricky because buildings like the griffin house or the drunken clam have various collection times depending on what the characters are up to, but following this basic pattern each event has made the events pretty easy to keep track of.

    Right now my town is just a giant green lawn while I wait for the next event.


    • That’s an interesting concept grouping by payout time. I think with the Conseula coin collector and most my characters hanging out in Tan Lines I wouldn’t need such a layout but would have been handy before the Conseula vacuum.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Nice post Tigger, thanks for the good read. I gave up a long time ago trying to have a nicely decorated Quahog. I used to have beer lakes, lava rivers and all sorts of moving decos set-up. But I started having crashing issues so I had to get rid of anything that moved. I removed all the roads except for a decent square, to make finding things during an event easier. So I just have the buildings I find amusing out. My Quahog is actually pretty boring now, which kinda sucks. It has taken away an entire aspect of the game. I’m a hoarder too, but I hoard with my inventory. Oh well, I’m still gonna continue the quest for stuff, its just gonna go in my inventory when I find it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yeah memory issues has had quite an impact on some players, so I can understand why you’ve pulled back and are utilising your inventory, shame as would have liked to have seen what you originally did, sounds fab with the beer rivers etc.


  15. I use to nuke all the time. I have finally set up an awesome graveyard scene that took forever to set up and this was before the inventory tag. I had to find all the graves and leaves from the 2 Halloween events. My actual town is only the bare minimum I need lol. I can’t wait to see what else I can add


    • Would love to see your graveyard area, maybe after Halloween and I will do a spooky Showoff and you can send in a screenshot. Hopefully you will get some stuff to extend your graveyard with the upcoming event.


    • Yep! I nuke the whole town every couple of events. I set up “scenes” I have, like Lilone, a cemetery scene, plus, an evil quahog, a new pirates cove, and space for the next event. i long ago stopped trying to build an actual town, and instead just do land use planning exercises! *chuckle*

      Liked by 1 person

  16. I’m impressed, I was actually wondering about doing that myself, but I have this image of my Quahog in my mind and I figured I would pretty much set everything up the same…any thoughts on your experience would be interesting – I was actually thinking one time to e-mail Bunny and ask her to post a thread about addicts’ experiences with the nuclear option…


    • I have nuked my game many many many times. It is hard to restart from square one, that is for sure. But it can be done. Just gotta have the time, and right now with the lull… it would be a perfect time to spend some “housekeeping” to clean up the game area.


    • Oh Chris I have this amazing image of my Quahog in my head, unfortunately I can’t seem get my game Quahig to match it, lol. I will do a follow up as I start to rebuild since you’ve all been so kind to me after my nuking.


  17. When I designed my town, I actually decided to base it off of Ollie’s area. I literally went brick by brick to make it as related as possible until it cut off. From there, whatever district opened, I tried to keep objects based on that District there in thst area. Then when it came to events; I placed them whenever I felt is good.


    • I think you’ve done things the sensible way, designing as you go, whereas I got in to a terrible habit of popping things here and there with the intention of sorting them tomorrow but tomorrow never came so I had to take drastic action. Thanks for taking time share your thoughts and remember if you’d like share some screenshots of your Quahog send them to familyguyaddicts@gmail.com


  18. I wish there was a way to select areas to nuke. I have a few areas that I would hate to lose and don’t know if I could remake without taking a screenshot and alternating back and forth to get it right again. For example, I have a beautiful graveyard my GF made for me that has so many small deocs from various events I feel like it would almost take longer than nuking my town one (of a gazillion) item at a time.

    If you’re reading this TinyCo, a little box that you can drag and size to select multiple items to remove would be awesome. Or maybe even a “recently removed” section that saves the last 50 or so items removed from your map.

    I’m on the fence. I’m scared. I want to jump but am frozen stiff with fear. I guess it’s the right emotion for the season. Happy Halloween!

    Liked by 1 person

    • wildthornberry88

      In your inventory there is a recent option but I’m not sure up to how many items it recalls.


    • An area selection tool would be a fantastic addition to our tools, along with an alphabetical inventory. But there is a recent tab in your inventory that shows the items you most recently stored, just not sure how many items it shows, will test it and report back.


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