Showoff’s Back – Back Again!!!

Hey there fellow Quahog dwellers, thought I’d take a minute or two away from my ghost hunting duties to Showoff a few of our fellow addicts towns.


Firstly I’d like thank everyone who commented on my Quahog tidy-up mutterings, it was great to hear so many of your town tales, and I don’t feel quite so alone in nuking my clutter now. If you missed the post, there’s still time to digest my madness by clicking on the link below.

I’ve Got Stuff, It’s Multiplying and I’m Losing Control

But I’d also like to say a massive thank-you, a gigantic, humongous, monster of a thank-you even, to the fellow addicts that took the time to screenshot and share images of your towns. I’m hoping that’s something we can build on by bringing back the odd Showoff post, and you should know enough about me by now that if I’m involved, it will be odd, very, very odd, lol.

So before I shut-up and get on with things,  I want to set you a new task, yes this blog now comes with homework, but hey unlike school it’s optional, lol.

The task is an easy one, inspired by the recent Halloween event, which is bringing all sorts of creepy to our Quahog’s, I’d like to do a Halloweentown Showoff involving this and all the other ghoulish and ghastly stuff we’ve collected in the past., this of course can include the Graveyard District. I promise I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. This task should choose to accept it will be open for submissions until 7th November. Please email your screenshots to along with your profile name and I will show them off next month.

If you want a guide to taking screenshots, look no further: Screenshots 101 ~ Click Here.

But now on with the Showoff…..

Addict: andrwh1990
I think andrwh1990 deserves a medal for how he’s managed to accommodate so much stuff into what is a remarkably tidy town. You’ve put me to shame my friend.







Addict: Larysuipo
Blast from the past to see Comic Con event, but love the way this shows how Larysuipo has grown his/her town since then. Another lesson in neatness.






Addict: missfives
I’m liking this little bit of Las Vegas glitz in Quahog


Addict: Quahog Oct (this is title of image not profile name I think, identify yourself in the comments please)
This is the town I see in my dreams, then I wake up and see the nightmare I’ve actually created.


Addict: wildthornberry88
And here we have one of our Lotty’s designs, showing me that claiming I’m too busy blogging is no excuse for having a cluttered town.


So there you have it, The Return of the Showoff, hope you’ll join us or even join in next time.

~ Russian Tigger


3 responses to “Showoff’s Back – Back Again!!!

  1. Ah, I must’ve missed this post somewhere along the way, but that is my “Quahog Oct” full town picture. So honored to be featured here! Designing the town layout has always been the most fun aspect of the game for me. Too bad TinyCo doesn’t include a feature that snaps a photo of the entire game space; stitching together multiple screenshots is very time consuming!



  2. Wow: OCD seems to affect some of our fellow Addicts! 😉 While I tried this, in the past, I too have given up organizing things, to a large extent, though I do have groups of buildings/decos for each recent event. I just need to organize those groups neatly sometime. (Though perhaps not as neatly as those above! ;-))


  3. Very nice! I commend any that have been able to keep their town looking neat. It’s been so long since I’ve tried that there are just remnants of how nice I used to have it. Heck, I don’t even have streets anymore, just two small segments separated with short mazes to assist with those event characters that are restricted to street walking. New event buildings just get stuck in any green space until they’re no longer needed and then into storage. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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