Election Main Questline: Power Trip


Come on, you know you wanna. Free Twinklies for Everyone? Free Pawtucket Ale? Free… umm… Bacon Wrapped EVERYTHING??!! (Or is that just in Bunny’s world?)

The New Election Mini-Event is now in our silly lil games for our amusement. With all the New Content in the game, there will be a New Main Questline to keep us going along. The Main Questline is Power Trip

Let’s take a look at Power Trip and all you will run into along the way.

For the overall Basics for the Mini Event, go to the Main Post HERE. 


Power Trip Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Obama is Here!: Tap on “GO” to see the basic information of the Presidential Plan items needed to bring Barack Obama into the game
Place the Whitehouse: Cost $1000 

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change

***Retiree-in-Chief triggers (Obama Questline)***


Power Trip Pt. 2
Peter Starts

View Peter’s Presidential Plan: Tap on “GO” to see the items in Peter’s Presidential Plan
Learn How to Use the CraneTap on “GO” to see the Basics of the Crane
Get 1 Wrecking Ball: Chris Trespass in Construction Sites OR Mort Plan Demolitions OR Lois Listen To Power Ballads OR George W Bush Lead An Army OR Clam purchase option from Shopping Cart

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change

***Made of Money triggers (Billionaire Peter Questline)***


Power Trip Pt. 3
Peter Starts

Clear 1 Griffin Sign: Requires 1 Wrecking Ball, Tap on Griffin Sign on Building to Launch Crane Screen, If you have a Wrecking Ball, Tap on LOAD to get one ready, Tap on SWING to demolish the Griffin Sign
Get 6 Bags of Peter’s Change: Clear Griffin Sign OR Griffin Mint OR Questlines
Place Airforce 3: Cost~ 10 Peter’s Change

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change


Power Trip Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Place POTUS Putt: Cost~ 18 Peter’s Change
Clear 7 Griffin Signs
: Time will vary on your spawn times and amounts, Requires 1 Wrecking Ball each, Tap on Griffin Sign on Building to Launch Crane Screen, If you have a Wrecking Ball, Tap on LOAD to get one ready, Tap on SWING to demolish the Griffin Sign

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change


Power Trip Pt. 5
Peter Starts

Place Secret Service Play Place: Cost~ 24 Peter’s Change
Get 15 Bags of Peter’s Change: Clear Griffin Sign OR Griffin Mint OR Questlines

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change


Power Trip Pt. 6
Peter Starts

Have Billionaire Peter Flash Benjamins: 4hrs, $50 & 30xp

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change


Power Trip Pt. 7
Peter Starts

Place Capitol Cabinets: Cost~ 18 Peter’s Change
Clear 12 Griffin Signs: Time will vary on your spawn times and amounts, Requires 1 Wrecking Ball each, Tap on Griffin Sign on Building to Launch Crane Screen, If you have a Wrecking Ball, Tap on LOAD to get one ready, Tap on SWING to demolish the Griffin Sign

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change


Power Trip Pt. 8
Peter Starts

Have Barack Obama Chill Out in D.C.: 4hrs, $50 & 30xp

Completed Task Rewards: 1 Peter’s Change


There you have it, the Main Questline taking you through the lil Mini Election Event. Short and Simple. No real rush to finish it unless you want to.

How are you doing so far? Where in the Questline are you? Tips for other Players? Let us know.




28 responses to “Election Main Questline: Power Trip

  1. How often do the griffin signs respawn?


  2. Loving this mini event only need the green party building then Obama’s mine and no clams used even better


  3. Do you know if Peter/trump will have the finger and lip thing and that he rocks in the picture on the top. I find it so funny. I hope it’s something that stays. Its perfect.


  4. When is this mini event over? I haven’t played the game at all since it started.


  5. Haha President Peter would be awesome! Could you imagine lmao!!
    And thanks for the reply, Bunny. I will be waiting for Monday to see what new stuff might be released. 🙂


  6. The drop rates are painful. Too bad, I really want Obama.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Keep trying. Drops improived a little for me (now that I’ve told you they’ll probably go back to terrible, but let’s saty positive :p) At first I wasn’t getting any lotion at all – 3 days and nothing – and then they started dropping more steadily. Something similar happened with the wrecking balls; these didn’t start at ‘no drops’ point, but close. Uncommon items do that in my game; they behave like extra rare half the event and then tehy remember they’re uncommon.

      BTW, I’m sure I received 10 Peter’s change when I finished Part 3 because I was left with 0 after buying the plane. They might be improving the rewards 🙂


  7. I know, I think, why the event is so short, but I wish it had been lengthened. This is one event where I actually want the new character enough to try very hard to get it. With all the drop rate problems this game has for players, I don’t see so few days as time enough to get it all done and still sleep and eat.


  8. mini fantastic event but lack hillary not?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Power Trip Part 2 never popped for me and I’ve done everything to try and make it pop.
    What do I do? I’ve already contacted TinyCo.


  10. Thanks again for all the info!! Always really appreciated!!! 😁


  11. I am disappointed in the Election mini-event – As if we aren’t already bombarded with Election stuff everywhere we look. I play games to get AWAY from that kind of crap.


  12. If we don’t manage to get Obama do we still get to keep the White House?


  13. Does anyone know if they are going to include a look a like for Hilary too? Billionaire Peter is hilarious, they totally nailed Trumps appearance! I would love to see a Hilary look a like as well… Even if It’s Peter who rocks her costume lol!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Would much rather have Peter than any of the candidates for president!
    Wish TSTO would do something political but EA seem more safe with their gameplay and content – not being opinionated.
    Thanks Bunny for returning (especially to TSTO Addicts!) – hope you have recovered well from whatever pain has past (emotionally or physically) 💖🐰


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