Kung Pow Quahog – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff

Hey there Hong Kong Phooeys!!!

Kung Pow Quahog is now live in our games and many characters and buildings have tasks to help us earn even more stuff! So keep reading to learn what’s dropping this week.


With the arrival of the Kung Pow Quahog event, characters and buildings in Quahog have tasks to help you earn essential materials and drop stuff to help you unlock Dojo Peter and Daniel LaRusso,  and of course you want to know which ones earn what & how often. So…without further ado let’s cover the who, what, where, when and how of Kung Pow Quahog’s tasks to see exactly who and what earns you stuff!

White belts

Task Time Drop
Crane Shrine (premium) N/A 8h Always

fight contracts

Task Time Drop
Jerome Sponsor Fights 4h Rare
Bonnie Bet on Fights 4h Rare
Dojo Peter Give Kumito a Try 4h Rare
Squatty Tiger Dragon Lair (premium) N/A 4h Always

*** Bare in mind contract character drops won’t show until you have Dojo Peter, Walking Joe or Daniel LaRusso in your game***

Karate GI (Dojo peter)

Task Time Drop
Poor Pagoda N/A 24h Always


Task Time Drop
Quagmire Rummage Through Old Clothes 8h Common
Plastered Master Bar N/A 8h Common

Fighting gloves (dojo peter)

Task Time Drop
Peter Try on Gloves 2h Uncommon
Bruce Arrange Fights 2h Uncommon
Feng Shui Sanctuary N/A 2h Uncommon

hand drums (Daniel larusso)

Task Time Drop
Jerome Learn Taiko 6h Rare
Jean Claude Van’s Vans N/A 6h Rare
Poor Pagoda (premium) N/A 24h Always

Car wax (Daniel larusso)

Task Time Drop
Mort Wash Old Cars 8h Common
School of Martial Farts N/A 8h Common


Task Time Drop
Lois Buy Used Trophies 4h Common
Chris Get Participation Awards 4h Common
Herbert Give Every Kid a Trophy 4h Common
Walking Joe (premium) Trash his Wheelchair 4h Always

As well as the character and building drops above there are other ways to earn some items, these are as follows:

Complete Questline Parts
Clearing Nerds
Fighting Mr Washee Washee

 Rice Balls
Defeat Mr Washee Washee (Always)
Make Exchanges at Ramen Cart

 White Belts
Clear Karate Kids (Always)
Fighting Nerds (Always)

 Laundry Detergent
Fighting Nerds (Chance)

 Revive Potion
Buy from Store (premium)
1X for completing Pt. 6 of main Questline Mojo in the Dojo

 Karate GI – Dojo Peter
Clear Karate Kids (Chance)

 Paint Brush – Daniel LaRusso
Fight Nerds (Chance)

What do YOU think of Kung Pow Quahog so far? Do you have all the characters that can earn stuff? Any tasks available that you didn’t realize were there? How’s your collecting going? Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

~ Russian Tigger

46 responses to “Kung Pow Quahog – Characters & Buildings That Drop Stuff

  1. Maybe I missed it in there somewhere, but when I tap info on the revive potion it has an option “have stewie make smoke bombs”. What am I missing, my stewie doesn’t make smoke bombs….


  2. does the MR MIYAGI you purchase do anything? I need to know whether to wait or go for him first.


  3. Just wondering, why do nerds attack if you k.o. them? I have to hit them twice, but they still hit me when they’re at zero.


  4. Speaking of stuff that doesnt drop. Laundry Detergent. Only 1 per 3 nerds cleared. Considering it takes a full day to clear a nerd, and probably 3-4 days to clear Mr. Washee Washee, I forsee nothing but problems with this event going forward.


  5. is there anymore ways at all to get more chopsticks or just those 3 listed up above(complete event questlines/clear nerds/fight Mr.Washee Washee) ? like maybe randomly past characters have like that one task they usually put in.


  6. Thats funny my first thought was the rice balls looked like wigs to. Just hanging out concentrating on getting Mr. Washee Washee to start with.


    • In either Pokémon or another kids’ anime, at first they were translating rice balls as “donuts” since they must have figured most American kids would have no idea what they were…. It was really funny since that made it sound as though they were routinely rotting their teeth with weird looking donuts at every meal. Eventually they started calling them rice balls, I think, when they figured kids were becoming more familiar with typical Japanese food.

      For the same reason, they translated the Japanese cram school that one Sailor Moon hyperachieving character attended as just computer classes. Way too difficult to explain the real thing!


  7. Have unlocked Peter’s outfit earlier today, playing at a leisurely pace so far; but not yet decided whether to continue with the event. Not too fussed about Danny Larusso – he doesn’t look very much like the film character, unless there’s been a remake that I haven’t seen. I’d prefer to earn Mr. Miyagi however they already released him as a premium buy in a previous event!


    • I’m wondering if Mr Miyago may make a return this event. I’m quite enjoying it so far, seems a definite improvement in drops and such.


  8. The rice balls look like wigs to me. I can’t see rice balls.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Is it supposed to look like sushi? That’s all I can figure.


    • Lol.


    • There is a really fun series on YouTube called Life Where I’m From. Quite a few show typical Japanese meals at home and in restaurants from the perspective of a couple of cute Canadian-Japanese kids. They show how they are made in a small Japanese kitchen and the reactions of the kids to eating the foods (the little girl’s reaction is often “Yum!”, she really gets into it). Her Canadian dad is the cameraman and sometimes he has to gently correct a little misinformation she passes on in her enthusiasm for various aspects of her life in Japan. She also shows some Japanese junk food sometimes as well as other interesting features of Japanese life. Well worth a look. There are other videos in the series from kids elsewhere as well.

      Another really interesting food blog that touches on Japanese fast food as well as fast food in other countries is by another Canadian (James McGowan) who lives mainly in Asia and travels a lot for his job and has made it his mission to sample McDonald’s food specials everywhere he goes. I had no idea how localized McDonald’s was. It’s called McDonalds Around the World and has loads of pictures as well as his reviews and some links to fun local commercials. Check it out at



  9. anyone else getting an error message everytime they try to fight a nerd?


  10. Is it confirmed Chris drops trophys? It doesn’t show up for me.


    • Yes, I’ve got the drop in my game. The task is “Get Participaton Award” and takes places at Flappy Jacks House of Pancakes. Do you have that building?


  11. can we get details on Daniel LaRusso and what he requires?
    k, thnx, bye.


  12. 20 belts right now for me to get 3 sushi! Not a kind exchange rate.


  13. And here we go again.. reason I stopped buying clams.. drop is so broken.. common trophies have drop one or zero per cycle of 3 characters doing the task.
    Even uncommon gloves I have better drops by peter and Bruce..


  14. Any idea how many rice balls for defeating Mr. Washee Washee?… I will defeat him in the next 3 hours and will update.


  15. Still no update for Kindle players!!!!! I wish Amazon would get in gear. We will be so far behind.


  16. stuff 4 Daniel LaRusso can i collect it before i hit timer or only start droping after timer starts ?


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