TinyCo Needs You!!! Poll Results

Hi there fellow addicts.

Yes, finally they’re in, the poll results from the questions we asked in our post to get your ideas for TinyCo.

Firstly I’d like to take a minute to thank everyone who con mended and completed the poll. You made some fantastic suggestions in the comments of the post.

I’ll start with your answers to a few general questions we asked, then break down all the figures for everything else. And of course you can read all the players comments on the original post, HERE!!! I’ll also badger Bunny to try get TinyCo to give us some feedback on this post, least they can do to thank you all for your input.

So here we go, I asked you to rate your enjoyment of the game at this time, where 1 is Hate It and 5 is Love It. I also asked you to choose from a list of words the one you felt described the event best and finally your favourite new character or costume released during the event, so here’s what you said.

Quahog Enjoyment Factor Rating:

Seems like many of us still enjoy the game, in fact the results showed over 80% of respondees rated their enjoyment at 3 or above. Not bad considering how tough the game can be at times.

And now here’s the ins and outs of what else we asked.

Do you enjoy mini-events?


Answer Percentage
Yes 53%
No 04%
Don’t Know 43%

How long do you think a mini-event should last?


Answer Percentage
Up to 4 Days 03%
5-7 Days 41%
8-10 Days 33%
11-14 Days 23%

Do you enjoy mAJor events?


Answer Percentage
Yes 46%
No 04%
Don’t Know 50%

How long do you think a mini-event should last?


Answer Percentage
3 Weeks 14%
4 Weeks 53%
5 Weeks 18%
6 Weeks 13%
More 02%

If you had to choose a favourite, which do you prefer mini-events or major events?


Answer Percentage
Mini 32%
Major 68%

Would you like to see a break between events?


Answer Percentage
Yes 74%
No 26%

If you would like to see a break between events, how long would you like?

Answer Percentage
1 Day 18%
2-3 Days 37%
4-5 Days 15%
6-7 Days 23%
More Than A Week 07%

Have you ever purchased Clams?

Answer                                              Percentage
Yes                                               68%
No                                               32%

Have you ever purchased Premium characters or other items?

Answer Percentage
Yes 91%
No 19%

What premium items do you think are the best value for your Clams?


Answer Percentage
New Character 78%
New Character Costume 05%
Clam Generator 48%
Event Buildings 09%
Mystery Boxes 06%

Did you think there should be a reward or grand prize for completing all a major events Main Questlines?

Answer Percentage
Yes 79%
No 10%
Don’t Know 11%

If you think there should be a reward or grand prize for completing all of a major events Main Questlines, what would you like it to be?


Answer Percentage
New Character 46%
New Character Costume 04%
Building 01%
Deco ration 02%
Clames 47%

Do you feel there are too many character costumes being released in the game?

Answer Percentage
Yes 56%
No 33%
Don’t Know 11%

Do you feel there are too many celebrities being released as characters in the game?

Answer Percentage
Yes 18%
No 76%
Don’t Know 06%

Do you feel there are too many events based on themes and content that has no link to the Family Guy TV show?

Answer   Percentage
Yes 35%
No 55%
Didn’t Contact TinyCo 10%

Would you like to see more of the Road To episodes being made into events?


Answer Percentage
Yes 72%
No 05%
Don’t Know 23%

Would you like a Blue Harvest event?

Answer Percentage
Yes 72%
No 08%
Don’t Know 20%

Would you like to see more characters from the TV show released into the game?

Answer Percentage
Yes 94%
No 04%
Don’t Know 02%

Do you feel you can play the game to its full city builder potential on your device, or do memory and crashing issues curtail your town planning?

Answer Percentage
Yes 55%
No 45%

Do you feel Quest For Stuff is nearing the end of its mobile game shelf life?

Answer Percentage
Yes 26%
No 47%
Don’t Know 27%

Of the Griffin family, which character or characters would you like to see used more in events?


Answer Percentage
Peter 11%
Lois 15%
Chris 18%
Meg 54%
Stewie 77%
Brian 59%

Do you play Quest For Stuff due to being a fan of the Family Guy TV show?

Answer Percentage
Yes 91%
No 09%

After our Addicts poll to find out which character you’d wanted to see in the game next, (in which you voted for Mickey McFinnigan), are you disappointed TinyCo haven’t responded by either bringing him in as a character or explaining why they can’t?

Answer Percentage
Yes 56%
No 44%

Would you like to see a revamp of the Drop chances? By this I mean, common, uncommon, rare etc.

Answer Percentage
Yes 91%
No 03%
Don’t Know 06%

Would you like to see more holiday themed events, ie Halloween, Easter, CHRISTMAS?

Answer Percentage
Yes 79%
No 09%
Don’t Know 12%

There you have it fellow addicts, the breakdown of the figures, and remember check out all the comments on the original post, and feel free to share your thoughts on any or all the results in the comments here. And if you still feeling the need to vent, there’s a What the Deuce post waiting for you HERE.

~ Russian Tigger

33 responses to “TinyCo Needs You!!! Poll Results

  1. There was only one stat in this poll that truly surprised me. In the, “What premium items do you think are the best value for your Clams?” category, only 48% said clam generator. There are a whole lotta people that either don’t understand the concept of “best value”, or they still don’t know how the generator works. I snatch those things up every time I see one.


    • RussianTigger

      It didn’t surprise me as I’ve saw in event polls more than 50% of players saying they didn’t buy the clam generating building.


  2. I’ve been thinking about this poll and wanted something creative that seemed reasonable so I put some thought to the event main quest line completion question. I would propose that all players who complete the main quest line in an event receive a Peter statue of his costume from that event and that it should be rent collectible. I know — who needs more coins, but I would be more apt to display this collection of statues some place in my town if they were at least doing something (providing coins). All decorations immediately go to storage so I don’t want it to be a deco I will never enjoy. But every main event has a Peter costume so a statue (like the Full Moon Event Peter) of that costume would be fun to have and reward those that make it through. And those that don’t won’t be lacking something from their games.


  3. Some good results there. Lets hope TinyCo pay attention and take a good number of these on board. (Especially a Blue Harvest event!!!)

    One thing that stood out to me tho is 11% of players saying peter should be used *more*. Peter is the only character who is involved in EVERY event. Who are these sadists who want him to do even more!


  4. Like some other folks said, another use for Stweie Bucks would be amazing. I would hope that maybe they lower the cost of clam bought costumes and characters which I think would entice more folks to buy them.


  5. more from the lazarus pit, peters hairless twin as a character, and a way to use our various forms of currency…


  6. I definitely hope they will add more districts, land, more characters for stewie bucks, and more ghosts in the Lazarus pit.


  7. What about the coin money system in the game? Isn’t it incredibly broken for most of us? I have like 10 M in money and hardly anything worth spending it on! How about trading money for clams or in event items? At least it would make the rent aspect make more sense.


  8. I would just like to know if there’s ever going to be a purpose for Stewie bucks again after getting Evil Monkey. Otherwise it’s pointless.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. i hope they listen to us !!

    on a happier note – i just got EVIL MONKEY

    i’ve been saving those 240 blue bills … for ages !!! but once i opened the +2 and +4 blue notes levels , things got easier 😀

    I literally had tears in my eyes when I unlocked him !!


    • LOL, I’m at a point where I COULD fill the level to get the +1 red buck if I put everyone in there, but I’ve noticed that, since I comfortably filled the +2 and +4 levels, I’ve been picking up blue bucks pretty quickly – have the 3 gold bucks…it’ll still take me several months, (I calculated about 58 days given the present average drops), but at least I finally feel I am making progress…

      Liked by 1 person

      • if you fill the one with red bucks you’ll lose some of the blue bcz currently you can get 6 blue + 6 green if you got the luckiest drop .. the red will take away one of those if it dropped .. it took me about a year since i bought Babs first (i love her) .. those 3 golds were hard to get but after that it was a matter of time .. the last 3 blue took me 3 days :/


    • Congrats! I recently got him also! I was so excited!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Has anyone else seen that new clam offer in the game where you complete an offer and get clams? Some are almost up to 300 clams, most are 10-15.


    • RussianTigger

      Not saw anything like that in my game. Anyone else?


      • Yes I did but only on Android not on my iPad. When the ClamTV comes up it now gives you a choice to watch an advert for one clam, or do stuff for multiples (mainly installing other games to give you about two/three clams, or install + reach a certain level to give you more clams, I saw about ten max.) I stuck with adverts though because the other apps didn’t appeal to me, they’re mainly the same apps for which you see adverts, so Zombie shooters and stuff like that. Not my cup of tea 😉


        • RussianTigger

          Thanks Chris.


          • I saw some in my game offering up to 710 clams (!!!) For “installing such-and-such game & reaching level 10”. With offers like that, I cannot see them lowering premium character/costume buys any time soon.


            • RussianTigger

              I’d like an offer like that 😀


            • Interesting, I never had any option close to that many clams.

              But I’m sure that “to reach level 10” in that other game you have to spend a tonne of money there? 😉


              • I was slightly wrong. Checked again today & saw that there were a bunch of offers to “install & reach level 10 of that game” for between 250-300 clams. The one big one was for 714 clams to install one of those auction apps & buy a “bid pack” whatever that & the related cost is.


        • not in my game .. maybe its a US exclusive offer ?


          • Wow I’ve been called many things but not American so far 😉

            I’m UK based.


          • I get the two different clam offers and I live in Finland. Never used the multiple clam offer because I don’t want to install/uninstall useless games in my phone. I watch 7 ads every day and I collect 7 clams every day from those.


          • It’s not US exclusive. I’m Argentinean and I also have the two choices. I’ve had them for a couple of weeks now. I tap the TV and I get a pop up asking if I want to watch adds or do tasks. I’ve never tried the tasks though (and reading what Chris write I probably won’t). I’ve been getting up to 7-8 videos a day, so it’s a good option.
            I play on a tablet pc with Android, so maybe it’s related to that.


  11. Love family guy we need to see the show on weekdays


  12. Will TC take any notice of this poll?
    100% NO.


  13. I hope they take these results into consideration – the nightmare event stretch they had at the end of last year into the beginning of this year really alienated a lot of people…I still think the simple fix is the best – give people value, and they will spend clams…the ‘Happy Player’ marketing approach originally proposed by RT is simple, easy-to-implement and likely to be very effective…as is a break between events…a decent break (3 – 4 days) allows us to catch up as well as look forward to the next event…JMHO…

    Liked by 1 person

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