Wet Hot Quahog Summer – TINYCO FAQ ONLY

Here comes summer!!!

The latest event is available,but all I can put up just now is TinyCo’s FAQ, sorry!!! Just remember TinyCo FAQs frequently contains wrong information, that’s why we verify info. We will get you a post full of updated and verified info ASAP. But as I say please do not take the info below as gospel especially if your planning to buy premium items.

You’ll find our LIVE post that’s full of info verified in our games HERE soon.

When does Wet Hot Quahog Summer end?
Wet Hot Quahog Summer ends on Wednesday, July 26 at 3:00PM PDT.

Which characters are being used in Week 1 of Wet Hot Quahog Summer?
Characters being used this week include:
– Peter
– Chris
– Lois
– Jerome
– Quagmire
– Joe
– Bonnie
– Mort
– Herbert
– Bruce

What are Camp Wars?
Defend Camp Griffin from rival camps by participating in Camp Wars! Tap on the Camp Griffin watchtower to select campers and characters to battle rival camps. You can earn rewards by doing Camp Wars, such as Care Packages and Firewood.

How do you defend Camp Griffin?
Once you have enough Water Balloons, you can start a Camp War! Select Campers and a Leader to battle a rival camp. Once your Camper replenishes enough energy, tap the camper icon to have it push back the rival campers. When the green bar on the right fills up, you can also have the leader fire a water cannon at the rival camp. When rival campers reach your fort, they will damage it. Camp Wars ends when the health of either your fort or the enemy fort reaches 0.

What is the Energy Meter?
The Energy Meter appears on the bottom of the screen in Camp Wars and shows how much energy you can spend to deploy your campers. The meter fills up over time. You can upgrade your energy meter by spending a small amount of energy. Upgraded energy levels will increase the energy meter’s capacity as well as how fast it fills up. You will need to upgrade your energy meter to deploy more expensive campers, such as the Campfire Man.

How do I get Water Balloons?
Water Balloons can be obtained in the following ways:
– Make Jerome Fill Water Balloons
– Make Bonnie Stockpile Water Balloons
– Get from Okay Care Packages
– Get from Premium Care Packages

How do I get Camp War Campers?
Campers are unlocked or upgraded using Camper Cards. Camper Cards come from opening the Care Packages you receive from fighting in Camp Wars. The Infirmary is where you can unlock Camp War Campers and upgrade their stats. Campers you can use in week 1 include:
– Camp Pranksters
– Popular Girls
– Campfire Men
– Schpupel Players

What are Camper Cards?
Camper Cards can be used to unlock or upgrade Camp War Campers at the Infirmary. Camper Cards can be earned by unwrapping Care Packages.

What are inside Care Packages?
Unwrapping a Care Package at the Camp Store randomly generates three items from the following list:
– Firewood
– Water Balloon
– Participant Badge
– Zit Cream
– Camp Prankster Card
– Popular Girl Card
– Campfire Man Card
– Schpupel Player Card (Premium Care Packages only!)

How do I obtain Okay Care Packages?
Okay Care Packages can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get from Camp Wars
– Get from the Camp Mail Mule

How can I earn buildings during the Wet Hot Quahog Summer event?
Buildings can be purchased from the Camp Mess Hall with Firewood and Participant Badges.

How do I get Firewood?
Firewood can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get from completing Quests
– Get from Camp Wars
– Get from Care Packages
– Get from the Expert Peter Wood Carving, Skilled Peter Wood Carving, or Amateur Peter Wood Carving in the shop

How do I get Participant Badges?
Participant Badges can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get from Okay Care Packages
– Get from Premium Care Packages
– Make Counselor Andy Patch Up His Jean Jacket

How do I get Counselor Andy?
Counselor Andy can be purchased from the shop for 270 Clams.

How do I unlock Scoutmaster Peter?
Scoutmaster Peter can be created at Al Harrington’s Outfits with:
– 7 Pocket Knives
– 5 Bug Repellents
– 6 Fire Starters
– 13 Hiking Shorts

How do I get Pocket Knives?
Pocket Knives can be obtained in the following way:
– Make Peter Search Junk Closet

How do I get Bug Repellents?
Bug Repellents can be obtained in the following ways:
– Make Quagmire Check for Ticks
– Get from the Camp Director’s Cabin in the Mess Hall

How do I get Fire Starters?
Fire Starters can be obtained in the following ways:
– Make Bruce Build a Fire
– Get from Fire Ring in the Mess Hall
– Get from Skylab Crash Site

How do I get Hiking Shorts?
Hiking Shorts can be obtained in the following ways:
– Make Lois Buy Mom Shorts
– Make Chris Make Cutoffs
– Get from Pitch-A-Tent Camp Supplies in the Mess Hall

How do I unlock Kid Quagmire?
Kid Quagmire can be created at Al Harrington’s Outfits with:
– 5 Game Controllers
– 12 Zit Creams
– 20 8 Sided Die
– 8 Braces

How do I get Game Controllers?
Game Controllers can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get from Skylab Crash Site
– Get from Slings N’ Arrows Archery Range in the Mess Hall

How do I get Zit Creams?
Zit Creams can be obtained in the following ways:
– Get from Okay Care Packages
– Get from Premium Care Packages

How do I get 8 Sided Die?
8 Sided Die can be obtained in the following ways:
– Make Mort Hoard Nerd Junk
– Make Joe Roll the Dice

How do I get Braces?
Braces can be obtained in the following ways:
– Make Herbert Visit the Playground
– Make Chris Visit Orthodontist
– Get from Girls’ Cabin in the Mess Hall

Once again sorry I can’t get the Live post up until later. Don’t have too much fun without me guys.

~ Russian Tigger







40 responses to “Wet Hot Quahog Summer – TINYCO FAQ ONLY

  1. Literally started this event the day it opened and am still in the first phase because I need to get kid Quagmire and need the Braces drop and still don’t have it. I’ve only needed one for about two weeks and still haven’t got it. Is it just me or are the drops in this impossible? This is about the 5th event I’ve said screw it and just stopped playing because of the ridiculous requirements from drops.


  2. disgusted with the last event so i opted out… this event seems just as ridiculous, I know they have to make money but really, over 20$ for a piece of wood? Never heard of the movie and couldnt care less, seems complicated also, so I will take a monthlong vacation and focus on my other games. Good luck to all!!


  3. I’m a long time player and fan of this site; so thank you for all your work. When I did the camp Wars, I was not able to do any actions and so of course got defeated. I still got a care package that I crated after 3 hours. But then the package disappeared before I was able to open it. I know it disappeared without dropping anything because I did not even get credit for opening it (that is, the quest line item was not checked). Also I didn’t get credit for “Defend Camp Griffin”; does that mean one has to “win” a camp wars to get credit? I did send tinyco an message. I still enjoy the game but it’s getting harder to enjoy some of these events (I do play premium sometimes.). I have 40 million coins. Lol.


    • RussianTigger

      I won my battle and it checked off the Questline requirement so it may be that you need to successfully defend your camp, therefore win.

      With regards Care Package issue another player is reporting the same, I can only suggest you contact TinyCo, at the moment I don’t have any way to feed back these issues to them so need players to use their in game contact to report issues.


    • 40 Million coins? Mine stopped accruing at 10 million.


  4. Yea, only one day behind the game release for my Kindle!
    Not too bad this time.


  5. Think I’ll sit this one out. Haven’t seen the movie and don’t really care. Gameplay for this looks overly complicated and frankly boring.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I sat the last one out because of travel and staying with family who didn’t have WIFI. Gonna give this one a shot.


  6. Kindle won’t even load the game without crashing.


  7. Fletch from Ga.

    I think I’m going to pass on this event. The last mini event I didn’t even get close to unlocking Peter or Stewie’s costumes and I wasn’t going to pay 400+ clams to get them either. I have no idea what this event is based on (I googled and it was a movie with Paul Rudd and a bunch of other actors, I have never heard of it lol) and really don’t feel like grinding away on this game ever 2 or 3 hours during the day for the next 4 weeks. Think I’ll give their Futrurama game a try today instead. Everybody be good 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • RussianTigger

      I don’t know the movie either, but we’ll see, lol. I downloaded Futurama yesterday,moot sure what I think yet!


      • I’ve been playing Futurama today and it seems more complicated than TQFS and appears to have some basic elements missing – like being able to select a character from their face icon in the top left if you want them to do a task

        It has only just launched though so I’m not being too critical of it… for now

        Liked by 1 person

  8. the items are all messed up and i dont’ understand anything from this “defend your camp” thing … im still stuck at this part cuz i spent my water balloons and i didn’t know what to do …


  9. Maybe I’m suffering from event fatigue, but does this event seem unnecessarily complicated to anyone else?


    • RussianTigger

      Yes, it’s full on with little instruction. I’m amazed they put out such a full on QFS event to coincide with launch Futurama!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Every time i see “Extra Rare” on a drop I have to calculate if it’s going to be worth it to me use clams to speed up tasks or buildings to get the items before timers run out or that particular phase is over. And apparently you have to clear our the first care package in the queue to start the timer on the next one? Getting too old, need to play this on Facebook, can hardly read some of the text on the phone anymore when it gets that small and you can’t zoom in.


  10. Wow. Just reading the FAQ gave me a headache.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Russian Tigger / Bunny, do you know if “kid” Quagmire is a timed character build? Many thanks in lieu of your reply. 5⭐️


  12. Don’t know if anyone else has had this but I did a Camp Wars mini-game, won the encounter but the game crashed. When I restarted it said I lost so didn’t get any of the rewards.

    I’ve not bothered to raise it with TinyCo at this point because it was right at the start of the event, but need to see if others are having it and if it has happened multiple times


    • I’ve done 2 Camp Ears with no issues. I’d message TinyCo after all you earned the win rewards. But I get why players are starting say they’re not bothering


      • It happened to me again yesterday so I messaged them.
        gave them details saying them I was using iPhone 7, restarted my device, had only 1 app open (the game) etc and they replied with a stock response about RAM issues.

        Oddly enough when I tried it again after they messaged me it worked no problem… so whether they tweaked something I can’t be sure but seems strange it works fine after I contacted them. (I work with software developers and they pull the same trick!)


  13. I know it’s only just started but am I the only one a little underwhelmed at this event? Generic characters like “Counseler Andy” just doesn’t excite me and “Kid Quagmire” is just lazy. The campfire monster is just a rehash of the animated fire monster you can buy at Tan lines! Even the loading screen shows a giant ape as a possible future character but if you already own “Monkey Kong” then it’s no great shakes.
    I’ll give it chance but I might pass on this event entirely, build up some clams and clear outstanding quest lines instead.


    • I think quite few bits have been pulled from Quahog’s Not So Silent Night, hence the familiarity of some of it. I’m still processing it all, too early to judge it yet.


  14. and i try to reinstall the game and it drop 1 wood


  15. and it say the time left of this event is 16 hour


  16. i get 1 wood and did not get care packages this is the first time that i have problem with the event


  17. I decided to buy the Camp Mail Mule. I don’t usually spend clams but this event seems fun (reminds me of Clash of clams). I figured the Mail Mule was the best investment for 150 clams, it should help 🙂


  18. i see a bug i cant get package and it decrease wood that drop first it drop 16 wood then i come in game again it drop 6


    • RussianTigger

      Have you earned care packages by defending your camp? If so, contact TinyCo. Same if your wood is decreasing without you buying anything! Sorry can’t help more


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