Bad Luck – Event Feedback Page

Welcome to the latest new end of event feedback page. where today I’m asking you to tell me what you thought about the event, the characters, costumes, buildings, drops, questlines, glitches. Basically here’s the page where you can tell us everything and anything you want to feedback to Jam City, just keep it PG.  

*Remember the event is ending today at 4PM UTC*

Remember you can say more than you simply liked or disliked the event, such as commenting on the format, the content, what material drops held you back or irked you, what character or costume you’re mad you missed out on, or even which you weren’t fussed about getting. You can share with Jam City how glitches impacted your play, or even how support dealt with any issues you had, such as did they help you get back on track or did they fail to help you at all. Basically any thoughts you share here will be passed to Jam City. 

5 responses to “Bad Luck – Event Feedback Page

  1. I lost one day in bad luck event. Consuela popping up who said you have to upgrade. Even when i try to upgrade i still could not get in. The day after i could play just fine. Strange


  2. Anyone else experiencing problems? The old event ended. Got a quick message about the bad news event. But what loaded was the pizza-day mini event from march.


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