Tag Archives: Addicts Talk

Tell Jam City what you want!!! You asked, they listened – Send All – Go For Gold

As you know I sometime put up posts where you can share with Jam City any ideas you have or suggestions to improve your game experience, I then wave it in front of them and wait…..


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Tell Jam City what you want!!! You asked, they listened – Clam Spend Confirmation Alternate Quahogs

As you know I sometime put up posts where you can share with Jam City any ideas you have or suggestions to improve your game experience, I then wave it in front of them and wait…..


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Quahog Historical Society Ranks – Facespace Character & Costumes

Many of you are asking if a certain QHS character or costume is part of a Facespace set, and although I mention this in the rank release posts, I also thought I’d out up a full list you can check yourself.

Warning Spoilers Ahead!!! Continue reading

Tell Jam City what you want!!! You asked, they listened – Jesus Clam Task

As you know I sometime put up posts where you can share with Jam City any ideas you have or  suggestions to improve your game experience, I then wave it in front of them and wait…..


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Tell Jam City what you want!!! You asked, they listened – Quahog Historical Society

As you know I sometime put up posts where you can share with Jam City any ideas you have or  suggestions to improve your game experience, I then wave it in front of them and wait…..


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Tell Jam City what you want!!! Well you asked, they listened – Leveiling up Dinosaurs

A few times a year I put up posts where you can share with Jam City any ideas you have or  suggestions to improve your game experience, I then wave it in front of them and wait…..


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Help Me!!!

This information is coming soon!!!

Quahog Historical Society Rank Costs

Many of you are asking if I could do a post showing the medal costs of the ranks that are open, so here it is.

The post only contains the medal costs so theres no SPOILERS on who is actually in the ranks!!! Continue reading

Tell Jam City what you want, what you really, really want to see in the game in 2020

Hi there

As the current event only concerns reoccurring content I’m not going to do any Where Are You Now posts or an End of Event Poll, but I do still want your thoughts on the game going forward, so please take a few minutes to give any thoughts in the Tell Jam City What You Want post, you’ll find it by clicking the link at the bottom of the post.


There’s already been some great ideas, but I’m greedy and want more.


~ Russian Tigger

Tell Jam City what you want, what you really, really want to see in the game in 2020

So the New Year partying is over, the fireworks have burnt out, the season of goodwill is behind us and the Best of event is underway in our games. Yes looks like 2020 is here to stay, well for another 362 days at least.

What’s a FGQFS Addict to do once the party’s over and the daily grind has returned? Well apart from enjoying breaking all those new year resolutions, how’s about helping Jam City to make some? C’mon lift your 2020 already weary heads from their Sunday slumbers and take this once in a blue moon, ok once in a year, opportunity to tell Jam City what YOU want to see in the Family Guy The Quest for Stuff game in the year ahead.


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