Tag Archives: Family Guy Comic Con Event

Comic-Con Character Profile: Ron Perlman

Updated 8.12: A new task for Ron has been added, and his items that drop have been changed slightly.  Ron’s 4hr task will now always drop green pesticide and his 8hr task has a chance to drop a battery (remember it’s still a rare item).  The task list below as been updated to reflect his new task, and a time change to another task. 

Hello There Clammers!

It’s nerd city in Quahog these days as the Comic-Con Event is upon us!  Not only have the nerds invaded the streets of Quahog, but celebrities are popping up all over the place!  The second celebrity you’ll find hanging around Comic-Con is Ron Perlman!

Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of this aspect of the Comic-Con Event.  I think it’s incredibly awesome to see guest stars make appearances, as playable characters, in TQFS!   It adds a level of excitement to the game, and I’m loving every minute of it!  Can’t wait to see how the others make their grand entrances!

Of course to enjoy all Ron has to offer in TQFS you’ll have to unlock him, which is sometimes easier said than done!  So let’s take a closer look at the details behind this Hellboy….

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Comic Con is Live For Android & Kindle

Photo Jul 24, 1 50 58 AM

Hello There Clammers!

Comic Con is now LIVE on Android.  No need to hit up the app store.  Just start your game as normal and you’ll get a popup to reload to start the special event.  Do that and Comic-Con will load on your device!

Update: Ok…apparently there IS an App Store Update for Android as well.  The event WILL start with out going to the app store.  It appears that update is just for the event graphics (splash screen and icon)

For the complete Rundown check out this post…we’ll post any specific changes for Android here.

Kindle friends…please let us know if it’s hit for your device as well. Confirmed live on Kindle as well

Go get that Blam!

So far…you can STILL get the rocket if you restore the three buildings within 3 days.  Check out this post for details on the rocket.


Quahog Comic-Con Walkthrough: Patrick Stewart’s Taking on Quahog

Hello There Clammers!

TinyCo dropped another late night update shuffle on is last night.  Sometime in the evening a questline extension was added for Patrick Stewart as well as a few more Blam! earning tasks  for this celeb.

The new questlines I’m a Writer and Patrick Stewart Takes on Quahog both are relatively short questlines, but have a decent Blam! pay out (569 Blam!).  So now let’s get on with the show…and see how Patrick Stewart takes on Quahog!

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Comic-Con Character Profile: Patrick Stewart

Update 7/29: TinyCo has added a few more tasks to Patrick’s task set.  They’ve been updated below…

Update 8/12: Patrick’s 4hr task always drops Red Pesticides while his 24hr task will drop batteries, however remember they’re still a rare item so it won’t always drop. 

Hello There Clammers!

It’s nerd city in Quahog these days as the Comic-Con Event is upon us!  Not only have the nerds invaded the streets of Quahog, but celebrities are popping up all over the place!  The first celebrity you’ll discover invading Comic-Con is Sir Patrick Stewart!

Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of this aspect of the Comic-Con Event.  I think it’s incredibly awesome to see guest stars make appearances, as playable characters, in TQFS!   It adds a level of excitement to the game, and I’m loving every minute of it!  Can’t wait to see how the others make their grand entrances!

Of course to enjoy all Patrick Stewart has to offer in TQFS you’ll have to unlock him, which is sometimes easier said than done!  So let’s take a closer look at the details behind this Earl Grey sipping actor, who’ll make all the Trekie’s in Quahog faint….

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Comic-Con Weekend Update: Win a Free Rocket

Hello There Clammers!

TinyCo has dropped a little weekend mini quest in our laps to go along with the Comic Con Event.  Here’s the deal:

2014-07-25 21.22.06


More details below….WARNING Spoilers ahead Continue reading

Day Two…BunnyCon

I think I survive another day. I think. Lots more people here. Makes me nervous for tomorrow. HEY ALISSA??!!! EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!! (note from Alissa:….when you live in harmony)


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BunnyCon…So It Begins

So here I am, lost somewhere in the far west of the U.S. Surrounded by all things Geek n Nerd. AND LOVING IT!! Stick around, I may have some fun tails to tale. Lol.


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