Tag Archives: MIB Medals

Quahog Tournament – Leaderboard

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your games, the Leaderboard is back. Now this information is more to prepare you for future leaderboards as it’s a bit late help with the current one being tested in random games!!!

Yes with the new  Extreme Sports event well underway, TinyCo decided to beta test this, and dangle some leaderboard prizes as bait for us Addicts and I thought I’d bring you a quick guide to the  Leaderboard and ask you if you wantto make them a bit more fun.

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Guys In Black – Addicts Leaderboard

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your games, the Leaderboard came back. Quick prep your Neuroalyzers!!! No wait you don’t need to do this as here’s the new singing and dancing Addicts Leaderboard I promised you, where the only prize worth having is knowing you beat me, lol.

Yes with the new  Guys In Black event now well underway, TinyCo have decided to dangle some leaderboard prizes as bait for us Addicts and I thought I’d bring you a quirky Addicts version to make it a bit more fun, and now the event is ending I want your final scores.

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Guys In Black – Addicts Leaderboard

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your games, the Leaderboard came back. Quick prep your Neuroalyzers!!! No wait you don’t need to do this as here’s the new singing and dancing Addicts Leaderboard I promised you, where the only prize worth having is knowing you beat me, lol.

Yes with the new  Guys In Black event now well underway, TinyCo have decided to dangle some leaderboard prizes as bait for us Addicts and I thought I’d bring you a quirky Addicts version to make it a bit more fun.

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Guys In Black – Addicts Leaderboard

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your games, the Leaderboard came back. Quick prep your Neuroalyzers!!! No wait you don’t need to do this as here’s the new singing and dancing Addicts Leaderboard I promised you, where the only prize worth having is knowing you beat me, lol.

Yes with the new  Guys In Black event now well underway, TinyCo have decided to dangle some leaderboard prizes as bait for us Addicts and I thought I’d bring you a quirky Addicts version to make it a bit more fun.

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Guys In Black – Addicts Leaderboard

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your games, the Leaderboard came back. Quick prep your Neuroalyzers!!! No wait you don’t need to do this as here’s the new singing and dancing Addicts Leaderboard I promised you, where the only prize worth having is knowing you beat me, lol.

Yes with the new  Guys In Black event now well underway, TinyCo have decided to dangle some leaderboard prizes as bait for us Addicts and I thought I’d bring you a quirky Addicts version to make it a bit more fun. And thanks to the early adopters who encouraged me in this, Christo (Big Zappo), David (mathguy), donnadarlene, Chris K and Ash (gipgop). Hopefully more will join in and take part in this, the Leaderboard that leads to nowhere and leads to nothing, apart from a little light relief. C’mon what could be more exciting than that.

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Guys In Black – Leaderboard

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in your games, the Leaderboard is back. Quick prep your Neuroalyzers!!!

Yes with the new  Guys In Black event now well underway, TinyCo have decided to dangle some leaderboard prizes as bait for us Addicts and I thought I’d bring you a quick guide to the  Leaderboard and ask you if you wantto make them a bit more fun.

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