The End Is Coming….for Real!

Hello There Clammers!

Just a heads up TinyCo will be ending the Kingdom of the Full Moon Event TODAY at 5pm EDT today.  So you’ve got just under 12 hours to finish up your last minute booty collecting to earn those last little prizes!

Looking for a guide on how to close down and wrap up Kingdom of the Full Moon?  Check out our End is Near post here.


Make sure you work to collect those last shots, if you’re working the shot glitch be sure to stop at some point to make all those booty you’re collecting worth something.  I’d hate to see you end with a ton of booty & nothing to show for it!

Speaking of booty…odds are (like 95% chance) the Booty will be useless after the event is over.  Our assumption is that TinyCo will have it disappear.  So spend all that booty while you still have it!  The only thing they might do (and that’s a big might) is have an option to convert booty to cash.  But again, that’s highly unlikely and it’s up to you to assume the risk if they do or they don’t.  Personally I’ll be spending all my booty on decorations and Booty Boxes….

So that’s it my friends.  We’re in the home stretch.  Enjoy the last of the Kingdom of the Full Moon Event while you can!

What are YOUR thoughts on the end of the event?  Are you ready to see it go?  What do you think will be coming next?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we love hearing from you!

195 responses to “The End Is Coming….for Real!

  1. I was under the impression that all of the characters are stopping at level 15 xp. However, I just noticed that my Peter (currently adventure peter) is at level 16 and still climbing. Any thoughts/additional information?


  2. EvilKitten812

    I contacted tiny co about the missing items/ inventory issue. No response yet but it happened with the party palms that I spent clams on too!! I bout 2 of each and only have 1 of each now. :/ everyone might want to keep a close eye on their inventory!


    • 😦 Definitely, stay on top of them…it’s bad enough to have “game cash” purchases vanish, but to have items disappear that were bought with “real cash” is completely unacceptable. TinyCo is very good in making things right. Keep us up to date. 🙂


      • EvilKitten812

        Will do! I am a little disappointed, but I am understanding of glitches. Its not always there fault, they have TONS of files and computers are no more perfect than the people that use them. As long as they make an effort I won’t let the evil loose 😉 lol!


        • EvilKitten812

          P.s. would love to have u in my family guy game too cyber!! If u would have me of course 😛 unfortunately I couldn’t get a top secret f.b. for the game, but I am willing to share my weird life with a few bloggers lol


          • “Weird life with a few bloggers”….lol…you had me at “weird…I’m sending an email to you with my info. Look forward to seeing a new “face” in my friends list.


            • EvilKitten812

              Lol. I must warn you, my Quahog is not up to par. This last event I really shoved a bunch of stuff in the corner lol. It’ll get there tho. Eventually.


  3. More land please! I have everything from the kingdom event and nowhere to set up an Egyptian themed area. And I can just see tinyco starting up a 4th of july event before unlocking any of the last 4 characters even though its already the 2nd. I dont appreciate the toying of my family guy gamer emotions this way. Lol.


  4. I am getting really bored! When can we expect new stuff?? I have nothing to do on the game right now!


  5. Any idea when next districts or more quest will be released I have nothing to do


    • Just keep building up cash….when TinyCo is asked this same question, their response is…”soon” lol…now what “soon” means in calendar time is anyone’s guess. But if I was forced to guess..and this is ONLY a guess….I’d say hopefully by next week. 🙂


  6. When do they unlock Stewie, Carter, Tom Tucker etc?


  7. Well i think the event went on a week too long… But now there are no new tasks! Hope they update soon and let you unlock stewie, city hall, etc. Guess I’ll put all my people on 24 he tasks till then!


  8. I did not get Cleveland’s house. I got a small pyramid.


  9. Aww. My ’80s Cleveland tasks are gone. I was saving those for when this was over so he could focus on earning Jelly-O-Shots.


  10. I unlocked Adventure Peter and the costume is gone.


  11. Hmmmm, so the take down for the event happened about 20 mins ago for me, and my adventure peter has disappeared even though I unlocked him about 3 weeks ago, and I also never got king butt in my town despite claiming him about 30 mins before the end (after a quick bit of glitch exploiting) and placing the gold statue. The throne is also gone from my inventory as I stored it to try and do something about the king butt issue before the event take down. Just a bit miffed at the moment..? I’ll give it a day or two before I contact tinyco.


    • Just spoke to TinyCo…they have fixed the “outfit” glitch. Hard close your game then restart….outfit should be back. The throne leaves if put in inventory, sadly. Good idea on waiting….there most likely will be more glitches during the “crossover”.


  12. I gave up getting the king drunk to try & get 80’s cleveland in time (heaven forbid they assign the tasks to different characters! I have 3 guys doing everything & the rest are twiddling their fingers!). Didn’t make it & see it’s vanished from the possible outfits in the clothing store to earn.

    …but I can still earn the items needed? & when I earn said item it still gives the clothing item bar in the upper right?? hmmm… welp! you’re all going on those 1 hour & 4 hour tasks to try & unlock it before it vanishes as a secret possibility!


  13. A glitch, you say? I can earn lots of shots and idols, you say!? QUICKLY TO MY GAMEannnd it’s over.


  14. What happened to the adventurer peter costume? I worked for it why didn’t I get to keep it?


  15. I hope the items will be released cause those items will be missed


  16. YAY!!!! Cleveland’s house!!!!!


  17. P.S. I’ve just noticed that “Pee Pee Pants, The Inebriated Clown” has vanished from “Al Harrington’s Outfits”


  18. Aaaaand it’s gone! I was just asked to reload the game to go back to ‘classic Quahog’… not a word re all the unused butts, no more tasks to do, nothing. Not sure how I feel about it. 😐


  19. I hope they will bring some items back in later events


  20. Cleveland’s house and the sandy pyramid! Really?! Yaaaaaay!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Africanized_Bees

    And… its GONE!


  22. CreamCheeseCookie

    Finally the event is over and 9 yachts and like 17 skateparks later (with the booty box and the skatepark combo causing intense moments of rage) I got clevelands house for all my efforts , yeah found it in my inventory, now only if I can get peter to fly the petercopter while cleveland takes a bath


  23. This is the end, the smelly “end”, my friend…


  24. Event is over for me. My inventory had the Sandy Pyramid, the Throne, Museum, and Cleveland’s house.


  25. Was the Adventure Peter outfit supposed to survive the end of the event? Mine disappeared as soon as it was over.


  26. …And it’s gone. Also got Cleveland house and a Sandy pyramid for free


  27. FYI I’m in London, England and at 17h10 EDT I just got a popup message saying “Special Event Has Ended, Please restart for regular Quahog” 😦


  28. Bunny, Alissa, Cyber: HELP PLEASE.

    I claimed my king butt at 4:55 EST and when I did I had two king butts walking around, I clicked one and my game crashed. I reloaded my game and neither were there, along with the ” our event is over ” notice from Tinyco. Needless to say, I’m not very happy. I contacted Tinyco and am waiting for a response from them, anything else you guys can suggest? Thanks again, you guys rock:)


    • Sorry to hear this Chakra! 😦 Since the event has just ended, there most likely will be a few crossover glitches…hang in there, don’t let it get you down. We are here to help! 🙂 Check to see if the Gold Adventure Peter Trophy is in your inventory. If it is, try placing it in your town, then restart the game.


  29. It’s finally over!!! Lol what’s messed up I jUst sent everybody on a four hour task do don’t know if anything is goin on


  30. HisNameisJames(quagmire)

    Does anybody know how to delete things out of inventory? There’s alot of stuff in there that I don’t want that’s just taking up space.


  31. Clevelands house is in the inventory!


  32. I dunno about you all. but here it is 17:09 EDT and the event is still
    going on for me….

    Might I still be able to take advantage of the glitch? Hmmm, guess I’ll
    hafta wait another 45 minutes and see…


  33. Sad to see the glitch being patched, I was kinda happy with it.. a little too happy. with over 1.2m moon idols.


  34. Haha I made the most of it lol I got litterally everything on offer and like 70 clams I’m CHUFT!!!!! Thanks again Dave u the man and u cyber cheers for answerin my questions.


  35. DarkPhoenix123

    It’s over!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!


  36. Lol the event either ended or they fixed the glitch. Got to 270k idols with so many gardens in storage! No nephritis statue but 3 of the other one and one lot of 10 clams


  37. Did the glitch get patched out I just tried it and it didn’t do anything. I defeated King Butt and during the minute he was in the toilet I force quit the app….waited 5 min… I didn’t get anything. Oh well I gave the event a solid try…I think it kind of sucks that king butt it’s so out of reach to freemium players without glitching..or luck I guess. I feel like I played the event pretty hard and I barely broke 60,000.


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