Comic-Con Character Profile: Patrick Stewart

Update 7/29: TinyCo has added a few more tasks to Patrick’s task set.  They’ve been updated below…

Update 8/12: Patrick’s 4hr task always drops Red Pesticides while his 24hr task will drop batteries, however remember they’re still a rare item so it won’t always drop. 

Hello There Clammers!

It’s nerd city in Quahog these days as the Comic-Con Event is upon us!  Not only have the nerds invaded the streets of Quahog, but celebrities are popping up all over the place!  The first celebrity you’ll discover invading Comic-Con is Sir Patrick Stewart!

Personally, I’m a HUGE fan of this aspect of the Comic-Con Event.  I think it’s incredibly awesome to see guest stars make appearances, as playable characters, in TQFS!   It adds a level of excitement to the game, and I’m loving every minute of it!  Can’t wait to see how the others make their grand entrances!

Of course to enjoy all Patrick Stewart has to offer in TQFS you’ll have to unlock him, which is sometimes easier said than done!  So let’s take a closer look at the details behind this Earl Grey sipping actor, who’ll make all the Trekie’s in Quahog faint….


Patrick arrives in Quahog via the Comic-Con Event.  He comes with the Clamterprise, which you purchase for 100 Blam!.  Once you’ve purchased the Clamterprise you’ll find Patrick Stewart, and you’ll have to help Peter convince him to stay in Quahog.  Of course you do this by collecting STUFF, did you expect something different? 😉
Note: Once the event is over the Clamterprise will leave Quahog, even though you’ve repaired it.  It’s part of the event and will leave when it’s gone.  HOWEVER, Patrick Stewart will remain in Quahog forever, as long as you completely unlock him.  Basically collect all of the required STUFF to unlock him and he’s yours forever 🙂


Unlocking Patrick Stewart isn’t too terrible, he only has 3 requirements.  However, the items are still Rare so the drop rates & time to unlock him will vary.  Let’s take a closer look at what’s required:

15 Slices of Pizza
10 Wizard Books
1,000 Blam!

-You can earn the Pizza Slices by sending Bonnie on her 4 hour Twerk it task.  But keep in mind if you’re still needing jewels to unlock Stewie you may find them falling from Bonnie instead of Pizza.  The slices will also fall from the “Q” Hotel once you restore it (350 Blam!).  Finally, you can purchase Patrick Stewart’s Trailer for 150 Clams and it will always drop pizza.

-You can earn the Wizard Books by making Bruce Fret about something for 6hrs.  Wizard Books will also fall from zapping Nerds.  Finally, you can purchase Fat Kevin’s Comic Book Shop for 150 Clams and it will always drop Wizard Books.

Blam! is earned by completing tasks for Characters from Districts 1 and 2 (Peter, Bonnie, Chris, Quagmire, Jerome & Bruce), it will also fall from the Calmterprise & can be earned from completing parts of the questline for Comic-Con.  You’ll need 1,000 Blam! to Unlock Patrick.  Keep in mind once you unlock him, you’ll lose those 1,000 Blam! from your on hand total.

So now that we know HOW to unlock Patrick Stewart, let’s take a look at his tasks once he’s unlocked:

Task Length  Earns Blam!
Text Agent 1m $5, 3xp 0
Order BFF Special 1hr $20, 12xp 4
Enjoy Time 1hr $20, 12xp 4
Hang Out With Griffins 2hrs $30, 20xp 6
Be a Thespian 4hrs $50, 30xp 10
Make it Sew 6hrs $65, 45xp 12
Relax 8hrs $80, 50xp 16
Buy Groceries 12hrs $100, 65xp 20
Football Tricks 12hrs $100, 65xp 20
Sleep Over 24hrs $150, 100xp 30
Pick Out Weapons 24hrs Same as above (sleep over)

For those that like some visuals…here’s a sneak peak at his outdoor tasks:

2014-07-27 01.17.20 2014-07-27 01.17.52

As you can see Patrick’s got a few Blam! earning tasks, which is great because once unlocked you’ll have another character to help you earn Blam!  Once unlocked he’ll continue with his own questline, Tea. Earl Grey. Hot, which will help you earn more Blam!

So that’s it my friends, the 411 (did I seriously just say that?) on unlocking the first celebrity guest start in TQFS!

What do YOU think of Patrick Stewart?  Have you unlocked him yet?  Any thoughts on his quests?  Thoughts on the guest stars appearing in TQFS?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!


128 responses to “Comic-Con Character Profile: Patrick Stewart

  1. It seems like our Comicon heroes, Patrick Stewart etc, have a higher level than 15 as their maximum. Is it 25 like Peter?


  2. I’m on level 14 – still early – and i’m having a hell of a time unlocking Patrick Stewart. Poor Bonnie has twerked her little heart out and i still only have 6 pizza slices. Those REd shirts didn’t help much either – the only dropped one wizard book, so Bruce must be on the verge of needing a rubber room from fretting so much. .
    The quests take soooooo long – 4 hours twerking? I would literally have to twerk for 2 days to get pizza. I just got the hotel done, and that’s every 3 hours – i hope it drops pizza!

    Do you all use the forums link at all – it’s really hard to page thru alll of the posts listed here to find info i’m looking for.


    • The game is indeed a lessen in patience. 🙂 To help find info, use the “Search” feature on the upper right. It works really well. Also the “related” posts are listed at the bottom of each post. This also helps find information. And ask any question you want, about anything in the game and we will link a post in our reply if we feel it would help you. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. How come I don’t have any of this yet? Android user here. Am I missing out?


  4. I have the little red ! show up on my friend icon but there is nobody available to visit at the moment. Is this a glitch or related to the event starting for android users tomorrow?


  5. Hey everybody! I’ve followed posts on this forum for awhile now but this is my first time posting. I’m wondering if anyone has an opinion on whether I should hold off on opening district 8 until the comic con event is over? I’m just about finished with Asian town. Level 32, 242 clams, and 80k plus coins. Thanx! Im on a android phone so my event hasn’t opened yet 😦 but I’ve been following with you guys lol


    • Well thank YOU for your first comment! 🙂 Hopefully now that the first one is out of the way you’ll be commenting more often!

      So…I would go forward and open District 8. You won’t need coins for Comic-Con…it’s all event currency or clams, so you won’t have to worry about having enough. And many of the characters needed to unlock the characters in District 8 won’t be used to earn Blam! at this point anyway. You’re better off getting a head start on some of the items you’ll need because there’s a LOT.

      Hope that helps! 🙂


      • Plus herbert’s house will give you slippers which you need for Carter. You’ll get all of them before the event is over without sending anyone on tasks.

        The only possible reason to hold off would be the fact you will need a lot of jewels for district 8 and the tasks that earn jewels are also some of the same tasks that earn pizza for Patrick Stewart. It gets frustrating to see jewels when you want pizza. No idea if it alters the probability of getting pizza or not.


  6. Hi, thanks for the great site. Do you know if we have to unlock Patrick by Friday? Will the available celeb rotate out?


  7. Do you guys know if these newly added tasks for PS are here to stay? Seeing how Tiny Co. adds character tasks for events that go away once the event is over.


  8. Do you have any info on the quest line “Patrick Stewart takes on Quahog” I have done part 1 which has both him and Lois going shopping fo 12 hours. part 2 him at the clam for an hour and reached level 4 to make him enjoy the spa for 8 hours for part three. Just wondering if there is more. I wanna know if I should put my other people on long tasks or wait. Also you need to add more tasks on his task list cause there are more.


  9. How, many prizes have you guys collected? and how much blam do you guys average a day? just want to know whether i’m behind the pace. 🙂


    • Us? Or the community as a whole? If you’re asking us…both Bunny and I are on Android and our main games won’t update until Thursday. I’ve got my “B” game that i setup on iOS to get all the info for you guys, but don’t try to keep pace with that lol. I spend clams there to get the info out.
      For the readers…if you check out this post a lot of players are discussing their counts 🙂

      BLAM! Calendar iOS


  10. Early this morning I managed (without the aid of clams) to unlock Patrick! So happy! But sadly had just put Bruce on a 20hr task for stewie blue prints! Sadness! Oh well. I’m still hoping tiny & co change their mind about the clamenterprize, after all they did it for us with the pyramid and the museum in the last event…….. Just saying………… :0) x


  11. Probably just my dream world, but I am kind of hoping this will pave the way for American Dad characters to come into the game at some point. It’d be awesome if Stan and Roger could come into the game. (Rogers tasks would be amazing.)


    • lol American Dad has to be one of my favorite shows. I would be THRILLED if they put it in the game at some point. That being said…look out for our poll question tomorrow I think you’ll like it 😉


  12. Just in case you missed it Quagmires blueprint task has just changed to 20hrs in his usual costume – very annoying!


  13. If you’re like me and refuse to pay clams for trucks that drop Blam! (because you don’t pay $ to buy clams), I don’t think we’ll get Takei 😦
    So sad… I love that guy.
    “Oh My…” Hope I reach the target.
    (Didn’t get to reach King Butt 😦 got EVERYTHING else BUT the butt-loving dude! lol)


    • I don’t think it’s possible to get George Takei without clams. I did the math and you need 2,200 Blam per day from day 1. So you need to be at 11,000 total score by tonight to be on pace. Not sure many free players are there. However they did start upping the moon idols later in the last event like this, so who knows? If you made Peter Surf the Bird for every minute of the event, you’d only get 2/3 of the way to George Takei.


      • Hell I bought the big truck and the bar and I’m not going to be at 11K at the end of the day.

        Keep in mind that once you start getting the event chars and costumes the Blam they earn is higher, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they do like during the Butt event and either add more chars that earn it and/or double the rate.


        • I sure hope they would add more characters that can get Blam!
          Makes me mad that only basic characters earn Blam! Just so even those you just started can participate as much as us. There should be a Level limit or they should allow More FG characters to earn Blam!


  14. I just got a go shopping with Lous task for Patrick, is this new?


  15. I’m trying to decide if I should continue to focus efforts on unlocking Stewie with the ‘teaser’ that a new costume could be coming for him this weekend, or if I should focus on unlocking Patrick Stewart since he is a part of the event. Only 4 pizzas away from Sir Patrick, but I also need Bonnie to help me in getting Stewie. Which one should I concentrate on?!?


    • Patrick contributes Blam. Make Patrick your focus. No indications that Stewie will be needed yet for the event. Those will be multiplying “mutant” Stewies.


      • I just noticed this in my game too and I was not happy about it. I just sent this message to Tinyco but I doubt I will hear back from them as I never heard back from them on the last message I sent them several days ago.

        “I have Quagmire currently on the Netchix task to get a blueprint for Stewie. I just checked the FGTQFS blog I visit to see that you have changed the blueprint earning task from the 12 hour Netchix task to the 20 hour Netchix task. That is total BS that you don’t even let me finish off the task he is on to get the blueprint that was EARNED before you go and switch it to the longer task. It was obvious to me several days ago that you programmed the wrong one in there but that is your problem, it shouldn’t be mine. Sometimes when you make a mistake, you need to just live with the consequences of that just like anyone else would need to. For another example, you switched two of the new buildings from 25 clams to 50 clams after you realizes that error. That left some players with an advantage while others were disadvantaged and it is not fair or good business practice. Why do you want players to be left with a bad taste in their mouths over this? Why can’t you just own up to errors and live with the consequences like the rest of us are forced to? Sure you would have had made a little less money on 25 clams instead of 50, but it would have been the right thing to do, because it was YOUR mistake. Please stop changing the rules in the middle of the game. NOBODY likes that and if you do it too much you really will alienate your customer base.”


        • Well said, I’m interested in their reply. Let me know. 😉


          • Thanks, and I will let you know what happens. When I’ve contacted them before I’ve gotten mostly canned responses back or a response having nothing to so with my problem, so I’m not holding my breath!

            By the way, is it weird that every time I read one of your comments it is Brian’s voice speaking in my head? LOL! I love that!


            • LOL…I’ve heard that before…little secret, my friends also tell me I sound like Brian.

              When you deal with TinyCo Support, they do give generic answers first because they answer so many. Just keep at them, tell them you want to talk to a service tech supervisor….it gets their attention. 😉


  16. Hey, what gives?!?!? My quagmire now now takes 20hrs instead of 12 to get blueprints watching netchix… Is this a glitch or something? It’ll now seriously take me even longer to get stewie! The drop rate for that common item is already poor? It seriously does not feel like a common drop. So mad right now, especially if 20hrs is the new standard for quagmire to get blueprints… Grrr


  17. jeffreymc12345


    All of a sudden when I start the game on my iPhone, I’m now getting the error “there was a problem loading the save game; some placeables are out of bounds.” I’ve played the game a lot since the last time I added or moved anything. Forcing the game to quit doesn’t help.

    Any suggestions? I need to get back in to get my Blam 😀


  18. 2 kamikaze cocktails away from captain hammered
    1 pizza away from patrick stewart
    19 blueprints and 3 plutonium away from stewie
    and about 4800 blam how am i doing so far?
    hopefully i can get takei b4 the event ends , during the full moon event i only got 50k even tho i played daily


  19. I just hope with all the incoming characters that they add a side bar or something for easier handling of characters and tasks. It would be great to just click on a side bar for the character and have the game select them instead of hunting for the all over the screen.

    It’s a great update and you guys run a great site. I check it everyday to see the latest happenings. I can’t wait till Friday to see the new celebrity. I’ve already finish all the regular game quest and only have the comic con quest left. I just sent Patrick and Lois shopping. I hope more quests are added too.


    • Here’s a tip, use Al Harrington’s to find characters. Pick an outfit (even if the character is on a current task) and select “use”, it will take you right to that character. Note: only works on characters that have outfits. 😉


      • I never though of that little trick! Thank you so much!


      • I hadn’t thought of that, but I do use it and Carter and Stewie to find people who could be collecting items, even if they aren’t on that task right now. Just find the task for them and hit the Go button and it will skip to them showing the progress on the current task.

        Doesn’t help with premium chars who have to items to earn and no costumes though. Still wish we had some kind of locator, especially bringing attention to chars not on a task.


  20. There’s a new quest line that started for Patrick Stewart. The first task is have both him and Lois going shipping.


  21. jeffreymc12345

    First, great site.

    I got Captain Hammered two days ago and got through all 5 parts of that quest. I expected that the quest for the next costume would start up right away but no.

    Any idea of what causes the next costume quest to start?



  22. The Clamterprise must stay forever. Tinyco… Make it so.


  23. is it worth it to collect patrick stewart?

    that is, hold off on starting the tea, earl grey quest line in order to collect more slices of pizza and wizard books on the theory that they will be needed for the rest of the celebrities. the quest line is only about 10 hours long and can be run through quickly once the next celebrity shows up.


  24. I still have 6 more pizza slices to go then Patrick will be unlocked. I haven’t seen Stewie on mine yet, so I may have more work to do. I have just reached Level 20.


  25. Still No Early Red Button For Androiders! SOOOO Unfair!! lol Hope iOS Users Are Enjoying it Though


  26. They really do need to make the Clamterprise (not Clamsterprise btw 🙂 ) available permanently, Patrick needs it (and so do I lol), even if was a smaller version, like they did with the Party Pyramid in the previous event. It is very cool they have Patrick in the game and even better he is voiced, I particularly like the football skills task and the fact they used football and not soccer, well done TinyCo 🙂


  27. Soon I’ll be wetting my pants! I need two pizza slices for Stewart, one blueprint for Stewie and two banana peels for PB&J Brian. Then they are all released! I’m gonna have so much fun!


    • Wait…should we start calling you pee pants? 😉


    • I’m really curious how they managed the licensing for this? Does it fall under the parody clause and fair use? Somehow I don’t think we’ll be seeing and Star Wars references as George Lucas is a bit more protective. Still they had the awesome Blue Harvest episode so here’s hoping! Think it would make for an awesome event 🙂


      • Well George Lucas let them use it for Family Guy the show…so I think he would be ok with using it for the game. However, keep in mind everyone’s favorite mouse now owns the rights to the force. I think a lot of players would LOVE the idea of Blue Harvest (Bunny talks about it EVERY day) I hope they can work something out with the mouse people to get it going. 🙂


  28. on android so waiting for event to drop, might stop sending everyone on tasks so they are well rested 😛


  29. I am on level 10 (just got there) but did not know that I had to register until I read this site. Can I still register my Quahog without losing the entire thing, or is it too late? I sent a message to Tiny Co, but have not received a response.


    • Yes, you can still create a game profile and save your game progress. Just go to the menu button and account setup and go from there. This post (while about a different topic) will give you some screenshots and an idea of what you need to do 🙂

      Where Did My Game Go?!!


  30. tina mercurio

    I spent all weekend running brian and lois in back to back tasks and got one plutonium. Argh!!! This is worse than the eyeballs. Since the new event started (im android :(..), the drop rate has slowed to a trickle. The characters dropping blam are not dropping experience points for me. I emailed tc and no answer. Any ideas??? Im trying to get ready for Thursday.


    • It’s a random drop rate, unfortunately. I’m having a heck of a time with the plutonium as well. However, I will say that sometimes switching up the tasks (like run the 8hr task and then try a 1hr task) helps break it up and get the item to fall a little “easier”. As easy as it can be lol


  31. Alissa still dials 4-1-1 for information! hahaha 😛


  32. Do we need Stuff like the Slices of Pizza or Wizard Books for the other characters? or will the stuff change which the Comic Book Shop and Patrick Stewart’s Trailer drop?
    I dont want to spent money on buildings who are only effective for 1


    • At the moment we don’t know (And won’t know until the release more characters). They can tweak and change drops up until the day the event hits…I would hope they’ll serve a double purpose…but you just don’t know.


  33. You keep spelling the Clamterprise incorrectly. It is with an S, not a Z… As in Enterprise, not Prize 🙂

    I just got Patrick yesterday and he is awesome… Just working through his tasks now. Also have Stewie dancing with Brian… I can’t believe we had to wait so long for this essential task!!!


    • Fixed 🙂 Could blame it on a number of things but I’m sure it’s mostly my lack of proof-reading posts I write late at night 😉

      Glad you’re enjoying Patrick!


  34. How much Blam! have people got so far? Looking at how much it takes to get George Takei (100,000 Blams!?!) and already know I’m not gonna get that 😦


  35. Solid Gold Cactus

    It would be good if that picture of Lois and Patrick was actually a task


  36. Woke up this morning and got my last pizza slice to unlock Patrick! I have him and Bruce working on his first quest right now.

    Now I only need one more glass for Captain Hammered…


  37. He sounds like that guy from Anerican Dad


  38. Unlocked him about 10 mins ago! So excited, First bit of dialogue he mentions Ian Mckellen, If only Sir Ian could make an appearance and they could be BFF’s over Quahog.

    I have been pretty much checking Bonnie and Q every 4 hours, and putting Bruce on his 6 hour task since the start and just got him today. Have not spent anything on this event yet, I am happy to spend occasionally but I feel that the amount of clams wanted for the stuff to get extra Blam! Is a bit greedy.


    • Is it greedy, or what they need to keep the lights (and the servers) on?

      with so many freeloaders going ‘I ain’t buyin’ clams, why should I hafta pay money to play a free game?’ the burden of the games development (and don’t forget that royalty check to Fox!) falls on fewer shoulders than say a game like Tapped Out.

      I won’t disagree with you, its high, but to me, for this event (living in Japan nearly 10 years and haven’t made it to an American Comic-con since) is worth it. carved 30 bucks out of my summer fun budget, bought 2 of the huge blam trucks and slowly working my way to George Takei (not a ST fan, just think he’s such a class act I want him to bring a little culture to my Quahog)

      It would be a problem if they price the game so high they chase off the premium players and they stop making enough to keep the game going.

      But with games like this, if you don’t open your wallet you are not going to get everything.


      • Well said! Maybe it’s because I’m also a computer programmer and as much as I enjoy it I do have bills that have to be paid so I expect to get paid for the code that I write and I see them as no different. They’ve provided me hours of entertainment so I spend clams during events to get all the stuff I want. The rest of the time I just let time take care of it. No clams spent on Stewie or Carter, and I only need a few more blueprints and a few more sugar packets.
        When I run out of clams I’ll spend $100, then try to make them last as long as I can while still getting all the fun stuff I want.


  39. This first time a see Patric in the game I believed he was Avery Bullock from American dad! (technically he is), but seriously, Family guy has done something maybe impossible in TSTO. add guest stars with their voices in the game!!! Actually I think only King Butt and Human Rupert are the only non-voiced characters in game.


  40. The pizza slices hardly fall for me now! I need 5 more and they are not falling!! Poor Bonnie cannot get off of that pole. . . lol


  41. Loving the fact that Sir Patrick lent his voice to the game as a character! “They let me record this in my sweatpants”! Hilarious! We just gotta see his Captains uniform as a future outfit for him!


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