BLAM! Calendar iOS

Hey there Clammers. Figured you all would be wanting this information sooner or later, so here you go… the Ultimate Quahog Comic-Con & the Fabulous Four Blam! Calendar for players on iOS.

2014-07-24 09.17.22

Now before you see the numbers and panic…grab a towel. There is no need to panic. You have over 45 days to collect the Blam! needed to unlock all the prizes. Also don’t forget that in the past events, TinyCo launched changes each week to the event. Changes like doubling and tripling the prize collections. There is still plenty of time to play and enjoy the game. The Blam! Calendar will be here to help guide you to where you want to be by certain days or weeks of the event to keep on target for 100,000 Blam!

Blam Calendar iOS


(Click on the image to see a larger size.)

I started the collection the day after launch and stopped it a day before the end, to play it on the safe side as I usual do. Better to be ahead of the game. Lol. So there you go. Something to help you along and keep you on track. Do you like the Blam! Calendar? Helpful? Let us know if you have any questions on it. We are always happy to answer questions.

Til Next Time…



249 responses to “BLAM! Calendar iOS

  1. ray in the uk

    Hiya guys n gals. Has there been a time set for the android comic-con start? I want to be sure im ready as soon as it starts


  2. maybe this is a stupid question, but if a person has both IOS and Android devices, when the Android version is released and they get a special bonus, couldn’t someone using a IOS device just log in on a Android device, get the free item or whatever it is, then go back to the IOS version, keeping that item in there game??


  3. It’s the 30th… I only have 6,000 and according to your calendar I should/could earn more…. This is clearly done by playing hourly 😛

    I’ve made sure NOT to spend actual money this time round.


  4. Since it is the 30th of July will the event be available for android tomorrow


    • Maybe…just maybe the download will pop up around midnight PDT. But the iOS users had to wait until early morning for the actual event to begin. We downloaded the update, but nothing changed except the opening splash screen.


  5. How am I suppose to get to 100k? Already 7 days into the event and I’m only at 5k when the calendar says im suppose to be at 13k.


    • Remember, the calendar is just dividing 100,000 Blam by 45 Days to come up with 2222 per day. It will start slowly, but as you add more characters, your Blame will grow. Also, past experience tells us, TinyCo will add more ways to make more Blam. But we all need to remember events are how TinyCo makes most of their money (to stay in business). Although players can spend real money on clams during the normal quest line periods (if they want to), it is not a requirement to unlock districts or needed new characters. Only an investment of time is needed. So during events, there is no guarantee that everyone will get every prize. It’s set up so those choosing to play strictly free can and will collect a lot of fun cool stuff. And those that choose to invest some moola will be appropriately rewarded by getting even more cool stuff. And ultimately, TinyCo can pay their bills, make a profit and continue to invest money and manpower back into the game. I see it as a win,win,win.


    • Hey it’s the 30th and I’m still sitting at 0 blam collected so don’t worry quite just yet I think there will be increases in blam collecting ways in the future. So don’t stress when there still isn’t reason to.


  6. Oooh. I’m behind quite a bit. But thanks so much for this! Set it on my iPhone’s lock screen!


  7. First time poster here, lurked for a little though. Awesome site and awesome calendar! 🙂 Although, my wallet has suffered. Currently sittning at 70000+ blam! and rising, so i’m sure to get GT sooner or later.

    As said though, this is from someone who might be a bit too addicted and has speed up faaaar to much. 🙂


  8. Long time reader, first time post-er (apart from a couple of replies to other posts). I just wanted to say to the team on Family Guy Addicts that this is an excellent site full of information for all players, both veteran and new. Keep up the great work!


    • Welcome, long time reader, first time (sort of) poster. Lol Thank you soooo much for your kind words. Now, we want to see you in here sharing your views more often, Deal? 😉


      • You got it! I’ll represent all the players in Australia!


      • Having said that, if you guys are interested in having a new admin as part of the team, I’d be happy to be part of it. I have a small amount of experience at online writing and would be happy to help. (No need to post this if you don’t want, but I’m happy either way). Thanks team 🙂


        • Very generous offer, send us a 5000 page sample of your work. Lol But all kidding aside, thanks for expressing interest, but, we barely have room in the back office as is (they keep me locked in a shed…Help!). 😉


  9. AddictFanatic

    Need advice please.
    I have 5000 Blam! Do i…1) build traing center? 2) build fab 4 center? 3) wait and see what fri brings?
    Any advice from anyone would be a big help.


    • Wait for Friday, then put Fab 4 on the top of the list. The gang needs a Headquarters, right? Plus it will most likely be needed in a quest line. 🙂


    • I have 2 workers and I always keep one free for whatever pops up, whenever it pops up.
      I would wait until after Friday like Cybersillu suggests, but I would add to wait until you have enough blam to build the fab four center twice.

      that way if something comes up 30 seconds after you start building it you won’t be kicking yourself and screaming ‘HURRY UP!’ at your phone.
      well probably, I have no idea how much any new structures will cost but double the current most expensive seems like a good guideline.


  10. Im so jealous of all of you playing the comic con event 😦 I still have 1 day left of waiting.

    Any word on what us #teamandroid players will be getting for waiting an extra week?


  11. Well, I’m very far behind with this now because I haven’t been able to access the actual game for almost two days now! I’ve been receiving various error messages, including in “Data error – Could not configure the game”, “Data error – Could not load the game” and “Connection error – Could not connect to the server”…
    This couldn’t have happened at a worse time either, as I’m currently away from home for almost a week and have very limited Internet access (only really about half an hour in both the morning and evening), so I don’t have time to trawl through web pages trying to find a solution – so apologies if you have posted something about this elsewhere on this site! But do you have any suggestions for this issue?


  12. Any chance blam will double in the same way the butts did?


  13. I think these premium characters should earn blam, also they should earn items like a couple did early in the game. What’s the point of buying them if they don’t do something extra? That’s one good thing they can steal from tsto cuz those theirs earn more money. Kinda diss appointed I got them all n all I wanted was consela


    • Well, if I’m not mistaken the premium characters also DO earn better XP/$ rates in TQFS, but mostly with quite odd task times. I do agree, though, that they should definitely offer more reward in the game’s progress. Particularly the collecting stuff could greatly benefit from adding the premiums to the dropping group.


      • Since my premium ones don’t do much, I tend to set them on their longest tasks and forget about them. I bought consuela and she does basically nothing.


  14. My question has nothing to do with the comic-con event but I was wondering if there was a place on here that shows good ideas for layouts for district 8 that I could get some ideas from for what I should do with my entertainment district?

    Liked by 1 person

  15. I’m at 7300. But my main concern right now is unlocking Takinawa. I’ve got 3/4 parts done, but I’m still waiting on Dr. Hartman to drop eyeballs so I can unlock Anime Peter. Ugh, I loathe epic drops. I’ve put Hartman solely to work on that for the past five days, and still not one eyeball. And, of course, I’m not going to utilize Peter because he won’t earn any Blam with this task. Therefore, Takinawa, and eventually Stewie, are left sitting in the cold. Dang epic… Also, I was half-nodding off earlier doing the Bird with Peter, and I accidentally clicked on polish Peter. There goes 6 hours.


  16. I sure hope Ron Perlman is the next celeb to come! Pacific Rim is a very loved movie of mine, and I am a HUGE Sons of Anarchy fan! I was incredibly excited to hear that he was gonna be in the game! If it isn’t Perlman, I hope it’s Stan Lee! I mean come on, who isn’t addicted to the Marvel Cinematic Universe at this point?!


  17. I have like over 27,000 Blams! already!
    If i send peter many times to surfin’ for 1 hour = 362 Blams! So next week i maybe have 43,000 Blams!


  18. WOW Game would be a lot better if it didnt take so long to get a character just to get Falcon Peter and Banana Brian taking way to long ready to just quit this game Was fun in the start but now just way to long to get any where They need to give more clams when visiting neighbors one clam from a visit to ollieland thats it and takes anywhere from 30 to 40 times just to get an item from characters good game but could be better


    • I think a few clams for leveling up (game, not character) would be a great start. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I thought they could possibly make it slightly more likely items would drop if the characters were higher levels. Just seems pointless maxing them when they only need to be level 10 to unlock all their tasks. Would be a nice little addition, especially for the long time players with many characters maxed. Only have Stewie to unlock now, just got pb ‘n’ j Brian this morning.


  19. jrockinthehouse

    So I notice that every now and then my countdown will add about 10-15 minuets. Can I trust the in game timer or is it more of an estimate of when the event will end?


    • This is like the…(insert giant number) time they have tried using a countdown timer. They are getting better at it, but don’t be surprised if it vanishes before the end of the event and is replaced with just a date. 😉


  20. I currently have over 13,500 blam points, so going along with your calendar I’m a day ahead schedule.


  21. Wow I’m barely over 5,000

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Only just past the 8,000 mark. Have been blaming away non stop. I do hope they bring out out Blam for premium characters and make some sort of game like on the moon butt event. Otherwise freemium players will miss out on loads of stuff again :(.


  23. Very awesome calendar Bunny!

    Just for a reference point for people freaking out about being behind on the calendar:

    I am at 8,200 BLAM and I’ve only purchased the sommelier (the second it was available). I’ve done two days of hourly tapping (16 hours) and the other days, I’ve checked in every 4 hours, every 4 hours (even at night).

    I have not surfed the bird a single time because I feel it is unnecessary and a very potent catalyst for being ‘burnt out’.

    There is NO chance that I will miss out on GT, but my goal is to refrain from any more clam spending (unless mini-events like Rupert pull me in).

    Keep tapping and only worry about your next prize (these prizes are SO COOL)!!! Never worry about other posts, or the calendar! 🙂 Posts can be misleading, whether it be exaggeration OR they have multiple BLAM trucks/bars (which is PERFECTLY OK!).

    This event is absolutely amazing and you are potentially ruining it for yourself, fretting over little things like BLAM.

    I have awful video game OCD (with games I commit to), and a compulsion for completion. I am not even SLIGHTLY worried, and that’s saying a LOT!

    As the event goes on, your smile will grow and if you have a little faith in Tinyco, your mind will be at ease. They are a fantastic company who listens and adapts. They have even made right on mistakes they have made. Businesses (and the entire planet) revolve around money, but Tinyco is proving they have more to offer in this corrupted, cash-driven industry.


  24. Just before midnight, I’m planning on setting all my available characters except Brian & Lois to 24 hour tasks & not collecting until after the android release so I can collect maximum blam once it starts. Any suggestions on special outfits or dual-character tasks to maximize this strategy would be appreciated.


  25. Thanks for this. I am right on target, but that took 800 clams for 2 big blam trucks, setting alarms, and lots of surfing bird.

    There are already reinforcements on the horizon.
    First of course is Patrick Stewart earning blam, so its likely we’ll get blam from rescuing the other comicon celebs.

    Next is Red Hot, Lois’ hero costume.
    It’s likely her tasks will earn blam.
    Then of course Chris and Quamire have hero costumes coming up, and they will likely earn double blam just like Capt. Hammered.

    Finally the ‘Q’ prize earned at 50,000 will spawn more nerd, the main source of Blam in the event. Of course the event Q spawns 2 Gold shirts every 6 hours so if the prize Q is the same then it will only amount to 160 blam per day, but over time could mean the difference between getting the next prize or not.

    this is all out there right now, so doubtless there are more surprises coming up.

    As for how a freemium player gets GT, you pay with time if you won’t pay with money. It is probably just barely possible with a massive time investment. but if it was easy, they wouldn’t sell enough clams to keep the game going. Free players need to look at the prize list as half full not half empty. Don’t be mad you can’t get the top prize, be happy to see just how many prizes you can get for free!


    • …”you pay with time if you won’t pay with money”… I’m stealing that line…LOL. So true about more unknown stuff coming. This is a nice long event and right now I’m enjoying every “Bird Surf’in” minute of it. 😉


  26. I Wish I could follow your calender. I’m about 6500 now. Truly waiting for weekly specials.
    PS. Thanks for the calender Bunny, it’s awesome. Wish we could also know What character will be available When, so you could put it on there 🙂


  27. I am currently at 7500 but I did buy the BLAM truck and then saw they released the sommelier station. I pinged tiny co to refund my clams from the truck so I can get the station since the station. Was released like 2 days later or so. They did take the truck and gave me the clams so that was really nice and worked out well

    That may help out some ppl on the fence.

    The 6 hr tuner sucks since hard to get the 18 hr one so I was only getting 3 times a day. 8 hrs works a lot better.


  28. As a day 1 player who got pee pants only with last minute clams, then didn’t get butt (‘only’ spent $10) or Rupert (spent nothing), I did a 180 and picked up every clam item. Even Picard and Peter buildings. I get on every few hours. I’m almost at 11,000 and haven’t unlocked Stewie yet to do his tasks. Hoping this unprecedented game investment works out because I want all of this stuff. If not, it’s the end of the line.


    • You’ve got a great collection going at this point. But two things I would caution you on (mostly so you don’t get frustrated and discouraged)…1) they’ll add more premium stuff as the event progresses and 2) they’ll tweak and change things as the event progresses (with regards to earning blam!)


  29. As long as good ol’ George doesn’t need a bunch of items to satisfy him once you pay 100,000, then the calendar is a great milestone guide!


  30. I think I’m with the majority about 6,000 behind. I have not used any clams so I’m anxiously awaiting some double ups.

    Liked by 1 person

  31. Things will have to change to some capacity. Because from the looks of it even if an Android player pays for all the premium blam items that person would still have no chance of getting George Tekai and that’s definitely not fair if an Android user spends money to get all the blam they can possibly get they will still have ZERO chance of getting every prize out of this event.


    • As I stated in the post, it is ONLY week 1. 6+ more to go. If we have learned anything from past events, they change and grow with each week. Drops during Kingdom doubled and tripled later in the event. Lots of things added to help. I foresee same with this event. Can’t wait to see what comes next. Really cool so far and we have only scratched the surface. 😉


  32. How is everyone getting so much blam?!?! I barley have 5000


  33. Anybody getting the could not connect screen right now? It started a few minutes ago and won’t connect on any device. Internet works so it’s not a modem issue


  34. I missed 2 days cause I was in hospital getting my appendix out but I am keeping up pretty well with the calendar.


    • Glad you are feeling better. Nothing heals like a smile. 😉


    • OMG !!! Hope it went well. I’m getting pains in my abdomen and was in hospital Sunday. Thought it was my appendix. They sent me home and said it’s probably gastro. I’m still getting lots of pain and debating to go to a better hospital tomorrow for more answers. Hope you have a fast recovery


  35. I will join the crowd in the behind schedule gang!!! I’m at 6926, and on level 21(just reached that) of the game. I join close to he end of the butts game. My sister-in -law is about 1000 ahead of me but she bought the truck for extra blams,. I’m always trying to get either close or pass her,( she is on level 38). LOL!!!


  36. Beautiful and useful! So is the calendar. 🙂 Thanks!


  37. Stewie's Doodies

    LOL. That is both incredibly helpful and incredibly intimidating. 🙂

    I’m at 7,579 Blam


  38. Cat wait to get the event in my town.

    I hope Stan Lee isnt hard to get


  39. I started on Day 1, and I’m currently at 8,270 Blam. That’s with no clams spent, Blam eligible characters on constant Blam earning tasks, and A LOT of Surfin’ Bird. Luckily, I unlocked Sir Patrick yesterday and he also drops Blam.

    Unless TinyCo has some special Blam boosts, I don’t see how freemium players will get to 100k clams. I didn’t use any clams on the Kingdom event, and I only got to 45k on my own. The only way I got enough to unlock King Butt was through the Jelly-O trick. I really, really hope they learned from that event and make it easier to get George Takei. Gotta keep the fans happy so we keep playing!!


    • Only a week in. 6+ to go. Lots to come. Can’t make a judgment so early on. 😉

      I can’t wait to see what comes next. 😉


      • What can I say, I’m an ADDICT! I must unlock all the characters!!!

        But seriously, I’ve invested so many hours in this game, I know that even if I don’t unlock George I’ll keep playing. Just trying to stop myself from spending money on clams.


        • Lol. We understand. It can get costly, but oh so fun. That’s why we try to put out all we can to help get as much as you can without the wallet. Which is still a good amount. It is most definitely a game that feeds to both the Freemium and Premium side. I am just loving the event. 😉


  40. Patience YOUNG GRASSHOPPERS!! First you must take these rags Left hand Wax On right hand Wax Off!!! ALL GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT!!! Instant Gratification is not free!! 😉 🙂


  41. I think the majority of us are around 6,000…including me. I bought the big truck but not the Sommalier Bar yet…will I need to?


    • I honestly do not know. I am waiting to see the weekly release. 6+ weeks of fun stuff joining the game. That can easily change the entire game play. 😉


  42. I’m only at 6619. George Takei would be awesome but my main objective is to get Stan Lee.


  43. I’ve been playing since first day and I’m at just under 6k blam but says I should be at 11k.. Just like the butts, I’m far behind already 😦


    • Again, please don’t over think the Calendar. It is only a reference guide. As in past events, new things will come to the game as it progresses and could completely change the playing field. Just like in Kingdom. Numbers doubled and tripled the return. More things added. Just keep playing at a pace good for you, enjoy and have fun, you still have well over a month to go. No need to worry or stress so early in the game. 😉


  44. Ive been collecting since day1 and im not even at 5000. do you have some kind of strategy to maximize output?


    • I am crunching numbers as we speak, but keep in mind…just like I stated in this post…things will come…things will change, so any details I put out will be for only CURRENT items within the game. I am excited to see what this weekend brings to us and the event. 😉


  45. i only have 5650 as of this moment. I am not using clams for the game. on the better side of things….I got my new Iphone 5S today. upgraded from a really old iphone 4. everthing on the phone is so much faster ….. Blam that !!!! 🙂 lol !!

    Liked by 1 person

  46. Solid Gold Cactus

    Are the days telling you how much you should have or?


  47. Thank you Bunny for the calender! 🙂 I did not need it to know i was behind by about 5k but it is all tentative because anything can happen between now and the end! Nonetheless, I am grateful for the Calender because it gives me a base number each day! 🙂


  48. how much money did you spend on blam trucks?? to get that or what else are you doing?


    • Who are you directing this question to?


      • the poster of this article.. Im at about 59oo blam so im 5200 behind


        • The numbers are just an anticipated goal. Nothing that I have myself. I put the information out there so others can look and compare to see an approx daily amount they need to meet or exceed to get to the goals they want.

          Myself, I have one of each item only due to I get them and test them for the blogs sake. So my game play will be a bit different than an average player. Each test game I use I take different strategies.

          My suggestion, patience. It is only barely a week in and still LOTS to go. 6 + weeks. Lots more things coming. So hang in there. Tap at the pace that works for your, then decide what options you want in the game to meet or exceed your personal goals. 😉


  49. Do you think it’s worth it to spend 700 clams on the Blam bar that gives 250 Blam every 8 hours?


    • Do I want is coming on that too. I’m still crunching numbers.


    • I’m a premium player and a bit of an OCD completionist. I got four of the bigger trucks and two of the bars and they do wonders at increasing your blam amount. Though crunching numbers, it is probably best to wait until near the end of the event. That gives TinyCo a chance to increase drop values and other ways of winning blam to get to the 100k mark (like the King Butt shots thing). If toward the end of the event you are still a bit off, buy a bar for 700 blam and just keep finishing the task for 16 blame to get you over the line. In my opinion that’s the most efficient and cheapest way of getting George if you are willing to spend a few clams. I should take my own advice because I’ve already blown a lot of clams to unlock him, lol. In future I’ll use this method! Hope this helps guys.


  50. cool. looks like something i would/will do, but i prefer spreadsheets. very anxious to see how they even the playing field for us android players who are starting a week late.


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