Limited Time Event Update: Sexy Stewie & Human Rupert (COMPLETE)

Hey there Clammers. Here we are on Thursday and new content just hit our games. WOOHOO! So let’s jump right in. This IS a timed event. That means you have until Monday September 22nd, 3PM PDT.  UPDATE 9-22: This has been extended to WEDNESDAY, September 24th 3PM PDT.

Sexy Party

Keep in mind the OTHER District 9 items are around to stay, so you can put them to the side while working on this.

Sexy Time Stewie

In order to unlock Sexy Stewie, you will need to have completed the Freaks and Geeks Part 5 questline. Once you have, the new quests will start. “Time for a Sexy Party.”

Now to unlock Sexy Stewie, you will need to gather the following materials below.

Baby Powder20 Baby Powders (Common): Peter Stub his Knee, Lois Shoplift, Human Rupert Chat on the Phone, and Tiny Tots Preschool.

Dulcet Tones15 Dulcet Tones (Rare): Lois Teach Piano, Seamus Sing Shanties, and Peter Super Dancy Dance max

Pink Chapagne6 Pink Champagnes (Rare Extra Rare): Carter Smoke Money Cigars, Jerome Host Happy Hour, and Buzz Killington Drink at the Clam (We were told this would be Rare, though the game showed Extra Rare when it went live. FAQ still says Rare. We are waiting clarification, so for now…it will show Extra Rare in the game.) 

Poncy Hat3 Poncy Hats (Extra Rare): Seamus Sing Shanties, Yacht Club, and Lobster Shanty

Again, this is a TIMED event. It will end onMonday September 22nd, 3PM PDT.  UPDATE 9-22: This has been extended to WEDNESDAY, September 24th 3PM PDT. So make sure you have ALL items collected and Sexy Stewie running round your game BEFORE then. (TinyCo listened to your requests of Clam/Premium items helping out on Material collections.)


Human Rupert

You asked for it and TinyCo is giving it to you. Human Rupert is now back in our Quahogs for those of you that still wanted to pick him up. He will now be in your Shop to purchase. In order to be able to SEE him for purchase, you will need to have at LEAST District 4 unlocked. If you do, the “Bear on the Loose” quest will pop up and you will be able to buy Human Rupert in Bare Bear Tanning Salon.

tanningsalon Human Rupert250 Clams

He will also have a new series of quests too. “Bad Bromance.” This will pop up once you start working on District 9. So for those of you who already have him from the Tea Party AND have District 9 open, you will see a ! pop up for Human Rupert to start the new dialog. This shows up around “Time for a Sexy Party Part 3”. 

Human Rupert in Bare Bear Tanning Salon WILL expire on Monday September 22nd, 3PM PDT.  UPDATE 9-22: This has been extended to WEDNESDAY, September 24th 3PM PDT. So make sure you by him BEFORE then.


We also have some new decorations in the game too.

Extravegant FountainExtravagant Fountain, $5000, It is animated. (Must have District 8 Unlocked to see it.)

Elegant FountainElegant Fountain, $1000, It is animated. (Must have District 8 Unlocked to see it.)

You can buy as many of both as you want. They do look cool with the water spouting out as animation. I also like they are for coins.


As you progress with Sexy Stewie questline, you will notice even more fun decorations unlock.

Doody DropoffDoody Dropoff, $1000 (Must have District 9 Unlocked to see it.)

EscashadyEscashady, $2500 (Must have District 9 Unlocked to see it.)

Champagne PyramidChampagne Pyramid, $3000 (Must have District 8 Unlocked to see it.)

Sexy Party GirlsSexy Party Girls, 150 Clams, they dance in place. (FYI, these are NOT the same ones used in Sexy Stewie’s task to dance with girls. THESE are just decorations. Nothing more. The others only show for his task, then leave again.) They will show up with the new Sexy Stewie stuff. 

All some pretty cool looking decorations for the game.


Sexy Party Planning with trigger AFTER you created Sexy Stewie. Around “Time for a Sexy Party Part 2” 

Sexy Party Planning Task List

You will also have ANOTHER Limited Time option in your game. The Sexy Party Planning. Once triggered, you have 3 days to do the following…

Sexy Time StewieCreate Sexy Stewie

decoration_lawntiger_thumbnailPlace Lawn Tiger, 50 Clams

Build High Heel Boutique, $5000, $70 & 45XP every 12hrs
There are currently 2 version of this Boutique.  Both will complete the task.  However, if you purchased it shortly after the update hit you’d see this Boutique:
High Heel Boutique

But if you were to go in now and purchase it it’d look like this:
Again both will complete the task.  Both cost the same and earn the same.  The second is just revised artwork they got in after the event launched…

Once completed, you get this as a Free Reward…

Sexy Stewie Robe StationSexy Stewie Robe Station

Sexy Party Planning TimerAgain, you only have 3 days to do this.

Remember…EVERYTHING, including decorations goes when all the Sexy Stewie stuff ends Wednesday. So you need to buy it/unlock it in order to keep it in your town. 

What do YOU think of all this? Like the new Stewie Costume? Like they brought Human Rupert back? Happy they are incorporating more Premiums into collections? Let us know below. We LOVE hearing from you.


349 responses to “Limited Time Event Update: Sexy Stewie & Human Rupert (COMPLETE)

  1. Overall I’m happy lol but I agree with other players, it’s sucks that cleavland is literally useless :/


  2. Hey guys I was being stupid today and went to the shop and acientenly brought the party girls. I did not want them at all but now I’m stuck with them and I was wondering if I could get my 150 clams back I had 493 now I only have 343 I want to save up and buy sexy stewie and I really want my clams back can you guys give me any advice


  3. for the pink champagnes, you would think that bonnie and stripper bonnie would earn that with their drinking task and champagne room task, respectively but nope. way to go tiny co


  4. When does the beautiful bunny quest line get added to the game?


  5. With Human Rupert back in the game is there a way TinyCo can insert him into my new game? I lost my first game because I was forced to reset my tablet because the wi-fi got messed up and I never knew I was suppose to log on to Google+ since there is no mention to do this in the game’s instructions when you first start the game. Why TinyCo doesn’t demand players to first log in like other games is a mystery.

    Anyways I lost a lot of great stuff I won during the Rupert Tea Party event: Human Rupert, Dansu Dansu, Lobster Shanty, Koi Pond, Spotlights, Stewie Flower, Big Bubbly Fountain and one building can’t currently find, but I think it was a roller skating rink. I also won Colossal Fire Works during the 4th Of July event.


  6. gee… if only I could get that last rod to drop to unlock Stewie (which I’ve been trying for since BEFORE the con ended) maybe I could participate in this… *sigh*

    Liked by 1 person

  7. So wait…i dont have stewie unlocked yet so i dont care about his cistume..but what happens after human rupert expires again on monday? Will he never be available again? How will we get the 100 clams from the “characters you buy” if we dont get rupert this weekend?


  8. Just looked to buy some clams and where the price should be it said “wait” on all of them. Anyone else getting this?


  9. So in my game the Pink Champagne is listed as Extra Rare, typo above?


  10. Pff again out of space, seriously i hope Tiny Co adds a lot more of purchasable areas at top left again


  11. I dont think it will be possible to get all of the dulcet tones – the tasks are too long and drop rate is rare. Not enough time in three days unless tinyco adds character tasks or increases the drop rate….


  12. If I’m not planning on spending Clams, is it even worth trying to get the “stuff” to get this Stewie costume? Is it possible that I could collect everything in the allotted time if I’m diligent?



    I really want to see TinyCo diversify the item collection to include MOST of the characters, not just a few. This is a MAJOR oversight on their part. I feel one of the things I like most is having everyone working away on something, not just wandering around when there is a time sensitive item collection happening. WAKE UP tinyco!


    • You are welcome to add this to the Dear TinyCo post below. I can tell you in pretty much every game I have played, including an another app we write on…it is usually the main characters that always are the focal point. It is more so the game caters to ALL players, new and old, as the main characters are the first unlocked and new players won’t be able to participate at all if they were excluded. Not an oversight, a way of gaming on all platforms for all companies. (There is also the change in coding that has to happen. Not simplistic work. 😉 )

      We are seeing them add MORE characters into the mix of helping out. Premiums too. So they are changing that aspect and that is great. But I still believe from a player standpoint that the main characters do always need to be involved.

      Dear TinyCo: I Would Really Like…..


      • That makes total sense for limited time characters. But what about Tom? You have to have a bunch of characters before you can unlock him. District based characters should make greater use of the cast list while limited time characters can depend on the core early game characters.


        • I get what you are saying, just letting you know I have not seen that as of yet in any app game. TinyCo may break that mold as they have on so many other things. All we can do is to keep making suggestions to them through our games. 😉


      • For events where new players might be involved it makes sense to stick with the earliest characters but each district builds on the previous so there is no reason to not use D8 chars to unlock D9.

        This event relies on you having Stewie so not using D9 characters makes sense but there is no not to use D7.


  14. How does this start ? The quest to create the Stewie costume has but not this! Also does the lawn tiger we bought in the last mini event count towards this ?


  15. I can’t say I like these 3 day events (especially as a Kindle user). This one in particular will not be possible for many of us as Stewie is one of the later characters to unlock. It would be different if they did like Iron Baby and let us get the costume without necessarily having Stewie (or perhaps letting us use clams to buy the skin). Oh well, maybe it will come back sometime.


    • Same here. Freaks & Geeks 1 needs Anime Peter to do it. I have everything for Anime Peter except 1 eyeball out of 3. And the 2 I have dropped yesterday after around 3 weeks of having the doctor guy Prepare for exam and a week & a half of Tweaked Out Peter doing his eyeball task.

      Would have both doing that stuff, but I needed Peter for the last week of Comic-Con and then doing the stuff to even get to the part where I could get that far/his tasks.

      So I will more than likely not even unlock Stewie before the end of this event, let along get the costume.


  16. So I haven’t completed part 1 of the quest (for Stewie to read a magazine) and it hasn’t shown up as a timed quest. Does that mean if I complete part 1 today then I will have 3 days to do everything starting today? Or is it already a set time for everybody (Monday)?


  17. Any info on what triggers the The Sexy Party Planning?


  18. Done everything and still locked out… Can Tinyco be called? This is getting bad. I don’t want to peanently delete this game


  19. Debating on whether to get the sexy party girls. Do they follow sexy stewie around, dancing? Or, are they more of an animated decoration that stays in one place?


  20. I have already finished Vinny tasks and I already have started unlocking Stewie’s Sexy Party outfit, but I haven’t got the limited time task for Sexy Party Planning. How can I unlock it? I don’t have the Lawn Tiger, maybe is this the reason why the task didn’t show up?


  21. Feels a bit painful having to pull a big ole clam trigger for human Rupert, when I was 1 mystery box away from getting him free. Maybe they should have scaled the price based on how you had done in the previous event!


  22. Wish that one part for 50 clams was not that cost for the party quest but at least i’ll get Stewie’s costume 😉


  23. I’m furious that Human Rupert is back. I had a problem with my game where the Comic-Con event started at 7am EST, which meant that the Tea Party event which was advertised to go away at 1pm EST disappeared 6 hours early – taking the box that I had earned but not opened that SHOULD have contained Rupert along with it. I have been sending TinyCo customer support tickets for weeks – ever since that morning – but have gotten ZERO response. I am getting so tired of begging for them to just respond to me, let alone fix the problem and reward me with the Rupert that I already spent clams (to speed up actions) to ensure that I would be able to claim him in July. “Bringing him back” and for “250 clams” feels like a slap in the face after all this time.


  24. I really love them using premium characters to help out, it’s the way it should be. Buzz has a 1hr task for an extra rare item, it’s great. He’s already given me one so far and I’ve got 2 of 3 Caps.

    This is an easy costume to snag for anyone who is regular on their task management, even without Buzz’s help.

    Liked by 2 people

  25. Oh come on…!! The last 2 weeks (after ComicCon has ended) my game ran so smoothly on Android. Now this update came and the game crashes most of the time. I need 3-4 logins to collect everything in my town…
    What makes it even worse for me is the fact that I didn’t unlock Stewie yet so the Sexy Stewie custome is not even offered to me.. AAARGHH!


  26. Pff, I stil havn’t unlock Stewie. Still need 2 of those green bars.
    It’s weeks i’m trying. Looks a fun little update, but I don’t think I will have the change to take a shot at it…


  27. hmm what do i think of all this ?

    A limited time quest should not need to be clam related.
    e.g. what if one can only afford to buy clams next week ?
    or the freemium player that has to save up for that ?

    .. yes, ok , sure, we all understand company’s must make some money,

    .. so does my dealer …

    so yes, let the addicts spend some cash on extra’s,
    wait .. didn’t we just all have to have three animals and a present coked up giraffe right after a event with some pay-only characters and much pay only buildings ??..

    — there’s dealers and there’s pushers…

    So a limited time quest that at some point involves spending 50 clams on a lawn tiger…
    now that’s pushing me to go all GTA on some random person and spend the loot on clams before the timer ends.

    Perhaps i can use this line of ranting as my defence plea and get TinyCo to pay me and that random victim for any physical and/or any mental damage…
    TC could most likely tax-deduct it, and knowing we would spend it all on clams anyway, win/win situation fro everybody after all…
    however.. i would still need more then three days …..

    in reality , nothing is true, it is just how things are.



  28. I hope they release another escashady since I won’t be able to get it. I really want one.


    • Sell all the fences in your town if you need quick coins. They add up quick and you can slowly build them back later. You can also sell trees and bushes and things of that nature but I got like 5000 just out of the fences surrounding my country club.


  29. Only 3 days to get his new costume, sorry not long enough, some of the tasks are short, but some of us have to work friday saturday and monday, so cannot keep logging on, and also after I put Rupert on a day long task


  30. I’d really appreciate, if TinyCo released everything BEFORE I put the relevant characters on 1d-shifts -.- or at least announced it a little earlier :/


  31. Pity I won’t unlock stewie in time to even think of getting his costume but I was thinking to myself the other day ‘hey how about a throwback costume, everyone lives Stewie’s sexy parties’


  32. How do you get the sexy girls to unlock. I am doing the quests for sexy stewie. I am not in district 9 yet. Thanks


    • After you unlock Sexy Stewie they should show least that’s how it was in my game.

      Actually I stand corrected…in my A game I just saw them pop as soon as the quest for Sexy Stewie popped up. Everything is in there but the building for the limited-time challenge. (Stewie was finishing up a quest last night so I couldn’t check in my A game last night, and in my B game it was after I created Sexy Stewie, but they could have changed it)


      • Thank you. I’ll just keep going and hopefully they’ll open up. My husbands pad had them immediately unlocked when it started and he got them. He’s in district 9 and I rushed Stewie to participate in the event so I’m still in 8. I didn’t know if that made a difference or not. Cheers


  33. Love it!!! I already have 2 sailors caps


  34. Great to have the chance to get Rupert again but with only 4 days to get 60 clams I’m gonna be missing him again. Assuming he won’t be back after this event too…


  35. Wow was close to getting Rupert for free the first time he was released. I can’t believe a once free item is that many clams now. What a slap in the face. I prefer the cute little stuffed bear to human Rupert. I’ll pass on this.


  36. Hey Bunny, my timer for rupert said 4 days rather than three did they extend the time?


  37. It sucks that I started this game late. I am working on getting stewie unlocked. Not even close!! I already missed out on the iron baby and now I miss out on sexy stewie too 😦


  38. When does the limited time sexy party planning pop up because I just started collecting items for sexy stewie costume but this hasn’t popped up for me yet? Any ideas?


    • It just jumped up in the test game as we were speeding through. So I can only assume it was around time Sexy Stewie unlocked, but I want to be sure on it. So I am waiting confirmation back. No worries. I will update it tomorrow when I get clarification on all item questions for the event. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  39. Dang. My favorite Stewie outfit and I do not think I am going to have a shot to even start this quest. I am still working on unlocking Brian right now. Hopefully they bring this back later.


  40. I got Rupert already but I don’t see the “!” on him to start the bad bromance questine. I did everything except getting tom and vinny and of course this stewie costume, did I miss something?


  41. Looking at the task icons in the HUD, I only see that Human Rupert has a timer on him. Stewie doesn’t. Is he time limited as well. I mean, you say that he is, but there’s no countdown timer on him, which makes it seem like he’s not. Just curious. Little more than 3 days to unlock him AND there’s some Extra Rare items to get first? Crazy.


    • Like it clearly points out…many times…he is Limited Time. Lol 😉

      It is more due to his COSTUME is yours to keep once you unlock it. So essentially that is NOT going to go anywhere once unlocked and being used by Stewie. Rupert is easier to tag as limited as he is linked with a building and a direct purchase.


      • No. I think that you misunderstand. I know that these things are yours to keep once you unlock them. However, there’s a bit of a conflicting message being sent. That opening screen says that it’s for a limited time. However….

        1) The Stewie icon in the HUD doesn’t have a countdown timer like Rupert’s does.

        2) In the costume shop, the new Stewie costime isn’t listed with the usual “Limited Time” red banner that such costumes get tagged with. Instead, it’s listed like any other unlockable.

        I don’t know where you’re getting that it’s pointed out “many times” because it really isn’t. The popup says one thing, but the rest of the UI says something else. Plus, I’ve gotten no other popups or indicators saying that Sexy Stewie is limited. I’m on iOS btw.

        I’m not whining about this being a timed event thing. I’m just saying that nothing is clearly marked.


        • I get what you are saying. I get that you are looking for a lil sticker. I am just also pointing out it is clearly stated in the pop up. As well as their FAQ where they list ALL things going on currently. Much like what we post here. THAT clearly states the deadline as well. Menu, Help & Support, How to Play, How do I unlock Sexy Stewie…

          Myself, I have gotten the pop up for “Limited Time” for the new stuff the last 15 times I logged into my account. 🙂

          Probably will have a post on their Facebook and Twitter too on it by tomorrow. 😉


  42. Buzz does something omg bout time now just for consuella and the rest to follow suit buzz was the last I purchased after doing over time on my job am sort of glad he worth while hope this keeps up and not just a one off


  43. Hopefully I can get him
    Shocked there’s a sexy party and alyssa and bunny weren’t invited


  44. Giancarlo Coppola

    The sexy party planning quest didn’t Pop up for me


  45. noooooooo! i’ve only just started asiantown!


  46. Yes yes yes! Love it! I just got the fountains, champaign, the escalade and the girls and stuck them right out front of the country club, already have rupert from last time. Now on to sexy stewie! Should be easy since plenty of buildings and characters (including buzz! What? He does something?) are involved in the collecting. ill use a few clams on the last day if necessary. I wish the girls did their giggling when tapped on that would be better.


  47. Why do they always release 2, 3…4 things at once throughout a week? It’s like they’re trying to blow their load before the girl loses interest. Are they afraid players will move on to another game before they can get all the content out? I’d rather have one solid release a month or every 3 weeks or something rather than 3 updates in a week. I can’t even enjoy their events when they have so much **** going on. Good for them for at least releasing new content, but chill the f out with it already and at least pretend you’ve got a plan rather than this update diarrhea


  48. I just bought 130 clams from the Play Store for $5 and got a deal from TinyCo that said “Buy 1 get 1 free”. Only bought it because I wanted Human Rupert and was 72 clams away now I got 188 clams after buying Rupert. Thanks TinyCo


  49. Does anyone remember the episode where Stewie putted on his sexy costume and girls and him started dancing.. it was season.. 4… e
    Ah i dont remember

    I don’t know… should i buy Rupert? Yes! I have many clams


  50. They added a task for jake tucker to earn a microphone for Tom. It is his east at McBurger task for 6 hours just thought I would tell you.


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