Hack hack hack….

Chop chop chop…

Kill kill kill….


OMG I LOVE HALLOWEEN!!!! EEEEEEEEEEE!!! Looks like TinyCo is ready to add even MORE of an element into the game. Maybe those lil brats are getting a lil TOO out of hand.

I feel like a lil kid with a bottomless candy bag and I just keep knocking on TinyCo’s door to grab goodies. So far, they have not disappointed. 🙂

Jason and Justin Voorhees

Now the question is…will his “partner in crime” join him too? Only time will tell what our lil games with bring next. What do YOU think?


Time to update my 2D art for Family Guy…I just WISH they gave me MORE white!!! 😉 (yah…another game. 😛 )

Fred n Jason

90 responses to “EEEEEEEEEEEE JASON!!!

  1. terrance willenborg

    he’s here Jason whooooooo but do you get keep him after the events is over????


  2. When is Jason comming?
    I thought he was ariving now.


  3. I love the fact that they put a timer on this event. Let u know when the update is.


  4. So awesome. Can’t wait. Hopefully they add Freddy and Michael. All three are the Unholy Trinity of Horror. I am curious about two things though: when you click on him will you just here his theme (Ki Ki Ki Ma Ma) or nothing? And how many people are going to make me LMAO by complaining that Jason has no voice?


  5. One of the best horror films I have seen in a while is the conjuring. No cheap blood and guts tricks, just a good old fashioned ghost story. Recommended it if you haven’t seen it already peeps!


  6. im confused … is jason dropped ? or a buy ?


  7. “Hack hack hack….” Tsk, tsk, tsk… I don’t know but I think this breaks your site rules about mentioning hacking 😉 See what I mean? It is all about context 🙂


  8. Once we have Jason (and I’m assuming Freddy as well!), I would really appreciate a breakdown of the 4 premium characters! I’ll most likely only have enough clams for one of them, and I wouldn’t mind a recommendation as to which is the most appealing to have in town (leaning toward Alien, but we’ll see!)

    I also fully agree with you on the white for art! All I have that would work are the white flowers I got from the 4th of July event, and I only have a few of them. My Megaman art in town has yellow eyes! YELLOW EYES! That’s not Megaman! That’s… MegaJaundiceMan or something.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll leave that breakdown to Bunny…as horror movies are NOT my thing..and I hate Halloween bah humbug! 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    • Jason and freddy are more halloween-ish than predator and alien, but even so, I prefer these first two.

      Scary characters? Jason and Freddy are cliché, but how about IT, that awful clown that made me had nightmares in my childhood.


  9. The only horror series I even remotely like is the Saw series. I would pay to see Jigsaw in the game but pretty much nothing else… Oh wait, maybe the spinning head chick from The Exorcist 🙂


  10. My Top 10 Scary Movies:
    1) Halloween (original)
    2) Halloween 2 (original)
    3) Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original)
    4) The Exorcist
    5) Dawn of the Dead (remake)
    6) The Entity
    7) In the Mouth of Madness
    8) Nightmare on Elm Street (original)
    9) Event Horizon
    10) The Fourth Kind
    Wanted to add The Thing, Night of the Living Dead, Cujo, and Sleepaway Camp.
    Plus the 1st four Friday the 13th and picking the 3rd one as my favorite.


    • I’ve seen Sleepaway Camp so many times! Mostly when I was a teenager, but I watched again not long ago and it still cracked me up. Glad to see someone else loves that movie too!


  11. I’ve given up putting100% of my time into trying to get Bombs because the payout just isn’t worth the effort. I have 6 characters go on the task and get 1-2 Bombs average for 4 long hours. I get more Traps from just Diane and Francis and Vials killing Lurkers on buildings. I only use Traps on buildings that produce Vials with the 6 hour Trap there to cut the slack if needed. I’ve been able to stockpile Traps unlike Bombs, which I go through way too fast.

    I tried to do the maze trick of killing 15 Treaters, but there’s no way to keep Bombs in stock to replenish supply with Treaters dropping every every 30 minutes and also coming from the Portal.

    Instead I’m having characters I need to unlock Stewie, PB&J Brian and Carter go to work with the those that can’t do anything else get Bombs casually. Less characters equal better odds.

    When the questionnaire comes in I plan to give this event a 6 out of 10. The event had too many mistakes to make it as enjoyable as ComiCon, which I gave an 8.


    • I don’t know what you are talkin about with the bombs. Heck I don’t even send my characters out for bombs for the bombs I do it because it also gives a good fp and vial payout, because they have been constantly searching during this one week I’ve been able to get 20 bombs(while doing the maze) And my fright lvl is at 9 now


  12. I now have over 200 candy corns….anyone else wondering what where are supposed to do with so much candy corn? Lol

    Liked by 4 people

  13. I seen the comments people saying that they have Jason in their town but I don’t have the option of Jason this is an android exclusive thing on my not seeing Jason because I am playing on an iPhone


  14. Haven’t had a terror dog in 2 days. Is this a glitch?


  15. Love the art work bunny! It doesnt matter how fast you run, Jason will walk faster lol. Love both friday 13th and nightmare on elm st except for their pathetic comeback attempts a few years ago. saw the 2009 jason movie in theaters and thought it was aweful didnt think much of the freddie remake either sinse they decided to turn him into a pedifile. Will always love the originals though. On the other hand the halloween remakes by rob zombie, now those are awesome!


    • Agreed the remakes were hackish at times and I’ve not even seen the remake of “Nightmare” but i here it’s a darker premise and they’ve dropped the whole comic routine, which I’m not totally against. But I feel like Haley, the guy they got to play Freddie, would have done a great job, because he played an amazing Rorschach, another darkly, mysterious character, and basically a psychopath as well LOL. As for “Halloween remakes” I liked the first, but the second was just weird and ***** up! Too much! Not to mention, all of sudden, Michael develops a grunt. He’s never made a peep in all these years then all of sudden hes grunting like a *** bodybuilder doing 300lb dead lift HAHA! I love Rob and all his movies, but that was just a terrible decision.

      Liked by 1 person

      • For the record Freddy was always a pedophile and a child part of her chest in the original third actually been a nationwide story were kids were accusing daycare workers are childless station so they told that down in the original nightmare on Elm Street what I didn’t like about the remake was in the original Freddy Krueger had killed 20 childrenand he had gotten off on a technicality in the remake they took out the child murder part and left it as a suspected child molester that never even went to court the parents just murdered him themselves individually and T Justice without going through the legal system


  16. I’ll never quite understand the sheer amount of complaining from people toward TinyCo about premium items.

    1 event:

    3 characters
    4 ghostbusters costumes
    4 Halloween costumes

    ALL FREE!!!!!

    And that’s not including the countless buildings/decos that have been FREE!!!!

    The buildings/premium characters that are released are never, ever needed. Only a means to get characters/outfits quicker (buildings, especially). The characters are just another chance of getting event currency (bombs, dog bones, banshee eyes, etc).

    It really is mind-boggling.

    Liked by 6 people

  17. Bunny, which horror series do you prefer – Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm Street? I like them both pretty much equally, and I particularly enjoyed the two horror titans goin at it in Freddy Vs. Jason. Great stuff! You have a favorite death scene in these films?


    • Man…that all depends. The original Nightmare I saw ages ago and loved it. I have made Haunted Houses from a young age (like at 4 and 5 I was helping my Dad), and more professionally as I got older. I did the special effects and planned out the design for the haunt. LOVED IT! I am more into the movies for the special effects and if they can scare me. Not much can anymore. Lol.

      I do not like the newer TOO much gore films as I believe they take away the imagination…and THAT is more what frightens people and sends chills down their spine. Friday was more a film where Nightmare seemed…more silly(?) to me. Like they wanted too many laughs at times. Still both neck and neck for me though. Johnny Depp getting killed as it was my first encounter seeing him prob will always stick in my mind. HAHAHAH

      I REALLY like old black n white films…where you let the imagination control the fear. It made for some great movie moments of fright.


      • How about the Final Destination films? The special effects in all five of them are amazing to me. Its a different spin on the typical horror film where death comes for you in the form of a terrible accident instead of a ‘boogy-man’. From what I understand, movies like ‘Saw’ would be too much? The seven films in that series are VERY heavy on the blood, gore, and torture. For a horror series, the interconnected storylines are the most impressive I’ve seen in this genre. Lets have TinyCo bring Jigsaw to our Quahogs!!


        • Like in Seven with Brad Pitt. You never saw what was in the box but I bet your mind was going nuts. The imagination is where some of the scariest stuff lies. Mind plays tricks on us.

          And no…I don’t care to watch and see how far blood squirts or how it looks to shatter bones over n over n over n over. I saw (hahah nice word) enough of that just being an adrenaline junkie and getting in bike wrecks myself. Or seeing wrecks. I just think the movie loses its appeal if you wanna hurl from seeing stuff. I prefer playing with the mind. Making you think you saw something. Intrigue the audience. Pull them in . Don’t send then running to the toilet.

          Liked by 1 person

          • One movie thats perfect for playing mind games with us would be ‘The Sixth Sense’. I NEVER saw that ending coming, did you? My brain took awhile to recover from that, damn!!


            • It was amazing. You were in complete shock at the end. “WHAT JUST HAPPENED!!!” 🙂


              • Ah the mainstream market ruined the ending for me already. And it’s hard for me to get into M. Night anymore, just for the fact, hes known for the big twist ending. It’s like yeah you don’t know exactly what the ending is, but you know it’s going to have a twist and that little hint just ruins it for me. The ones that got me spun up top my head back to feet then back to my head again were the Mist (the film) OMG what a horribly-beautiful ending! That was amazing! I literally had to have my buddy fix my jaw for me. And the other was (not tech horror) but Oldboy, original and new. Unless with some hint, no one saw that ending coming IDC who you are! But strictly speaking horror genre, no one takes the cake then good’ol Leatherface! The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) was an instant classic, game changer, and totally MY SHIT! BRING HIM ON TINY CO ill spend hard amounts of cash to get his chainsaw loving ***!


          • Love all kinds of horror films be it an over the top buckets of blood flick to a slow building of tension grab whats near you movie. I do agree that a lot of the directors today dont understand the less is more aspect that the old black and whites like “Psycho” utilized but keep in mind the censors wouldn’t allow it back then. Think the first “Saw” movie is a prime example..people will swear up and down how gory it is but in actuality. .not much gore…the film was shoestring budget and the just couldn’t afford it. The first three nightmare movies were awesome..then became silly where as Friday the 13th was a fun how is he going to get the next victim


          • I believe theirs a deleted scene that shows the actual wife’s head. But the studio and producers fought to leave it out, because it tested better with audiences and critics. Theirs actually a whole big story behind that ending and how it came about. It was basically never supposed to happen. GLAD IT DID!


  18. Can you gals jump in your time machine and tell me what to do and not do tomorrow so I don’t do something stupid again? I’ll wait for your report… Or is it already here???


  19. Matthew Sherman

    I was afraid of this after buying Alien… I just hope he doesn’t cost Bryan Cranston prices.


  20. Although I am stoked with Jason coming to the game and will purchase him as long as they dont try to Cranston the price in my humble opinion I think Tinyco needs to do at least one of two things
    #1 Have one of these awesome movie baddies for the cost of free. I understand they are a business but even as a premium player I don’t like to think the only way to get everything I want is to pay for it and For freemium players they should at least get one cool bad guy if they are putting time into the game
    #2 For Premium players they should have a if you buy these bad guys you get an “Ash” free thing…Quahog will definitely need him to stop all of these blood thirsty killer…just my two cents


  21. If they bring in Freddy, I hope they get Robert Englund to voice him. Not that other guy.


  22. Isn’t the portal supposed to change every Wednesday? Mine is still showing 23 hours on the timer.


  23. Woohoo!!!


  24. This is awesome!!!


  25. Wouldn’t it be sweet as all hell if TinyCo released a Camp Crystal Lake area into the game? Bring on the ultimate momma’s boy! We’re waiting for you, Mr. Vorhees!

    Liked by 2 people

  26. Holy Horror Holiday Overload! So by my count that leaves GB Cleveland, Witch Connie, Duck Stewie, Mr.Weed presumably Jason and Freddy and that’s only if you already have GB Peter, Quagmire and Joe, Pink Brian, Cat Meg, Diane, Francis, Predator and Alien. And why do I get a sneaking feeling that they aren’t done. TinyCo is doing WORK! Hope you don’t have any other important quest lines going on. Its Halloween in tiny Quahog, AND I LOVE IT!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  27. I have no interest in Jason, or Freddy for that matter, so I’ll just stick with my Predator vs Alien.

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  28. These characters are awesome in the game, however not enough dogs and banshees come out of the portals. Between the ghostbusters, meg, alien and predator. I am always sending characters on other tasks because there is nothing to bust or kill…

    Liked by 1 person

  29. Actually glad the next premium
    char is somebody I don’t care for at all.

    I love horror movie, but can’t stand slasher movies.

    Now if they made Suicide Club decoration of school girls endlessly jumping in front of a train and inleashing a wave of blood, then I would be all ‘shut up and take money’

    All the horror movie I every watched, the only one that cost me sleep was that one…


  30. wow dude… i JUST went to their facebook and immediatly came here to see if you guys knew. i only watched 1 movie of friday the 13th,BUT im a big fan of nightmare on elm street cant wait for freddy krueger!


  31. Howdy there Bunny, Do we know when the’re coming?


  32. Where’s Hellraiser


  33. To hell with Freddy…Let’s have Michael Myers – THE killer who started it all..on Halloween, none the less – added to this game! I hope.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Tom Tucker played Michael Myers so they could release it as a costume for him. It would be great to hear his famous chilling line again from Halloween 4: “Good evening I’m Michael Myers and I have enormous psychological problems and I’m going to take them out on you!”

      Liked by 1 person

  34. OMG. Can’t wait to see this comet on Thursday. May have to actually spend a little bit to get more clam so that I can get Jason (and fingers crossed Freddy) if they are released. So cool. Can’t Wait


  35. Hopefully Jason and Freddy will be available to get by collecting stuff because right now the only things you need to collect stuff for are the 4 ghostbusters costumes. Comic con event had 4 costumes and 4 characters that needed stuff collecting to unlock, so it’d be nicer if Jason and Freddy weren’t premium.


    • Comic con had seven costumes if I’m not mistaken. Fantastic four Joe Stewie and Bonnie. So that is only one less than the eight costumes we have gotten for this event. In terms of characters comic con had five freemium characters as well as two premium ones. So far in this event we’ve had three freemium and two premium so far. So if it goes relatively similar to comic con we should get freddy and jason as some type of freemium character to match comic cons 5.


  36. On a semi related note, I just logged on and I had a group of 15 trick of treaters spawn near the portal again. Luckily I didn’t blow out the maze I built and the beginning of the event and those 15 kids were sitting ducks.


  37. They HAVE to get Jason’s masked son in there too somehow, along with having him stab his dad in the leg like in that episode. 🙂


  38. I love Halloween but am not a big horror movie guy. If the bring in Dr. Frank N Furter or Mr. Dark then I will be interested.


  39. I said right from the beginning of this event that I thought Freddy and Jason would be added at some point, and I’m so glad it looks like they are gonna! I loved this horror movies growing up, and have all the Elm Street and Friday 13th films, as well as Alien and Predator, so I will be buying both these guys too. It wouldn’t surprise me to see them put into a group with Alien and Predator, maybe called something like ‘Horror Movie Icons’, this event just keeps getting better and better.


  40. Jason was voiced in the show, but Freddy the wisecrack I don’t think had an actual line of dialogue. I find that to be ironic.

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  41. first of all I love that! They are definitely bringing out all the stops for this event for sure! I am hoping that they will be characters that we can get without clams, but I feel like that probably won’t happen.


  42. Woohoo! Jason is coming! If Predator got the Alien, then I’m sure that Freddy will show up as well! 😀


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