Quahog Halloween Walkthrough: Ghostbuster Cleveland in Gimmie a Break

Hello There Clammers!

Halloween has arrived in Quahog!  And Peter, in typical Peter fashion, has decided to tick off the dead.  In doing so Peter accidentally opens a dark portal in the Quahog cemetery and unleashes all manner of ghosts and goblins on the city…your job is to help round up these ghost, goblins and ghouls!  To help aid in eliminating the ghosts from Quahog Peter has started his own Ghostbusters business!  And he’s having all of his buddies join in the Ghostbusting.  The latest to join?  Winston! errr Cleveland!

Of course to enjoy all Ghostbuster Cleveland has to offer Quahog, in his Ghostbusting abilities, you’ll have to unlock him.  Fortunately, he’s not the hardest to unlock..but it will take a little patience.

Once you unlock him he’ll start up the Gimmie a Break questline.  It’s a fairly short questline..and really only involves Cleveland, so you won’t have to worry about taking other characters away while you’re working on it.  So now, let’s take a look at see just what happens when Ghostbuster Cleveland enters your TinyQuahog….

Ghostbuster Cleveland

Who You Gonna Call? Pt. 4
Peter starts

Craft Ghostbuster Cleveland- Collect STUFF to unlock Ghostbuster Cleveland.  Here’s what’s needed:

Spirit Vial1,500 Spirit Vials
Clean Boots15 Clean Boots (Uncommon)- Earned By: Clearing Terror Dogs OR From the Healing Crystal Shop
Ectoplasm10 Ectoplasm (Rare)- Earned By: Get from Haunted Carnival OR Get by Clearing Banshee OR Get from Quahog Pest Control
Slimer Juice Box 10 Slimer Juice Boxes (rare)- Earned by: Bomb Witch Kids OR Bomb Devil Kids OR Make Herbert Read to Children OR Make Meg Read Mysterious Books OR Make Chris Read Childrens’ Books OR Get from Quahog Funeral Home

Completed Task Earns 25 Vials and 5 FP

Gimmie a Break Pt. 1
Cleveland starts

Zap 2 Banshees- 3hrs, Earns 15 Spirit Vials, 3FP Each

Completed Task Earns 25 Spirit Vials and 5 FP

Gimmie a Break Pt. 2
Cleveland starts

Have Cleveland Take a Lunch Break- 8hrs, Earns 40 Spirit Vials, 5FP 

Completed Task Earns 25 Spirit Vials and 5 FP

Gimmie a Break Pt. 3
Cleveland Starts

Zap 4 Banshees- 3hrs, Earns 15 Spirit Vials, 3FP Each

Completed Task Earns 25 Spirit Vials and 5 FP

And that completes Cleveland’s Questline!  It is a relatively short questline…but it’s still pretty funny!  And thankfully only Cleveland is required for it, so you won’t have to stop those Rocket earning tasks….

What do YOU think of Ghostbuster Cleveland?  Have you unlocked him yet?  Are you close?  Thoughts on his questline?  How about his animations?  Sound off in the comments below, you know we LOVE hearing from you!

40 responses to “Quahog Halloween Walkthrough: Ghostbuster Cleveland in Gimmie a Break

  1. I unlocked joe’s ghostbuster costume a couple days ago and still not getting quest to unlock Cleveland’s. Anyone know why?


    • How many opened and unfinished tasks do you have in your task menu? If there are a lot, try to clear some out to allow new ones to pop up. You also have to make sure you are completing all the questlines before his from previous portals to trigger it.


  2. Anyone else having the same problem i am having?

    I just unlocked ghostbuster Cleveland.. it gives me the little diologue “yay i’m a ghostbuster”.. blah blah… then the box pops up that i collected all the ghostbuster costumes and get 25 clams… but when i tap the let’s go button… the game crashes….. EVERY TIME!

    I’ve tried restarting the phone.. reinstalling the game… and it still happens every time. So i’m stuck and can’t continue. Between this and the std::bad_alloc error on start up that is happening a good 50% or more of the time… this game is starting to annoy me 😦


    • Let them know please if you have not already.


    • I’m having this problem also. When it get to the screen were it says I have collected them all and get 25 clams it always crashes :/


      • Just in case you’re still having this problem… i found a work around.

        When the box pops up with the collection complete and the 25 clam reward… don’t tap on the let’s go button right away. If you do and it crashes.. you will keep going back to that point because the game hasn’t had a chance to save. Instead… let it sit there for a couple of minutes. Tap somewhere else on the screen to keep the screen from shutting off if need be.. after a couple of minutes.. the game should have saved. Then tap the let’s go button and let the game crash. Next time you load up, it will have counted that you unlocked him and you’ll be good to go.

        I don’t know if you still get the clams or not… i didn’t pay attention to how many i had before that 25. But at least you can move forward.


  3. I just got the last ectoplasm! I crafted ghostbuster Cleveland and I couldn’t be happier.

    I am saving up my clams to see if I should get a premium character now – I am close to having enough to get consuela.


  4. Is it possible to unlock the GB Cleveland costume without paying for Cleveland first? Don’t have the clams quite yet, but was hoping to finish the collection. I keep clicking on the first part of the questline, but it doesn’t go anywhere. Thanks for all your help!


    • I believe you do need Cleveland to get GB Cleveland. Are you getting items when you bomb kids? If not then it’s locked because you don’t currently have Cleveland.


  5. My game had a fortunate glitch for me on the last task. Right after I started the task and had Cleveland start zapping his 1st banshee the task ended and was complete 🙂 Now he’s free to earn rockets too.


  6. Only took 48 hrs to unlock GB Cleveland, and All his Gimmee a Break tasks are done. Working on Vampire Duck Stewie Scared Straight Pt.3,then on Chris Griffin and The Lost Keys Pt.3. Need to reach Fright Level 9. Waitiing for Thursday to get here for to complete Trouble in Paradise Pt.8 upgrade to Nightmare Portal. Good Luck everyone!!! Have a Good Week!!!


  7. Going good here. Working on getting items. Got Mr. Weed, GB Cleveland, Vampire duck Stewie, the 3 house skins, and just now the funeral home. Only 4 things left to craft (Alien queen, Stay Puft, Huge Freakin Skull and Hovering Ghost) and 2 buildings (Healing Crystal Shop and Quahog Pest Control) and 2 decorations (TP Tree and Ghostly Coffin) to buy. Hoping to save up the 11687 spirit vials I need for them all before the next portal upgrade on Thursday.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Question, why should I spend 40 of my hard earned banshee tears to unlock mr weed when he gives 0 fp’s in return? Is that a mis print? Seems to be better off to use them for other characters that do pay out some fp’s instead.


  9. Is there any way to get Cleveland without 400 clams?


  10. Maybe I found a bug! I built Bob’s Funland but haven’t unlocked Stewie yet. I just crafted Vampire Duck Stewie and used it in my inventory. Now I created him and my Stewie in Bob’s Funland is wearing this costume! But in Al Harrington’s it doesn’t show me the costume. In Face Space it is locked too! Will this Bug be fixed if I unlock Stewie? Because it takes long for me to unlock him!


  11. They NEED to make the Brian Statue and The Demon Statue available for us to purchase. These are the best decos in the event and we can’t keep them. Criminal!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I maDE vampire duck stewie but it won’t let me play the quest line and now the outfit is locked


  13. His “lunch break” animation is fantastic! He definitely ain’t afraid of no ghosts!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. The last part of the quest ended a little oddly for me. I sent Cleveland to zap a banshee after the dialog. Then I stink bombed some kids (six of ’em), and the quest was completed. That works I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks! I’m holding off doing his quest line right now while I collect rockets to defeat Stay Puft. Maybe in the next portal update.


    • That’s not a bad rationale but having him constantly zapping banshees will get you more banshee tears and of the freemium characters, Meg and Stewie’s costumes earn rockets and the house skins for the Griffin and Swanson house will help with rockets haha


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