Daily Archives: July 3, 2015

Quahog Mob Walkthroughs: Week 5

Hello There Clammers!

Quahog has gone gangster and brought us an offer we can’t refuse!  As Don Corleone has decided to setup shop for his counterfeit cookie operation right in Quahog…and he’s enlisted Peter’s help!

During the fifth week of the Quahog Mob Event you’ll unlock Mob Wife Bonnie, hire Dirty Cops to take down Cookie Fiends, Defeat Don..and collect lots and lots of cookies!  Of course there will be questlines to help along the way.  Completing the questlines will help you earn more cookies and mob rep (which will help you unlock cool prizes!)!

2015-07-03 01.26.25

So let’s take a closer look at ll the questlines for week 5 that you’ll encounter….

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Mob Rep Prizes: Breaking Down the Mafia Dinner Table

Hello There Clammers!

How are my favorite mobsters doing today?  Everyone working on racking up as much Mob Rep as you can?  (amidst all the crashes..which hopefully will be ending VERY soon)  So as we’re in the full swing of the event, everyone should be earning Mob Rep at a decent rate.  So whatcha gonna do with all that Mob Rep you’re collecting?  Unlock really cool prizes of course!

While we’ve taken break in recent events from the prize chart, it’s nice to see TinyCo going back to it for the Mobster Event!  Of course it’ll take some work to unlock all of the prizes, but hey you have a month to do it!  So let’s take a look at the fifth”real” prize of the Mob Event…the Mafia Dinner Table…

Fedoras Mob RepFedoras Mob Rep Continue reading