Hey Man, What’s That Sound?

Hey there Tribblemakers!

Getting excited yet? No worries… the Bands are tuning up, the Roadies are setting up the stage, the groupies are laying on some extra perfume/glitter/and shortening their outfits… it is almost time. Got your T-shirt money ready? How about your mobile device to record some really bad footage to later spam on your Facebook? Sweaty group photos? Let’s Get Ready To ROCK!!! 😉


Peter Palooza Promo Image

15 responses to “Hey Man, What’s That Sound?

  1. I got the Peterpalooza fence and a new quest is asking me to get it with clams I don’t have, is this a glitch?


    • No. You got it BEFORE the game asked for it. As in the past, the game will not know it needs something for a quest until you reach that quest… so try to save purchases until you reach that point or you may find yourself having to do it again. Same with a task. If you complete a task before it triggers it and asks for it in the questline, it will ask you to do it now that the questline needs it.


  2. Download updated. Trying to play keeps stopping. I hate that about this game. That & how they do the clams. I wish they make it easier to get some for free. Now ur lucky to get 1 a week free. People who hack or get free got all the characters & get buildings. That makes it fun. When you can’t get anything it time to go to a new game.


  3. Zero excitement for this. Glad they keep digging at the bottom Of the barrel for this stuff. Saves me money for sure.


    • Then don’t play it. That simple really. Not everything is for everyone. Just because you do not enjoy something does not mean many others won’t love playing it too. If you watched Family Guy throughout the years and know how Seth’s mind works, you would know his life revolves around all things music and his show revolves around Guest Stars all the time. 😉


  4. I can’t get in on my iPad. When I try to start the game it takes me to Facebook. On my iPhone it works fine. Weird stuff man!


  5. So when is this event starting?


      • I hope soon means today and not Thursday! ☺


      • I get that this is really really a past due kind of question, but here goes.
        Remember during the “Fatfather” event when Tinyco had a questionnaire for the game players to take part in filling out, asking about whether we were unable to unlock Cleveland Jr, and Mr. Washee Washee, and whether or not we needed Clams to unlock them and etc etc.
        Did anything ever come of that?
        I get the Tinyco knew there were major issues with that event, (tubas) and people being locked out, well they asked for the players to take the time to fill out a questionnaire so they could hear our specific complaints, and or ideas on how to fix the problems, I am just curious if Tinyco ever got back to you or Alissa or really anyone with any feedback.
        Normally when a company asks for feedback they at least give some kind of acknowledgement of the outcome of said questionnaire.
        They let the people know that the time they took filling out the questionnaire wasn’t just a waste of their time.
        Don’t get me wrong, I filled it out, and I am glad that Tinyco at least took the time to give us a chance to tell them exactly what we had to do or didn’t have to do in order to unlock certain people and or complete certain tasks, it would just have been nice for them to come back to us and say, OK we heard you and this is what we plan to do about it.
        So anything from Tinyco?
        Anything at all?


        • TinyCo questions? Or THE ADDICTS Poll? It is rare that TinyCo would put out a questionnaire on our site. This is OUR site and they have to clear access with us first. We usually do Polls for our own personal concerns and reasons to monitor where our Readers are and make sure we are focusing attention on any matters we have not already. Then WE pass those results on to TinyCo. But it is OUR Polls. What they do with them and how they use those details, we have seen it impact change many times in the game.

          Outside of that, if you had personal issues in your game needing resolved due to the issues of the Event… one on one discussion with them via your in game messaging is really best. We don’t have any control of those aspects of the game as it is not our game… it is TinyCo’s. 😉


          • My apologies, I was not clear with my question to you.
            During the event Tinyco created a a questionnaire for the players to ask them the questions along with many other questions about the troubles they had with the event and questions about Cleveland Jr and Mr. Washee Washee, etc etc.
            It was not on your’s and Alissa’s addicts page, you two simply relayed to us on your site that Tinyco had added the poll/questionnaire on their site.
            When you clicked on the
            Help/Support page (during the Fatfather event) Tinyco had added that poll/questionnaire.
            I never fully explained what it was I was referring to in my original post so that is on me.
            You two relayed that tinyco had added that to their help/support page, so that is why so many “addicts” went their to take the survey/poll/questionnaire.
            So that is why in my original post I figured you would know what I was referring to.
            So do you know if Tinyco ever had any response to the questionnaire they had on their help/support page?


            • As we are not TinyCo… no sorry. Everything they handle “in house” is not anything we have access to. You honestly would have to approach them on that. We focus mainly on our site and our readers. I do not remember referring anyone to a questionnaire. I always refer players to the FAQ page, but beyond that… only Polls we really notate on is ours.


  6. I am going to be cautiously optimistic about this event.

    Liked by 1 person

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