Raid To The North Pole Main Questline

Hey there Sarah Connor!

Your mission if you choose to except it… wait… no… A long time ago in a Galaxy Far Far Away… no… that’s not it either… Exterminate!!??…

Come with me if you want to live! That’s the ticket! The Raid to the North Pole Christmas 2015 Event is now live and running in our minds and in our Quahogs. With it comes a bunch of New Questlines. This includes the Main Questlines that will take us through each Phase of the Event as it Progresses. Week 1 Main Questline is self titled, Raid to the North Pole.

Raid to the North Pole Icon

Let’s take a peak at Raid to the North Pole and all you will encounter along the way. 

If you are looking for the MAIN details, go to the MAIN WEEK 1 POST HERE! 


Here is how the Questline played out in my game so far… still a lil in progress… will Update as I get to the next steps. 🙂

Raid to the North Pole Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Place the “Meet Santa” Sign: Cost 500Family Guy Coin
Have Peter Down Egg Nog: 20secs, Earns 1Family Guy Coin, 1xp

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 2
Peter Starts

Place Santa’s Gold Gift Box: Cost 250Family Guy Coin
Have Quagmire Watch Christmas Movies: 4hrs, Earns 50Family Guy Coin, 30xp

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 3
Peter Starts

Have Bonnie Return Christmas Presents: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin, 20xp
Build the SnowJack-in-the-Box: Cost 1400Family Guy Coin

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 4
Peter Starts

Unlock Santa to be Able to Travel to the North Pole:
3 Chocolate Chip Cookies (Common): Peter Cook Disgusting Vegetables OR Quagmire Let the Gerbil Loose

4 Glasses of Milk (Uncommon): Jerome Host Happy Hour OR Chris Hang Out at Home
3 Candy Canes (Common): Bruce Sing Christmas Carols OR Mort Restock Ipecac Syrup

Have Bruce Sing Christmas Carols: 1hr, Earns 20Family Guy Coin, 12xp

Completed Task Earns 2 Silver Bell


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 5
Peter Starts

Travel to the North Pole: Tap on “GO” or the Sleigh in the Event Area to go to the North Pole
Clear 3 Snowmen in the North Pole: Tap on Snowmen to clear them.

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 6
Santa Starts

Unlock Santa’s Village District:  Tap on “GO”
Build the Humma Hangar: Cost 1000Family Guy Coin
Learn About Base Battles: Tap on “GO” to be taken to the Pop Up Information on Base Battles

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell & 2 Unleaded Egg Nog


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 7
Santa Starts

Use Santa and the Holiday Humma to Attack Santa’s Village: Tap on “GO” to proceed to Santa’s Village and set up an attack
Upgrade Your Holiday Humma: Level 2 Cost 1 Lights

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell 


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 8
Peter Starts

Learn About Santa’s Supply Depot: Tap on “GO” to be taken to the Supply Depot Information Pop Up
Trade in Magic Hats for Presents: Trade in Magic Hats to get Presents (It will not count previous trades, you will need to make a new one)

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell 


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 9
Santa Starts

Attack Santa’s Village Again: Tap on “GO” and Battle the Village again with the Humma (you just need to start the battle)
Learn About Santa’s Headquarters: Tap on “GO” to be taken to the Pop Up Information for Santa’s Headquarters
Place the Reindeer Training Facility: Cost 20 Presents

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell 


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 10
Santa Starts

Upgrade Your Humma to Level 3: Cost 6 Lights
Have Lois Update Travel Blog: 8hrs, Earns 80Family Guy Coin, 50xp
Defeat Santa’s Village with a Level 3 Humma: Destroy 3 Buildings with a Level 3 Humma (Though I had started on the Level 2 Humma one with the 3 Building damage and it cleared it when I completed it.)

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell 


Raid to the North Pole Pt. 11
Santa Starts

Build the Impenetrable Igloo Fort: Cost 127 Presents
Have Christmas Camo Peter Soil His Sheets: 2hrs, Earns 30Family Guy Coin,20xp

Completed Task Earns 5 Silver Bells 

***in progress***

That’s it for week 1 as far as I see so far for the Main Questline.



There are a few different Side Questlines so far I stumbled on. I will go more into details on them in other posts.

After Raid to the North Pole Pt. 5
Reporting for Duty
Santa Starts

Create the Christmas Camo Peter Outfit


After Raid to the North Pole Pt. 7
Santa for Hire Pt. 1
Santa Starts

Have Santa Update his Resume: 6hrs, Earns $65, 45xp


After Raid to the North Pole Pt. 9
Baser Instincts Pt. 1
Peter Starts

Place Elf Punting Machine

Completed Task Earns 1 Silver Bell 


After Raid to the North Pole Pt. 10
Come Here, Hover Boy Pt. 1
Chris Starts

Upgrade Your Holiday Humma to Level 4


After Unlocking Lyle
Robot Redux Pt. 1
Lyle Starts

Have Lyle Swap Out Parts: 4hrs, $50, 30xp


After Unlocking Christmas Camo Peter
Santa Wants You! Pt. 1
Christmas Camo Peter Starts

Have Christmas Camo Peter Skewer the Enemy: 4hrs, Earns $50, 30xp


There you have it. The Main Questline so far taking us through Phase 1/Week 1 of Raid to the North Pole Christmas Event.

What do you think of it so far? Seem to be going along well so far? Where are you in the Questline as of today? Any suggestions to your fellow Players? Let us know.



178 responses to “Raid To The North Pole Main Questline

  1. I updated my humma and destroyed the village completely. The village upgrade and now I can’t even destroy one building so. Can’t get more lights to upgrade the humma. Suggestions?


  2. Anyone figure out the humma raid hat payouts for each humma level?

    It seemed to me that upgrading from 2>3 help for one attack by being able to destroy 3 buildings not 2 but then the buildings upgraded and the payouts went up but was I was back to clearing just one. Not positive though. I can currently clear 2 buildings again after upgrading from 3>4 and could upgrade again but think I should wait until I have enough to upgrade twice so I can get back to clearing 2 newly upgraded buildings right away after clearing all 3


  3. By the way Bunny, do you know if the new phases will roll out on Thursday’s or Fridays?


      • Thanks Bunny,
        You are doing great at keeping our questions answered.
        I’m actually considering not starting Phase 2, just depends on how we get presents out of the depot. My initial investment to get hats for presents is paying off well. I am pulling down 350 presents per day just from my 4 buildings. Hats from humma raids are a nice boost as well.

        I did this with my freemium account for Halloween and was able to easily clear the first 3 pages of stuff before time ran out (I also started the event a week late). I was working on page 4, but the concession stand was hard to get stuff out of it once everyone became werewolves.

        Anyways, just a thought.


  4. Why when I raid the village is only one of my houses being demolished and the know the other two house end up with big red X’s over them??


  5. Hi there, I’m on come here hover boy part 2 and it’s asking me to destroy 3 houses in village, I keep attacking it getting rewards but it’s not completing this task any ideas please?


  6. I’m playing the event (so far) but wondering why? There doesn’t seem to be any visibility of prizes that would make it worthwhile – anyone know what’s coming up, e.g. any actual characters from Family Guy that we could win? Are we expecting God as the star prize?

    I’d like Jesus as wasn’t successful in getting him last year, maybe not very likely yet obviously Santa is back. Otherwise, not sure… how about Susie Swanson, Ernie the Giant Chicken or Cookie Monster?


  7. My Humma is at a level 2, I have enough lights to upgrade to level 4, but I am worried it will reduce my earnings. I only have Santa right now. I expect to get Camo Peter around Wednesday and no Lyle. Any advice if I should upgrade the Humma now or wait? I know I will need to upgrade to 3 before the next phase.


  8. Bunny, are you sure (tinyco told you) that they will release new areas weekly? Dunno, but there is no countdown timer showing when the new stuff will come like in all of the previous events.

    To me it looks like the normal game for districts, ie once you hit a certain spot (questline or combo of some kind), the next area might open up. I’m going to take a break from attacking the village and run off my questlines to see how far they go (pt 4 seems to be the end now for side quests).


    • Yes. There will be specific “zones” that become “active” each Phase. Whether questline unlocks it or not… They still have a specific Phase that you can fit’s access them. I just don’t have exacts I can post for what area per what Phase.


  9. Is there any way of locating santa like you can do with the other characters by clicking on their character page, can’t seem to find him on that page at all


  10. Did anybody else notice the spelling mistake in the Reindeer Training Facility? I know I might be anal about this but that’s sloppy 😀


  11. I am about to unlock the snow fort. I know once I look at Lyle I will have limited time to unlock him, does anyone know how many presents it takes to unlock Lyle?


  12. Hi, quick question, does anybody figured out the rate for appearance of the snowmen, which drops toysoldiers?
    Thx Mario


    • Hard to say… I assume every few hours. Seems at least 4 or more show up in mine.

      99% of mine dropped both. I think 2 so far only dropped bells only.


    • 250 for Lyle.
      Be careful, when I got the fort, the questline timer for Lyle started. Not the timer in Santa’s workshop. I sent notes and pics to tonyco. So personally, i would wait on buying the fort until you are almost ready to get Lyle. Otherwise you might have to spend clams or not be able to get him.


    • Mine are actually pretty consistent this time around. Three of them every two hours. 12 max I think.


  13. just came here to say I LOVE THE NORTH POLE THERES SO MUCH SPACE and I a little bit want to keep it all year!


  14. The north pole reminds me of the wall on Game of Thrones. And so my watch begins.


  15. Ryan (Ollo my Minionic friends!)

    Only Info I can’t find anywhere so far – how do we get the higher level of presents from the depot? I would rather wait to get a more efficient amount, but only the 8 for 4 is available atm. Does it go up at a certain point in the questline? or is it tied to something else, like humma level?


  16. Never mind. Just figured out since I already had Santa that I don’t need milk.


  17. Jerome’s Host Happy Hour task doesn’t show any chance of earning an item. I switched the Drunken Clam to the winter skin but still not showing anything. Anyone else having this problem?


  18. Once Lyle is unlocked, can you still trade hats for presents?
    I am about 150 more presents away from unlocking him and just wanted to double check this.


  19. So what’s with the eggnog? Do I need eggnog to send Santa and others on raids ? I’m finding it hard to earn eggnog


    • Yes. It’ll be slow at first. That’s OK. Only week 1

      Liked by 1 person

    • It does take quite a while to get the eggnog because the three character earning tasks are six hour tasks so you need to send them all on it basically, because the actual attack task is only four hours. I guess this is how TinyCo tries to make you buy the premium buildings that also drop eggnog. I’m just playing along leisurely and am just waiting for my next eggnog attack – no hurry here 😉


  20. Apollo's Resurrection

    I’m stuck on main quest part 8 because every time I click Santas shop thing or click the task to go to it, a Consuela message resets my game. I’ve contacted tinyco a few times in the last 24 hrs and still nothing 😕


  21. yikes this event is hard to figure out. How do you get presents, get lights?


  22. this event is a bit overwhelming…trying my best!


  23. I have had Santa since I got him last Christmas. Now he doesn’t appear in my game anymore. Checked inventory just to make sure he wasn’t put away. I’m on level 7 and can’t see him or select him as a driver. Anyone else have this problem? Any ideas?


  24. I am unable to select Santa as a driver even though he is not locked in my game it shows him as locked for the humma. Since I don’t have lyle or camouflage peter I can’t do any attacks. Any ideas?


  25. Do you think we will be able to continue to access the North Pole AFTER the event is over?? It seems weird to put effort into the design if it disappears in a month


  26. Finished pt 6 of the main quest line, but now pt 7 is not starting. Anything I have to do to trigger it? Thanks!


  27. Stuck at Pt. 7 – have no idea how to start an attack. Built my holiday humma in the main Quahog; when I click on that it redirects me to the North Pole, but there’s nothing for me to do there…


  28. Bunny, do you buy any claim items to help complete the events? They have two for this event so far, I have purchased claim items in the past events it has helped but not as much as I would have assumed for the cost. Is it worth buying claim items in your opinion to complete the task?


    • With it only one day in… I can’t fully answer that one, sorry. Usually I try to see what the collection is like on a daily basis over the period of a week.


      • OK I have unlocked Santa, and he is up walking around my town, when I go to the north pole Santa is not there and when I click on the Humma Santas picture still has a lock on his image so I cannot do any attacks.
        I have closed the game and reopened it but still nothing, is this a glitch I should report to Tinyco?, or is this some kind of bug they already know about? or is this just something that is normal?


        • Never mind,, I got it to work, how ever there is a new weird thing going on.
          Santa is level 2 but when I go onto the list of characters I own (Face Space)
          Santa is not listed as being one of the characters I own.
          Shouldn’t he be listed there?


          • On the main page? No. Those change all the time. Tap on just him in game, see if he shows a FaceSpace icon next to his name. If one is there tap it to go to his page.


            • wildthornberry88

              It’s a shame they don’t update it more often, to make sure anyone in event use is visible as it’s the only way to locate your characters XD


  29. Help.. When I load I have the background of the Christmas Event but no quest have started and nothing in the game play has changed. Does it start later for some areas? I’ve been loading and reloading all day.


  30. Cannot access game at all just has consouala saying unable to load space.

    Have emailed tiny co no reply.

    Need to uninstall but will loose everything & restart all over again?


  31. I am sad. Sure, sometimes these games are frustrating, but for me they are always fun. It’s called a game because I can’t expect to win everything, every single time. That’s the challenge.

    I’ve been playing for almost 2 years. Now it seems that the wind and weather effects have made it so busy that my phone can’t keep it running. It shuts down pretty quickly. I know it’s my phone’s fault, but I would love the option of turning off those crazy effects so I can actually play. Is anybody else in the same boat?


  32. TIP – To ‘Use Santa and the Holiday Humma to Attack Santa’s Village’, open the Attack/Humma box and tap on SANTA in the left column (or the other drivers if you have them). To deselect, tap him again. Tapping on ‘Select Driver’ does nothing. (found after 15 mins of frigging around)


  33. Thanks! Helped me alot. 🙂


  34. I have a ton of characters in inventory. Anyone I should pull out of inventory (other than Santa obviously)? Anyone do anything or earn anything that might not be so obvious and other than characters always used?


  35. I don’t know if anyone noticed but Rollo and Roberta are voiced now.


  36. Do you know if characters that we didn’t get to get last Christmas will be available this year? I sure hope so. I hope as extras we can get everything we missed last year…outfits like Angel Bruce too. I got Barbara Pewterschmidt, Jasper…I just got Santa Claus. I hope you bring back Jesus and everyone else I missed. I did get Jillian for New Year’s.


  37. I have tried everything, I even shut took a lot of my animated things out and that snow is still messing with me bunny… 🤔 It should either, I have a 128gb iPhone 6 Plus. But the great blizzard of 2014 I remember tiny co had to shut off to because it was messing with everyone’s phones. I’ve noticed it only does it when I put them on a task and a but snow gust goes past. So it’s for sure snow related.


    • Others on iOS are reporting the same. I haven’t messed with my iPod yet, but all my Android devices are playing along fine.


      • Actually, since the new event started I didn’t have a single crash despite the snowflakes so for me it has actually improved a lot because I used to have at last one or two crashes every time I reloaded the game after a longer while. Also I don’t think the snowflakes use much capacity because they’re simply a repeating pattern overlaid over the main screen. Nothing very sophisticated 😉


  38. I was SUPER excited about the event , but now (unfortunately ) I am locked out of the game with an error that says “unable to load playspace road textures.” I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, but it’s still not working. I sent a msg to TinyCo but they haven’t responded yet. Idk what to do =(


  39. horrible font and colours, having trouble reading the new stuff


  40. If you need to build something. Try to build it on the north pole. It doesn’t occupy a worker, which leaves them free to build/explore on your home town.


  41. hey bunny for some reason Peter isn’t starting any quests can you help ?


  42. Event doesn’t seem to have updated on my Kindle. Do I have to wait or is there something else I need to do?


  43. Someone else may write about this as well but just in case, this may help someone:

    After completing Part 6, I clicked everywhere to collect and trigger Part 7, but nothing. Went in and out of Santa’s Village and back to Quahog and nothing. About an hour later when I reentered my game, I got the collection and could start Part 7. Just a heads up that you may need to exit and reenter your game if it doesn’t trigger for you.


  44. Can someone help me, i tried updating. But it says that the version is not compatible. Can anyone explain to me what this means?!?


    • What app version are you currently playing on? Device make and model?


      • The last time i updated was the update before this one. I’m playing on my phone(Samsung Galaxy s5). I tried uninstalling so i can reinstall but now, it’s telling me the same thing and can’t even install the game!! Thnx for the help 🙂


  45. I just wanted to stop by and say how glad I am that you ladies created this site! Thank you for always being there for us!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  46. I do hope that last year’s characters and skins will help out this year also like they did with last year’s Halloween event characters from this past Halloween event. Also do you know who that character is on the last tab where it tells you to go to the event faq?


  47. Ugh. I quit playing during the Star Trek event earlier this year because I hated how it worked. Just started back up last month and this looks like another Star Trek type event. Crap.


    • Well… you could immediately jump on a pitchfork and torch committee less than 12hrs in and assume the game is awful and vent about it on a non venting post without trying to play.


      You could appreciate the amount of clams, late night, and hard work I put in to provide all this in depth info so fast and at least play the game a week before passing judgement and turning my helpful questline post negative, right? 😉

      Liked by 5 people

      • She was just answering your question “What do you think of it so far?” I don’t think anyone would take what she said as a comment on all of your appreciated hard work and clams. If you don’t like that sort of answer to what she really feels please change the question to “What do you think positively so far?” or “What do you think of it… Don’t answer now but after you’ve played it a few days?”


        • There’s a difference of an opinion vs an outright vent. When someone comes on our site for the only reason and purpose to make the same complaint every event again and again and again… when the Event just started and they haven’t played yet… complaining about a prior event…it’s a vent. It’s intentionally negative.

          I asked for Opinions on THIS Event Questline so far. Not an Event months ago. So yes, I have every right to point out negative comments placed on my site and helpful posts as we grow tired of being TinyCo’s doormat. I’m not TinyCo, so I don’t have to deal with their complaints. 😉

          Not to mention this is a post about the Main Questline. So again … past events have nothing to do with it and have no place on this post. Nothing in the comment addressed the Questline at all or the Questline Questions asked.

          “What do you think of it so far? Seem to be going along well so far? Where are you in the Questline as of today? Any suggestions to your fellow Players?”


  48. I’m waiting for Quagmire to finish watching Christmas movies for part 2 of the main quest line… As usual tiny Co gave us NO breathing time to finish previous quests for Donna and Roberta before starting this event just hours after the last ended… Of course if they didn’t they’d have an angry mob at their door over it so I don’t expect this pattern of back to back events with no time in between to change!

    Liked by 1 person

    • How so? They’re not being used right now, so you can send them on their tasks in between the Event 😉


      • I think what Dawnie meant was that you need the same characters to complete the Halloween character quests. I’m in the same situation and have chosen to simply play the Christmas event a little and see how far I get, but I don’t mind too much in pulling main characters out to complete other quests. In the end, remember guys: It’s just a game 🙂


  49. What if you have Santa unlocked from last year? Still gotta unlock him?


  50. Do you recommend placing any old Christmas building skins on yet? Will they help?
    Thanks, Bunny! Be lost without you.


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