Topping Up Our Tan Lines – Who’s Next?!!! Round 1 Results & Round 2 Poll

Hi there again fellow sun worshippers!!!

So the votes are counted and the results are in from Round 1 of our quest to find out who we’d like to see as the next new character released in Tan Lines for us to buy with Stewie Bucks. Thanks to every addict that took the time to vote in Round 1, and we look forward to seeing what your votes are in the Round 2 poll.

Also look out below for the results of our poll to see if players who missed out on Carl would like to see him in Tan Lines.


First here’s the results of the Carl poll!!! Thanks to everyone who voted, hopefully TinyCo will hear your pleas to bring him back so you all get another chance at him, one way or another.

Would you like to be able to purchase Carl with Stewie Bucks?

Character Percentage of Votes
Yes 89%
No 8%
Don’t Know 3%


And now on with the results you’ve been waiting for, read on to find out who’s been knocked out of the running. I just hope none of them are your favourite.


Character Percentage of Votes
Santos 21%
Carol Pewterschmidt-West 79%


Character Percentage of Votes
Thelma Griffin 38.5%
Muriel Goldman 61.5%


Character Percentage of Votes
Dylan Flannigan 24.8%
Mickey McFinnigan 75.2%


Character Percentage of Votes
Susie Swanson 67.7%
Joyce Kinney 32.3%


Character Percentage of Votes
Biscuit 63.4%
Jerry 36.6%


Character Percentage of Votes
Mr Berler 15.3%
Principal Shepherd 84.7%


Character Percentage of Votes
Pasqual 52.5%
Fouad 47.5%


Character Percentage of Votes
Horace 61.5%
Jeffrey 38.5%


Character Percentage of Votes
Brenda Quagmire 64.7%
Crystal Quagmire 35.3%


Character Percentage of Votes
Jim Kaplan 22%
Frank Sinatra Jr 78%


Character Percentage of Votes
Vern 55.3%
Johnny 44.7%


Character Percentage of Votes
Gina 36.2%
Stella 63.8%

So there you can see our 12 winners who are going through to Round 2.


Remember this is just a bit of fun, I’ve not applied my masters in mathematics to this, instead I just picked a selection of mostly reoccurring characters and pitted them against each other. Now we’re in Round 2 the list has been cut from 24 to 12.

So here’s how it will go in Round 2, you choose your favourite in each section numbered 1 to 6. Then in the next round the winner of Section 1 will be pitched against the winner of Section 2, winner of Section 3 against Section 4 and so on until we find the most wanted character, and then we try to sweet talk TinyCo into putting him or her into Tan Lines as our next top trade for Stewie Bucks. I’d better start buttering up Bunny for that task, lol.

But please remember this is primarily just for our amusement, we can’t guarantee TinyCo will do what we ask, but it sure won’t stop of us from having a little fun along the way will it. So let’s get on with Round 2. Let the voting begin.

And for those who can’t see the poll, or who have had issues with the post poll jumping to the comments when trying to select answers, here’s the link to the Google version where this issue doesn’t occur. Thanks to regular reader  sasquatch71089 for sharing that tip.“>

Thanks in advance for taking part and we’ll bring you the results and Round 3 next week.

~ Russian Tigger

31 responses to “Topping Up Our Tan Lines – Who’s Next?!!! Round 1 Results & Round 2 Poll

  1. Can’t have vern without Johnny. They should come as a pair.


  2. You can’t have vern without Johnny though.


  3. I’m gonna vote for Mickey McFinnigan and Frank Sinatra Jr everytime, but if it comes down to having to pick between these two, I don’t know who I would pick.


  4. I know this is the wrong place to put this, but I have thought about this for a long time. We all have a potential character, thats not being used. Not sure what his name is, lets call him Jose, but the little guy who has just stood by in everyone’s game since day one, only to be appreciated when something needs building. Tiny Co should turn our little Hispanic builder into an actual character. He could be doing stuff when hes not building something. If you have more than one? No biggie they could all be characters. Just a thought….

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Biscuit would be better as a deco, since that’s all she was in the episode anyway…


  6. I’d like to see Al Harrington as a character. Make new commercials could be a funny animated task for him.


  7. I’m gonna vote for Mickey every dang time, but to be honest I’d rather he be added during an event or a district (if they ever open a new one). I still can’t believe they haven’t done a St. Patrick’s Day event with thick-sweatered Irish men and boney fingered, chest poking nuns.


  8. I decided not to vote in the first poll, since I really don’t know these characters.


  9. I don’t get the bucks drop, even when the floor is full it gives less then what it should. Anyone has the same issue?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The NOID would be an amazing addition.

    I would also love to see GREASED UP DEAD GUY.

    also, GIANT CHICKEN would be a great comeback.

    And where DIANE SIMMONS?! She would be a great character for the portal resurrection.


    • Greased Up Deaf Guy and Diane Simmons have both previously been released as characters, maybe they will make another comeback.


      • Poo! I must’ve missed them. I only started playing last year so I’m sure I missed out on tons of awesome characters. Hope they make a come back!!


  11. Nothing to do with tan lines but why can’t we get Diane Simmons and Francis Griffin form the Lazarus Portal since we got the other dead characters.


  12. The Good as a character (preferred) or animated deco that walked around your town would be sweet. Another good one would be Stewie’s evil pet turtle.


  13. I know it’s just for fun, but I’m kinda bummed Fouad lost out to Pasqal. 😜 I really like Fouad. 😊


  14. Does anyone can’t load this game since last update???


  15. I have only been playing for @4 months ( mid DC event) but like Mayor Adam We, I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on the ” ‘noid “.


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